The cytoskeleton of a cell helps provide shape, strength, and an organised structure to the cell. |
The purpose of this study is to document the structure of a warm front in northeast Europe. |
Vredefort Dome, approximately 120km south west of Johannesburg, is a representative part of a larger meteorite impact structure, or astrobleme. |
This represents a structure for the end of pressure vessels, most applicably plate heat exchangers, for reducing the effects of movement changes and vibrations. |
The book deals extensively with the traditional economy, the structure of Dene Kinship and its role in social organization. |
Apple said it would begin selling song downloads without anticopying measures and change its pricing structure. |
In this scenario, unbound proteins are predominantly in the ligand-free structure. |
The basic structure of the villa is aulic, with perpendicular rooms at either end of the main hall. |
The former generate the standard flux superpotential for the axiodilaton and complex structure moduli. |
Secondly, AMPs having one disulfide bond which pack into a loop structure having a tail e.g., bactenecins and esculentins. |
The cell theory states that cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living things. |
The sign lists from Fara show an structure unrelated both to VE and to the OB lists, their acrography is less strict. |
I minored in physics at university, so am acutely aware of atomic structure. |
This sensibly eases the programmer task and allows for more aggressive optimisations of the global program structure. |
The crystal has an anisotropic structure, as it is stronger along its length than laterally. |
Their hurry to produce a model of DNA structure was driven in part by the knowledge that they were competing against Linus Pauling. |
After the discovery of the double helix model of DNA, Crick's interests quickly turned to the biological implications of the structure. |
Prior to publication of the double helix structure, Watson and Crick had little direct interaction with Franklin herself. |
Crick was skeptical about the value of computational models of mental function that are not based on details about brain structure and function. |
He was encouraged to draw interesting buildings and identify any faults in their structure. |
The stern tube contains the propeller shaft where it passes through the hull structure. |
The structure was designed by local architect William Wyatt at a time when industrial buildings were commonly designed by engineers. |
A valid document adheres to the content specification for XHTML, which describes the document structure. |
Careful examination of the site will still reveal traces of the concrete piers used to support the structure. |
The publication of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 demonstrated a physical mechanism for inheritance. |
The complete set of observable traits that make up the structure and behaviour of an organism is called its phenotype. |
This is the result of a single ancestral structure being adapted to function in different ways. |
The next major change in cell structure came when bacteria were engulfed by eukaryotic cells, in a cooperative association called endosymbiosis. |
In addition to relying on absolute time, classical mechanics assumes Euclidean geometry for the structure of space. |
The TfL Board is appointed by the Mayor of London, who also sets the structure and level of public transport fares in London. |
The details of command structure and fleet strengths during this period are not well known, although fleets were commanded by prefects. |
The structure of the Pakistani economy has changed from a mainly agricultural to a strong service base. |
Two Army uprisings on 3 and 7 November 1975 led to a reorganised structure of power. |
The Bangladeshi state has a unitary structure, with the central government in Dhaka. |
Microeconomics examines how entities, forming a market structure, interact within a market to create a market system. |
After the withdrawal of the Roman legions from Britain in 410 AD, new smaller political entities took the place of the centralised structure. |
Several countries have established their national churches, linking the ecclesiastical structure with the state. |
The first recorded church on the site was a wooden structure built hurriedly in 627 to provide a place to baptise Edwin, King of Northumbria. |
A stone structure was completed in 637 by Oswald and was dedicated to Saint Peter. |
Initially, a very simple temporary structure was built from local timber to house the relics of Cuthbert. |
Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practices. |
There are many variations on the core structure, and the religion grows and evolves over time. |
The Order was not religious in structure, and instead acted as somewhat of a social club, particularly for men with a common interest in music. |
From 1911 onwards rapid social change, scientific breakthroughs, and major world events affected the structure of the population. |
The structure of northern universities tended to be modeled after the system of faculty governance developed at the University of Paris. |
With this two phase structure an attempt was made to standardise all the different studies and structure them to an identical timetable. |
The qualifications framework for higher education MECES is the reference framework adopted in Spain in order to structure degree levels. |
The structure of US doctoral programs is more formal and complex than some others. |
Wilkins went on to help verify the proposed structure and win the Nobel Prize with Watson and Crick. |
As a collegiate university, Oxford's structure can be confusing to those unfamiliar with it. |
It is chaired by the director, with staff and student membership, and is supported by its own structure of committees. |
