A state of sleep, rest or slumber
“The work captures O'Hara in repose yet with the suggestion that he would be ready at an instant to bounce into action.”
A state of peace and serenity
“There was, about the whole place, a somber and yet not displeasing depth of repose.”
An interval of rest, relaxation, or relief from worries or problems
“During the mild and peaceful reign of Maximilian II. the brethren enjoyed some repose, both in Bohemia and Moravia.”
The state, act, or fact of being calm and composed
“His whole frame rested, uncontrolled, in perfect stillness and repose.”
A state or period of rest, relaxation or enjoyment
The state, act, or fact of being (mentally) calm and composed
The state or quality of being tactful
To lie down to rest
“How sweetly he would repose in the four-poster bed.”
To place or lay in or on a particular place
“I'll go to him, and repose our distresses on his friendly bosom.”
To give, delegate or confer something to someone
“Her conclusions upon the nature and quality of Deity became vague and undefined, and she knew not on what to repose her trust.”
To stay out of sight
“The mighty Krieghorn withdrew to repose behind the soft clouds.”
To relax after a period of work or tension
To go to sleep, or fall asleep
To be fixed or permanently incorporated with something
To sit or come to rest in a comfortable position
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