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How to say shake in Arabic

What's the Arabic word for shake? Here's a list of translations.

Arabic Translation


More Arabic words for shake
noun هزة
haza jolt, shock, jerk, concussion, jolting
verb اهتز
aihtaz rock, shook, vibrate, sway, shiver
verb هز
haz wag, rock, vibrate, rattle, ring
verb رج
raj concuss, rattle
verb نفض
nafd throw up, kick up, adjourn, split, knock out
noun مصافحة
musafaha handshake, clasp
noun تحريك
tahrik mobilization, motivation
verb صافح
safah clasp, palm, shake hands with
verb زعزع
zaezae unsettle, rattle, stampede, rock
verb تخلص من
takhlus min get rid of, dispose of, weed out, shake off, escape
verb ارتعش
airtaeash tingle, shiver, jerk, shudder, tremble
noun صرف
sarf exchange, dismissal
noun ارتجاج
airtijaj shudder, jerk, shaking, jolting
verb أثار المشاعر
'athar almashaeir shake up, work up
verb تساقط
tusaqit fall, molt, collapse, moult, shake off
verb تخلى
takhalaa give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce, let down
verb سب
sb swear, revile, blaspheme, blackguard, slur
verb ارتجف
airtajaf dither, tremble, shudder, quiver, palpitate
verb انتفض
aintafad flounce, quiver, shiver, tremble, twitch
verb هز الشجرة
haz alshajara shake
noun قشعريرة
qasherira shudder, chill, shiver, tremble, gooseflesh
noun طرد
tard expulsion, package, dismissal, eviction, ejection
noun ارتعاش
airtieash trembling, twitter, tremor, shaking, quiver
noun هزة أرضية
hazat 'ardia earthquake, tremor, quake
noun رجة
raja jerk, concussion, shock
verb استخرج
aistakhraj extract, elicit, educe, read out, evolve
verb ذهل
dhahal stun, surprise, astound, shock, flabbergast
verb ترنح
tarnah totter, sway, grogginess, limp, falter, lurch, stagger, reel, titubation
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