These two wealthy Yalies, supporters of the right-wing Manhattan Institute, have a clear ideological program. |
He was hunted down by right-wing extremists and assassinated two years later. |
Meanwhile, the right-wing demonstrates its abhorrence of defamatory character assassination and smear jobs here. |
The sole concession to any interest outside right-wing politics is a wall hanging of an African jungle scene. |
Here, he locks horns with a right-wing party spokesman on Belgium television. |
Not only do these right-wing radicals vote against their own economic interests, Frank argues, they're suckers, too. |
Mobile police units used water cannon and truncheons to counter the right-wing rioters, who threw stones and bottles. |
Unfortunately the rabidly right-wing rag has a circulation in excess of 2.4 million and a readership of over 6 million. |
The right-wing press has jumped on fears about gun crime to whip up racism. |
The White House agenda of militarism and social reaction is not some accident, nor is it merely the whim of certain right-wing individuals. |
And that to believe otherwise is to be a heartless, right-wing reactionary. |
Not just right-wing reactionaries, either, but people of enlightened education and humane outlook. |
To add to his family's distress, his memoir is being serialised in a mass-market, right-wing daily newspaper. |
Prominent right-wing pundits like to portray the above interventions as woolly-headed meddling by decadent, smug millionaires. |
The Republicans also refuted the accusations that The Joker was part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. |
For right-wing politicians, this commodification is associated with an invasive, alien, foreign culture. |
This development was seized on by right-wing commentators to argue that the American CP was nothing but a nest of spies. |
To those on the left, right-wing blogs can seem repellently dull because they do tend to agree with each other a lot. |
It should stop propping up right-wing repressive regimes, and should not crush attempts at reforms and the redistribution of wealth. |
Candidates are then chosen in primaries dominated by core left-wing Democrats or right-wing Republicans. |
The general came home, relieved of duty, and became an icon of right-wing Republicans. |
Many right-wing posters make the accusation that left-wingers fabricate their arguments. |
There are various reasons, then, why many citizens have supported right-wing parties which seek to retrench the welfare state. |
He got put on the ballot in Oregon temporarily by catering to a virulently anti-gay right-wing group. |
It's fueled by a long legacy of anti-intellectualism and right-wing populism that focuses anger on liberal eggheads. |
And I have come across the idea a million times that if you supported the war you were right-wing and if you opposed it you were right-on. |
Charles Kennedy is the latest liberal to be lynched by the right-wing press. |
Why do right-wing newspapers always like me so much more than left-wing ones? |
It plays into the hands of racist and right-wing forces who want to divide and weaken the working class. |
It has lied and lied again in the service of the most right-wing and authoritarian forces. |
You could say the same about being raised religious, or right-wing, or paranoid about getting fat. |
Twenty years ago it was right-wing governments who took on and defeated the trade unions. |
No other country possesses so many laws against right-wing extremism as Germany. |
A grand coalition will clearly be more right-wing than either of these governments. |
It was an attempt by a weakened government to placate right-wing critics in Britain. |
Now, apart from a lunatic fringe of right-wing publications and enthusiasts, everybody knows this awful truth. |
Most of the right-wing and left-wing opposition MPs taking the floor during the debates voiced suspicions about the matter. |
He had lost some right-wing ministers and alienated many backbenchers and supporters outside Parliament. |
Instead, the series has drawn flak from right-wing media as a scandalous waste of NHS cash that should have been spent on direct patient care. |
The implications are profound, which is precisely why the right-wing scapegoaters are up in arms. |
The proposals are likely to win the support of Parliament because of the expected backing by right-wing parties. |
I just don't think at any stage they are going to be able to make a credible case that he is some sort of right-wing maniac. |
Their union had right-wing tendencies and had clashed with larger left-wing unions. |
Immigration is the third rail of Western European politics, and anyone who dares to question its benefits is demonized as a right-wing extremist. |
