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How to use Three-hour in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Three-hour? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The DJ spent a sizeable chunk of his three-hour morning slot yesterday talking about the size of his hangover.
McCormick started the three-hour race and got straight into his stride, lapping faster than ever during his 75-minute stint.
The three-hour conference is especially significant because it honors sadhus of both the Saiva and Vaishnava akharas.
The foursome downed four courses of Arcodoro's famous Sardinian food during the three-hour repast.
The mathletes in the audience will have already deduced that this adds up to a three-hour labor, but let's not ruin the ending for everyone.
Although it's a long flight, there is only a three-hour time difference so they won't suffer much from jet lag.
You may need additional childcare as most preschools operate three-hour sessions, with normal school holidays of around 13 weeks a year.
The three-hour flight included approaches and touch-and-goes at NAS Corpus Christi, NAS Kingsville, Kleberg Co. and Alice.
The quake caused 15 buildings and the minarets of four mosques to collapse in Bolvadin, located about a three-hour drive from the capital Ankara.
The reporter did not see any cows or sheep, never mind even a blade of green grass, during the three-hour journey.
Sam Shepard's three-hour epic, like much of his work, focuses on unhealed wounds and frayed male bonding.
Twice a year the Association organises Spring and Autumn days which consist of three-hour walks followed by a social braai.
His superb book about the space race was given the treatment it deserved with this excellent three-hour drama.
Parents who seek a divorce in his court must first attend a three-hour seminar on how the split-up will affect the children.
The group toured the stately home before they explored Castle Howard's grounds during their three-hour stop-off.
At the end of the three-hour operation, his vertebral column looked straight.
He was a skilled orator and yet a three-hour speech left his listeners with memories of just a few sentences.
Comprising three three-hour plays, it is heroically ambitious and wildly uneven.
On the east coast, a three-hour drive from Tofino, it is certainly worth a short stay.
Given the standards of Indian movies, the splendid three-hour session will ensure that you beat the romance on the screen hollow!
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As a rule we have no regurgitation and no sour babies on the three-hour schedule.
Within months of the three-hour rule's enactment, the CBS affiliate in Philadelphia dumped its long-running, locally produced teen talk show.
A three-hour southwesterly drive from Los Angeles, the Salton Sea fishery is back.
The 2013 Mystery Play will be a single three-hour experience, performed in the nave of Chester Cathedral.
While Poehler and Fey set the perfect irreverent tone for the Globes and its party-hearty tradition, the three-hour live broadcast from Beverly Hills, Calif.
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