The Kelvin scale uses Celsius units, the main difference being that zero on the Kelvin scale is absolute. |
The sun remained out for the entire day and it was fairly warm, reaching a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. |
The aluminum is heated to 550 degrees Celsius and must be quenched with water. |
Maximum temperatures today were due to reach seven degrees Celsius and weathermen forecast bright spells for tomorrow. |
A representative estimate of the saturation adiabatic lapse rate is 6 Celsius degrees per kilometer. |
Transfer to a wooden barrel or similar container and leave to cool down to a temperature of around 16 degrees Celsius. |
This scale, known as the Kelvin scale, has the same intervals as the Celsius scale. |
Victoria's waters, home of the Orca killer whale, remain at about 10-degrees Celsius throughout the year. |
In scientific terms, 1 calorie is a kilocalorie, which is the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. |
It now occurs to me that the best analogy for Google hits as a measurement term is not hertz or joules or pascals, but degrees Celsius. |
At the end of the three-day spell that Delhiites like to describe as spring, the mercury shoots up towards the mid-40s on the Celsius scale. |
Reluctantly we dragged ourselves away from bashing rock solid flowers frozen to minus 196 degrees Celsius. |
At once, the thermostat on the tank's control systems immediately rose from 47 degrees Celsius to sixty. |
A temperature of 28 to 32 degree Celsius was maintained in the aquarium and the fish adapted to it. |
Water boils at one hundred degrees Celsius and at this point changes phase to become a gas, or steam. |
The atmosphere is thin but breathable and the air temperature is approximately 10 degrees Celsius. |
Water exposed to atmospheric pressure boils at approximately 100 degrees Celsius. |
Lower the temperature of the hot water in your home to 49 degrees Celsius to prevent scalds. |
With the outside temperature touching 43 degrees Celsius, the extreme heat policy was in force. |
The mercury soared to 35.9 degrees Celsius on February 16 this year, the highest recorded for the month in history. |
The dampness and high temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius provides the best conditions for mould to grow and reproduce. |
Give weights, measurements, and medication dosages in metric units and temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees. |
Mornings would see me waking to my fancy alarm clock's digital readout of a temperature of a tooth-chattering plus three Celsius. |
Well, the experts in the trade tell us that your favourite soft drink tastes best when it's chilled right down to four degrees Celsius. |
All the three months, the temperatures were minus 35 degree Celsius and below. |
At temperatures below minus 5 degrees Celsius in heavy snow, small debris and snow can pack around the warm saw motor and form a solid ice pack. |
Zero Kelvin is minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, theoretically as low as a temperature can get. |
Molten glass, which is basically a mixture of sand, ash and lime, is held at a temperature of 1,120 Celsius within a furnace. |
Oily fish like mackerel and salmon are cooked to an internal temperature of 45 degrees Celsius and fish on the bone are cooked to 55 degrees. |
We couldn't have asked for a better day, around 19 degrees Celsius, a slight breeze and hardly a cloud in the sky. |
The polystyrene nanosphere with a silica coating heated to 40 degrees Celsius. |
After this, the chick is moved to a pre-prepared brooder set at a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius for the first five days. |
It will fund a research project involving the design of equipment to measure microwave heat at temperatures of up to 1,500 degrees Celsius. |
What do you do when you have to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, or micrograms to hectograms? |
The ship's diving team took the opportunity to progress continuation training in the pristine 31 degrees Celsius waters around the port. |
Biological records show that insect species are appearing six days earlier on average for each degree Celsius rise in temperature. |
The debut of summer saw temperatures entering the 30 degrees Celsius range. |
So far, studies show that platform level air temperatures will very rarely be above 20 degrees Celsius or lower than freezing. |
It is better to pre-treat and pre-soak heavily soiled clothing and use a warm wash, of around 50 Celsius degrees, to conserve energy. |
Citizens experienced the heat of summer as the temperature rocketed to 34 Celsius degrees last Sunday. |
I have personally been to both in the midst of winter and enjoyed temperatures around the 20 degrees Celsius mark. |
They are most comfortable in water about 25 degrees Celsius, or slightly higher for breeding. |
Without these greenhouse gases the earth's average surface temperature would be about 33 degrees Celsius cooler. |
Swindon Council's highways department was on red alert as temperatures plunged to 5 degrees Celsius overnight. |
