Why, we can eat in dining-rooms three hundred and sixty-four days in every year. |
Of those fifteen hundred, it is proposed to allot three hundred to each of us. |
She was told that, at Antananarivo, about three hundred people were killed by lightning every year. |
In its native home the blue gum is a most beautiful tree that sometimes grows to a height of three hundred feet. |
The bolide's course should be three hundred fifty degrees, not quite on a north-south line. |
The beast at Cape Canaveral stood three hundred and fifteen feet tall dwarfing her creators into microscopic proportions. |
She was a carrack of three hundred tons, and carried everything of most importance in the fleet. |
In the proposition, 'Of' was used more indefinitely three hundred years ago than it is now, 'of' is categorematic. |
Every chinampa forms an oblong square about three hundred feet in length, and eighteen or nineteen feet broad. |
This was found to be three hundred and sixty-five whole days, and accordingly, this period was adopted for the civil year. |
They lie some three hundred miles from the Hervey or Cook Islands, from which they are separated by the open sea. |
Why, the Pearl Scarf alone is valued at a crore of rupees, which is about three million, three hundred thousand in our money. |
The origin of the cyclorama is traced to the use of scenery by the Italians two or three hundred years ago. |
Over three hundred scintillator effects were worked out and this feature of fireless fireworks was widely varied. |
Within this year and a half, three hundred farmers are come from the English Pale to live in my country, where they can be safe. |
Its three hundred and sixty-five years were now as but the day of the ephemeron. |
To each of the brigantines was allotted a falconet, and three hundred of the troops were detailed to man the fleet. |
He had this year sown, and altogether by Indian labor, three hundred fanegas of wheat. |
It was at the three hundred and fiftieth mile that Tom had another blow-out. |
She had a freeboard of about three hundred feet and the top of her funnel was out of sight in the clouds like an Alp. |
The Prophets, the Hagiographa, and the Apocrypha were translated at various times during the succeeding three hundred years. |
Nearly three hundred of them have adopted the short ballot in charters that confer government by commission. |
Why should not Silliman or Guyot address three thousand instead of three hundred hearers? |
The fungi that kill the silver fir inevitably before it is three hundred years old touch no limb of the Big Tree with decay. |
Sleep sweetly, sleep sweetly, it is your three hundred and sixty-fifth night. |
It is just three hundred and sixty-four miles northwest of the city of Mexico. |
One day is a three hundred and sixty-fifth or a three hundred and sixty-sixth of a year. |
It was Colonel Hertford's, numbering about three hundred men, some of whom were wounded. |
Over a thousand were killed, and hongi and his men feasted on the spot for some days till three hundred bodies had been eaten. |
Since the honorarium they had offered was three hundred and fifty dollars, Martin thought it not worth while to telegraph. |
It runs three hundred dollars to the ton in horn silver, and looks more like jewels than mineral. |
Cliffs of sparry limestone rise in the rear of the site we had selected, to an elevation of near three hundred feet. |
Let three hundred be taken, and if you find more wanted do not stickle to add to this number. |
There are about three hundred and fifty species known, mostly tropical and Indo-Pacific in distribution. |
I agreed once for all to accept three hundred, and I will certainly not be burdened with a stuiver more. |
Spines two hundred to three hundred or more, quadrangular, pyramidal, gradually thinned towards the simple apex. |
At the end of an hour, Jourdan and his three hundred men were masters of the town. |
Then the second gunbearer, a keen-eyed Kikuyu, discovered the lion three hundred yards off to the right. |
But the work of the Evil Genius of Laysan did not stop with the slaughter of three hundred thousand birds. |
For the antenna and lead-in and ground wires, Jessie purchased three hundred feet of copper wire, number fourteen. |
For the next three hundred years the Church was almost wholly free from the direct control of legatine visits. |
They were first stopped at Thermopylae by Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans. |
In Titicaca Island, with a population of about three hundred, there was a few years ago only one man who could read. |
He went up the Tamar, and at totara slew five hundred men, and baked and ate three hundred of them. |
Bent found a large number of Maoris, about three hundred, assembled on the marae, the village parade ground. |
Both of these drawings took place in turnverein Hall, and the chances sold at about three hundred and fifty dollars each. |
