The king's carriage waited just off the bridge, escorted by two mounted men at arms, one on either side. |
So I waited a few days until temptation got the better of me and I rang the number. |
He pointed out that students, teachers and parents had waited a long time for this building to become a reality. |
There were 3 people behind the bar, one serving and yet we waited 20 minutes. |
Under the scorching sun, tens of thousands of people waited patiently to hear the speeches. |
Nikolai waited for them in front of the building, whose curved face was ablaze with light. |
All around them the bandits waited on horseback, except for Calderon who sat on the gypsy wagon's seat whistling a calming melody to his horses. |
Outside the council's administration centre Mayor Darling and the Chief of Navy waited to receive the salute of the officers and sailors. |
She took a chair beside a disheveled looking woman who was most likely a writer and waited patiently for someone important to arrive. |
There were traffic tailbacks stretching for half a mile as cars waited for the police to reopen the road. |
Tiger's branch was then cut off, while the SPCA waited below with a safety net to catch her. |
I watched him carefully through guarded eyes and waited until I thought he had calmed down before I spoke again. |
We took pictures, bummed cigarettes from other people in the crowd, and waited impatiently for the band to come on. |
We discussed the service as I vested, then waited in the sacristy for the sound of feet on the chapel floor. |
Will waited for another lull in the activity outside the office before going back out. |
The faction of Moscow loyalists essentially waited and picked up the pieces of the shattered organization. |
It had been years since the last time he fought hand to hand and the rush he was now experiencing made him wonder why he had waited so long. |
The passengers were kept in the airport lounge and given lunch and drinks while they waited to re-board. |
Chris then waited four seconds before resuming his verbal assault on Patrick's frayed nerves. |
He waited for what seemed to be hours before the priest came up the creaking, lopsided ladder. |
Her father Seamus helped fix her train as they waited nervously for the organ to begin the wedding march. |
He waited for a reaction from her, watching as her back tensed and then loosen as her shoulders sagged. |
The place was packed, but the crowd waited patiently for a long time to get the singer's autograph. |
Satyne expected him to just go into it but he actually waited for her permission. |
The driver of the skip wagon told police he had waited several minutes while another vehicle left the weighbridge. |
Jones waited to see how much weight she would gain, but lost weight instead. |
She was discovered by two men, who moved her on a sofa to higher ground, where she waited for a helicopter to lift her to hospital. |
The next time we were all rafted up together, I waited until they went swimming, and rifled through their wallets for the extra four bucks. |
I waited until the gate had closed behind me and I was out of sight to do my jump for joy. |
The thieves waited for the interval between the security men leaving the gallery and the alarm being set before making away with the pictures. |
Alexander waited until Maria had settled onto the sofa, before himself sitting down in a well-upholstered armchair. |
Hanagan's mount got a good run on the rails and he waited for the gaps to come and was rewarded for his patience with his first Goodwood winner. |
As he waited to hole out on the 72nd green at Oakland Hills in 1937, Guldahl removed a comb from his pocket and coolly groomed his hair. |
The Italian confirmed the target's house, and turning round, the driver pulled in and waited round the corner. |
He leant against the small bench and waited for Callum to return from round the corner. |
Devin waited until he heard the lock in the door latch shut, and upon hearing it, he walked right by Sandra and walked up the stairs. |
Throughout the show, hundreds of his admirers waited outside brandishing posters of support and chanting his name. |
For two days, he waited in the corridor and rooms of Teesside Crown Court while the jury considered its verdicts. |
By the time I got there she was just visible going past the bridge so we sat and waited for her to come back. |
The people on the camels seemed to be waving to them, so they waited until they were within hearing range. |
She has literally waited for the minute when we turned our backs and seized the moment. |
She waited patiently until she heard the rap of the door and raced downstairs to open up the door. |
Soldiers and armoured cars waited in streets adjacent to the three-story school, where nearly 900 children aged seven to 17 studied. |