Temperatures throughout the region hovered around the minus five degrees Celsius range for most of the two week storm. |
Transfer the meat to a 200 degree Celsius oven for 10 minutes and stand for a further 5 minutes before serving. |
The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are based on two fixed points, the Kelvin and Rankine scales are based on one. |
But whether you calculate in Fahrenheit or Celsius, the overall winner is usually selected by a matter of shades and degrees. |
The confusion arises due to the other common temperatures scale, the Celsius scale. |
Most of our temperatures will be presented in Celsius, but you can grab a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter here. |
But I've never, ever learned to intuit Celsius as a way to express temperature. |
Jiangxi Province in East China has been hot since the beginning of July, with highs over 37 degrees Celsius almost every day. |
The fluid inclusions had moderate homogenization temperatures between 60 and 175 degrees Celsius. |
The water is one degree Celsius, but at least the normally polluted lake is clean enough to swim in today. |
At temperatures below 417 degrees Celsius cobalt exhibits a hexagonal close-packed structure. |
The temperature in the rooms of the court building is usually set as low as 16 degrees Celsius. |
The parasite typically needs an ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and an altitude of less than 2,000 metres to survive. |
If you have a meat thermometer, check that the internal temperature reaches 72 degrees Celsius. |
The memory signal could not be detected at temperatures above 75 degrees Celsius, where the charges within the domains behave differently. |
The workers were forced to manufacture radiator parts in temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius for between 12 to 20 hours a day. |
This is the proportion by which the rate of a chemical reaction is raised by an increase in temperature of 10 degrees on the Celsius scale. |
Tiny dewdrops are falling like rain and its even biting in Dhaka where the temperature was around 11-14 degree Celsius. |
For example, a student knows that 32 degrees Fahrenheit is freezing and is equal to 0 degrees Celsius. |
The town, well known for its extreme temperatures, recently reached a record minimum temperature of 27 degrees Celsius on Sunday. |
For an hour and a half in the oppressive, dry 35 Celsius degree heat of the day we traveled across the valley and hiked up to the top of Graveyard pass. |
The temp is minus 5 degrees Celsius and the wind is in our face the rest of the day as we ski often where ptarmigans, moose and reindeer make the only other tracks. |
Already with human-induced warming of only 0.8 degrees Celsius, we have turbocharged the climate system. |
Early Tuesday temperatures in some parts of the state were already approaching 40 degrees Celsius. |
On Sunday afternoon, the bottom of one of the reactors rose to 82 degrees Celsius, Tepco said. |
Likewise, we can measure temperatures on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scales. |
Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsius. |
Words like Celsius are capitalized because they are names of people. |
They even use Celsius temperatures, which nobody understands. |
While the safe temperature set for crematories is 850 degrees Celsius, those at the parlor's crematories ranged between 83 and 436 degrees Celsius. |
How to be cool as a cucumber at the searing heat of 45 degree Celsius? |
Water, extracted from the ground at a fairly constant 11 degrees Celsius, is used to cool the air in the auditorium and is returned via a soakaway. |
In order to eliminate harmful dioxin fumes emitted in the burning process, temperatures in the furnaces are raised to 800 degrees Celsius, the decomposition point of dioxin. |
This energy is transported outwards by convection and radiation until it reaches the surface, where the temperature is believed to be 5,800 degrees Celsius. |
All tests were run with an ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. |
The desert terrain is difficult with summer temperatures soaring to 40 degrees Celsius and above, while by mid-October, the temperatures are below zero. |
Temperatures inside this biome can reach 28 degrees Celsius but there is a cloakroom to shed your coats and a cool room for those who find the steamy atmosphere uncomfortable. |
The other features on the front are three buttons for setting the temperature and fan speed alarms, changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit and resetting the alarms. |
The kelvin temperature scale is an extension of the degree Celsius scale down to absolute zero, a hypothetical temperature characterized by a complete absence of heat energy. |
The finished article is knocked off the iron and placed in an annealer where a constant temperature of 450 Celsius is maintained to stabilise the glass. |
Reaction rates double for about every 10 degree Celsius increase in temperature. |
Unlike Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures, where the zero point is arbitrary, absolute temperature supposedly can go no lower than zero. |
