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How to use very kind in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "very kind"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The airport staff were very kind in sending us a bottle of champagne the following day for our engagement, which we greatly appreciated.
She wasn't great at dancing her waltz, but the judges were very kind to her.
My vegetables will benefit enormously from this very kind and generous action.
So perhaps you'd be so very kind as to be repeating now the tale you and he have been telling for nigh on six months?
I think this film has some clever direction but in a very kind of routine fashion.
Of a very kind and friendly nature, he will be very sadly missed, and always remembered.
Camie and I amused ourselves very well and dear old Betty was very kind to us, helping us in every way she could think of.
She was dark-haired and had a Roman nose, a lovely nose, and very kind eyes and a beautiful mouth, as I remember.
The Alabarch is very kind, but I must confess he is as rigid as a bargeman's pole.
I met and became very good friends with David Gilbert and his family, who were very kind, hospitable and friendly to me.
Or the very kind of conflict between the flesh and the soul, was something they believed, and so you would believe it too.
And you can see that these crinkles in the outer layer of the brain in Alzheimer's Disease have taken on a very kind of moth-eaten appearance.
He was a very good musician and, from all accounts, a very kind human being, and he will be widely missed.
When I got out of prison a couple of years ago he actually was very kind to me.
Karen, as far I could make out, was a lovely girl, very kind, but with a cheeky, wicked sense of humour that matched the impish glint in her eye.
Well, when I came to Johannesburg from the countryside, I knew nobody, but many strangers were very kind to me.
Anne was well known for her beautiful and unusual flower gardens and her very kind and generous nature.
And furthermore, he has mellowed a lot in his old age, and is very kind to everyone.
Melissa, it's very kind of you to have given the dog a home, and given your husband the chance to have a dog.
She honestly looked like a pantomime dame, but she was very kind.
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Examples from Classical Literature
On South River near Parkersburg, we got a good place to camp, and the people were very kind and neighborly.
Captain Thad had had an Uncle Edgar, who had been very kind to him when a boy.
A friend of hers, a Mrs. Langland, who lives at Gunnersbury, was very kind and helpful.
He thanked them for the very kind way in which they had spoken of his companions.
My most respectful acknowledgements to her for it, and for her very kind admonitions.
And Lady Jersey is in all ways admirable, so unfussy, so plucky, so very kind and gracious.
Miss fryer was very grave and quiet, but we were not at all afraid of her, for we knew that she was really very kind.
It was very kind of him, of course, but I wish he would let me alone, and send his old flowers to the grass widow.
Then he looked at the black-browed, scowling woman, and his look was very kind.
It's for the freedmen as well as the Chesters, and I think it very kind of them to let me share the labor and the fun.
You have abetted him in it, and very kind of you it was to do so.
Balaklava, Crimea, January 17th, 1855 My Dear Cousin, Your very kind and welcome letter only reached me about three or four days ago.
Mrs. Bryce was very kind to Kester, but mamma never got on with her.
My shopwalker is very kind where I am, and I dont see any need to change.
Well, they were very good and very kind, but of course they must have either their money or their money's worth.
Bynoe, the surgeon of the Beagle, for his very kind attention to me when I was ill at Valparaiso.
Stella was very kind to me, but in a superior, patronizing way.
People always described him as a gentleman's gentleman who was very kind, polite and considerate.
I have to thank you, Miss Woodhouse, for a very kind forgiving message in one of Mrs.
You are very kind, Frau Schmidt, I hope he will not trouble you.
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