Those on hand waited eagerly for the choppers as the mist turned to rain and the wind whipped the palm trees that edge the field. |
She waited awhile but no sound was heard, not even the twittering of birds outside. |
He said he waited four months hoping that it could be given an affirmative vote by the House. |
Once seated in the armchairs around a blazing fire, they ordered tea and waited silently. |
Families dressed in black placed protective arms around one another as they waited for the first glimpse of their loved ones. |
But try telling that to the little old lady who has waited in vain a couple of years for a vital eye operation. |
When he learnt of a valuable Baltic convoy carrying timber and tar for shipbuilding due into port, he waited to ambush it off Scarborough. |
The rest of the men waited on a piece of rock inhabited by penguins, seals, and ice in the hope of their captain's return. |
I waited impatiently for the day when Dad would announce that we'd made it roadworthy. |
We waited another minute, till finally, we heard keys jangle and a masculine throat-clearing. |
We waited in line for an hour, which was fine, the weather was amazingly sunny and warm. |
We waited well over an hour for our tapas dishes which were quite disappointing. |
However, I waited until this April before jumping in, when my pay rise lessened the blow of starting to pay into a pension. |
She shuffled papers on her desk, and he went into his office, made a few phone calls, and waited for the confrontation. |
The same woman waited until the delicately poised last chords of Mahler's slow movement to get up and leave. |
Hailey hurriedly trudged up to her front door, rang the bell and waited for an answer. |
She smoothed out the long skirt of her gown and waited for Thomas to stand. |
Workers waited anxiously for news about whether they would have to forgo their paychecks. |
Bening plays the spirited Sue Barlow, a spinster who has waited to meet the right man. |
All was silent in the courtroom, recently redone in rich mahogany, as they waited for the judge to give his final verdict. |
If he waited for reinforcements, then his ship would be cut to ribbons by the time help arrived. |
David waited tables, sold typewriter ribbons, and even delivered singing telegrams. |
Even now, as she rested and waited for the signal to begin the retreat, the color on Guo's mantle did not even fade slightly. |
There was desperate silence, as if David was hoping that if he waited long enough, the question would be retracted. |
The older boy squatted down on his heels and waited for his guest to resurface, hoping that the water would cool off his anger. |
He agreed to stay at the castle to be waited upon hand and foot and to rest up for their return to the Tower. |
They waited as the boat drew alongside, still keeping a respectful distance. |
After resealing the bag, I waited for the sugar cubes to dissolve, then kneaded the pulp a little to ensure a good mix. |
He waited until November last year when he began to re-roof part of the building. |
While the lawyers were with the judge, he sat and waited at one end of the hallway on the fourth floor. |
Last week, the crowd of lawmen and women were lounging in Courtroom One as they waited for the judge to arrive. |
As we waited to go out again, we sat in a circle, laughed and ate hot cross buns. |
Ninety percent of the managers waited until Friday afternoon to reply to Brown. |
I did keep my gob shut and I waited till she let off her own yell of anger before joining in the rant against the dastardly final twist. |
Police said the pair waited until the pub was empty before bursting in as the landlord and the barmaid were cashing up. |
Litus had waited for a long time, waiting for one of the two to return, to relieve him from his watchful duties. |
There was a respectful pause as the Senior Prayer Officer waited for the Almighty to give him his attention. |
So I waited and waited and dreamed up my all-time favourite festival line-up. |
By his watch, he waited for another forty-five minutes, sitting on the steps in an alley behind the building. |
He lingered in the doorway and waited as she hastily fastened the laces and tied the anklet around her heel. |
Casey shut her eyes and waited until the plane had levelled out and was cruising before opening them again. |
Hundreds waited in line, even in the day's wretched weather, to try and register their willingness to help. |
I waited for more information with reference to national and community programs but to no avail. |
My original wingman waited for me at the bottom of the ladder, relieved to see me safe and sound. |
Amy and I waited until I got sick and tired of waiting, and knocked lightly on the window. |
She was still smiling as she waited for the redhead and the brunette to leave. |
