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What is the opposite of single meaning?

Need antonyms for single meaning? Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Opposite of implied or explicit significance
“The flippancy of his statement says much about the insignificance of the matter to him.”
Opposite of an aim or end result that one hopes to achieve
“Often, the pointlessness of his rhetoric comes to the fore.”
Opposite of the inherent value in something or someone
“The lead character struggles desperately to find a way to circumvent the terrible meaninglessness of his existence.”
Opposite of the general idea, intention or meaning of something
Opposite of possession of a similar meaning through paraphrasing
“He was accused of saying some vile things but a recording proved his words to have actually been to the contrary.”
Opposite of the general idea, intention or meaning of something
Opposite of an exact statement or description of the meaning of a word or phrase
Opposite of an explanation of, or the act of explaining, something
Opposite of a specific meaning
“Even more interestingly for consideration of this text's structure, Ames stresses the particular quality of this phrase's polysemy.”
Opposite of the principal purpose or theme of a course of action or line of reasoning
Opposite of the object or goal of something
“Warnings on cigarette packets serve as a deterrent to would-be smokers.”
Opposite of the implicit meaning of a text, often a literary one, or a speech or dialogue
Opposite of the main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument
“A major subtheme of the book is the feud between Generals Philip Schuyler and Horatio Gates.”
Opposite of the material dealt with in a speech, performance or work
“By way of digression and as an aside, here's a little anecdote from education.”
Opposite of an aim, intention or purpose
Opposite of intention or purpose
Opposite of the fact or state of having a connection to, or being related to, something else
“Persson defines homonymy as a concept which refers to words where there is complete conceptual unrelatedness between phonologically and categorically identical forms.”
Opposite of the fact of having a bearing on or being related to
“There's a difference between taking one for the team and being the fall guy.”
Opposite of intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed
“She gave Gabriel a deadpan look.”
Opposite of persuasive or forceful in speech or writing
Opposite of revealing, indicating, or betraying something
Opposite of full of meaning or significance
Opposite of present participle for to signify or convey an object or idea
“The refrigerator is still full of food, which will contradict any presumption that I have to go shopping for groceries again.”
Opposite of present participle for to have intentions for a given outcome
“It would chance that Cersei and Jaime would have children, though it may not necessarily have been their intention to do so.”
(usually used in past participle form) Opposite of present participle for to design or destine for a particular purpose
“I could only dream that I would achieve greatness one day, even if it was never meant to be.”
Opposite of present participle for to have as a consequence or result
“The expected lull in the economy will negate the prospect of prosperity for most people.”
Opposite of present participle for to be important (to)
“It would be of no consequence to me if you chose not to be my bridesmaid at my wedding.”
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