Standard FKM O-rings can only be used in cooling water at temperatures of up to 125 degrees Celsius. |
They melted it at temperatures of 2,000 degrees Celsius using an aerodynamic levitator with carbon dioxide laser beam heating. |
The United Nations wants to prevent global warming from exceeding two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels this century. |
Using gold as a catalyst, Sadoh and his colleagues were able to grow germanium crystals at a temperature of about 250 degree Celsius. |
Summer daytime temperatures regularly top 20 Celsius, typically reaching 25 Celsius on sunny days throughout July and August in particular. |
The Kelvin scale is the standard scale for many scientific fields, but the related Celsius scale is handier for everyday life on Earth. |
In midsummer, Swansea's temperatures can reach into the high twenties Celsius. |
Thus, it sets the magnitude of one degree Celsius and that of one kelvin as exactly the same. |
Some key temperatures relating the Celsius scale to other temperature scales are shown in the table below. |
The degree Celsius is a special name for the kelvin for use in expressing Celsius temperatures. |
The degree Celsius is also subject to the same rules as the kelvin with regard to the use of its unit name and symbol. |
This practice is permissible because the magnitude of the degree Celsius is equal to that of the kelvin. |
Scientists, such as meteorologists, use Celsius or Kelvin in all countries. |
Thermometers, both digital and analog, sold in Canada usually employ both the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. |
The equivalent label in North America uses one to six dots to denote temperature with an optional temperature in degrees Celsius. |
The environmental parameter that limits the distribution of the turtles is ocean temperatures below 7 to 10 degrees Celsius. |
Warm nesting sites above 30 degrees Celsius favor the development of females, whereas nesting sites below 30 degrees Celsius produce males. |
Supplementary firing raises the temperature of the exhaust gas from 800 to 900 degree Celsius. |
In 1739, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was founded, with people such as Carl Linnaeus and Anders Celsius as early members. |
On the initiative of Anders Celsius a number of marks were made in rock on different locations along the Swedish coast. |
Garlic is used as a fish and meat preservative, and displays antimicrobial effects at temperatures as high as 120 degree Celsius. |
The following table shows the temperature conversion formulas for conversions to and from the Celsius scale. |
Temperatures for cooking are often given in Fahrenheit, while the weather is given in Celsius. |
But sitting in my air-conditioned office on a day when the humidex reads 40 degrees Celsius, I reflect on my short time in the Arctic. |
In the case of protoplanet LkCa 15 b, hydrogen atoms were heated up to nearly 10,000 degrees Celsius. |
Without a spark to occur, the auto ignition temperature of petrol is about 400 degrees Celsius. |
According to the Metrological Department, the highest temperature recorded in Multan was 49 Celsius on May 29, 1956, which was broken today. |
The T591 KO-CAP is available in capacitances up to 330 microfarads and features operating temperatures up to 125 degrees Celsius. |
During an interstadial, regional average temperatures rose by as much 16 degrees Celsius in just a few decades. |
Their ultraviolet light ionizes the surrounding gas, forming a nebula with a temperature of 10,000 degrees Celsius. |
Next week, temperature in Qatar is forcast to soar as high as 48 degrees Celsius. |
Before being renamed to honour Anders Celsius in 1948, the unit was called centigrade, from the Latin centum, which means 100, and gradus, which means steps. |
Cryoneurolysis uses a small probe that is cooled to minus 10 to minus 16 degrees Celsius, creating a freezer burn along the outer layer of the nerve. |
Multiply the average annual temperature in Celsius by 20, then add. |
Ruth's Chris signature steaks are cooked with a 'broiling technique' at 1,000 degrees Celsius, and served to guests on a theatrical sizzling hotplate. |
However, average temperatures were 7 degrees Celsius higher than today. |
As this example shows, degrees Celsius is a useful interval measurement but does not possess the characteristics of ratio measures like weight or distance. |
In more recent years, temperatures now reach over 30 Celsius on occasions. |
If the fuel were exposed to air and steam, the zirconium cladding around the fuel would react exothermically catching fire at about 800 degrees Celsius. |
Meanwhile, scientists were finding even hardier microbes, now known as hyperthermophiles, which demand temperatures of 80 degrees Celsius or more. |
Code red has been called for the northern regions of Montana, Vratsa, Pleven, Lovech, Veliko Tarnovo and Ruse where temperatures are expected to reach 38-42 degrees Celsius. |
It also offers a very low current consumption of 200 microampere per MHz, and supports high-temperature read operation for junction temperature up to 175 degrees Celsius. |