Yes, he may be a throwback to a former and, in many ways, best-forgotten age in which golf was populated mainly by right-wing reactionaries. |
Had I stumbled on a right-wing plot to subvert the semantics of English collective nouns? |
This is a rather odd interpretation of the film since the barest tincture of right-wing patriotism as a theme is nowhere to be found in it. |
These sentiments were echoed by various right-wing publications and columnists. |
The charge that its review process is biased against right-wing nominees is manifestly false. |
Certainly I'm not comfortable giving my name and address to homophobic right-wing bigots. |
Although I don't agree with his extreme right-wing viewpoints, he has the right to express them. |
It looks like the site is still being trolled by right-wing reactionaries trying to stir the pot instead of educate. |
And then we had Mayor Giuliani apparently at the same dinner with Joerg Haider, the head of the Austrian right-wing ultraconservative group. |
The congress served as a platform for celebrating the policies of the new French government and its right-wing leaders. |
Clement Attlee, himself an uncharismatic and rather drab right-wing monarchist, benefitted from these two legacies of war. |
They are the unequalled masters of right-wing think tanks, foundations, and corporate funding. |
According to him, this is a part of his idea for unification of the centrist and right-wing parties. |
Well, they just caved in to a group of right-wing ideologues that hate this law. |
Now, brilliantly, or duplicitously, or frighteningly, Fox has given its critique of boringness and complacency and sameness a right-wing argot. |
It's also true that in the nature of things, billionaires are more likely to be right-wing than left-wing fanatics. |
Similar positions are to be found in Europe among the right-wing and neo-fascist opponents of the European Union. |
The Brazilians had been told they would have to mould their own AIDS strategy around the US right-wing agenda, or receive no money at all. |
This right-wing think tank performed the ideological spadework for the war and provided a large share of the personnel who launched it. |
Already a string of former generals and right-wing politicians are lining up for the vice presidency. |
Meanwhile, the right-wing daily Le Figaro concentrates on the security measures implemented in France. |
As a result he was vilified by the right-wing press, which even published a copy of his birth certificate. |
Rush Limbaugh, a right-wing fanner of hatreds who presents a popular radio show, has helped to make liberals into extremists after his own heart. |
Like other semi-hysterical right-wing critics, he makes up in vituperation what he lacks in understanding. |
Although a right-wing neo-conservative, he's quite progressive on social policy and this gives him a certain desirability. |
All that means is that he is susceptible to every reactionary nostrum floated by right-wing thinktanks. |
The old right-wing nostrums which befuddled public opinion in the 1980s and 1990s no longer have the same impact. |
They want to invoke the so-called nuclear option and get rid of the 150-year-old tradition in order to ram through more right-wing judges. |
Yes, you had right-wing forces, you called them, or the oligarchical or wealthy forces. |
He had been caricatured for his right-wing geopolitical and social policies his entire career. |
A vicious right-wing clique has, according to her friends, launched a hate campaign against her, and tried to have her election overturned. |
On the right-wing Fox News Channel, the network's star Bill O'Reilly has been in seventh heaven. |
However, the government followed right-wing, not centrist policies for the next three years. |
Without further ado, the new coalition is adopting the position of the outgoing right-wing government. |
He is a founder of the party and the high priest of its right-wing, low-tax, pro-enterprise economic code. |
For his lieutenants, his homecoming signals the revival of the right-wing movement in South Africa. |
But in defending his government's right-wing record, he hinted at the chief reason. |
Why not get all your opinions about the world in one handy palatable package from a right-wing corporate rag? |
The right-wing paramilitaries also gain much of their revenue from the drug trade. |
The new rules, if passed, will also cut down the cost of processing asylum requests, claims the right-wing party. |
He left out the crazy, hateful right-wing media, which is a huge passer of lies onto its fans. |
The federal judiciary in particular is increasingly dominated by right-wing ideologues. |
