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How to use three hundred in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "three hundred"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
With around three hundred plus kilometers to go, we'll be in the exosphere, aka space, in no time at all.
The soldiers were quartered in city hall, three hundred militia in Fort James.
Watch this space to see how the three hundred and fifty pound camera compares with the thirty quid webcam.
Everyone makes their way back to the campground and Billy is awarded the gold cup as well as three hundred dollars in prize money.
Similarly, the police have three hundred and sixty degree visibility over their patch, like eagles in an eyrie.
Some three hundred buildings were razed with a property loss estimated at three million dollars.
By November, Godfrey could command only about three hundred knights and a few thousand foot soldiers.
Meena, unable to understand the need for three hundred guests at her wedding, complains she would prefer to marry in a register office.
If you mean it, you're on! There's lots I could do with three hundred quid.
The litany continues for well over three hundred pages, but there is little point in following it further.
Then three hundred copies of each litho had to be cut out, using zinc templates which I had trimmed against the periphery of the original papers.
There are four periods of fasting and saint's days in honor of the three hundred Orthodox saints.
Although they were originally nomads, most Uzbeks have been settled for more than three hundred years.
The redrawn constitution of 1975 established a single legislative body with three hundred seats.
My family had the good sense to leave England three hundred years ago, but I still know a good deal about the sport.
There were at least three hundred souls in the town who had been on the verge of starvation.
Gender-hustlers in the equal Opportunities Commission sponsored over three hundred programmes to shanghai women into Science and Engineering.
The heavily treaded sole has a replaceable heel and forefoot, so a worn sole doesn't mean binning a three hundred quid pair of shoes.
Mobile is in the midst of celebrating its tricentennial, three hundred years that make it Alabama's oldest city.
For more than three hundred kilometres not a blade of grass was to be seen.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Why, we can eat in dining-rooms three hundred and sixty-four days in every year.
Of those fifteen hundred, it is proposed to allot three hundred to each of us.
She was told that, at Antananarivo, about three hundred people were killed by lightning every year.
In its native home the blue gum is a most beautiful tree that sometimes grows to a height of three hundred feet.
The bolide's course should be three hundred fifty degrees, not quite on a north-south line.
The beast at Cape Canaveral stood three hundred and fifteen feet tall dwarfing her creators into microscopic proportions.
She was a carrack of three hundred tons, and carried everything of most importance in the fleet.
In the proposition, 'Of' was used more indefinitely three hundred years ago than it is now, 'of' is categorematic.
Every chinampa forms an oblong square about three hundred feet in length, and eighteen or nineteen feet broad.
This was found to be three hundred and sixty-five whole days, and accordingly, this period was adopted for the civil year.
They lie some three hundred miles from the Hervey or Cook Islands, from which they are separated by the open sea.
Why, the Pearl Scarf alone is valued at a crore of rupees, which is about three million, three hundred thousand in our money.
The origin of the cyclorama is traced to the use of scenery by the Italians two or three hundred years ago.
Over three hundred scintillator effects were worked out and this feature of fireless fireworks was widely varied.
Within this year and a half, three hundred farmers are come from the English Pale to live in my country, where they can be safe.
Its three hundred and sixty-five years were now as but the day of the ephemeron.
To each of the brigantines was allotted a falconet, and three hundred of the troops were detailed to man the fleet.
He had this year sown, and altogether by Indian labor, three hundred fanegas of wheat.
It was at the three hundred and fiftieth mile that Tom had another blow-out.
She had a freeboard of about three hundred feet and the top of her funnel was out of sight in the clouds like an Alp.
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