One of these granite columns is the largest such structure in the world, standing at 90 feet. |
The main structure is often decorated with carvings, sculpted reliefs, and dedications. |
They had effectively used the arch in various aspects of their civilization and city structure. |
This rekindled Watson and Crick's model building and led to the correct structure. |
A castle is a type of fortified structure, developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. |
The structure was originally three storeys high, comprising a basement floor, an entrance level, and an upper floor. |
It is in essence a Georgian and Victorian design based on a medieval structure, with Gothic features reinvented in a modern style. |
The Round Tower is in reality far from cylindrical, due to the shape and structure of the motte beneath it. |
George Gilbert Scott heavily restored the building in 1871 and little of the original structure remains. |
The cathedrals fall into three distinct groups, depending on their earlier organisational structure. |
The greatest threat to a lord's home or hall was fire as it was usually a wooden structure. |
Most of these kratons took the form of wooden pavilions called pendopo, while the istana of Sumatra usually consist of a single large structure. |
By multiplying these modules into a grid, the structure could be extended virtually infinitely. |
Once the ground floor structure was complete, the final assembly of the upper floor followed rapidly. |
In 1853 Coignet built the first iron reinforced concrete structure, a four story house in the suburbs of Paris. |
The interior was purely functional and spare, a large open space of steel, glass and concrete where the only decoration was the structure itself. |
It was constructed of dark brick, and used external piers to express its vertical structure. |
Fallingwater is a remarkable structure of concrete slabs suspended over a waterfall, perfectly uniting architecture and nature. |
Wright originally planned the structure for an apartment building in New York City. |
The structure is separated into four white concrete parabolic vaults, which together resemble a bird on the ground perched for flight. |
Each of the four curving roof vaults has two sides attached to columns in a Y form just outside the structure. |
One of the angles of each shell is lightly raised, and the other is attached to the center of the structure. |
As meat cooks, the structure and especially the collagen breaks down, allowing juice to come out of the meat. |
Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure. |
This was rejected on 25 July 2007 so the County Council and District Council structure will remain. |
Cumberland County Cricket Club is one of the cricket clubs that constitute the Minor Counties in the English domestic cricket structure. |
With the textual issues largely addressed, if not resolved, attention turned to the questions of Chaucer's themes, structure, and audience. |
While the structure of the Tales is largely linear, with one story following another, it is also much more than that. |
John XXII's actions thus demolished the fictitious structure that gave the appearance of absolute poverty to the life of the Franciscan friars. |
The play's structure and depth of characterisation have inspired much critical scrutiny. |
It was written for a wedding, and part of the festive structure of the wedding night. |
In 1974, Marjorie Garber argued that metamorphosis is both the major subject of the play and the model of its structure. |
The lovers flee from the structure of his society to the communitas of the woods. |
For example, an apple is an apple because of the arrangement of its atomic structure. |
Watson, Francis Crick, and others hypothesized that DNA had a helical structure. |
Rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter was by far the most popular structure for poetry of all types. |
He complained that the English language lacked structure and argued in support of the dictionary. |
In Pope's world, God exists and is what he centres the Universe around in order to have an ordered structure. |
They are usually narrative in structure and make considerable use of repetition. |
The conception of an opera as a coherent structure was slow to capture Handel's imagination and he composed no operas for five years. |
In his 1964 analysis of the nine, Schwartz found it striking that no two of the symphonies are alike, either in structure or in mood. |
It was replaced by a new structure designed by Christopher Wren and renamed the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. |
As neither Waters nor Mason could read music, to illustrate the structure of the album's title track, they invented their own system of notation. |
According to a 2006 article in the Daily Mail, members of the band set up a complex financial structure in 1972 to avoid payment of taxes. |
The Paul Hamlyn Hall is a large iron and glass structure adjacent to, and with direct access to, the main opera house building. |
The state archives were kept in a structure on the slope between the Roman Forum and the Capitoline Hill. |
The structure was approximately fifty feet high with the peak of the roof reaching almost seventy feet. |
Thus, according to one postulation, the modern Thoroughbred travels faster than its skeletal structure can support. |
The roofs were supported by pillars that obstructed many fans' views, and they were eventually replaced with a cantilevered structure. |
The IOC is the governing body of the Olympic Movement, with the Olympic Charter defining its structure and authority. |
There was no home and away structure to the leagues in those early seasons, as sides played one another only once. |
In 1994 the league structure expanded to include a full rota of home and away matches for the first time. |
The structure is designed to reward the teams finishing nearer the top and the most consistent teams. |