At the same time, supporters of right-wing dictatorships ascended to the highest offices of the Church. |
He relies on cultural backwardness and the most right-wing elements in the petty bourgeoisie, whom he positions against the working class. |
All populist right-wing movements, inciters to violence and hatred, are adept in the language of Grievance. |
Nevertheless, Sharon faced strong right-wing opposition to any conciliatory gestures in the pursuit of peace. |
My investigations never indicated any evidence of extreme right-wing instigation or co-ordination of events that night. |
However, if the Irishman's troublesome hamstring plays up, Reardon could be switched to his favoured right-wing spot. |
Please, please do not infect your output with the tired diatribes of this ageing and out-of-touch right-wing bigot. |
Only recently they appointed one of the country's most right-wing, most irredentist, politicians as their new political leader. |
Ever wish you could put the entire gaggle of right-wing pundits and politicos on a ship and send them packing to a distant land? |
At first, this was interpreted as just one of many threats made by the right-wing populist to intimidate his internal party adversaries. |
The CSU has consistently worked inside the Union for the integration of nationalist and right-wing populist forces. |
It also serves to mobilise despairing layers of society for a right-wing programme and garner support for the government with populist demagogy. |
Conversely, extremist right-wing political groups tend to find their greatest groundswells of support in areas not too flush with cash. |
Hundreds of thousands of right-wing Orthodox attend rallies to protest the supreme court's decisions. |
The Liberals have become a right-wing reactionary party, forfeiting their claim to conservative ideals and constituencies. |
Left-wing bloggers are also now challenging traditional right-wing cranks for the title of champion conspiracy theorists. |
When they said so, in just that way, they were dismissed as right-wing cranks, and justifiably so. |
It's a right-wing group with about forty or fifty thousand members around the world. |
Over recent years, Mr Bates has experienced something of a Damascene conversion, swapping his right-wing posture for that of a social liberal. |
When the Third Duma met in late 1907 it had, not surprisingly, a preponderantly right-wing complexion. |
The government has an active right-wing agenda, focusing on decommunisation and lustration. |
He served 24 years and was eventually deposed by a right-wing military coup. |
There are no people on Earth more smug and superior than the right-wing punditocracy. |
The national Democratic Party leadership tacitly supported the right-wing purge. |
You'd almost think that the mainstream media have become an echo chamber for a megaphone with right-wing crazies shouting into it, wouldn't you? |
The newspaper's editors distort, manipulate and lie in the pursuit of their right-wing goals. |
Although she did not join any particular party grouping, she generally supported the most right-wing elements within the conservatives. |
He will be comfortable with his citation on the blogrolls of various right-wing groupuscules and assorted reactionary ranters. |
In Australia, the right-wing faction of Kavanagh and Ryan was displaced as a result of the visit of an agent from the USA, H.M. Wicks. |
The standard of information in the right-wing Europhobe press especially is getting beyond a joke. |
More extreme members of right-wing groups tap into this divide by encouraging mistrust of city dwellers and the educated. |
That goes for right-wing extremists as much as for the left-wing ones who coined the phrase. |
The parties range from socialist, to moderately conservative and free enterprise, to right-wing ultranationalistic, to near-religious. |
It is a centre for right-wing elements particularly prone to acts of violence. |
On June 28, Steve Deace, a right-wing activist and media personality in Iowa, held a focus group of undecided conservative voters. |
The left-wing bien-pensant read it for the purpose of expressing shocked outrage, the right-wing as a source for its outrage. |
He tanked with right-wing voters because he made the fatal error of showing some humanity to the children of illegal immigrants. |
Is it worth reclaiming a label that has been so tarred by association with right-wing nationalism? |
He describes himself as a long-time Tory supporter who was in favour of the merger last year of the Conservatives with their often bitter right-wing rivals the Alliance. |
It is sad to note that certain right-wing Hindu groups are creating trouble for the minorities in India. |
