He also said that subsidies in power, agriculture and other sectors also needed to be looked at afresh. |
The businesses related to these sectors like taxi drivers, grocery stores, day charters and chandleries will suffer as well. |
These subdivisions were called sectors and each one had a main fighter air base and a number of other satellite fighter bases attached to it. |
One of the only sectors that did not experience falling output was the auto industry, which increased production by 2.4 percent in May. |
Over the last year, hospital workers from all sectors have been engaged in strikes and protests over pay and conditions. |
It is wrong to view the public and private sectors as polar opposites that are always in competition. |
Since independence, there has been a decline in agriculture and heavy industry and growth in the financial and service sectors. |
Carmeda is conducting research in key sectors such as ophthalmology, orthopedics, and neurology. |
Large sectors of the textile industries operated on credit extended to domestic operatives. |
This suggests that energy-intensive sectors are more likely to experience onshoring. |
The product is linked to a basket of 24 blue-chip stocks across a broad spectrum of companies and industry sectors. |
Also in sectors such as road haulage, some companies have clearly been badly hit but others have gained. |
The book then goes on to present capsule narratives of specific aspects of agricultural production and particular sectors. |
To achieve this, the survey promised to raise caps on foreign direct investment and open up more sectors to global capital. |
For some specialties, obstetrics in particular, medicine may be among the worst small-business sectors in America. |
About 35 Irish companies are active within the health, nutrition and functional food and drink sectors. |
The highest priority targets remain within the aviation, petroleum and nuclear sectors. |
Consequently, government strategy has remained unwavering, despite sustained criticism from sectors many and varied. |
We must maintain the shift in balance between developing the non-renewables and the renewables sectors. |
This distribution of profits even includes profits earned in non-productive sectors. |
Farmers in both the organic and non-organic sectors are making real progress in tackling the environmental issues we all face. |
The prefectures are divided into communes, led by burgomasters, and the communes into sectors. |
All sorts of establishments in the Governmental and non-governmental sectors have been categorized and listed. |
Female missionaries through their various churches established the first girls ' schools in both the formal and non-formal sectors. |
Regulators fear that informal lending is fueling speculative investment in real estate and other sectors. |
The company has been recruiting individuals with specialized knowledge of vertical sectors. |
Within sectors, water use can also vary dramatically depending on management practices. |
Less vaguely it also wanted to help develop genuinely European companies and measures to improve Europes position in high technology sectors. |
Unless the military brass feels comfortable that certain sectors of the industry remain competitive, it has the ability to quash the deal. |
One of the nicest sectors I ever saw is Ocean of Fantasy, a sector rounded by a bright green nebula. |
The initiative would help small-scale sectors become the vendors, they said. |
We also worked to get representation from the millions of workers in the unorganised sectors. |
This is unfortunate because, as we have been slow to learn, the various sectors of health care are critically interdependent. |
Many postcode sectors are left with signals that may need boosting with a roof-mounted aerial. |
Other old economy sectors like heavy engineering, automobiles and construction also figure in the growth charts backed by booming demand. |
In certain sectors, they say, it was permissible to regard everyone, infants and grandparents included, as though they were grenade slingers. |
Women continue to be under-represented in the highest-paying employment sectors. |
It is sold in gourmet food stores, independent supermarkets, to the multiples and into the restaurant and food service sectors. |
Most profits from the Portuguese-dominated sectors went overseas, leaving the colony grossly undercapitalized. |
The Cabinet, along with the business and non-governmental sectors, is to mull over a new strategy for the promotion of investments. |
The employers' group also took a sideswipe at rising costs emanating from the sheltered sectors of the economy. |
There isn't enough cash to deal with tsunami of demand coming from demographic, technological and pharmaceutical sectors. |
The 16-member panel includes eight blacks and eight whites from the business and public sectors. |
The seismic horizons have been calibrated using biostratigraphic and lithological data from exploration boreholes in the UK and Faroes sectors. |
He said this showed people were shopping around for good value and spending more in sectors where prices were weaker. |
