To set apart for a special use
“Back home, his mother would set aside some nuts to be roasted on the hot coals in the wood stove.”
To store or stockpile for later use
“To those struggling to get the cost covered, it is doable if you set aside a small amount of cash over time.”
To give little or no attention to
“Allow yourself to set aside any worries or anxieties and focus on being in the present moment.”
To put an end to, especially formally
“Mr. Chairman, I move we set aside the rule pertaining to the election of officers and Board Members.”
To have set aside or reserved for a particular purpose
To dismiss something as unnecessary or irrelevant
Used hyperbolically to express a great desire
To expel or send away, especially permanently
To stop, cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting
To have made possible or attainable
To detach, divide, or isolate something from a larger whole or group
To discard any knowledge or memory of
To contravene an accepted rule or stipulation
To mark out and make known
Unequivocally designated or taken
To restrict or stipulate for a specific purpose
To delay taking action
To provide or make available
To remove unwanted elements from a group
To select from a number of given options
To erase from one's memory
To yield or put away (and not use) something
To stop or give up on doing something
To prove to be false or erroneous
To throw away or get rid of
To show an unwillingness to accept, do, engage in, or agree to
To change a decision, opinion, or course of action
To distribute or apportion by (or as if by) lot
To take over the place, position, or role of
Kept (in reserve) specially for a particular person
Unused and available if required
Not valid or legally binding
See Also
Nearby Words