On the other hand, there is a perception in the public that VMRO-DPMNE is a right-wing party and SDSM-left-wing. |
The idea on forming a coalition from right-wing oriented parties will most probably fail, comments Aleksandar Dastevski for Vreme. |
Y is by no means a right-wing hawk, but he is willfully blind, deaf and dumb. |
The site's been transformed from a basically leftish, small-l liberal site to a much more balanced site, with many, many more right-wing Australians participating. |
This is a climate in which right-wing and nationalist demagogy flourishes. |
Genovese is, it should be said, an illuminating example of the way in which left-wing and right-wing extremes meet in a love of tyranny and a hatred of freedom. |
But then, this show has always been more than just the parody of right-wing cable punditry it was originally made out to be. |
This aggressive new strain of right-wing religious zealotry is actually a throwback to the intolerance that led to the creation of America in the first place. |
There is no such thing as a gay lifestyle, except in right-wing propaganda to oppose LGBT equality. |
The moderator, right-wing commentator Erik Erikson, asked the candidates what they look for in a federal judge. |
Heaven forbid we pollute young minds with such right-wing neocon propaganda! |
The biggest loss came in the U.K., where the right-wing British National Party won its first seats in the European Parliament. |
For conservatives, only explicitly right-wing news organizations can be trusted to tell the truth. |
Indeed, he now regularly appears at right-wing seminars and lectures to deliver his homilies on the President's failings as a man and as a leader. |
On most political spectrums libertarianism is considered far right-wing. |
Faced with this situation, it is increasingly the case that it is not only the most extreme right-wing demagogues who are playing the nationalist card. |
Among those heirs, Lachlan, a Princeton graduate, shares his father's conservative politics, making him a logical suzerain for the right-wing New York Post. |
Discontent fuelled by the pro-business policies of social democratic governments has given a boost to right-wing demagogues in several European countries. |
Frequently, right-wing guardians of an elite art protest that the study of a broader visual culture sullies the Parnassian realm through contact with the everyday. |
While some of us may or may not adhere to these beliefs, those out of step become nonentities, dismissed as right-wing, misguided, and unenlightened. |
He hated the right-wing media with a fury he rarely chose to disguise, an anger which led him to forbid access to columnists and reporters of the right. |
Anyone who constantly kvetches about the evils of the right-wing in a completely unrelated tangent while expatiating about a French philosopher must be reconsidered. |
The right-wing press are being a lot cagier in their peacemongering now. |
From the moment the word was out that fluke was considering a run for office, she was the subject of right-wing side-eye. |
What if Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the foaming right-wing pundit crowd aren't the face of modern conservatism? |
To be falsely branded a communist, leftie, or socialist by right-wing political activists. |
He's right-wing, Texan, has loadsamoney and oil connections to boot. |
Democrats fundraise and campaign by exploiting concerns about right-wing extremism. |
The right-wing ruling coalition in Italy, led by Prime Minister Berlusconi, is a strong ally of American President Bush in many issues, above all on foreign policy. |
What arrow does Gingrich have in his quiver besides the great debate one-liner that expresses right-wing grievance? |
As I wrote this morning, it's true right now that right-wing pundits are trying to rah-rah his statements. |
However, if asked to bet whether right-wing apoplexy will grow or shrivel, the smart money obviously has to say the former. |
The right-wing press will traffic in all kinds of sleazy rumors the instant she catches cold. |
His colleague and ideological soulmate, the Minister for Finance, has made his own bold bid for recognition as the cabinet's leading right-wing alpha male. |
Fritsche's point is that Heidegger's idiom and use of language were part of a shared tradition of right-wing thought that emerged in the 1920s in Germany. |
But six years later, the right-wing talk-radio crowd is receding in relevance as their listeners age out of existence. |
At the same time, the Union parties and the SPD are preparing to divert popular anger over government policy by means of right-wing populist campaigns. |
Yet today apparently that qualifies as right-wing boilerplate that would qualify Hurston as a race traitor. |
