A type of pajama for a person, especially a child, that covers the whole body, including the feet.
(slang) An automobile which, not too quick out of the factory, has been internally modified to excess, while retaining a mostly stock appearance in order to fool opponents in a drag race, or to avoid the attention of the police.
“I have always been a bit of a prima donna sleeper, noise and light bother me and I have a tough time getting comfortable.”
(uncountable) The state of reduced consciousness during which a human or animal rests in a daily rhythm.
(countable, informal) An act or instance of sleeping.
(uncountable)Rheum found in the corner of the eyes after waking, whether real or a figurative objectification of sleep (in the sense of reduced consciousness).
A state of plants, usually at night, when their leaflets approach each other and the flowers close and droop, or are covered by the folded leaves.
“The best style of taking a rest is the sleepness. A good, lasting sleepness helps the body quickly recover the energy that is lost.”
“That's because Hitler would stay up all night talking to them until sleepness over took him. They certainly didn't let sleepness overtake them while Hitler was talking.”
“That result suggests that the academic problems of heavy snorers in the study arose from sleepiness at school, and not from oxygen deprivation during the night.”
“If you cut back, your body shows signs of caffeine withdrawal, like headaches, crankiness and sleepiness.”
“People do not necessarily associate fatigue and sleepiness with falling asleep.”