Opposite of to earn through work or effort
Opposite of to collect or gather in
Opposite of to achieve, especially by succeeding in a competition or contest
“The objective is to win the game, not lose it.”
Opposite of to collect, acquire or store an increasing number or quantity of
“We need to distribute leaflets, write letters, send faxes, talk to people, get the message across, and change opinions.”
Opposite of to come into possession of, or to receive in return for effort
“They told him that it was very important not to lose the evidence of aliens.”
Opposite of to receive as a return for effort
“Apparently, his penitentiary has bestowed him the honor of model prisoner.”
(of plants, fruits, etc.) Opposite of to collect for food
“Word had traveled fast among the local tribes as they now gathered out in the grass fields to distribute the food among themselves.”
Opposite of to gather a (great) quantity of
“We need to scatter these eggs broadly across the field to make this Easter Egg Hunt fun.”
Opposite of to earn through work or effort
“An inability or disinclination to network with others will likely hamper your career.”
Opposite of to pluck or harvest flowers, fruits, or vegetables
“Arizona is a typical mountain girl who likes to grow flowers, sing, and square dance to the music of the fiddler on Saturday night.”
Opposite of to find, or get hold of, by means of conducting a search through various sources
“When finished with the evidence, he must return it to its source.”
Opposite of to remove or take out, especially by effort or force
“Use a utility knife or electric jigsaw and slowly insert the blade into the gourd.”
Opposite of to earn or receive in total
“Sam would net ten percent of every sale.”
Opposite of a place where something is deposited, as for storage, safekeeping, or preservation
Opposite of a place where things are kept for future use or sale
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