In adopting the bipartite structure, then, the Phoenix-poet demonstrates that this poem is a 'two-fold story,' a bispel. |
Above these shales we find a light, soft sandstone, sometimes of conglomeratic or breccioid structure, in moderately thick layers. |
Because of their small size and often delicate structure, bryophytes have a poor fossil record, dating back only about 290 million years. |
On the Cartesian product of two manifolds a differentiable structure can be constructed in the following way. |
Measure carefully before cutting, or the entire structure will turn out cattywampus. |
This formulation of operator functioning as being categorisable into elements of skill-based, rule-based and knowledge-based behaviour gives a structure for generating suitable forms. |
The centriole is a cylindrical structure 0.4 μm long and 0.2 μm in diameter, composed of microtubule triplets that display ninefold radial symmetry. |
The monomyth was a structure that myths all around the world followed. |
The structure of the corona changes when the micelles interact. In particular, the extent to which the coronal layers contract or interdigitate upon an increase in. |
Originally mounted on a circular drum was the dome or the hemispherical super structure crowned by a railed harmika and a chhatra. |
The chorion has a predominantly lamellar structure, the lamellae being two-dimensional networks of protein fibrils. |
Further, this structure is retained even during melt processing without loss of the interpenetrating cocontinuous structure. |
Even if one builds a structure in the name of God, even the best of intentions can become immoral. |
A third principal approach for a wide tuning is the application of a codirectionally coupled two-mode twin-waveguide laser structure. |
The body of the comb-jelly is soft like that of the jellyfish, but the plan of structure and the organs are somewhat different. |
The most effective injunction issued was to compel owners to deconvert buildings illegally converted to their original architectural structure. |
The laptop ad that first showed an IT team with a problem and then showed FooCorp as the solution used emotional pivot as its dramatic structure. |
To prevent distortion during the postcure, the eggcrate support structure is usually attached to the faceplate prior to postcure. |
The modal analysis was used to characterize the eigenoscillation behaviour of the structure without external excitation. |
When reviewing the research results, we were able to see the emotional structure of the ad was less dramatic than we had intended. |
Describe structure and development of leptosporangiate and eusporangiate sporangia. Draw diagrams. |
If the demolition is to use explosives, an exclusion zone must be established at a distance from and surrounding the structure. |
Consequently, exploratory factor analyses were utilized to identify a factor structure represented by the survey items. |
This means that the fibrant replacement functor does not preserve the causal structure. |
When two gismu are adjacent, the first one modifies the second, and the selbri takes its place structure from the rightmost word. |
The manager was given her head to make whatever changes she might deem necessary in the structure of her department. |
From this we prove the structure theorem that every transitive action of a gyrogroup can be realized as a gyrogroup action by left gyroaddition. |
The parts are welded together at points of mutual contact to form a handleably integrated structure. |
The Church operates a territorial parish structure, with every community in Scotland having a local congregation. |
Extensive contact with Rome altered the egalitarian structure of tribal Germanic society. |
The Anglican Communion has no official legal existence nor any governing structure which might exercise authority over the member churches. |
All 38 provinces of the Anglican Communion are autonomous, each with its own primate and governing structure. |
The British Parliament passed the Government of India Act of 1858 to this effect, which set up the structure of British government in India. |
The Crystal Palace is the supreme example of the use of sheet glass in a new and innovative structure. |
Recent excavations have revealed more of the structure and mosaics, which are now excellently presented. |
With royal and lay patronage, a clearer parochial structure based around local churches was developed. |
The power structure of the family is being shared by wives and husbands, mothers and fathers. Both hold the purse strings. |
The team reported that the formation rests on a pillar and includes a structure similar in appearance to a staircase, leading to a dark hole. |
The general structure and word order of a Latin sentence can therefore vary. |
Most voodoo priests, known as houngans, operate semi-independently, catering to their followers without much structure. |
If this were the case, it would advance the earliest known stone structure at the monument by some 500 years. |
Hydronium is not a way of stabilizing an acid, because the structure itself is so quickly transient that it can be considered as not existing. |
As references to foreign hydronymies have shown, this semantic structure and development is not confined to Scotland or to the British Isles. |
In architecture, a monolith is a structure which has been excavated as a unit from a surrounding matrix or outcropping of rock. |
A triumphal arch is a monumental structure in the shape of an archway with one or more arched passageways, often designed to span a road. |
The spiral stair is a type of stairway which, due to its complex helical structure, was introduced relatively late into architecture. |
Pope Gregory the Great dramatically reformed ecclesiastical structure and administration. |
