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How to use an in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word an? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Once she was about to release the energy she was suddenly thrown back into the wall by an invisible force.
Instead of the usual little back belt, why not add an entire placket that is laced up with tubes of self fabric?
By exacerbating the contradiction between self-determination and self-abasement, the way was cleared for an epochal resolution.
The whole book is an exercise in self-love, disguised as an exercise in self-abnegation.
Basically, after years of self-abnegation, Britain now has an old fashioned tax-and-spend government.
Obeying the guru required discipline and self-abnegation, an exercise that was always beneficial to the spiritual aspirant.
It was an interruption of his concentration upon the interminable playing of dominoes, or cards, or throwing dice.
To complete the record each of the swimmers must swim for an hour in the same order throughout the attempt.
The incremental cost to add a new process is higher than the cost to increase the throughput of an existing process.
Further insight can be gained by studying the historical development of an author's thought.
We begin with an analysis of the historical development of British industrial relations.
Belief in a religion is belief in an idea and in particular historical figures whether Muhammad, Christ or Joseph Smith.
The book was an instant success and was followed by eight more historical, romantic novels in five years.
Start to relax an hour before bedtime with a hot bath or your favorite music.
Martha Treadway might seem at first to be an unlikely subject for historical study.
The book consists of an interesting introduction followed by a biblical, theological and historical study.
Use of the median value for an individual provides an analysis representing the central tendency for valuing the species.
Dating from 1846, the building contained public baths and wash houses, an important amenity and social focus in the Victorian East End.
The light bulb from the ceiling caused the shadows to be thrown at an odd angle to the left.
The flushed cheeks didn't disappear when an arm was thrown carelessly about his shoulders.
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Examples from Classical Literature
You don't imagine for an instant that they'll maroon us and hoist the Jolly Roger, do you?
Also they had an idea that Mrs. jones possessed something of which they were anxious to get hold.
It was really very embarrassing to me, for of course I could not tell her that the jook had declined the honor of an introduction.
Dads Guitars are also the only stockist in the North West to sell Cigar Box Guitars which are an inexpensive way to begin to learn to play.
It was an odd sort of grin, and Jolly Roger caught it over his shoulder.
With a leaf from an old English book, A jonquil will serve for a pen.
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