Well thought out strategies
Means to an end
The mechanics of a movement
Plural for the manner by which an issue, policy or goal is handled or achieved
“Our approach to improving our market share is to improve the quality of our products.”
Plural for an initial proposal or request
“I am hoping for an approach by a venture capitalist seeking to invest in my company.”
Plural for the act of drawing near
“Jaime Lannister watched in horror at the approach of Daenerys Targaryen's fire-breathing dragons.”
Plural for access to a place or building
“They traveled on horseback tentatively toward the approach of the heavily fortified castle.”
Plural for an approximation to something
“His inane ramblings bore little approach to coherency.”
(aviation) Plural for the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
“An aircraft is on approach to Runway 09L at London's Heathrow Airport.”
To come or go near, or nearer to, in place or time
“His faithful pet dog would approach whenever its name was called.”
To draw near a specified destination
“By sunset, the Vikings would approach the village, ready to raid and pillage.”
To come close in quantity or quality
“The world's population will approach ten billion within several decades.”
To make contact with
“You should approach the police department if you have been the victim of a crime.”
To make a request or suggestion
“Let's approach Jayden about joining our chess club.”
To make an attempt at handling a problem or policy
“We must approach this persistent problem with a different strategy if we are to solve it.”
To begin an undertaking
“We will have a meeting later today to discuss how we can best approach this new project.”
Related Words and Phrases
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