At the same time, the uniformity of structure found in Rome's earlier military forces disappeared. |
This produced a political ascendancy across the south and east of Britain, which in turn required some structure to be successful. |
The economy of the Angevin Empire was quite complicated due to the varying political structure of the different fiefdoms. |
The reputation of its builder, Coeur de Lion, as a great military engineer might stand firm on this single structure. |
The Black Death caused greater upheaval to Florence's social and political structure than later epidemics. |
The governing structure of the church is based on dioceses, each presided over by a bishop. |
The structure and theology of the church was a matter of fierce dispute for generations. |
However, 3D reconstruction indicated highly disorganized intraspherule structure. |
There are no surviving renderings of the Roanoke fort, but it was likely similar in structure to the one in Guayanilla Bay. |
The new translation would reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and traditional beliefs about ordained clergy. |
It was later discovered that the isocharges on the entanglement entropy-temperature plane also exhibit the same van der Waals-like structure. |
In this play, Shakespeare adds a supernatural element to the tragic structure. |
The Church of Scotland, reluctantly episcopal in structure, had independent traditions. |
As an example, the up to now unknown structure and function of the janolid caruncle was investigated herein. |
In the Tudor period, the modern structure of Parliament began to emerge, and the monarch no longer attended during normal proceedings. |
They destroyed aristocratic society from top to bottom, along with its structure of dependencies and privileges. |
For this structure they substituted the modern, autonomous individual, free to do whatever was not prohibited by law. |
The Cyprus Regiment was formed by the British Government during the Second World War and made part of the British Army structure. |
It is governed by the City of London Corporation, which has a unique structure. |
After the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 the pillar structure ceased to exist. |
It was during the reign of the Tudor monarchs that the modern structure of the English Parliament began to be created. |
The structure of this room was pivotal in the development of the Parliament of England. |
He also called for a federal structure to the Labour Party with the creation of a distinct English Labour Party. |
The Louisiana political and legal structure has maintained several elements from the times of French and Spanish governance. |
This brings HMPS and the National Probation Service under a single headquarters structure for the first time ever. |
The bill outlined the structure of the proposed assemblies and defined their powers. |
The review brought forward the Government's plans to alter the structure of regional governance in England known as the Single Regional Strategy. |
The UK Government did not propose a set structure for the boards and each region was free to make its own arrangements. |
The political structure of Western Europe changed with the end of the united Roman Empire. |
By the late 1960s, it had become obvious that the structure of local government in England and Wales needed reforming. |
The structure of Greater London is similar to the metropolitan counties, but it is not one. |
The corporation's structure includes the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, the Court of Common Council, and the Freemen and Livery of the City. |
A third orthodox Synagogue in the Greenbank Park area of L17 has recently closed, and is a listed 1930s structure. |
As a general rule, the more similar the price structure between countries, the more valid the PPP comparison. |
Therefore, in steady conditions, a mean wave set-up is established on the leeside of the structure. |
Except for its four leggish bits there it has no equine mannerism, structure, or demeanour. |
The chemical structure of petroleum is heterogeneous, composed of hydrocarbon chains of different lengths. |
In January 2001 Airbus Industrie was transformed from an inherently inefficient consortium structure to a formal joint stock company. |
There is an ongoing debate on the development of a new public transport structure, with monorails and light rail both being considered. |
In such cases where there is a multiple capital structure the factor known as leverage comes into play. |
Construction of the spacecraft will take place at the Orbital Base Station inside the cylindrical structure. |
One of the observations in Micrographia was of fossil wood, the microscopic structure of which he compared to ordinary wood. |
Another aspect of the work was its detailed breakdown of the cost structure of book publishing. |
Watson and Crick talked endlessly about DNA and the idea that it might be possible to guess a good molecular model of its structure. |
Mature B cells produce complex proteins called immunoglobins which combine to form antibodies, each capable of binding to a specific molecular structure. |
It was rebuilt as a more impressive structure containing thirty altars. |
In the last rays of the setting sun, you could pick out far away down the reach his beard borne high up on the white structure, foaming up stream to anchor for the night. |
The invention breaks ground in its programming and its structure. |
A roof pitch of at least 50 degrees allows precipitation to travel quickly down slope so that it runs off the roof before it can penetrate the structure. |
Since that time, there have been major additions and reconstructions of some parts of the building, but the greater part of the structure remains true to the Norman design. |
In 1878 Booth reorganised the mission, becoming its first General and introducing the military structure which has been retained to the present day. |
