Presumably, the shock treatments that elicit bursting disrupt the balance of wall synthesis and lysis responsible for cell wall extension. |
The outermost layer of the cell wall is composed of diverse proteins bearing polysaccharide side chains composed of mannose. |
Studies on the bamboo cell wall have focussed mainly on fully elongated and mature fibres. |
This would also increase the sloughing off of cell wall surface polymers in the culture medium. |
The details of guard cell wall composition and organization are, unfortunately, not known. |
Cellulose microfibrils within the guard cell wall are considered radial if they are oriented in the same way as the dotted lines. |
Proteins involved with cell wall biogenesis, which display low connectivity levels, have a clear trend of later appearance. |
Roma might reflect a more or less continuous biosynthesis of new cell wall material. |
Only mononuclear protoplasts were capable of complete cell wall regeneration and mitotic division. |
Fungal cells maintain a very high turgor pressure, so the integrity of the cell wall is a critical matter. |
During morphogenesis at any developmental stage, all plant cells require modifications of the cell wall structure. |
They may also serve as upstream activators of the protein kinase C, which is involved in cell wall biosynthesis. |
When the cure was complete, the probe was raised to lift the entire cell wall above the water level. |
Among plant cell wall hemicellulose components, arabinoxylans and xylans are widely distributed. |
By means of simple chemical programming, it's able to latch on to a cell wall. |
In the tertiary state of development endodermal cells deposit lignified cell wall material onto the suberin lamella. |
This protein has a pectate lyase enzyme activity and could be involved in cell wall elaboration during germination and pollen tube growth. |
This enzyme kills gram-positive bacteria by lysing their cell wall, notes Johnson. |
Solubilization of the cell wall with phage lysin also yielded a large M-protein molecule. |
Inhibition of cell wall synthesis by penicillin resulted in disruption of the cell wall and lysis of the cell. |
The electrode tip pushes through the cell wall tending to jump quickly across the plasma membrane into either the cytoplasm or the vacuole. |
As in Gram-positive bacteria, the inner membrane of spirochetes is closely associated with the peptidoglycan cell wall. |
In the presence of nonresistant bacteria,, it acts like a typical antibiotic to block bacterial cell wall synthesis. |
Tiny vessels smaller than 6 m diameter without clearly visible and stainable cell wall thickenings were neglected. |
Crystal terminations are observed in some samples, where nucleation occurred around the inner surface of the cell wall. |
These derivitized proteins do many of the same jobs which are performed by the cell wall and capsule in bacteria. |
The results are discussed in terms of a putative role of this enzyme in the release of oligosaccharins from the strawberry fruit cell wall. |
Pectins and hemicelluloses, two of the major cell wall components, undergo solubilization and depolymerization. |
Many xanthophytes produce a cell wall, though it is not composed of cellulose or of chitin. |
Several recent publications have described the properties of composites of bacterial cellulose with plant cell wall polysaccharides. |
The tomato fruit cell wall is composed of protein and three major polysaccharide components, pectin, hemicelluloses and cellulose. |
Major constituents of the cell wall are cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins. |
Similar reactions can be seen in animal cells although they lack the rigid cell wall. |
As a cell expands, its plasma membrane and cell wall must increase in area. |
Components of the cell wall of fungi are powerful and general elicitors in plants. |
The direction of cell growth is determined by the orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the cell wall. |
In citrus hesperidia, the creasing of albedo appears to be strictly related to a decrease of cell wall pectins beyond a critical level. |
The cell thus exerts outward pressure on its cell wall, and when all cells are maintaining this pressure, the plant gains rigidity. |
The composition of the cell wall varies among species and is an important character for identifying and classifying bacteria. |
This results in the release of acidic pectins and methanol as well as increased cell wall rigidity and calcium chelation. |
There, electrical impulses propel vesicles into the cell wall to spray the neurotransmitter into the synapse. |