The cheerful little woman cooked, washed, ironed, cleaned, looked after the children and waited on her husband. |
I waited eagerly for words of wisdom from a man at the very pinnacle of his career, I thought he'd be sure to know what to put right. |
They swiftly heeled a scrum on the champions' line, and Thomson cleverly waited while he assessed his options. |
Residents last night waited at a reception centre opposite the flats to learn if they will be able to return to their homes. |
Instead, I waited patiently for the impatient truck driver behind her to give her a blast on his air horn. |
Camera in hand, motionless, I waited for the right moment, my window of opportunity. |
The aircraft commander, who was at the controls, waited for the kick associated with the missile release. |
Vicki stepped off the escalator, waited for him to do the same, and then motioned ahead. |
While they waited for the disease to burn itself out, they entertained each other with racy stories about wicked priests and randy nuns. |
I waited for her to embrace me, but there were no hugs, no gentle strokes, no soothing words of love. |
A few boats came by and gave a ride to most onboard while we waited for the tide to turn and eventually kedged ourselves free. |
My husband waited for me in the anteroom while I entered the rabbi's study to speak with him privately. |
I waited until the puppies were weaned then I tied red bows around their necks, put them in a box and headed to Mrs. Rooney's home. |
We'd have waited until Sunday and recorded the songs off The Top 40 if it had been us. |
Asha waited expectantly, with a trace of fear and curiosity, her heartbeat quickening slightly at the prospect. |
Police said last night that the intruder may have been working with an accomplice who waited outside the flat. |
So I stayed there, and the cat joined me, and we quailed and quaked and waited for it to stop. |
Jack quickly doused the cubes with some water and then waited until they dissolved and flowed into the absinth. |
A lot of us got out and waited for the emergency services, who arrived within about ten minutes. |
Before going into the bathroom, I waited for the other shoe to drop, my wake-up call. |
His father always waited up until his son returned from meetings late in the evening. |
Manager Don Givens waited up until 4am for the player to return to HQ, at which point he gave up and went to bed. |
Where once convicts were forced to hop around the exercise yard in the blazing sun, they now sunbathe in deckchairs, waited on by the guards. |
The fortnight was officially launched on Tuesday, with visitors to the city's Market Square being waited on and served fine food and drink. |
Seneca ridiculed a wealthy man because he kept a handsome slave who was dressed like a woman when he waited at table. |
The Alyeraen ships, especially the royal vessels never waited at the main docks. |
A caravan of trams stuck in the middle of the medieval city waited in line for the protest to end. |
Stan waited until the stomachs were full and the audience well oiled before selling the raffle tickets that brought in a bundle for the local Boys Orphanage. |
While people trapped in the Convention Center had no water and those in the Superdome were rationed to a pint a day, the USS Bataan waited for federal orders just offshore. |
Some kids went up the stairs, and some waited for the elevator. |
She poised her pencil above the paper and waited for the signal to begin writing. |
The hall buzzed with excitement as the audience waited for the show to start. |
We were all joking and giggling nervously as we waited for the ceremony to begin. |
As I waited to speak to Manning, a cleaning woman poked her head out from one of the adjacent rooms to peer at me. |
After the last magnet was retrieved, she assumed slave posture and waited for Couple to unclasp the clamps. |
As the country waited with baited breath, national media covered the mission to rescue the miners, stuck 240 feet underground. |
They waved and banged away, some for as long as four hours while they waited for Romney to arrive. |
Hawking took 10 minutes to build up the answer on his computer and the audience waited with bated breath. |
We all may have waited with bated breath for Wiig's big, first post-Bridesmaids, post-SNL star vehicle. |
The Chinese public had waited so long for their Ping-Pong Spring that they bellowed constant approval of the rout. |
Time was suspended as the world watched and waited for news about the young, brave girl from the Swat Valley. |
At his shows, I remember there being a hushed, breathless anticipation as we waited to see which song Smith would play next. |
So, like real pumas, the women who waited to see are just tiptoeing away, catlike, from the battle. |
