The wonderful and very helpful skycaps do not carry a pocketful of liability-release forms. |
Ten potential targets have been discovered for innovating new vaccine, which is very helpful for disease control. |
I went along to Waverley station on Friday evening, and spoke to a very helpful chap. |
Next the hardware store behind the clock-tower, a veritable Aladdin's cave, always very helpful and obliging. |
It is very helpful for young monastics to be exposed to the influence of dedicated lay practitioners. |
One of the first pieces we did was on the environment, so a study in earth sciences came in very helpful. |
Bean products, fishes, milk, walnuts, Chinese cabbages and tomatoes are very helpful in maintaining healthy eyes. |
A special photographic process is very helpful in detecting early effects of diabetic retinopathy. |
The people we spoke to were all very helpful and friendly and we were only sorry we couldn't stay longer. |
The couple say police have been very helpful and their neighbours have kept an eye out for the culprits but no-one has been caught. |
Some are very helpful and others are motivated as much by self-interest as service. |
I find using carbonated water very helpful to rinse the glass and remove the taste from the mouth as well. |
Role play can be a very helpful tool in learning new ways to deal with power exchanges. |
The teachers at the school have also been very helpful in giving us advice and guidance. |
She was very helpful and had a great community spirit, always willing to help out at the Church, charitable collections etc. |
Again there were some small problems but ground control as always was very helpful and we successfully finished the experiment. |
The absence of dairy products is also very helpful if you suffer from skin complaints such as eczema. |
The book is designed with marginal notes, which takes some getting used to but are very helpful. |
Water on the lunar surface would be very helpful in the creation of permanent bases on the Moon. |
This is very helpful, as creating workable policies generally requires a lot of time and effort. |
The two officers were very helpful and did a lot to calm my shaken brother and mother down. |
By the way, I do not recommend putting grease directly on sears and hammers, but it can be very helpful on drawbars and big moving parts. |
You have a manner of speaking in which you seem to create stories or images that I find very helpful. |
Standards are typically not very helpful in this area since everything is new and ahead of the curve. |
Mapping 398 towns may have seemed cartographically impossible, but even a modern map with county boundaries and rivers would have been very helpful. |
We believe the absence of an internal ding-dong has been very helpful. |
In the longer term, hydrogen technologies could be very helpful for aviation and shipping. |
The idea of ethnoarchaeology can be a very helpful and intriguing tool to the archaeologist when there is a lack of archaeological evidence to support an idea or theory. |
A regular cold hip bath for a duration of 10 minutes twice every day is very helpful in relieving congestion and inflammation of the uterus. |
This is why I voted in favour of Mrs Kovács's report which I regard as being very helpful. |
As a result she could increase her know-how, which was very helpful for her studies, her personal as well as her job-related knowledge. |
It agreed however that it would be very helpful to provide governments with a reference list of documents. |
Constable Condie came out very promptly, and was comforting to us, and very helpful in allaying the fears of our son. |
Furthermore, the service was very helpful for obtaining a second opinion from a distant specialist. |
The U. S. is not very forgiving of those who don't toe the line, and they are very helpful to those who do. |
This businessman also proves very helpful at sea with their aptitude for ship repair and improvements as well as healing shipmates. |
If you have religious beliefs that explain life after death or what death means, this can be very helpful. |
If the dialogue is conducted in public, we quickly enter into a face-saving mechanism, and that is not very helpful in overcoming difficulties. |
Getting more verbose output can be very helpful when trying to debug problems when booting. |
In the case of an injury or other emergency, the Medic Alert bracelet will be very helpful to medical personnel. |
There is a book in the parliamentary library entitled Religion, the missing dimension of statecraft which is very helpful on this subject. |
We believe that Bill C-32 represents, overall, a very helpful updating of the Copyright Act and we would like to see it pass into law. |
Many of the peers identified that the resource binders provided to them have been very helpful. |
The scratch cards are very helpful in giving the players a good start and help them to reach the top in a very less time. |
Thanks to their countless benefits, plants are very helpful to go through this unignorable stage of life. |
They have done a number of these panels in health studies, and they found the participation of an ethicist to be very helpful. |
The Thomas Coram centre's system of portfolios for each child and discussions with parents was seen as very helpful. |
