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How to use celluloid in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word celluloid? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I was actually watching the start of one of the most hysterically goofy horror movies ever captured on celluloid.
The dividing line between celluloid fantasy and the bountifully adorned starlets making their acceptance speeches gets blurred.
Of all the journalistic stereotypes regularly committed to celluloid, none has been more expressive of its times than the war correspondent.
Unknown to him, it became the genesis of a new film that has taken 14 long years to become a celluloid reality.
Yes, the launch had the mandatory fashion show, with all the bigwigs, political and celluloid, in tandem.
The dance is set up as wholesome bobby-soxer swing, but Hayworth projects a voluptuous energy that practically burns a hole in the celluloid.
For a change, this is a breakaway from the celluloid kitsch that prospers on the objectification and commodification of women in cinema.
Inside, the audience cheered and clapped as the speckled celluloid film started to roll.
For the future, it's counting on helping Hollywood switch from celluloid to digital films.
In some cases, large animal puppets are completely made of celluloid because of its greater stiffness.
His films contain some of the most beautiful images on celluloid and he manages to raise film to that of art.
Yet it takes a fictional account of a spurious global warming scenario on celluloid to get Joe Soap talking about it.
With a few exceptions, the movie essentially lifts the musical out of the Broadway theatre and transposes it onto celluloid.
When painted across a canvas of celluloid, the story as played out in the movie was even more powerful.
If you are the lucky one in Berlin, you can catch football fever filmed on celluloid by 45 film-makers.
Under the current analogue process, finished films are copied on celluloid, put on reels and physically delivered to cinemas.
So, a game unplayed is lines of code, but a film unwatched isn't just light and celluloid?
The boots have been immortalised on celluloid in her latest film, Strictly Sinatra, directed by Peter Capaldi.
The force of the argument wrought in paint or celluloid becomes more evident as time passes and validates or weakens the artist's intention.
Old-timers returned to the world of arc-lights sending out a clear signal that age has not dimmed their interest in celluloid.
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Examples from Classical Literature
What happened when the celluloid stud was opened was that the inducive oxidised and became active.
Good thing I didn't have on a celluloid collar or 'twould have bust into a blaze.
He ran a red-tinted, celluloid rectangle through a stamping machine and Hunter pressed his thumbprint upon the signature square.
Cut a piece of millboard, celluloid, or even thin wood the same size, and upon this paint an attractive design.
For other purposes, steel, hard rubber, and celluloid have taken its place.
Sheets of celluloid prepared for sketching are invaluable in sketching in the rain.
Later on, when performing, they would be entitled to a celluloid collar, satinette knickers and pumps.
They are now enameled, or the top of them is made of celluloid in a color to match the shoe.
Before putting on his celluloid collar, he spat on it and smeared it off with the tail of his shirt.
That if a spark hits a celluloid collar, the collar will explode.
When the celluloid is put into the solution it will dissolve it.
Positives are printed by the carbon process on thin celluloid films.
Film buffs who know that celluloid is becoming increasingly rare will travel from far and wide to see Nolan's new film as the director intended.
Some of the directors and cinematographers interviewed by Reeves regret the end of the celluloid era.
Down here where I am the broken-bottle vine cometh up as a flower, the celluloid collar blossoms as the rose, and the tin-can tree brings forth after its kind.
Cellulose nitrate was first discovered in the 1840s and was developed under various names such as parkesine, xylonite and ivoride, as well as celluloid.
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