In 1956, Crick and Watson speculated on the structure of small viruses. |
It is a space and structure designed to bring human beings and gods together, infused with symbolism to express the ideas and beliefs of Hinduism. |
The main aim of the development of the smart antenna model is to stabilize attitude of the antenna which is mounted on a platform or host structure. |
When the time came for the supporting structure to be removed from the dome after reassembly in situ, only volunteers remained on site in case the structure dropped. |
Burrows points out that many of Handel's operas, of comparable length and structure to Messiah, were composed within similar timescales between theatrical seasons. |
It is divided into a number of diverse lineages, sects and denominations, referred to as traditions, each with its own organizational structure and level of centralisation. |
Finally, the analysis of agyrotropy shows the presence of a distinct double structure laying all over the lower side facing the higher magnetic field region. |
Moreover, we observed that compared with wake state, paralimbic-limbic cortex had less connectivity with neocortical system and centrencephalic structure in sleep. |
Lice have traditionally been divided into chewing lice and sucking lice based on the structure of their mouthparts and the resulting feeding strategy. |
It was a simple structure, protected by a portcullis and gate. |
Then this action would have become legitimized and transformed into the social structure, changing the jural nature of the tree-focused social isolate. |
In other words, the logical structure of the Analytical Engine was essentially the same as that which has dominated computer design in the electronic era. |
Distortion of the engine structure has to be controlled with suitable mount locations to maintain acceptable rotor and seal clearances and prevent rubbing. |
Although the Great Hall was gutted, the overall structure was unharmed. |
We illustrate the method on several real data sets, where it uncovers more structure than found by purely columnwise methods or purely rowwise methods. |
The Labour Government released a Local Government White Paper on 26 October 2006, Strong and Prosperous Communities, which dealt with the structure of local government. |
Dig plenty of compost into clay or sandy soil to improve its structure. |
Social structure and organization within the Nuristani communities of Waigal... is based primarily on relations of consanguineal or fictive kinship. |
This global configuration of economic and class relations within the conglomerate structure of the Mondragon cooperatives is in deep tension with its cooperativist principles. |
The Conservative Party under Prime Minister David Cameron initiated reforms for A Levels and GCSEs to change from the current modular to a linear structure. |
After the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, these institutions became those of the European Union, though limited in some areas due to the pillar structure. |
In October 1942, the Hall suffered minor damage during World War II bombing but was left mostly untouched as German pilots used the distinctive structure as a landmark. |
War, plague, famine, regicide, and changes in religious power and structure often adversely affected the societies that provided support for universities. |
Cromwell rejected this offer, but the governmental structure embodied in the final version of the Humble Petition and Advice was a basis for all future parliaments. |
A large number of adjectives that are unergative according to the tests provided in Section 2 appear to be ergative with respect to their argument structure. |
The country is also divided into regions, with each region containing a number of areas, both having a similar structure to constituency associations. |
Local government in England does not follow a uniform structure. |
In the OO world, the word is to hide the structure of the data, and expose only functionality. OO designers expose an object to the world in terms of the services it provides. |
The much larger R values for ANOSIM between 2011 and pre-tsunami years suggest that tsunami-induced changes in macrozoobenthic community structure were extraordinal. |
By the end of the early modern period, the structure and orientation of higher education had changed in ways that are eminently recognizable for the modern context. |
The prefaces to Gondibert show the struggle for a formal epic structure, as well as how the early Restoration saw themselves in relation to Classical literature. |
Foreignizing translation styles bend English into shapes that mirror some limited aspect of the source language, such as word order or sentence structure. |
The state of New York has a similar appellate structure as it is divided into four appellate departments supervised by the final New York Court of Appeals. |
The new legal structure provided a single Court of Appeal, which heard appeals from all the various Divisions of the new unified High Court of Justice. |
Its shape is related to the structure of the gonarcus-parameres complex and of the coaptation structures which exist between this complex and the subgenital plate. |
Lobules, homologous in structure, recur again only in the Gondwanalandic families Lepidolaenaceae and Jubulopsidaceae thus in the Lepidolaenineae. |
However, the Miller's interruption makes it clear that this structure will be abandoned in favour of a free and open exchange of stories among all classes present. |
A notable structure between junctions 21 and 22 on the uphill section towards Windy Hill is the Rakewood Viaduct which carries the road over the Longden End Brook. |
Its narrative course and structure, characters and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. |
