Opposite of plentiful or abundant in amount
Opposite of complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree
Opposite of tending to talk a lot
Opposite of producing, or being produced in, abundant amounts
(indeterminate) Opposite of many or numerous
“Each individual thread of hair was meticulously installed in the wax sculpture.”
Opposite of more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
“We only ate a moderate amount of food at the party.”
Opposite of having or including many small details or features
“The pamphlet provides only a concise description of the available features.”
Opposite of not restrained or held in check
Opposite of loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
(scores of) Opposite of a large number of something
Opposite of a large amount or degree of
“He showed little interest in music at an early age, but he was passionate about sports.”
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