The cell wall, which is relatively porous, consists of many polymer layers of peptidoglycan connected by amino acid bridges. |
It can attach and bind to cell walls and kill a cell by catalyzing the hydrolysis of cell wall peptidoglycan. |
The cell wall is usually delicately ornamented and perforated by minute holes. |
In petrified specimens, cellular details are lost with the organic material of the cell wall. |
Folding of the plasmalemma and the formation of multiple small vesicles between the cell wall and the plasmalemma were observed. |
This indicates the firm appression of the plasma membrane to the cell wall, which is typical of a turgescent cell. |
The antimicrobial effect of iodophors occurs by cell wall penetration and oxidation with the substitution of iodine for cell contents. |
This mechanism is likely to involve the polarization of key components and the localized breakdown of existing cell wall structure. |
In the three species, the outer cell wall of the colleters has an lamellar layer, a cuticular membrane and cuticle proper. |
The cell envelope of gram-positive bacteria consists of the cytoplasmic membrane and a cell wall. |
In thin root sections, more intense fluorescence was observed in the cytosol than in the cell wall. |
A genetic selection for mutants that activate this pathway uncovered a class of mutants defective in cell wall integrity. |
The hydrostatic pressure model proposes that statocytes detect the total weight exerted by the protoplast on its cell wall. |
When calcium is desorbed from the cell wall, it becomes looser and the pore sizes in it increases. |
Ribitol teichoic acid is an important component of Staphylococcus aureus cell wall. |
After the patient takes the antibiotic, it is absorbed through the cell wall of the bacterium. |
During cell expansion, trafficking delivers proteins to plasticize the wall and supplies new plasma membrane and cell wall material to keep pace with growth. |
Like its brethren, it is encased by a frustule, a rigid cell wall delicately marked with pores in patterns distinctive enough for scientists to tell the species apart. |
Note the accumulation of flocculent material and vesicles between the cytoplasm and cell wall and also the osmiophilic margin of the viscid secretion. |
Among the scientific claims made regarding Rife Bare therapy is the proposal that subjecting cells to a high energy pulse causes their cell wall micropores to open. |
The ribitol teichoic acid is usually in the cell wall, and the glycerol teichoic acid is in the cell membrane, the periplasmic region, or in the cell. |
However, despite the care and detail of the authors' analysis of periderm cell wall biochemistry, we are no nearer to preventing abrasion damage of the potato. |
When the trichomes were fully developed, the compounds were volatilized and only residues were responsible for an orange fluorescence in the cell wall area. |
Changes in the structure and ultrastructure of protoplasts during regeneration of the cell wall, mitotic cell division and amitotic nuclear fragmentation. |
It is released from the outer cell wall of endospores at sporulation. |
The cell wall and extracellular material are often only crudely preserved in this process, and the internal cytoplasm may degrade and be destroyed. |
In contrast to what has been reported for both Vicia and Pisum, we could not find any cell wall ingrowths in the innermost cells of the ground parenchyma. |
One class of dosage suppressors is composed of genes encoding cell wall proteins, indicating that alterations in cell wall structure can rescue the cell lysis in ram cells. |
Cell expansion is driven by turgor pressure, and in healthy tissues is usually limited by the extensibility of the cell wall or sometimes by the wall yield threshold. |
The asymmetric zygotic division fixes polarity, which may rely on the asymmetric delivery of cell wall components, possibly AGPs, and which requires GN in order to execute it. |
Their lack of a cell wall often results in disintegration or severe distortion when preserved, so they must be examined live for any possible identification. |
They hacked a hole in his cell wall and Mortimer escaped to a waiting boat. |
The small size of the penicillins increases their potency, by allowing them to penetrate the entire depth of the cell wall. |
Finally, the latewood tracheids are formed, with small radial sizes and greater cell wall thickness. |
The biogenic silica composing the cell wall is synthesised intracellularly by the polymerisation of silicic acid monomers. |
