“Since it's inflatable, various artworld wags have been plotting how to shoot a dart into its side and watch it flobber down like a great big burst balloon.”
“Alloway clarified these terms in 1966, at which time Pop Art had already transited from art schools and small galleries to a major force in the artworld.”
“The artists' recorded comments on the audio guide revealed their collusion in trendy artspeak.”
“It's as unintelligible a piece of artspeak and psychobabble as I have ever stumbled through, and a dictionary is not supplied.”
“Its parade of sententious and yawningly vacuous postmodern artspeak can only serve to perpetuate the perception of the contemporary art world as a self-serving elite.”
“For all the talk of musicals and artiness, Lee knows there are considerable risks involved with his latest endeavour.”
“However, I think these same top tier talents need to reign in their artiness.”
“Every industrial city has a macho culture, but Newcastle's hasn't been leavened with the artiness and creativity which makes a city like Glasgow so diverse and so intriguing.”