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How to use amy's in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word amy's? Here are some examples.

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Ephram is despondent when he is disinvited to a party by Amy's popular friends, and Delia struggles with the school bully.
Amy's parents will find it just as hard as I did but the most important thing is that you keep your chin up and don't give up hope.
But as the weeks went by, and no phone call came, Amy's mum Tracy admits she had lost hope.
Amy's trousers were made of a light white cotton and seemed kicky and free.
Amy's eyes were so riveted on the sunset that she didn't notice Jack coming up behind her.
Amy's shoulders loosened and Hart gently trod back to sit quietly by her side.
Between the two of them, they managed to pick up all of Amy's suitcases and then they began to slowly lug them towards the lifts.
Amy's therapist viewed Amy's rejection of medication as a unique act of self-assurance and maturity.
Obviously unflustered by any of the above, Faldo chose to respond in kind when asked about the lovely Amy's advice.
As I mentioned on Amy's blog, I think the Cardinal's comments boil down to a truth told in the service of untruth.
It had been a wonderful night, and not even Amy's non-stop criticism was able to make me forget that moment.
Amy's friends became active cheerleaders for her progress, while still being there for her when she was down.
Jake sat for a moment, and stared at Amy's stomach, he couldn't pick a moment for sure that he had impregnated her, but he knew it had to be him.
Her own family, her flesh and blood had talked back to her and Vikki had even taken Amy's side in the argument.
Amy's voice filled the room, a slight, underlying quiver in her tone, as if she didn't want to hear more.
It was obvious that something was bothering her, weighing her down, and it was impossible for Amy's nature to ignore.
I became bored so I turned up Amy's car stereo to full whack.
Amy's mother gave Mrs. Kung a strained smile and nodded politely.
A whisper of a smile played on Amy's lips and Rebecca returned it.
Amy's figure was very slim, with long legs, arms, and a slender neck.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Uz will keep an eye on the young 'un, ef it be only because he'm Miss Amy's chield.
When the tea bell rang, Jo appeared, looking so grim and unapproachable that it took all Amy's courage to say meekly.
Everything was done at last, even to Amy's arranging different colored soaps to match the different colored rooms, and Beth's setting the table for the first meal.
With the first burst of the band, Amy's color rose, her eyes began to sparkle, and her feet to tap the floor impatiently, for she danced well and wanted Laurie to know it.
They all liked Jo immensely, but never fell in love with her, though very few escaped without paying the tribute of a sentimental sigh or two at Amy's shrine.
She had just copied them with great care, and had destroyed the old manuscript, so that Amy's bonfire had consumed the loving work of several years.
Her solitary breakfast did not taste nice, and the room seemed lonely and untidy, for Jo had not filled the vases, Beth had not dusted, and Amy's books lay scattered about.
With that he heaved a great sigh, and then, as if he had discharged his duty to the past, put his feet up on the sofa and enjoyed Amy's letter luxuriously.
Amy's appearances in full-scale book form had got off to a modest start in 1881, while she was still at Newnham, with a small pamphlet of poems, Xantippe and Other Verse.
The nurse spent more than three hours combing through Amy's long brown hair, picking out sesame-seed-size insects and their tiny eggs, called nits.
This funny spectacle appeared to amuse the sun, for he burst out with such radiance that Jo woke up and roused her sisters by a hearty laugh at Amy's ornament.
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