The report provides a deep view into the interface between the official and shadow banking sectors. |
Other sectors represented include software, engineering, microelectronics, material sciences and energy. |
They made little headway in the two main sectors of women's employment, domestic service and textiles. |
It also encourages the proliferation of beer parlours and bars, both in public and private sectors, ostensibly for promoting tourism. |
Companies in other sectors, such as food processing and timber, are also keen to establish toeholds in Eastern Europe. |
But there is still a mood of becalmed apprehension in many sectors of the economy. |
She brings senior experience from the government, private and non-profit sectors. |
The seminar is aimed at students and those interested in careers in these dynamic sectors. |
Another innovative aspect of this work is the attention paid to the informal and illegal sectors of the economy. |
Business' role in the economy of child labor has at least three dimensions, both in the formal and informal economic sectors. |
That could force Singh to slow or halt further sell-offs of state assets in sectors like energy and food distribution. |
Because of this, many sectors have not yet moved away from old patterns of organisation. |
Paramilitary flags or slogans and monuments do give offence to visitors and to different sectors of society. |
Each group was made up of units designated by letters, which were then assigned appropriate sectors on circles of different sizes. |
Kepler, in his work on planetary motion, had to find the area of sectors of an ellipse. |
We previously used a simple diagram showing a very small number of sectors. |
With the appropriate tools, you can create diskettes that have 80 sectors and 24 tracks per sector, giving 1,920KB per floppy. |
The last twelve sectors store 24,576 bytes of Media Key Block data called an MKB Pack. |
The UN has split southern Sudan into six sectors, which will be controlled by different troop contributing countries. |
However, all these countries face substantial costs in reforming their banking sectors. |
The retail and agriculture sectors accounted for the highest concentration at 39 per cent and 33 per cent respectively. |
Services were proposed to be delivered to citizens in rural areas in the following sectors on a priority basis. |
And certainly the GOP's ignoring of certain sectors of the population doesn't help. |
Illegal rooms have been constructed by city residents on open terraces of the existing block of flats in the entire belt of the southern sectors. |
Some lawmakers questioned if those invited to take part in the two previous talks truly represented different sectors of society. |
What has happened is we've had this expedited return program in about four of the sectors along our southern border. |
This led to flooding of a large number of sectors in northern as well as southern sectors of Chandigarh. |
As Dr Eulenspiegel has rightly stated, these contributions encompassed a multiplicity of areas and sectors. |
We need to continue to support the development of childcare places in community, private and workplace sectors based on local identified need. |
Females that approached from the front and back sectors should have seen hoods and males at greater angular separations. |
In one of the southern sectors, one can admire the beautiful pink coloured landscape of cassias. |
There is an ambivalence in a peace settlement that large sectors of both populations oppose. |
The belt of southern sectors from Sectors 31 to 49 and Sectors 20, 21, 22 and 23 were affected. |
Changes are needed to provide professional leadership and economic incentives in both primary and secondary sectors. |
Mr Dukes added that on the last occasion, EU agricultural interests were bargained away for gains in other sectors. |
The sector is growing at an extremely high rate, with expansion occurring in both the mass market and in premium product sectors. |
Nearly 75 per cent of our production goes to powerloom units and the balance to hosiery, banian and handloom sectors. |
Investors may do better simply by moving on to sectors where there is more clarity and fewer potential banana skins. |
In fact, north Italy generated numerous major rural industrial sectors in the period, including iron, paper manufacture, linens and woollens. |
Mobile telephony is one of the fast growing and successful sectors in India, he says. |
The technology and telecommunications sectors have been particularly badly affected. |
It now has sector supplements for the automotive, finance, telecoms and tour operators sectors. |
The new institute is an independent body to register and administer the teaching profession across all school sectors in the state. |
Health and sanitation is a reliable indicator of the level of progress a particular society makes in various sectors. |
Furthermore, the sectors he looks at are reasonably important to the macroeconomy. |
Engineers in all sectors of industry must be completely au fait with the state of the art. |
Consequently, external shocks will have asymmetrical impacts on different economic sectors of each country. |