The coronation of Charlemagne as emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome on Christmas Day, AD 800 represented a shift in the power structure from the south to the north. |
Nineteenth-century culture bears witness to a gradually intensifying anxiety about the structure of the self and the security of its lodgment in the world. |
In daily life, there were many intermediate positions in the overall social structure and it is believed that there must have been some social mobility. |
The sport has a thriving club structure with competition at all levels. |
The five concrete shells of the structure resemble seashells by the beach. |
There are 38 colleges of the University of Oxford and six Permanent Private Halls, each controlling its membership and with its own internal structure and activities. |
In terms of social structure, the Industrial Revolution witnessed the triumph of a middle class of industrialists and businessmen over a landed class of nobility and gentry. |
These powers will allow the Assembly to pass Assembly Measures that can change the structure, boundaries and composition of local councils in Wales. |
In 2010 the foundations of a large timber structure, dated to ca. |
Scholars thus today see it as an intermediate form lying between a confederation and a federation, being an instance of neither political structure. |
India's agrarian system is based on large wealthy landholders and unlanded peasants, formerly of the lower caste, who are alienated from the current economic structure. |
Following the Great Fire of London, Wren rebuilt fifty three churches, where Baroque aesthetics are apparent primarily in dynamic structure and multiple changing views. |
In 800 the title of emperor was revived in Western Europe by Charlemagne, whose Carolingian Empire greatly affected later European social structure and history. |
At Folly Bridge in Oxford the remains of an original Saxon structure can be seen, and medieval stone bridges such as Newbridge and Abingdon Bridge are still in use. |
On their second expedition, they reported that they found something that looks like a staircase and a round black hole that goes directly into the structure. |
In particular, in the case where the boundary holonomy is infinitely tangent to the identity, we determine the structure of the group of leafwise holomorphic automorphisms. |
Paxton was able to design and build the largest glass structure yet created, from scratch, in less than a year, and complete it on schedule and on budget. |
It considers the structure of such markets and their interactions. |
The number of postholes dating to the early 3rd millennium BC suggest that some form of timber structure was built within the enclosure during this period. |
Early Modern Cornish was the subject of a study published by Lhuyd in 1707, and differs from the medieval language in having a considerably simpler structure and grammar. |
Such hoards would necessitate a wealthy owner, and their supposed existence ignores the command structure of a pirate vessel, in which the crew often served by free suffrage. |
As such, only a revolution could overthrow this new structure. |
The center of the early social structure was the family, which was not only marked by blood relations but also by the legally constructed relation of patria potestas. |
The light would have been provided by a fire at the top of the structure. |
The archway is the world's longest unsupported roof structure. |
The new structure was damaged by fire in 1137 but was soon repaired. |
Though the Church's practices and approach to the sacraments became strongly influenced by those of continental reformers, it nevertheless retained episcopal church structure. |
Some groups depart from this traditional liturgical structure. |
While it's often not difficult to identify tokens while parsing, having a separate stage for lexical analysis simplifies the structure of your compiler. |
The role and structure of the military was then altered during the empire. |
Externally load bearing structure, geostationary satellite platform. |
The structure is based on a cylinder, designed to allow space inside the cylindrical section for the construction and repair of various spacecraft. |
The restoration of the ecclesiastical structure in the region saw the two former East Anglian bishoprics replaced by a single one based at North Elmham. |
Because of its incessive conflicts with warlords and the Japanese, the Nationalist Party had to adopt a Soviet-type model for its political bureacratic structure. |
The cylindrical structure will also provide space for habitation modules with docking ports, manipulator arms, and propellant farms to refuel an interplanetary spacecraft. |
Already some years ago it was pointed out that the skeleton of the pelvic fin and girdle of Polypterus is much more actinopterygian than crossopterygian in structure. |
The Organized and inorganized kingdoms are distinguished from each other by peculiarities of chemical composition, of form and structure, and of actions or functions. |
It estimates and seeks to explain the number of people who were alive during the Medieval period, population trends, life expectancy, family structure, and related issues. |
The films were prepared by depositing ultra-thin alternating layers of Fe and Sb, which interdiffuse and after annealing crystallize to form the FeSb 3 structure. |
This idealized structure may not exist in reality, considering the high divorce rate and the intermixes of maternal-paternal dominance characteristics. |
Since the Romans had effectively perfected this architectural structure, one could conclude that the arch symbolized perfection and triumph in Roman society. |
He exchanged letters regarding the proper structure of a university with Thomas Jefferson, who used this advice when founding the University of Virginia. |
The enormous structure could never have been concealed from the Luftwaffe. |