Opposite of not arranged neatly and in order
“I had to admit, the desktop looked so neat and clean, with the pencils and pens in a mug, the stapler and desk calendar arranged just so.”
Opposite of ungroomed in appearance
“I try to be well-groomed, but clean, well-cut hair and a dab of lipstick are about the extent of my beauty regimen.”
Opposite of consisting of disorganized, untidy, or incomplete parts
Opposite of ungroomed or untidy in appearance
Opposite of unable to be read or deciphered
Opposite of covered or marked with an unclean substance
“Please wash your hands to keep them clean at all times.”
Opposite of excessively decorated
“A minimalist approach will work best when redecorating this room to provide it with a more moderate look.”
(especially of a place) Opposite of poor in quality and appearance
“The rich couple could afford a luxurious apartment on the swanky side of town.”
Opposite of to undo the arrangement of
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