The funicular cars waited at an impossible angle on the sloping track. |
Some 12 or so young people from the Fagley Youth Club waited on table, served our food and generally looked after us to make it a wonderful party. |
The coachman obediently waited on me and put out a hand to assist me. |
She waited for the sky to open again, for the prey to rain from above. |
The Republicans all waited to eat their cheesecake while diligently devouring their greens. |
The candidate with the largest war chest waited until later in the summer, had a novice time buyer and ended up paying as much as two to three times more for the same ads. |
The men watched and waited for Hornblower to return to the quarterdeck. |
He walked me home and waited until I waved from my window to leave. |
He waited for her to go away, expecting her to rejoin her friends. |
My millennial friends have waited in line beside a cluster of Orthodox women in long dark skirts to be seen by Peggy. |
But shareholders were initially keeping their powder dry as they waited to see if the world's largest brewer would open up with a counter bid and raise the bidding stakes. |
I had also heard that musical theatre stars only come alive when on stage so I tried to be as dead and grumpy as I could in the wings as I waited to go. |
After the recessional Croft waited until the exodus had abated, nodded silently to her ladyship as she passed down the aisle, and followed the stragglers out. |
A spell was cast over Croydon as hundreds of Harry Potter fans waited for the witching hour to get their hands on the latest instalment of the child wizard's adventures. |
Dozens more without tickets waited outside to soak up the atmosphere. |
He redialed the number of the bodyguard and waited for him to pick up. |
As she waited for her hearing, Sclove saw her attacker around campus, in the library and in the dining hall. |
We stopped at the main desk of the dingy motel, one my mother would not have been happy with, and waited while Jimmy registered and checked us in. |
He took his seat on the stool and waited for the crowd to quieten. |
She gently laid the pills next to it and waited for her brother to answer. |
During the lunch hour, I was waiting for the lambers to get back, and I waited all alone in a big field of about 100 pregnant ewes, the last of the herd to come through. |
Not daring to start the engine, he released the brake and pushed the bike back to the supermarket where Emma and Michael waited anxiously for him. |
Anderson says some of the men who come to his self-help organization have waited over 60 years to reveal their abuse. |
This is the same street where the drugstore, in which you always waited is located. |
The World War I memorial has waited 96 years, and drywall safety seems like the definition of optional. |
Instead, they waited until it was over before visiting a boutique near the duomo to buy underwear for Amanda. |
I drove it at speed with the roof off and waited for the howling to become so intolerable that I needed to rest in a lay-by for 20 minutes until the trembling stopped. |
After resealing the bag, I waited for the sugar cubes to dissolve. |
He was old and in failing health, but still taking visitors who daily waited in an anteroom for hours for the privilege of speaking with him for a few minutes. |
Co-pilot on Ethiopian Airlines waited until pilot went to the bathroom and locked him out of the cockpit. |
He waited until they were closer and then flashed the prearranged signal. |
Madden waited for several minutes and watched the coil of rope slowly play out as the two children descended deeper into the bowels of Morecook's cabinet fastness. |
Accessed via a snaking staircase, it was the perfect spot for long breakfasts, chilling out and being waited on by the riad's four delightful staff. |
As we waited in the queue on the wharf, my first impression was of the tremendous amount of rope involved in supporting the rigging and in controlling the set of the sails. |
How many times have you waited on a plane for the pilot and flight crew to arrive from another plane? |
My curiosity rising, I waited for a reaction, but there was none. |
For three years I had been listening to the voice of Hope, and for three years I had waited for a footstep on my threshold. |
The room once again fell silent, as she waited for her answer. |
We waited and waited, and Boris, growing restless, wandered about, fussing with modelling wax and red clay. |
He waited a few minutes to make sure his son didn't rouse then moved the book so that it lay on the bed beside him, within easy reach of Adam's hand. |
The security officers had apparently been watching her steal in the store and waited until she had got outside, thinking she had escaped with her loot, to accost her. |