Meanwhile it's the turn of some neglected sectors to dust down their accounts, ready for inspection. |
Second, low rates continue to boost wealth in the household and corporate sectors. |
Her long-term goal is to move into other sectors such as manufacturing and electronics. |
Let there be no outcry when the long arm of the law extends itself to these sectors, as indeed we believe, it will soon do. |
Naturally, given the extent of listings on these exchanges, most sectors of the Canadian economy are represented. |
The draft arts master plan has not yet gone into funding or the apportionment of costs between the private and public sectors. |
Also, the problem has become so widespread that it is having a ripple effect in other sectors of the economy. |
In Mexico, other shrinking sectors include shoes, tires, apparel and auto parts. |
Gunners and riflemen must identify sectors of fire and ensure all avenues of approach are covered. |
For the other sectors, balance sheet data are limited to financial assets and liabilities. |
Some charting features allow you to compare individual shares to indices and industry sectors. |
This reversion can take place on whole sides of leaves, or as sectors running from the midrib to the margin. |
The consumer really will start retrenching, and the contagion will spread to the retail and service sectors with more job losses ensuing. |
It merely restated the recommendations of the plan and said that all sectors would have to play their part. |
In the audio system, carbody electronics and instrument cluster sectors, the company has been strong in Europe but an also-ran in North America. |
This measures the comparative advantage of coal relative to other sectors as a percentage of the cost of inputs. |
But labor-intensive sectors still face challenges in upgrading technologies, management and quality of employees. |
This has seen such positive indicators as a narrowing trade deficit, gains in export earnings for some sectors and a firming of the kwacha. |
The government, he said, should break down the task into workable policies covering all related sectors. |
Labor legislation in Latin America does not facilitate the rapid redeployment of workers across companies and sectors. |
We did not form large military sectors so that the air force did not cause massive losses. |
They will probably emerge holding a far greater share of the market, with two or three undisputed leaders in most sectors. |
We have to convince a reasonable and appropriate proportion of people in society within different sectors within society. |
To this end, the leaders said they will focus on cooperation on tourism, transportation and agro-industry sectors. |
In the pharmaceutical and agrochemical sectors, selectively fluorinated products are increasingly common. |
But health services, agribusiness and bio-tech are among its leading economic sectors today. |
This investment channelled mainly into the mining, agribusiness, energy, financial services and infrastructure sectors. |
Of course, these are headline-level statistics, aggregating sectors and occupations. |
The leading role in it should be taken by federal agencies of the defense sectors of industry. |
The surprisingly rapid economic slowdown undermined the performance of companies across all sectors. |
In the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, Amiloy 22 can be used to fabricate shaft bushings, bearings, piston rings, pump parts, and slide pads. |
The alternative with up to four radially arranged side holes allows simultaneous measurements from different sectors of the high pressure zone. |
Chromosome loss is indicated by the production of aneuploid colonies that are small and may contain haploid sectors that spread in radial arrays. |
Over the past number of years the parade has been of mixed quality with varying degrees of participation from all sectors. |
Any mismatch between these two sectors would weaken the functioning of the economy, and would prevent the realisation of the twin objectives of growth and stability. |
This took the form of short-selling in the stocks of major companies in the above-named sectors, as well as firms with offices in the World Trade Center. |
We are always conscious of the fact that a company that sells itself to several different industry sectors, can be seen as a jack of all trades and a master of none. |
Plans to erect fences around those sectors are underway with Labor Council likely to put the acid on at least 12 Sydney-based councils in the near future. |
The survey set out to understand the sectors where these businesses are active, where they operate, who they benefit and how they generate income. |
Since independence, an emergent class structure has become apparent in urban sectors with radical differences in wealth between the rich and poor. |
His core concept was ramification, meaning the likelihood that co-operation in one sector would lead governments to extend the range of collaboration across other sectors. |
This proposal has attracted widespread support from consumer groups but has received a fairly cool reception from certain sectors of the food industry. |