Talking about their feelings with someone who empathizes with how hard it is to see their mother, father or relative suffering is very helpful. |
Tip: In many situations, demographic and psychographic differences are not very helpful in predicting who will or will not adopt a behaviour. |
The drawings that led up to this painting were very helpful to me in figuring how the shapes would fit together in my thylacine triptych. |
Sixty-one percent of Appellants found the members of the Review Tribunal helpful, 31 percent very helpful, during their most recent appeal. |
Relaxation techniques and then manual stretching of the rectal sphincter and levator ani can be very helpful in persons with pelvic pain. |
The Reader is considered as a very helpful tool and the FDR is very happy that the EC has given it some semi-official status. |
If the truth be told, the two extreme scenarios are not very helpful in this discussion. |
Majorities find representatives and their doctors to be very helpful during an appeal. |
Interestingly, even among those with a negative experience, a plurality still say that their doctor was very helpful. |
This pattern is very helpful for learning the feeds below when you don't have a third person, since you are doing the same thing as the feedees. |
One way to give very helpful support to these services would be for ordinary people to help in exposing and detecting poachers. |
These tests tell you what your blood glucose level is at that moment, which is very helpful. |
The discipline instilled in me has been very helpful to me in the practice of my sport. |
I certainly found it very helpful when I realized we were going to have to grow our own corn. |
The very helpful, unobtrusive wait staff are dressed in identical loose-fitting saffron-colored costumes, like the members of some gentle religious sect. |
Maintaining the biochemical oxygen demand, nitrogen and organic matter content of wastewater outside the limits that are favourable for mosquito breeding is very helpful. |
Evidently such power is very helpful to bring his influence to bear. |
Another, there are other technologies out there from acupuncture to manipulative medicine like chiropractic and osteopathic approaches that can be very helpful. |
So something like that, along those lines, would be very helpful in terms of allocating resources. |
A courageously straight answer from the Commissioner and the Minister is expected and will be much appreciated and very helpful to us. |
It was very helpful to have Parliament enlighten me on the Community's external policy in the field of air transport. |
That would be a very helpful thing and we certainly hope that it could be done, even on a voluntary basis. |
The results oriented monitoring system has proved to be very helpful in building expertise on the monitoring of the quality of aid. |
That is why I ask for your help in adopting the resolution, which would be very helpful for carrying on our proposals. |
We've found the information you've been giving us weekly very helpful in our communications. |
This is very helpful in order for the rotating presidencies to work more smoothly. |
The participation of a small group of employees during this step can be very helpful. |
The discussion in the report of the use of force by the police was very helpful. |
I have now received a very helpful paper with some more facts and figures. |
A rototiller can be very helpful for this. |
For more severe anxiety problems, such as panic attacks, a special type of psychotherapy, known as cognitive behaviour therapy, may be very helpful. |
If buying presents for teenaged family members, it's very helpful. |
It is the kind of action that is very helpful for first-time home buyers, particularly where the member comes from in Vancouver with the huge housing inflation. |
While many people provided us with useful comments, we would like to thank in particular Tiff Macklem, Brian O'Reilly, Allan Crawford, Bob Amano, and James Yetman for their very helpful suggestions and advice. |
This edition also contains an excellent critical apparatus that will be very helpful to scholars. |
It is usually a very joyful encounter, very helpful for those who attend. |
Also, the comments and call backs from people who have called an agency directly for information sheds light on information that is difficult to understand as well as information that has been very helpful. |
Their very helpful advice led to significant improvements to the document. |
The analysis of denied applications proved not to be very helpful in improving our understanding of the extent of unmet need for family and civil law legal services. |
The description of symptoms may be vague but the account of how the symptoms came about and the description relating to pain or subluxation and its relationship to the position of the arm can be very helpful. |
The entire course was very helpful for personal growth and enrichment. |
It would have been very helpful to get more advice on pain control. |
It can be very helpful in situations where you have limited resources. |
This is really only helpful in the accidental file deletion scenario, but it can be very helpful in that case, and is quick and easy to deal with. |
