Narrowly missing out on a Grammy award, Wait For Me doesn't sound too much like the blues I was brought up with. |
When asked about the future Wait said that we are all moving towards a cashless society. |
Wait until she feels the noose tighten about her neck and Manx arrows pierce her cold heart upon the walls of Peel! |
Wait long enough and you will see the wrasse enter their mouths or gills to give the insides a good clean-out as well. |
Wait until after the opposition has passed later on Wednesday before making a final decision on a pending matter. |
Wait for just a second or two more and surely the output will be different. |
Wait for the tension to become unbearable, noticing the meaningful glances in the hallways, and then wait for him to kiss you. |
Wait until the line tightens before striking, again be ready for fireworks if the fish is a carp. |
Wait until you have a full load before using a dishwasher or washing machine. |
Wait until someone eventually tells you that you can dress business casual and drop the suits. |
Wait till you had the bandage ready, and the whole reform opportunity would be suffocated by nervous nellies. |
Wait till they get a load of their long-awaited Vatican III and blow a gasket. |
Wait for 2 minutes, when the upper side of the uttapam starts to solidify, turn it over using a spatula. |
Wait 20-30 min to allow the stannous pyrophosphate to circulate throughout the body. |
Wait until your pet is doctored and feeling more like their cheery, upbeat self. |
If there are no tickets available, you can still head over to a theatre and join the Wait List line. |
Wait too long and you get into tornado season, then heat, humidity, poison ivy and oak, snakes and most especially ticks. |
It's here that he serialized the silent story that broke him to North Americans when it was published in 2001 as the graphic novel, Hey Wait. |
Wait until after dinner, when rush hour has ended and ozone is on the wane. |
Wait three minutes between smelling different fragrances, and nibble on a cracker while waiting. |
Wait for governments to take effective action on global warming and you could fry or drown first. |
Wait a minute, thought I. Am I not in France, home of the gratin dauphinois, the mousse au chocolat, the boeuf en daube? |
Wait a couple of minutes before using the printer until the cleaning product has fully evaporated. |
Wait just a second, disengage your magnetic boots, everyone. |
Wait a minute, there is no such thing as magic, or witches or wizards. |
Wait until you serve up these fudge brownie treats, baked in ice-cream cones, and covered in chocolate coating and sprinkles. |
Wait until they come in season here, and then buy locally if poss. |
Wait until your baby is 9-12 months old before giving pasteurized whole cow's milk. |
Wait a couple of minutes after cleaning and before using the printer to let the cleaning product evaporate completely. |
Wait until the machine draws all of the milk out of the udder, which will become flaccid as described above. |
Wait until we get to a Moscow banya. The baths will shoo you out in good time for dinner. |
Wait until they finish school, wait until they get a good job, wait until they reach a position of influence and then they can change things. |
Wait for the bandage to start to unstick and then fall on its own to change the bandage, otherwise you risk to pull your skin up painfully. |
Wait at least 6 weeks, or untill advised by your consultant, before attempting to have a bath. |
Wait a few minutes for the babyBOX to boot up and the lights on the front panel to stop flickering. |
Wait a minute mum, did you know you can get a free insecticide-treated mosquito net from the hospital? |
Wait a minute we almost forgot the regulation of the entire unit by a Hoval TopTronic® T control. |
Wait 15 minutes, proximately until the extinction of red light on the right of the device. |
Wait several minutes, timz for the product to be completely absorbed by skin, before getting dressed. |
Wait one hour before measuring the blood pressure after a substantial meal. |
Wait until you get the confirmation that your book has been successfully unshared. |
Wait until the instrument has completed the automatic switchover of the measuring range. |
Wait for 24-48 hours to allow solidification of Loctite® 222 before using the bike. |
Still, I've only had to take one codeine tablet this month, plus a handful of paracetamol and … Wait. |
Wait until you have the funds and then send in the check even though it is late. |
Wait until your stew is almost done, then remove the lid to allow the sauce to thicken up. |
The Chair: Wait, can we get the quotient numbers or the numbers on how far variant they are? |
Wait times for the simplest of procedures and for more complicated, tertiary institutionalized care continue to grow. |
Wait a short moment and ensure a stable connection or avoid loose connection. |
Wait for at least 8 years or serve now with freshwater fish in matelote style or saffron crab in puff pastry. |
Wait for the channel to change, or press ENTER to change the channel immediately. |
Wait for a very short moment to make the dog's excitement a bit higher and after that allow the dog to get the dog biscuit. |