The award was also welcomed by Scarborough Forum for Tourism, set up three years ago to allow all sectors of the industry, including residents groups, to speak with one voice. |
For the most part, it seems that workers who lost their jobs as a result of closures in these sectors have been re-employed within a reasonable period. |
Meanwhile, other product sectors of the market, such as performance synthetics and worsteds, weakened in 2000, offsetting the recovery in the denim market. |
Some of the dividend yielding sectors like telecom and utilities make up a significant portion of the portfolio. |
The decision has been hailed by union leaders as a landmark in granting constitutional rights for trade union activity in a number of other employment sectors. |
Unions needed to improve recruitment strategies in order to organise workers in sectors such as the non-traditional sector as well as also rendering an effective service. |
With competition proliferating across all sectors and offerings becoming standardised, the only apparent discriminators remaining are price and service. |
With these launches, AMD will at last have the armoury to compete with Intel in all sectors of the market, from mobile PCs, all the way up to corporate servers. |
The elite levels of the hedge fund, private equity, and investment banking sectors remain male-dominated. |
Some of the most brilliant human resources have died at their most productive age and this has had a telling effect on all sectors of our economy. |
Japan's government has signalled that key policies for dealing with the huge bad debt overshadowing the banking and corporate sectors could be delayed. |
Crisp, sharp hurling, was complemented by an unyielding spirit and determination, with the players confidently marshalling their sectors with great gusto. |
Headquarters battery personnel, bandsmen, mechanics, and truck drivers reinforced the most threatened sectors, while artillery fire support continued uninterrupted. |
They gained experience in massing men and equipment in decisive sectors. |
The protein molecules are modeled as 120 deg sectors of a circle. |
The survey which was conducted among a sample of over 850 companies on the island of Ireland, across 11 industry sectors, shows geographical and sectorial variations. |
Assistance to the Land Forces in defensive and offensive operations in coastal sectors, as well as in areas of lake and river basins adjacent to the front. |
The product sectors exhibited in the Hall ranged from manufactured products, non-metallic minerals, processed foods and precious and semi-precious stones. |
By the close, the Footsie was off 175.7 points at 4274.0 as a host of sectors took a beating to send the index tumbling back from a seven-week high. |
The medals worn by them are not only for bravery but also for meritorious service and for spending more than a year in dangerous operational sectors. |
He said export sectors that were being targeted were agro-processing, automobiles and components, mining technology and minerals beneficiation and clothing and textiles. |
Large sectors or patches which extend from the midrib to the leaf margin are much less frequent, with approximately only one in 100 shoots having such leaves. |
As in other Internet sectors, information producers on the web will find mining data and selling information collected on customers highly profitable. |
As a result, modest-size firms in many sectors, including shipbuilders, truck companies, the makers of biotech machinery, and paper and printing outfits, began hiring. |
In addition, job training and employment opportunities are being offered in various sectors such as shoemaking, furniture manufacturing and tourist goods production. |
These measures had a profound impact on some sectors which modernized their production methods to meet the war's limitless demand for arms and munitions. |
Chemical processing sectors related to state security and with a strategic importance such as rubber should be controlled or even monopolized by the state. |
Recovery will require a monumental effort from all sectors of society. |
The same process is playing out today in future growth sectors like clean energy and nanotechnology. |
Less pragmatic, it calls for a nationalization of the banking and insurance sectors. |
We have sectors of society for whom the trend is moving away from buying from the big multi-nationals and for whom small is beautiful and local is beautiful. |
And the economy is plagued by overinvestment and excess capacity in housing, steel, and a host of other sectors. |
Of course, in the nature of things, this is not the role of councils themselves but of entrepreneurial sectors of our community in partnership with the authorities. |
For example, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, a former foreign minister, has experience in a variety of sectors from his time with the ppp. |
This may create political pressures for increased government involvement in the application of genomic knowledge that could have spillovers to other sectors of the economy. |