He was gliding into rallies like a rock star as thousands of people waited in freezing weather to see him. |
I've waited years for my asparagus fern to look this healthy. |
An electric atmosphere filled the air, as the lords, nobles and other important figures all along the table waited in anticipation for the show to begin. |
Sammael waited for a moment before lunging his sword at Jessam. |
The151-foot newborn waited in the harbor on her 171-foot pedestal, a huge French flag fluttering over her dark copper face. |
I waited for several minutes in Woodlands Grove to see if there was any sign of traffic tailing back from the Stockton Lane or Malton Road junction. |
Some would no doubt keep dancing as they waited for the L train, hankering for the next episode of Morning Gloryville. |
We waited for this building work to commence but it was all to no avail. |
Horner waited until Cameron was in an appropriate mood before presenting him with the song. |
As with previous works, this was delayed, and Catatonia performed at festivals during the summer of 1997 while they waited for the release. |
He is said to have ordered caipirinhas and pizza for his pals, while they patiently waited for dinner, eventually sitting at two tables. |
A young woman in a traditional black carsaf waited for the call to midday prayer on Friday outside the Mevlana Mosque in central Konya. |
He got a custard danish that had sat around too long and a cup of builder's, ate the cake while he waited on hold for the bank. |
He twiddled his thumbs for almost a week while he waited for somebody to set up his computer. |
She waited until I was returned to the curtained cubicle where I broke my pre-procedure fast with cold water and saltines. |
She would lure him to a Paris suburb where the gang waited in ambush. |
The urgent tone of the bleeper, which Kayley Keir carries with her at all times, meant a new heart and lung waited in London. |
We staged the cars to be ready for the start, then waited for the starter to drop the flag. |
They waited expectantly while he directed a ruminative yawn toward the white smiling moon. |
The boy waited for spring to follow his sister to the lake to find a red-throated loon to help heal him of his blindness. |
Most of these 'Blackjacks' have waited five years since 2NE1's debut to finally see the girls perform a full show in Malaysia. |
We waited for something to happen, for anything to happen, we were avid for some event to unfold itself out of the burning nothing to save us. |
In January 1874, Gladstone called a general election, convinced that if he waited longer, he would do worse at the polls. |
After being marched to the coast for sale, enslaved people waited in large forts called factories. |
While Roberval waited for artillery and supplies, he gave permission to Cartier to sail on ahead with his ships. |
European slave ships waited at ports to purchase cargoes of people who were captured in the hinterland by African dealers and tribal leaders. |
The plaintiff, Palsgraf, was hit by scales that fell on her as she waited on a train platform. |
He waited for the Earl of Seaforth to arrive with a body of northern clans. |
The winner was announced, and the crowd waited for the winner to accept congratulations before the chairing ceremony, but no winner appeared. |
The alliance then sat back and waited to see what sort of results the forerunners came up with. |
The mutes led the procession, followed by the mourners from the town hall and around 1,100 other mourners who had waited outside. |
He waited for a surrender, announcing an amnesty for all revolutionaries, except foreigners and the leaders. |
It was a homecoming, at last, that Kenyans had waited for for almost a decade. |
William diplomatically waited until both Guala and Ranulf had requested him to take up the post before assuming power. |
On clear nights when the moon was full, she waited for its shining revenant ghost. |
He knew that if he waited until springtime on the far side of the mountains, the Romans would have time to raise another army. |
The Centrones waited to attack, first allowing half of the army to move through the pass. |
We waited expectantly as the guest violinist rosined his bow in preparation to playing. |
Not finding King John II in Lisbon, Columbus wrote a letter to him and waited for the king's reply. |
While Waters sang his opening verse, in darkness, Gilmour waited for his cue on top of the wall. |
Burney waited for word of Johnson's condition, along with Windham, Strahan, Hoole, Cruikshank, Des Moulins and Barber. |
At the book signing Friday, green thumbs young and old waited for Georges to autography their copies. |
Enslaved African Americans had not waited for Lincoln before escaping and seeking freedom behind Union lines. |
