Opposite of to throw or launch something in a given direction
Opposite of to diffuse, radiate or give off
Opposite of to select or designate for a role or activity
Opposite of to calculate and record the details of
Opposite of to throw or launch something in a given direction with force
Opposite of to throw or launch something in a given direction
Opposite of to render a depiction of something
“The author of that article was my aunt, and I don't believe she would ever intentionally misrepresent my image.”
Opposite of to throw or launch something in a given direction
“He can catch the ball in traffic as well as anyone in the league, and he's lethal after the catch.”
Opposite of to make, create or manufacture, usually from components or raw materials
Opposite of to emit or issue from a source
Opposite of to throw away (something unwanted or useless)
Opposite of to send through the air, especially with force
“Many fielders prefer to catch a ball while they are running and so regulate their speed as to be still on the move when they meet the ball.”
Opposite of to throw or cause to move forward or outward
“It would be foolish to cast the stones prematurely, so instead, they choose to hold it.”
Opposite of to allow skin or shell to come off, typically to be replaced by another
Opposite of to discharge a projectile
Opposite of to create or produce something, typically a creative piece of work
Opposite of to give off or expel
“Aluminum was used to contain the liquid hydrogen in the instrument.”
Opposite of to make or be made into a specific shape or form
“Goannas use a sideswipe with their heavy tail as their main weapon of defense and have been known to break the leg of a pursuing dog.”
(of light, liquid, color, etc.) Opposite of to diffuse via a source
“Electrons in the mineral absorb the energy from the activator and become excited.”
Opposite of to put on a public performance
“The artist would cancel his scheduled performance after coming down with an illness.”
(of a blow, ball, or attack) Opposite of to launch or aim (something) towards a given target
“Carlos fell on the first round, then continued to receive blows from his opponent afterward.”
Opposite of to present formally for discussion or consideration
“The politician would recant his statement when it caused a public outcry.”
Opposite of to make contact or communication with
“Disregard any entries you deem to be irrelevant or inappropriate.”
Opposite of to point in a direction
“His dexterity as an archer is well known, but the sight of his boy before him might unnerve his arm, and misdirect his aim.”
Opposite of to make a model of
“In 1766, Lisboa's son was called to remodel the sculpture over the main entrance and the towers.”
Opposite of to view or represent someone or something in a conventional, formulaic and oversimplified manner
“Klein sensed how important it was for Lennon to differentiate himself from the others, especially now that he and Ono had become the butt of jokes and hostility.”
(usually sports) Opposite of to hit, kick or throw something (usually a ball) extremely high
“The goalkeeper would deflect the ball away from the goal skillfully.”
Opposite of to write or draw up a preliminary outline of a document or speech
“When the evening's business with the President concluded, Bill rejoined Venecia and they returned to Blair House for a night of rest and to finalize his speech.”
Opposite of to focus on, usually of one's vision or thoughts
“I was transfixed, and I could not remove my stare from the man's eyes.”
Opposite of an act or instance of throwing something
Opposite of the character of something
Opposite of a mold used to make an object by casting
Opposite of a prediction or prognosis of a future event
Opposite of the general character or nature of someone or something
Opposite of a shade or variety of a colour
Opposite of one nature, especially in terms of how it affects their behavior
Opposite of a class or category of animals, plants, people or things
Opposite of a brief or hurried look
Opposite of a forecast of the future course of a disease or disorder, based on medical knowledge
Opposite of a group of people, especially entertainers who perform together
Opposite of a quick, furtive or casual look
“Caroline merely tucked a curl behind her ear and withered him with a stare she had studied from Margaret Thatcher until he wilted completely.”
Opposite of a look on someone's face that conveys a particular emotion
“The deadpan is key to Wright's comedic routine.”
Opposite of persons or things with something in common that are grouped together
“He brings a different kind of personality and a sense of individuality to the table.”
Opposite of a category having attributes in common while differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality
“The debate concerning the unclassifiability of the essay film has continued over the years.”
Opposite of an act of throwing something
“Worsley moved across, made a brilliant catch, and sent the ball high into the air with a one-handed jerk behind his back.”
Opposite of all the people employed by a particular organization
Opposite of the visible shape or configuration of something
“It isn't the power of the oppressors that interventionists have to worry about, but the amorphousness of the oppression.”
Opposite of the occurrence of events in the absence of any obvious intention or cause
Opposite of the front part of the head of a person or animal
“Racketball is the only sport where simultaneously you can be looking at the ball, and it'll hit you in the back of the head at 90 miles per hour.”
Opposite of a bodily shape, usually of a person or animal
(sport) Opposite of a pass from a teammate that results directly in a score
“It was a brilliant goal which came about from unselfish team play.”
Opposite of an identifying characteristic, habit or trend
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