Opposite of legally insolvent, unable to pay one's debts
Opposite of completely lacking in a particular (usually desirable) quality
Opposite of lacking in material possessions or financial wealth
Opposite of without hope or prospect of completion, success, or survival
“The ongoing nightmare of the war is making soldiers rebel against their leaders' plans.”
Opposite of lacking or deficient in something, especially something essential or necessary
“The mortal is blessed with all virtues and gnosis and he obtains honor in the Lord's court.”
(of resources or reserves) Opposite of completely used up
“It is probable that a small, constantly replenished reservoir of condensed phosphates has existed throughout geological time.”
Opposite of to use up the supply or resources of
(make wealthy) Opposite of to impoverish or financially ruin
(adorn) Opposite of to impoverish or financially ruin
Opposite of to financially cripple
“The constant stream of revenue would grow the company for years to come.”
Opposite of to reduce to a state of poverty
“He had made an agreement with the exiles whereby he would support them financially in return for them giving him casino rights.”
Opposite of to remove or take away (something) from (someone)
Opposite of to be detrimental to
Opposite of to make someone tired
Opposite of one who is extremely poor