Opposite of in the early part of growth or life
“The teenager gave up his seat for the old man on the bus.”
Opposite of lacking in professional experience
“An expert project manager will take key learnings from previous work and not make the same mistakes.”
Opposite of newly produced or obtained
“Let's throw out the old and expired goods in our pantry.”
Opposite of young in age, having not reached maturity
Opposite of belonging or happening near the beginning of a particular period
“In the recent versions of the popular game, the graphics have become increasingly realistic with more complex game mechanics.”
Opposite of in a state of good health
“If you don't mind me saying, you look a bit sickly and could do with a bowl of bone broth to cure what ails you.”
(of a person) Opposite of new or inexperienced for a given role or position
“The company has recruited some experienced executives who can hit the ground running immediately.”
Opposite of for, or denoting, young or younger people
Opposite of attractive, especially in a youthful manner
“He had no time for the unattractive girls, and his excuse was that he was purely a visual person.”
Opposite of trendy or fashionable
“He wore baggy, rainbow-colored pants that were highly unfashionable.”
Opposite of offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth
“The parent must always ensure the safety of their children when driving a motor vehicle.”
Opposite of people who are young collectively
“It is proper etiquette to surrender your seat to the elderly on a public mode of transport.”
Opposite of the children or descendants of a person or animal
Opposite of a number of young animals born to an animal at one time
Opposite of one's progeny, at any distance of time or through any number of generations
“The people of the hill tribes continue the traditional beliefs and practices of their ancestors.”
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