Two people in white lab coats, an austere, older looking man and brunette woman in her thirties came rushing through. |
White City Stadium, built for the London Games, included a velodrome, seating for over 68,000 spectators, and an unusually long 100-meter pool! |
This year I am going to spend Christmas Day slumped in front of the telly in an atrocious velour tracksuit. |
No doubt your husband is an intellectual bruiser, but these are hardly Mensa-level topics. |
Heavyweight boxers usually slump into an exhausted embrace after battering each other for 15 bruising rounds. |
Having skied in such an ermine-lined resort, a return to the brutal shoving of Europe's lift lines could prove a bruising experience. |
In the U.S., the deal faces a bruising battle in Congress if the Bush administration tries to push it through in an election year. |
This is an extraordinarily unusual kind of pasta dish named spaghetti alla crema con alghe, or spaghetti with cream and liver. |
Those salty grilled shrimp marred an otherwise respectable dish of spaghettini alla Greco with a lively tomato sauce. |
About one half of patients with renovascular hypertension will have an abdominal bruit identifiable on physical examination. |
Analysis Microsoft and Sendo have brought an end to a legal war that looked like it could bankrupt the Brummie start-up phone maker. |
Having won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953, he became an honorary American citizen in 1963-an honour confirmed by Congress. |
Historically, lower levels were given over to storage and animals, with an upper piano nobile floor used for entertaining. |
So, if you see velvet ants, there is probably an underground wasp nest or bee nest somewhere close. |
I have to say it was an interesting conversation with his German accent and my Brummie tones! |
She was a major attraction in Educating Archie and on stage in the character of Marlene, a Birmingham girl with an exaggerated Brummie twang. |
Pattie Boyd had dropped by the Lennon home, for an early brunch with Cynthia that morning. |
If an object is moving in one direction without a force acting on it, then it continues to move in that direction with a constant velocity. |
A gauss rifle is a rifle that throws an iron slug at an incredibly high velocity. |
He assumed no international trade effects, an unchanged money supply and a constant velocity of circulation. |
As an alternative, instead of using spaghetti, use pasta shells instead. |
Both AN and eew change over a wide range during the course of the reaction, so correlations made with these traditional metrics were made. |
In 1921, the Knox Academy brashly issued an honorary membership to Madame Marie Curie, the Polish-French co-discoverer of radium and the only two-time Nobelist in science. |
But even those few cafes at street level wallow in an atmosphere of brumal gloom so dense that, even at midday, you have to peer at the menu to make it out. |
Meanwhile, Turkey stressed its strategic relations with powerbroker Egypt, AN NAHAR reported. |
Dec 21-Jan 20 CAPRICORN AN unfortunate incident at the garden centre this week, when you mistake a Dutch Hoe for one of those ladies who sit in the shop windows in Amsterdam. |
Samba Cert 15 AN inter-racial romance among illegal immigrants in Paris breaks hearts and cultural barriers with an abundance of humanity and humour. |
However, AN patients presented hyperactivation of left parastriatal visual regions, which were additionally correlated with the severity of the disorder. |
Wing-It Theatre's Hairspray THE ALBANY THEATRE, THE BUTTS, COVENTRY AN ensemble of more than 70 children are performing Hairspray at Coventry's Albany Theatre this week. |
It is an interesting concept, somewhat comparable with dynamization of an interlocked intramedullary nail. |
With some foresight, California battled the EPA's insistence on an even more expensive type of dynamometer. |
One explanation is that it was kept by the royal family as an heirloom and deposited in the burial of a much later dynast. |
These centrist dynamists share an appreciation for dispersed knowledge and trial-and-error evolution that spills over into their attitudes toward markets. |
The DynaMotor successfully integrates the functionality of a variable-speed drive with an AC induction motor by embedding solid-state switches in the armature of the motor. |
Heart rate and respiration was monitored through thoracic needle electrodes coupled to a hi-gain coupler and an impedance pneumograph coupler, respectively. |
Prior to joining Language Line Services, Heh was a conference interpreter and an adjunct professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. |