The committee comprises six senior government officials and 23 non-official members who represent community sectors including green groups, business, and individuals. |
There is too much political correctness and a massive transfer of wealth has taken place from the productive to the non-productive sectors of the economy. |
In the past 30 years, the food industry in Ireland, as represented by both the public and the private sectors, has created more ifs and buts than any other. |
That point is sometime in the late forties or early fifties, making it harder to redeploy labor from struggling sectors. |
Children unable to go on to higher education were absorbed into the government sectors as postmasters, stationmasters, clerks and other white-collar jobs. |
In this regard, offshoring is likely to show up more in the compensation trends of our domestic workers in affected sectors than in their employment trends. |
Thus it created an outlet for the social concerns of these groups while enabling the party oligarchy to retain control over the competing sectors within the single movement. |
The hastiness with which Congress approved the scheme, without first consulting the Salvadoran public, was met with instant criticism from various sectors. |
Asthmatics may breathe easier, but the rules could choke many in Japan's haulage and construction sectors, which employ over 10 per cent of the workforce. |
Other traditional sectors like stockbreeding, milk products and vineyards are already singled out as priorities of the financial policy of National Agriculture Fund. |
In the newer sectors the intake of storm water is one inch in one hour. |
The market took a pounding in almost all sectors, with the momentum of a month-long decline in high-tech stocks dragging the market down yet further. |
The company's client base straddles a wide variety of sectors. |
This is a mutual fund that further diversifies risk by investing in several hedge funds that invest in different sectors and have different strategies and management styles. |
An added worry is that several sectors of China's economy may be overheating and this could presage higher wholesale and retail prices over the year to come. |
The Shagari government became viewed as corrupt by virtually all sectors of Nigerian society. |
Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and financial and insurance services. |
Leading sectors included mechanical engineering, fashion, pharmaceutics, food and wine. |
The number of people working in the Tertiary and Quaternary sectors of the economy has increased significantly. |
The drives are used in all sectors, for example, in packaging machines, centrifuges, extruders, mixers and kneaders. |
Manufacturing and retail and finance sectors became dominant, influencing the American economy. |
In France, for example, workers from different sectors and unions band together to aid each other in communicating a point. |
Many of the economic sectors that supplied the basic industries were also hit hard. |
Transition to a single market can have a negative impact on some sectors of a national economy due to increased international competition. |
Subsequently, many mixed economies have expanded in scope to include a role for indicative economic planning or large public enterprise sectors. |
The engineering and defence sectors employ around 30,000 people in Scotland. |
Since 2012, the service sector has employed more people than other sectors. |
The term total means that all sectors of the government and economy are involved in the defence planning. |
Ambassador Patricia Flor apprised that EU is already providing assistance to Pakistan in various sectors of economic and social development. |
On a quarter-over-quarter basis, issuance was down across both the industrial and financial sectors. |
Call such a binary string p clumpy if the above decomposition into sectors gives at least 2 sectors. |
Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. |
Best has released 15 stock indexes covering publicly traded companies in sectors of the United States and global insurance industry. |
Now AIC's researchers have derived the beta coefficient of the reclassified sectors, based on total monthly performance for the last five years. |
Apprehensions have decreased in certain sectors after 2005, which is seen as a sign of success. |
Except for the property and mining and oil sectors, all subindices ended in green. |
Survey provides a benchmark to risk and compliance practitioners across both financial and nonfinancial sectors. |
Horticultural produce and tea are the main growth sectors and the two most valuable of all of Kenya's exports. |
However, sectors exclusively for Ethiopian investors include banking, indurance and micro-credit services. |
Leading up to the Great Recession, all commercial real estate sectors were at full-throttle except multifamily, which was underbuilding. |
Esophageal Funnel is a situation anterior in which the tips of the esophageal sectors are parted infundibuliformly. |
The second is to nurtural skills to cater to the needs of new growth sectors and encourage local entrepreneurship in such areas. |