The exact mechanism of transferring silica absorbed by the diatom to the cell wall is unknown, though research is still being undertaken. |
Members of the group that have been isolated lack the chitinous cell wall that is characteristic of fungi. |
This process can occur in very small spaces, such as within the cell wall of a plant cell. |
Most workers, nevertheless, have attempted to interpenetrate the cell wall with monomer by preswelling with water or an oxygenated solvent. |
The dictyosome bodies were not detected in close proximity to the cell wall of smaller grains in almost the entire length of the spike. |
Pectin is a complex polysaccharide found in the cell wall and middle lamella of plant tissue. |
The most common cereal pentosan is arabinoxylan, which makes up the majority of cell wall NSP in maize, wheat, rye and barley. |
Gram-negative bacteria have a more complex cell wall than gram-positive bacteria. |
For cell wall analysis, extraction and separation of peptidoglycan precursors was performed as described. |
The initial infection-spreading cells of the fungus, called zoospores, swim by lashing a hair-like flagellum and don't have a cell wall. |
This liberation from the cell wall may mean that these compounds become available for absorption in the body. |
Glucosamine and muramic acid concentrations can be used to establish cumulative fungal and bacterial cell wall product concentrations in soil. |
Purification and quantitative chemical analysis of cell wall peptidoglycans of Leptotrichia buccalis. |
In fungi, the plasma membrane sits just inside of the periplasmic space under the cell wall. |
In the mature macrogamont, the nucleus develops funnel-formed extensions into the cell wall, through which microgametes can penetrate. |
Tropical grasses usually have a coarse, stemmy structure, with low sugar and high cell wall contents compared with temperate grasses. |
White rot fungus is used in a preprocess step to break down the lignin in the wood cell wall structure. |
Cellulose is the primary structural component of green plants, making up the primary cell wall. |
Cotton fibers are usually made up of a thin primary cell wall and a thicker secondary one. |
Amastigotes could be differentiated from other intracellular pathogens by visualizing the nucleus and kinetoplast surrounded by a cell wall. |
Indeed, the rapid lignification of the cell wall of resistant plants under the appressoria of Colletotrichum spp. |
The basis of this assay is that cell wall damage effects should be ameliorated under hyperosmotic conditions. |
Cell coalescence refers to the rupture of the cell wall when serious extensional force is applied to it. |
Third, review plant structures and remind students that the cell wall remains constant while the central vacuole will swell or shrink, depending on the direction of osmosis. |
However, these rumen fungi play an important role in fibre digestion because they can penetrate both the cuticle and cell wall of lignified tissue. |
Diatom cells are contained within a unique silica cell wall known as a frustule made up of two valves called thecae, that typically overlap one another. |
Because it targets fatty molecules in the cell wall instead of proteins it is also much less likely than most antibiotics to induce microbial resistance. |
Bacteria constantly remodel their peptidoglycan cell walls, simultaneously building and breaking down portions of the cell wall as they grow and divide. |
These fibres then wrap around the cell as the major component of the plant cell wall, providing rigidity, flexibility and defence against internal and external stresses. |
To assess the cell wall properties, the effect of isoxaben, an inhibitor of cellulose synthase, on fei1fei2, galt2galt5, sos5, and the quintuple mutant was examined. |
A hypothesis is presented where the combination of a thin cell wall and large microfibril angle are responsible for the superior properties exhibited by the DN 30 pulp. |
Nelumbo nucifera aertn is nymphaeaceous hydrophyte, which epicuticular cell wall with thin wax layer grows thick and keratinization is not occurred. |
The root CEC is located in the apoplast and is attributed to the free carboxyl groups of galacturonic acids of cell wall pectins in the middle lamella. |
Gamma radiation, if used in high dosage on lignocellulosics, causes a decrease in cell wall constituents or depolymerizes and delignifies the fiber. |
Plants need nitrogen for protein synthesis, calcium for cell wall stiffening, phosphate for nucleic acid synthesis, and iron for chlorophyll synthesis. |