Merwin received the same salary that he did, and was just three hundred dollars ahead. |
The accommodation is for one thousand persons, of which three hundred seats are free and unappropriated. |
With three hundred chosen men Gideon made a night attack upon the Midianite host. |
Once more were ended three hundred years of doom, and glad were the four white swans to leave the cruel sea of moyle. |
On the tenth, he was joined at Urbana by Colonel Miller, with the fourth regiment of infantry, composed of three hundred men. |
On the Island of Niihau, I was told, there are still about three hundred native people. |
Shall I obligate the Church to pay three hundred and fifty head of cattle for a crime committed by others? |
In fact, they have lost three miles of the three hundred of northing they had so laboriously made. |
The complement of the victrix had been three hundred, and she'd been a big ship. |
The heat used in vulcanization reaches as much as three hundred degrees Fahrenheit. |
A merchant in Hopeton last winter donated three hundred yards of wincey to the asylum. |
A common estimate of the average number of nuts required for a picul is three hundred. |
The Pueblo pintado is built on a knoll twenty or thirty feet high, about three hundred yards from the river. |
In the year 1823 a transport carrying a regiment of dragoons, three hundred and twenty strong, stranded on the coast near pisco. |
The French army is fed on this pot-au-feu three hundred and sixty days in the year. |
The Amistad was a coaster, bound to principe, in Cuba, distant some two or three hundred miles. |
A trireme may be said to have had one hundred and seventy oars, a quinquereme three hundred, and even four hundred. |
That three hundred pounds was composed of too much muscle and too little fat for Sam Bending to allow it to run amok. |
Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, found the crosses about three hundred years after the Crucifixion. |
Just think of three hundred and sixty-five whole days, with not a thing happened in them yet. |
The principal aim of his journey was to reconnoitre Lake Tchad, from which he was still three hundred and fifty miles distant. |
Whether the seamen of three hundred years hence will have the faculty of sympathy it is impossible to say. |
Yet I will give thee three hundred pounds for them all, and that in good hard silver and gold. |
The treaty of Tolentino in 1797 included a promise of more treasures from the Vatican plus the sum of three hundred million scudi. |
The pastor thought it was two or three hundred miles inland from Foochow. |
Fort McPherson was left behind at eight in the morning, and three hundred and fifty-seven miles had yet to be traversed before reaching Omaha. |
Herr Gleissner's salary was only three hundred gulden a year. |
Nor could the pessimist shake his surety of the three hundred thousand of Alaskan gold he as going to shake out of the moss-roots. |
For blacks, the year's calendar should show naught but three hundred and sixty-five Fourth of Julys and New Year's Days. |
Once it was so huge that three hundred yoke of oxen could hardly move it. |
The width of the Yenisei in this place is about three hundred metres. |
Did not Pizarro lead three hundred and fifty Spanish cavaliers and four thousand Indians into the far Cordilleras in search of treasure? |
It would be his three hundred and sixty-first separate tadpole hatching. |
The sun is one million three hundred and eighty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-two times larger than the earth. |
It stood three hundred yards beyond Pudd'nhead Wilson's house, with nothing between but vacancy. |
The bucket travelled across a box canon three hundred feet deep, and about a third full of water. |
To put one telephone in China to every hundred people will mean an outlay of three hundred million dollars. |
After the bodies had remained entombed three hundred years, they were removed once more. |
I remember the old days of common white verticals that 'ud show two or three hundred feet up in a mist, if you knew where to look for 'em. |
Oh, but for that a stipend of three hundred ducats is too little. |
Why, he hasnt even been above the three hundred foot level yet. |
Of these books, sixty-two were in Latin and three hundred in English. |
Birdall, I remember, who had great draying interests, had turned loose three hundred dray horses. |
So he explored and explored by himself from the North to the South Pacific, swimming as much as three hundred miles in a day and a night. |
As a young man I always wore jewelry, and I carried two or three hundred ducats about me wherever I went. |
Of this number about three hundred thousand belong to Barca. |
Since then the battle line has become about three hundred miles long. |