Farm sectors in these countries are still significantly unmechanized and inefficient in comparison to those found in more developed markets. |
Some sectors, such as agriculture, oil and fish, are not wholly covered by the EEA Treaty. |
The bill paves the way for the establishment of a National Communications regulator in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors. |
There has been a total loss of 2000 jobs in these sectors, which were very much part of the old Icelandic economy. |
Driving sectors are crackers and crispbreads and healthier biscuits, both satisfying the current health trend. |
I am hopeful that this cross-fertilisation between public and private sectors can help keep Liverpool at the pointy end of digital innovation. |
Since that time, the FSA has gained regulatory authority over most of the United Kingdom's financial services sectors. |
The spill had a strong economic impact on the Gulf Coast's economy sectors such as fishing and tourism. |
Jamie Galbraith argues that countries with larger financial sectors have greater inequality, and the link is not an accident. |
The two acquisition companies, Backbarrow and Vanir Consultants, continue to search for suitable investments in their chosen sectors. |
In the past years intervention has been reduced or abolished in all sectors. |
Norway is a highly integrated member of most sectors of the EU internal market. |
These firms are mainly in the aluminium, cement, steel, zinc, ferroalloy, calcium carbide and sodium hydroxide sectors. |
The regulatory measures in place by the TRA have been overprotecting competition to the extent of impacting business sectors. |
This also extended to the economic sectors with problems arising between the almost feudalistic sectors and the globalised ones. |
A fiscal stimulus must therefore aim at groups or sectors in the economy having the lowest propensity to deleverage. |
Unsurprisingly, CEFs with exposure to sectors experiencing the most stress have deleveraged further. |
In what could be a sign of tougher times ahead for certain sectors of our industry, UPM, the Finnish papermaking giant, is reducing capacity. |
Now that the troops were in their assigned sectors, the medics started a massive campaign to delouse the troops. |
The purpose of the debate was to have different sectors of society taking part. |
Important new sectors, such as Silicon Alley, emerged in the city's economy. |
Thus, from 1945 there was the official deNazification of that country by the Allies and democracy was forced upon the three western sectors. |
Additionally, the country has seen job cuts in the year 2016 from its petroleum companies and other sectors in the government. |
Two sectors of historic but primitive gold mining, the Devis and Michel pits, were chosen as the first drilling targets. |
The company's IP application hosting service, delivered by US managed hosting smart sectors also meets PCI DSS requirements. |
Additionally, there are regular meetings that deal with specific sectors and are attended by the corresponding ministers. |
There is also the risk that important sectors of society may not be adequately represented. |
Many multicameral legislatures were created to give separate voices to different sectors of society. |
Their main business is in the granulation and packing of chemicals for the speciality and agrochemical sectors. |
Her political adviser Nick Timothy wrote an article in 2015 to oppose China's involvement in sensitive sectors. |
We have the feasible potential to be competitive in a gainsome way in many sectors. |
Rich countries also need more competition in traditionally mollycoddled sectors such as education. |
He said that no any member of the council would be treated discriminatively adding that education and health sectors were his top priority. |
A disk image backup program views the hard drive simply as a group of sectors. |
DataNumen Disk Image lets users clone a damaged file and move the clone to a second computer that doesn't have a problem with bad sectors. |
Bermuda's economy is based on offshore insurance and reinsurance, and tourism, the two largest economic sectors. |
Today, the traditional sectors of the economy export beef, cheese, whisky, beer, fish and other seafood. |
Kupffer and Rasins developed phytogeographical borders that have a close relationship with sectors of continentality. |
In addition, most workers that were displaced in downsizing industries relocated to other sectors. |
The Thatcher government encouraged growth in the finance and service sectors to compensate for Britain's ailing manufacturing industry. |
Most primary and secondary schools in both the private and state sectors have compulsory school uniforms. |
Offshore banking, manufacturing, and tourism form key sectors of the economy. |
Euratom was to integrate sectors in nuclear energy while the EEC would develop a customs union among members. |
However, these dual goals also produce tensions within national film and television sectors. |
The county also has prosperous high technology, service and tourism sectors. |
