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What is the noun for liberally?

What's the noun for liberally? Here's the word you're looking for.

  1. The condition of being free from control or restrictions.
  2. The condition of being free from imprisonment, slavery or forced labour.
  3. The condition of being free to act, believe or express oneself as one chooses.
  4. Freedom from excessive government control.
  5. A short period when a sailor is allowed ashore.
  6. (often plural) A breach of social convention.
  7. A local division of government administration in medieval England.
  8. In the board game go, an empty space next to a group of stones of the same color.
  9. Synonyms:
  10. Examples:
    1. “Andy Dufresne would use his ingenuity to engineer his liberty from Shawshank Penitentiary.”
      “It means that you cannot deny that someone has the rightful liberty to pursue happiness as they see fit.”
      “It was necessary, in the present circumstances, to protect the country's liberty against the onslaughts of a pernicious ideology.”
  1. One who advocates liberty, either generally or in relation to a specific issue.
  2. (chiefly US) A believer in a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy (‘free market’) and in personal behavior where no one’s rights are being violated or threatened; also, a ‘classical liberal’, akin to an ‘anarcho-capitalist’.
  3. (chiefly Britain, Ireland) A left-libertarian, an antiauthoritarian believer in both individual freedom and social justice (social equality and mutual aid), such as a social anarchist.
  4. (philosophy) A believer in thinking beings' freedom to choose their own destiny, i.e. a believer in free will as opposed to those who believe the future is predetermined.
  5. Synonyms:
  6. Examples:
    1. “The libertarian advocate proposed a policy that aligned with their strong belief in freedom of thought and action.”
      “The libertarian argued fiercely for individual liberty and limited government at the town hall meeting.”
  1. One with liberal views, supporting individual liberty (see Wikipedia's article on Liberalism).
  2. (US) Someone left-wing; one with a left-wing ideology.
  3. A supporter of any of several liberal parties.
  4. (Britain) One who favors individual voting rights, human and civil rights, and laissez-faire markets (also called "classical liberal"; compare libertarian).
  5. Synonyms:
  1. The quality of being liberal.
  2. (politics) Any political movement founded on the autonomy and personal freedom of the individual, progress and reform, and government by law with the consent of the governed.
  3. (economics) An economic ideology in favour of laissez faire and the free market (related to economic liberalism).
  4. Synonyms:
  5. Examples:
    1. “Today's liberalism holds that remedial measures are necessary to compensate for past injustices.”
      “Trial lawyers and MTV are bastions of liberalism and, therefore, kissing cousins.”
      “So, even if the world hasn't been accommodating to liberalism to date, this does not mean that it cannot be made into a liberal world order.”
  1. The property of being liberal; generosity; charity.
  2. A gift; a gratuity.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “The philanthropist demonstrated their liberality by donating a significant amount of money to various charitable organizations.”
      “The liberality of the teacher allowed for diverse viewpoints to be expressed in the classroom.”
      “The liberality of John's views allowed him to embrace diverse opinions and cultures with an open mind.”
  1. The act of liberating or the state of being liberated.
  2. The process of striving to achieve equal rights and status.
  3. Synonyms:
  4. Examples:
    1. “It marked the 24th anniversary of the liberation of her country from colonial rule.”
      “Our struggle for liberation continues to this day.”
      “The Ascension of Christ at the end of his time on earth is his liberation from restrictions of time and space.”
  1. (philosophy) A political philosophy maintaining that all persons are the absolute owners of their own lives, and should be free to do whatever they wish with their persons or property, provided they allow others that same liberty.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “But libertinism itself is as distinct from libertarianism as worship of Mammon is distinct from conservatism.”
      “And here a certain sort of libertarianism comes full circle to join hands with a certain sort of leftism.”
      “Anti-smoking is one of those issues, like porn-censorship, animal rights and gun control, that can drive me to drink and libertarianism.”
  1. A variety of libertarianism that prioritises emancipation over maximal property rights and rejects minarchy.
  1. A state, the quality, or an extent of being liberalminded.
  1. (historical) Someone freed from slavery in Ancient Rome; a freedman.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Shelley, who knew him almost as well as anyone, believed that Byron was never a revolutionary so much as a libertine.”
      “Her newly found manuscript shows that she thought he was a libertine who had set out to seduce her.”
  1. (derogatory) Language used by political liberals; liberalese.
  2. Synonyms:
  1. The conduct or activities of a libertine; licentiousness.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “For whole periods she imagined him to be a monster of libertinage and she could not see that he could have anything against her.”
      “Yet the discussion of the family in the Philosophy of Right is in general more conservative and criticizes the emphasis on free love as leading to libertinage and promiscuity.”
      “What an answer to the platitudes of fanatics who have the audacity to assert that philosophy is but the fruit of libertinage!”
  1. (rare) The fear or hatred of political liberals.
  1. One who is freethinking in religious matters.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Shelley, who knew him almost as well as anyone, believed that Byron was never a revolutionary so much as a libertine.”
      “Her newly found manuscript shows that she thought he was a libertine who had set out to seduce her.”
  1. (derogatory) Language used by political liberals.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “This is the bottom line of revolution, and the very alphabet of liberalese.”
  1. A person who works or advocates for liberation
  2. Examples:
    1. “He had, it was suspected, liberationist sympathies, so that it was of no great importance that he was not quite convinced.”
      “This leaves a gaping hole at the centre of the liberationist argument.”
