Opposite of present participle for to fill out a financial document, typically a check/cheque
“Please cancel the check as the deal is off!”
Opposite of present participle for to make or declare legally valid
“Having your will reviewed by a good attorney will guard you against loopholes in the document that could invalidate the will in your state.”
Opposite of present participle for to have as a consequence or result
“The expected lull in the economy will negate the prospect of prosperity for most people.”
Opposite of present participle for to act on, or put into action, a request
“Your demands are unreasonable and I will do everything I can to repeal them.”
Opposite of present participle for to schedule an event or action
“We will have to cancel our meeting that was scheduled after our lunch break.”
Opposite of present participle for to demonstrate or support the truth or value of
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