It is one of the newest, most dynamic sectors where creativity, knowledge and intangibles serve as the basic productive resource. |
Tribunals also play an integral role in health sectors both within and across nations. |
However, it is also used in legal writings as trade between private sectors, which is not right. |
While generally open to foreign participation in its economy, Botswana reserves some sectors for citizens. |
To this end, the government has set up six hubs since 2008, in the agriculture, diamonds, innovation, transport, health and education sectors. |
The exporting sectors have brought higher and more secure incomes to a significant portion of the population. |
The majority of the country's employment is provided by its agricultural and manufacturing sectors. |
In Europe the chemical, plastics and rubber sectors are among the largest industrial sectors. |
Eventually high productivity growth in manufacturing reduced the sector size, as prices fell and employment shrank relative to other sectors. |
It is an industrial city with many diverse sectors such as light industry, agriculture, and textiles. |
The list below shows how many people were employed in certain sectors according to the 2011 census. |
Since the 1998 Russian financial crisis, business sectors in Moscow have shown exponential rates of growth. |
The largest growth during this period was in the other services and distribution, hotels and retail sectors. |
The majority of people living in Australia and to a lesser extent, New Zealand work in mining, electrical and manufacturing sectors also. |
From the 1980s Norway started deregulation in many sectors and experienced a banking crisis. |
It is in the banking, finance and insurance sectors that Leeds differs most from the financial structure of the region and the nation. |
Other key sectors include retail, leisure and the visitor economy, construction, manufacturing and the creative and digital industries. |
It is rare but welcome news that members of one of the most overlooked and unexalted sectors of the work force are raising their voices together. |
It has diversified in recent years to cover other sectors including agrichemicals, financial services and B2B services. |
The cost to both public and private sectors of continued absenteeism was enormous, report added. |
The Hungarian agriculture minister, for his part, said that Iran enjoys many capabilities in the farming and agricultur products sectors. |
Not only in the financial sector, but also in other sectors more quants are active nowadays. |
Its engines power more than 30 types of commercial aircraft and it has more than 30,000 engines in service in the civil and defence sectors. |
Part III details comprehensive rules across a number of sectors, that states agree to abide by. |
Canada shows significant growth in the sectors of services, mining and manufacturing. |
Despite the cutbacks made to traditional sectors, Portsmouth still remained an attractive place for industry. |
He said close relations between APO and Pakistani Chambers of Commerce are crucial to bring more efficiency in different sectors of economy. |
It adds new sectors as they become substantial, the latest being car-like micro EVs homologated as quadricycles in Europe. |
In 2010, SAMIFIN identified ariary 316,704 billion of suspicious transactions in the construction, logging and mining sectors. |
To lessen the impact of this consolidation, countries with banking sectors considered smaller by global standards must expand regionally. |
Berk will focus on leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations of growth companies in the consumer, financial services and business services sectors. |
Among various types of service, we are interested in the KIBS sector, since this is one of the fastest growing sectors. |
No doubt a number of people, in the private and public sectors, were asleep at the switch. |
Tourism has been one of the key growth sectors in ASEAN and has proven resilient amid global economic challenges. |
Schmitter points out, liberal associability has a built-in bias that favors the more resourceful sectors. |
New entries and re-entries often indicate how broadly the region's economy is progressing, and which sectors are on the up. |
Several other major UK cities have large financial sectors and related services. |
According to the firm s chairman, Mr Mehmet Aydin, short-term investment plans comprised cement and construction sectors. |
However we should note bad banks had been used successfully to clean up the banking sectors of Ireland and Spain. |
The lateralization found in this study showed variation among CA1-4 sectors and subiculum. |
We in the Green Party believe that the WAG and LEAs should value and promote small schools in both secondary and primary sectors. |
Municipalities are subdivided into wards or barrios, and those into sectors. |
According to reports, heavy firing was reported from the Hamirpur, Mendhar and Barasingha sectors of Poonch in Jammu. |
He wants the government to focus on nurturing the primary sectors before investing in information technology centres, for example. |