I especially want to thank the staff of our own Committee on Budgetary Control who were most diligent and expert and generous with their time, despite being moved around a lot recently, which is not very helpful. |
By the same token, my sincere appreciation goes to the four distinguished panellists in our informal dialogue on 23 July, whose insights were not only very helpful, but also thought-provoking. |
In the USA the Department of Health and Human Services has a very helpful website with practical information for parents, students and teachers on bullying and its consequences both for the victims and the perpetrators. |
When it comes to perceptions of the doctor's helpfulness during the appeal, those with a positive representative experience are more likely than those with a negative experience to say that their doctor was very helpful. |
Accurate data on the rate of corrasion would be very helpful in determining whether treatment is an urgent priority. |
Being able to express difficult thoughts and feelings openly, or to cry online without being observed was described as very helpful by nearly everyone who was interviewed. |
It must be stressed, however, that, although this clarification put paid to other options previously raised, some delegations did not consider it to be very helpful. |
The explicit analysis he offers frames what a medicine man or woman can and cannot do, and is very helpful in understanding the Dene cultural milieu. |
A veto power or an informal veto power is something very helpful to make things move forward because people feel that at one point they can retreat. |
It would be very helpful for Senators to take the time to make sure that the guaranteed rights of freedom of religion and freedom of expression are not overridden. |
I found it very helpful and thorough, and it's a very good briefing for me as a new critic, so I thank you for the time and the care you've taken on that. |
If breaking is reminiscent of kung fu und karate, this is because martial arts films were very helpful when it came to learning the legendary basic moves of uprocks und spins. |
A few respondents said parenting plans are still very new and are unfamiliar to clients, and parenting plans are not very helpful because each situation has its own unique twists and the plans tend to be too general. |
A dummy can be very helpful for refluxy babies as it encourages them to swallow the acid back down. |
If we recognize the negative impact on the health of soldiers, if we view post-traumatic stress disorder as something that can be cured or treated and not as a sign of weakness, it will be very helpful. |
In this light, the Commission's Code of Good Practice should be a very helpful tool to sensitise its staff, although efforts should be made to ensure that standards of conduct are fully upheld and periodically updated. |
If the newcomers choose to share their future career dreams with you, this can be very helpful in narrowing down which employment avenues will be most fruitful to explore. |
Then we think peer reviews are very helpful. |
It might be very helpful to draw up a detailed schedule. |
Q I HAVE been told a cream you prescribe for haemorrhoids, along with Cyprine oil, is very helpful in this kind of condition. |
In mitigation, John Price told the court Beardsley was known in the area as a very helpful and very friendly young man. |
For example, the worst-case scenario for the environment is essentially environmental catastrophe, and spending time outlining that possible result would not be very helpful. |
When veins are difficult to access port-a-caths can be very helpful. |
Engaging other people in a selection process can be very helpful. |
But I managed to make it to the test and everyone was very helpful. |
These teams are very helpful and, seeing as they are the experts when it comes to any IED suspicion or threat, they are a valuable asset on the battlefield. |
Spin-offs from these studies on muscle degradation could be very helpful on Earth in improving rehabilitation programs following injury or prolonged bedrest. |
The distinction drawn between stipulative definitions and 'real' definitions is very helpful. |
Colour can be very helpful in camouflaging fish from predators and prey. |
I HAVE just read Zoe Chamerlain's article about Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction online, and I found it very helpful and interesting. |
At such time, silence may be very helpful. |
It is very helpful to know if a drug API has known polymorphs that could result in degradation of products or affect product potency and stability. |
In the study of the etymology of the word Rus' itself several possible origins are identified, but none are conclusive or very helpful in defining the Rus' people themselves. |
Our current emphasis on phonetic awareness and phonemic production is not very helpful to students who are non-speaking or have other language difficulties. |
While this is the very quality that caused a lot of us to switch to braid or fluoro originally, for some types of fishing a bit of give is very helpful. |
This was very helpful during development because even with only four satellites, correct alignment means all four are visible from one spot for a few hours each day. |