The team added samples of permafrost to dishes containing amoebas and then waited to see if the one-celled organisms died. |
Even Mitt Romney waited more than two years to flip-flop on key issues. |
Teach thought that Governor Charles Eden was a man he could trust, but to make sure, he waited to see what would happen to another captain. |
I'm a model convalescent if I'm waited on by anonymous people whose job it is, but very bad at sitting loose-handed about our own small rooms. |
What waited was a capsule that was just as majestic as the celebration. |
Children might have waited on tables for the family, but they could not have participated in the conversation. |
We waited for a letup in the rain, then we ran home before it started again. |
While they waited for their vehicles to arrive, the men of the 3rd RTR were ordered to disperse in the sand dunes and were bombed soon after. |
They waited one long excruciating minute, while Sam counted the kerthumps inside her chest. |
Instead of going to the prime minister about the problem Maurice had waited and then broke King's Regulations by making a public attack. |
The huge crowd waited in silence for dawn to break yesterday at Anzac cove. |
Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole and the other judges waited for an ambulance to come and take the unnamed 16-year-old to hospital to be X-rayed. |
At Eaglescliffe near Yarm crowds waited for the train to cross the Stockton to Yarm turnpike. |
Schapiro had just finished his lecture on Phase I of modernism in painting, and I went up to the lecturn and waited to speak. |
After the sailors waited three days for convenient tides and had dumped cargo, they freed the barque. |
Another student, in a blue sweater-vest, shyly waited his turn. |
The hour while I waited for the pain medication to take effect dragged on agonisingly. |
As he waited for Pamela to return, Richard was standing in the raw before his full-length mirror. |
Who could know what forces those two-meter hulls inshelled, or what fleets and empires waited on their signal? |
He twisted the slimy umbilical around his hand and waited until the afterbirth came away. |
Others with similar theological views waited for imminent union but chose to continue with the Free Church. |
Stop laughing, yes I can be patient, but really it was more like I waited antsily. |
On the Bresle, German troops did little while they waited for the panzer divisions to envelop the southern flank of the IX Corps defence line. |
The Kings waited until they nearly hit rock bottom before they pulled the ripcord Saturday night. |
When you have been waited on by armless hands, and have had a short conversation with a cat, nothing can surprise you much. |
Much too conscientious a Musician, to omit a note of his part, he patiently waited for the pauses, to pull up his nethergarment again. |
A SCHIZOPHRENIC who stabbed a pensioner to death as she waited for a lift should never have been free to attack her, a report found yesterday. |
I waited for the modems to finish their handshaking so I could start transferring the file. |
Many might with joy have sought out her liberal dwelling, but no one had idly waited till the moment it was at her disposal. |
Many passengers were given lilos to sleep on as they waited up to 24 hours at Palma airport for a flight to Britain. |
As he waited for the starter's gun, Muthasim glanced sidewards towards his Yemeni opponent. |
You should have waited a little longer. He showed up right after you left. |
I poured a cola and waited for the fizz to settle down before topping off the glass. |
The Norwegians raided during the winter between 840 and 841, rather than the usual summer, having waited on an island off Ireland. |
Not finding King John II of Portugal in Lisbon, Columbus wrote a letter to him and waited for John's reply. |
Nicholas and his black-masked companions waited with feet planted apart as the dungeon master fumbled for his key ring. |
Each of the nuns was heard in her turn, while the others waited with the domina in the adjoining vestry. |
Anyway, Dad waited up for them. It must have been about midnight when they came in. |
Dad waited up at first, but by the end of sophomore year he was always in bed. |
He lived at the plantation while he waited for funds for his college to arrive. |
The men had tied their boat, The Dolphin, to a lobster pot so they would not drift while they waited for rescue. |
The Japanese had seized the initiative while the Russians waited in port. |
I had my heart in my mouth while I waited for news of my son. |
The winner was announced, and the crowd waited for the winner to stand up to accept the traditional congratulations before the chairing ceremony, but no winner appeared. |
I waited for his assistance but it didn't come. He let me trail for I don't know how long. I hollered and cried, cursed, rocked the boat. No soap. |