There is three hundred pounds sent at present, mostly in specie. |
The Boas, for example, have no less than three hundred and four! |
Of the regal army of three hundred men that hastened to Cattraeth, Alas! |
One man can produce cotton cloth for two hundred and fifty people, woollens for three hundred, and boots and shoes for a thousand. |
Between Alexandria and Candia it is ten thousand three hundred. |
And he hurriedly took notes for three hundred roubles from his pocketbook, blushing a little. |
Half a Martian year, about three hundred and forty-four of our days, each of these men spend alone in this huge, isolated plant. |
They make an octavo volume of about three hundred and fifty pages. |
One looks down over the coamings three hundred feet to the despatching-caisson whence voices boom upward. |
I searched, ransacked, counted, calculated a thousand and a thousand times the income and expenditure of the family for three hundred years. |
There were more than three hundred new members in the House of commons. |
They were on foot, and had tramped three hundred miles in eighteen days, upon the cheapest odds and ends of food, and stingy rations of that. |
Dr. crippen's time was worth, say, three hundred and fifty pounds a year. |
It was from Lahore, and its total was no less than three hundred rupees. |
Turn to the right, run three hundred yards, and there's a pub on the left. |
I am the same philosopher who wrote each of the three hundred treatises commemorated by Diogenes Laertes. |
He wrote a book of three hundred odes, and called it Purity of Thought. |
It was in the duodecimo form, and consisted of about three hundred pages. |
The King of Malabar had shown to a certain Venetian a rosary of three hundred and four pearls, one for every god that he worshipped. |
Why, the demand for eligible males is three hundred per cent. |
The loss of the theban army was not more than three hundred men. |
The directors voted you three hundred guineas as salvage, and you refused them. |
My first shot in Africa was at a wildebeest at three hundred yards. |
I had the tallow of three hundred cows, for greasing my boat, and other uses. |
It was in a copse three hundred yards away, bound, gagged, stabbed in a dozen places. |
Martyrdom made a saint of Mary Queen of Scots three hundred years ago, and she has hardly lost all of her saintship yet. |
They were able to thresh enough wheat to repay their debt of six hundred bushels and keep an additional three hundred of seed for the following year. |
I had three hundred cooks to dress my victuals, in little convenient huts built about my house, where they and their families lived, and prepared me two dishes a-piece. |
First I thought I'd copy France out of the guide-book, like old Badger in the for'rard cabin, who's writing a book, but there's more than three hundred pages of it. |
It has nine thousand, six hundred and fifty-four buildings, in which lived fifty-seven thousand three hundred and eighteen people, up to the time my story opens. |
He had collected blackmail from two or three hundred people already, that day, but had not chipped out ice enough to impair the glacier perceptibly. |
Five such coaches were filled as I watched, and were shot up the guides to be locked on to their waiting packets three hundred feet nearer the stars. |
There were fifty hearths, and at each hearth were fifty spits, and on each spit were fifty carcases, and there were thrice three hundred Achaeans to each joint. |
She was then three hundred miles from Cape Clear, and, after three days' delay, which caused great uneasiness in Liverpool, she entered the basin of the company. |
We waded swiftly down it, in the dim forest light, for as much as three hundred yards, and then came across an oak with a great bough sticking out over the water. |
The three hundred years from 1200 to 1500 were the years of the Metrical Romances.Perhaps one of the most interesting of these Metrical Romances is that of Havelok the Dane. |
And for my conscience, a man that has slain three hundred Saracens, need not reckon up every little failing, like a village girl at her first confession upon Good Friday eve. |
Grimaud had a stout, short Picard cob, which cost three hundred livres. |
But, sir, I think that the pleasure of cursing the House of Hanover, and drinking King James's health, are amply overbalanced by three hundred pounds a year. |
Of the three hundred and seventy men who had held the crest, one hundred and seventy-two were left standing, many of whom were sorely wounded and weak from loss of blood. |
Melissa dropped her head at once, took firm hold with her fore-feet, and fanned obediently at the regulation stroke three hundred beats to the second. |
Therefore, you would scarcely be interested in Kim's experiences as a St Xavier's boy among two or three hundred precocious youths, most of whom had never seen the sea. |