Wait till I get rich, I'll fly that crooked nosed plane one day. |
Glass jars: Wait until the pressure canner cools down and the pressure inside has gone down before opening the lid. |
When your doctor orders an angiogram, the necessary information is sent to the Wait List Management Office at the Ottawa Heart Institute. |
Wait several minutes and then proceed to scrub with a hammam glove to remove all dead skin. |
Wait 1 to 2 minutes so that the conidia fall down through the tower onto the leaf discs. |
Wait until you see the flashing blood drop on the display before adding the blood sample. |
Wait until the springbok moves as you can see it better among the trees, wait until it is side to us. |
Wait a minute, wait a minute, doesn't BET also air a show called Comic View where on any given day any comedian could have two or three Michael Jackson jokes? |
Wait a while and a map of west London will open up showing the precise location of the shot and all the other photos taken in the surrounding neighbourhood. |
Wait for clarity and totality before starting a new business venture. |
Wait till you see what people captured with their own camera phones. |
Wait until it is safe to overtake, and then pass wide and slow. |
Wait for any release of gas to cease then place the beaker in a boiling water bath and keep it there for 30 minutes or longer, if necessary, in order to hydrolyse thoroughly any starch which may be present. |
Wait 15 minutes before taking that second helping. |
Wait for a couple of years to allow the structure to soften up. |
Wait there, watch the back of the building, and whistle when the coast is clear. |
Wait until all the Santorumites and Newtheads rally around Mitt in Tampa. |
The answer was 1978's Heaven Can Wait, produced, co-directed and cowritten by Warren Beatty. |
Wait about 10 minutes, plug the power cord in, and try again. |
Wait until windshields and windows are defogged before backing out of your space. |
The American air force wants a space vehicle that could fly in or out of the atmosphere and deploy or attack satellites. Abort, retry, fail? Wait a moment, the sceptics will say. |
Wait two to three hours before lying down. |
Wait times to speak to an assistor averaged about 10 minutes, slightly longer than last year. |
Wait Times funding supported the purchase and installation of an additional echo cardiography scanner in Brandon in August 2007, which supported enhanced echo services and lower wait times for echo scans. |
Wait a few sections before reeling in a fish. |
Wait until catkins form on cattails to apply Amitrol or Gramoxone. |
Chicago Public Radio produces programs such as PRI's This American Life and NPR's Wait Wait. |
Wait five seconds to allow the blades to stop rotating, and then use a solid object, such as a stick or a broom handle, to remove the obstruction. |
Wait until all the condensation water has drained out of the tank. |
Wait a minute, Suchart said, now it's becoming too difficult for me. |
Wait a minute then apply your day or night care. |
Wait 2 to 3 days after bringing a puppy or a dog from an animal shelter home before starting to train it, so that it has time to get used to its new surroundings. |
The large wooden tree that took centre stage came alive for Wait It Out, a beautiful little song with Heap plinking away delicately on the piano. |
Apply to clean, dry nails. Wait a few minutes then apply nail varnish. |
Wait until the inverter has connected itself to the mains. |
Wait for the temperature to come down to a reasonable level before touching the lid. |
Wait for the thermal print head and platen roller to dry thoroughly. |
Wait up to five minutes for the heating system to turn on. |
Wait up to 10 minutes for the top note to settle and smell again. |
Wait and see old Caleb Quirk get into the box. I'll settle his hash in half a minute. |
Wait too long and the yolk will be off-center, as the white and chalazae deteriorate. |
Wait while unit locates satellites and calculates current position. |
Wait and see what products become available. |
Wait a couple of weeks and jumpers with reindeer on, chocolates in stocking-shaped presentation packs and sacks of brussels sprouts will be going for a song. |
Wait a few seconds for the experience to sink in. |
Wait until I am finished, and then I'd love to hear a punchy answer. |
Wait for the activation confirmation, replace the receiver. |
Wait a few seconds while this Web page gets refreshed. |
In consultation with medical experts and using the best evidence available, in 2005, the Wait Time Alliance for Timely Access to Health Care put forth benchmarks, or performance goals for diagnostic imaging. |
The successor to his Saturday Roadshow, it carried over some of its regular features such as the Gunge Tank, the Gotcha Oscar and Wait 'Till I Get You Home. |
Heaven Can Wait is a lengthy but frequently funny life history of an old New York skirt chaser from his brownstone puberty to his overripe old age. |
Wait until someone captures them on their phone enjoying themselves and sells it to a media outlet and you'll find plenty of moralisers doing just that. |
We had his trademark high-pitch vocals on Po' Boy Soul, catchy barndance Years Ago, summery Jamaican sound of Wait For The Sunshine and Bob Marley's Who The Cap Fit. |