      “The introduction explains that the book is not liberationist but rather a liberative ethics approach.”
  1. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of liberalization
  2. Examples:
    1. “There, non-governmental groups are proliferating as poverty increases and trade liberalisation undermines local economies.”
      “The Blair grouping believes in liberalisation, in free competition and is opening up to the rest of the world.”
      “Firstly, reciprocal trade liberalisation will not help poor countries develop.”
  1. (derogatory) A rightist libertarian.
  1. An adherent to liberaltarianism.
  1. A person who frees or liberates.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “What intelligence has to do in the service of impulse is to act not as its obedient servant but as its clarifier and liberator.”
      “The most prominent of these was Sultan Saladin, the 12th-century defeater of the Crusaders and liberator of Jerusalem.”
      “The following day, de Gaulle staged a triumphal procession which confirmed his position as liberator and leader of France.”
  1. A belief in, or policy of, liberation.
  2. Examples:
    1. “Once this 'trumping thesis' is dismantled, we follow Zamir in search of a version of speciesism that actually is in opposition to liberationism.”
      “In turn, natural scientists protect the humanists from political pressure, freeing them to pursue Rousseauistic liberationism.”
      “The third dimension is linguistic, but quite unlike the hedonistic liberationism of some American open-field poetics.”
  1. Alternative spelling of liberalizer
  1. One who, or that which, liberalizes.
  1. The process or act of making more liberal.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “Globalization has meant economic liberalization, which has meant throwing markets open to international competition.”
      “Freedom, democracy and fraternity are people's slogans and globalization and liberalization are the slogans of imperialism.”
      “Financial liberalization is one of the key requirements for Taiwan's entry into the WTO, but Taiwan has been slow in the area so far.”
  1. (rare, dated) A female liberator.
  1. Obsolete form of liberality.
  1. The property of being liberal.
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “But to activists, Berkeley's liberalness doesn't change the fact that the prospect of the tax passing – and a precedent being set – worried soda companies enough to inspire millions in spending.”
      “The Hello! spread also reveals a certain liberalness in the Jolie-Pitt household, with the older children being allowed to paint their nails and put coloured highlights in their hair.”
      “When Picasso returned to Barcelona that Christmas, he must have felt all the more keenly that this city did not have much more to offer him despite all its liberalness.”
  1. Archaic spelling of liberty.
  1. (derogatory) A libertarian.
  1. A liberal.
  2. Examples:
    1. “This would only hide the present lack of insight and ideas among the Australian progressivist and liberalist middle class.”
      “They've got a snooty superior liberalist attitude to the working-classes and conservatives alike.”
      “His company republishes the works of classical 19th century French liberalist economists.”
  1. plural of liberalization
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “This highlights the continuing totalitarian assumptions of the state, despite liberalizations flowing from the marketization of the economy.”
  1. plural of liberalisation
  2. Examples:
    1. “However, the liberalisations soon became moot because EU agricultural controls supervened.”
  1. plural of liberaltarian
  1. plural of liberationism
  1. plural of liberationist
  2. Examples:
    1. “Now there's street parties and animal liberationists, anarchists and after-protest parties.”
      “Animal liberationists have dared to question the right of our species to assume that human interests must always prevail.”
      “Animal liberationists opposed to the ill-treatment of guinea pigs might be on the lookout for new targets.”
  1. plural of libertardian
  1. plural of liberaliser
  2. Examples:
    1. “The laws of economics are on the side of the liberalisers, and whatever drawbacks the dictates of the dismal science may have, moral outrage is not one of them.”
  1. plural of liberalizer
  1. plural of libertarian
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “We need to prove to the moderates, independents and western libertarians that we are tough enough.”
      “Like libertarians, anarchists believe that morality is a matter of opinion or personal taste.”
      “The trouble with libertarians is that their models always leave out important variables.”
  1. plural of liberatress
  1. plural of liberation
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The debates showed a real concern about the state parties and the liberations movements.”
      “At this time, the committee has received over 2,300 letters from tribal chieftains which have led to hundreds of liberations.”
      “In order to survive, we are often attracted by structures that we wanted to escape, although personal liberations often take torturous ways.”
  1. plural of liberator
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The Tyrannicides were even cited as the liberators of Athens in drinking songs.”
      “He then asked Horan if the coalition forces in Iraq were liberators or occupiers.”
      “Some of our formerly rescued and rehabilitated children are now the leaders and liberators in their own communities.”
  1. plural of libertine
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “They are libertines, people who have gone with the contemporary cultural flow of destroying moral rules and boundaries.”
      “Post-moral tradition-hating libertines might do well to pause in the midst of their celebrations to consider this.”
      “So when did he discover his penchant for playing bad boys and dangerous libertines?”
  1. plural of libertard
  1. plural of liberal
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “So prevalent are the warbloggers that they now have awards, just like the weak-kneed Hollywood liberals most of them despise.”
      “By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites.”
      “The Bad Guys were the European Union, the sexual liberals, the would-be abolishers of the pound and the Bureaucrats.”
  1. plural of liberty
  2. Synonyms:
  3. Examples:
    1. “The power of judicial review has allowed the Supreme Court to protect civil liberties within America.”
      “Culturally and juridically, cities were always associated with special rights and liberties.”
      “Essential civil and political liberties have been denied so systematically that they may as well be luxuries.”
  1. plural of liberal
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