Crouched in the surrounding English countryside, a small army of twitchers excitedly watched and waited as they peered through their telephoto lenses. |
He paced nervously as he waited for the important phone call. |
He waited for years and years, hoping someday to find Miss Right. |
Micawbers far from home, they waited for something to turn up. |
So we recorded them again and waited a week for him to come back. |
So now, instead of peeling vegetables in the kitchen and worrying about my five a day, Lady Muck can recline in her chair and be waited on by a charming young man or lady. |
Over 60,000 people waited from four to 12 hours for a hospital bed. |
If he waited for the arrival of his second force, the Marathas would be able to mount a retreat, so Wellesley decided to launch an attack immediately. |
Off-duty officers, thepolice, ambulance and fire brigade were called out, but everyone just stood back and waited until the nine had let off steam and calmed down. |
From there, he ravaged the interior and waited for Harold's return from the north, refusing to venture far from the sea, his line of communication with Normandy. |
We waited for the Good Humor ice cream truck to get ice cream on a stick, huckle bucks, popsicles, or vanilla or chocolate ice cream in a small cup. |
He hath waited by night and day in such wise that he hath stolen so many of my children that of fifteen I have but four, in such wise hath this thief forslongen them. |
While we waited for the hand signal to pull chocks and chains, I noticed someone outside the rotor arc pointing at the tail section of the aircraft. |
The early finishers waited for the other runners to reach the finish line. |
He waited coweringly behind the door as the footsteps approached. |
In a railway control tower at Dunkirk, Ohio, Operator Cliff Schwartzkopf waited for the Pennsylvania's Pennsylvanian, eastbound from Chicago to New York. |
Kurt Fuehlen's brother, Helmut, waited at the basement doorway behind the cathedral, stomping his feet and clomping his mittened hands against his beefy arms. |
She hopped out of the van, and waited calmly as Mr Gray approached. His feet crunched on the chuckies and as he walked, he took out his wallet, again counting the money. |
Flooded with relief, I waited as Bobert took out a notepad and pen. |
Further, at each turn of the land he had waited for a favourable wind. |
John clicked the Search button and waited for the list to populate. |
He waited until March 1887 to make his maiden speech, which opposed the Conservative administration's proposal to give special priority to an Irish Crimes Bill. |
I waited too late to book my holiday flight, so I had to take the red-eye. |
With no medicines or surgical tools, they waited for the arrival of the surgical equipment and medical specialists Stephenson had gone to summon from Manchester. |
We waited for the storm to relent before we ventured outside. |
Confucius therefore waited for the duke to make a lesser mistake. |
The horses fell down three times, the roads being slippery, and we walked three miles to Linlithgow. There we waited two hours, to have the fresh horses roughshod. |
He waited by court sixteen, a semimajor court. It had the most seating next to the Stadium and Grandstand, though less than most high school gyms. |
There was a siegelike atmosphere as we waited behind the locked door. |
But I waited while he dabbed at the cut with styptic powder. |
And this was the hour Brother Jacques had planned and waited for! For this moment he had donned the robes, isolated himself, taken vows, suffered physical tortures! |
I waited for him to take it up, to unravel once again his tale of plotting statesmen and deluded public, his great joke, his private toe hold on the world. |
My heart jumped up amongst my lungs. I never waited for to look further, but uncocked my gun and went sneaking back on my tiptoes as fast as ever I could. |
It was a waiting game, and whichever waited the longer was bound to win. |
As the world waited on every hospital bulletin, Kehm said a journalist dressed as a priest had tried to gain access to the hospital room where Schumacher was being treated. |
The proceeding of meeting was held only twenty minute as members aguishly waited the early arrival of Federal Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi but Minister did not arrived. |
On March 31, 1967, while the Experience waited to perform at the London Astoria, Hendrix and Chandler discussed ways in which they could increase the band's media exposure. |
The patient paged through magazines while he waited for the doctor. |
In the meantime, his forces dug in and waited for the eventual attack by the British Commonwealth forces or the defeat of the Soviet Army at Stalingrad. |