I just want them identified for the right-wing nutsos that they are. |
That, in a nutshell, is the response of three right-wing media outlets to the new comedy documentary The Muslims Are Coming! |
The NY Governor has set off a right-wing firestorm, standing accused of seeking to stifle free speech and political plurality. |
There have been reflexive attempts to associate some recent mass shooters with the right-wing politics of incitement. |
Somehow, the Virginia bill became a symbol of right-wing prurience, invasiveness, and insensitivity. |
The right-wing law and order legislation contained in the speech led a number of observers to comment on the dangers of the development of a police state in Britain. |
Hice is like the Republican version of a right-wing Frankenstein, featuring the worst elements of the GOP jammed into one person. |
As for the notion of a vast right-wing conspiracy, Farah and other reputed members say that it never existed. |
An Irish human rights worker hiding from a paramilitary death squad in Colombia has been allowed to leave an isolated region controlled by right-wing extremists. |
With the help of the late Pim Fortuyn's phalanx of oddball MPs, he is putting together the most right-wing government seen in Holland since the war. |
The right-wing totalitarians had been ill-intentioned, at least from the point of view of anyone not included in the master race, defined in more than one way along the Axis. |
The assassins were known to be members of a right-wing death squad. |
Part right-wing hottie, part sensitive movie star, read the best tweets from the Paul Ryan Gosling mashup. |
A right-wing headbanger in kitten heels is still a right-wing headbanger. |
He has said nothing about the Republicans' actions in the election campaign because he does not want to alienate right-wing forces whose support he is courting. |
In any case, he clearly feels that his right-wing government is being gravely misjudged because of the leftwing historical bias being taught in schools. |
There will always be some little thread, some unanswered question, that will keep the right-wing press going on this. |
Now those positions are coming back to haunt him as Republican activists demand a candidate of unbending right-wing convictions. |
With a view to their own advantage, the Social Democrats and Greens are trying to encourage the right-wing opposition around Haider to pursue their oppositionist stance. |
By breaking from the right-wing consensus in favor of unconditional bellicosity, I had gone rogue. |
And experts warn that their alleged plot is just part of an upswing in right-wing violence nationwide. |
But in Wisconsin, native son and right-wing poster-boy Paul Ryan may have made the difference. |
But in Wisconsin, native son and right-wing poster boy Paul Ryan may have made the difference. |
To borrow an old right-wing talking point, these people are angry no matter what we do. |
On the other hand, right-wing activists have lately said, Banning displays interferes with the exercise of religion. |
How agenda-driven reporting turned a beekeeping Florida mother of four into an object of right-wing scorn. |
I'd already drafted a bitter, bilious, bombastic broadside against the right-wing hacks on the Republican Court. |
They were busily implementing these in cases like Roe v. Wade when a right-wing insurgency took them by surprise. |
He worked for the Institute, home to various right-wing crackpots. |
Some may or may not agree with his right-wing views, but they will wince at serious London politics treated by the Tory leadership as a celebrity Eton wall game. |
Where are all these stuffed shirt, right-wing conservatives coming from? |
It was also seen by some as an implicit rebuke to right-wing Republicans who had alienated unaligned voters by their apparent intolerance and belligerence. |
At an unaccredited college in Utah that was founded by acolytes of right-wing conspiracy-theorist crackpot Cleon Skousen. |
You know, I hope she does more of that with every right-wing blowhard. |
Hopes that the home side might effect a comeback were dashed by another early blow, as Hurst nodded home a right-wing corner only forty seconds after the restart. |
The State Innovation Exchange, a Democratic group, has been set up to combat corporate-led right-wing organizations. |
Didn't she figure out that her right-wing rants will play poorly here? |
Yet as Emily Bazelon revealed in Slate, a coterie of right-wing organizations has indeed lined up to oppose contraception itself. |
He even makes great play of the fact that he used to be right-wing. |
For the right-wing base and its institutional supporters, concessions are verboten. |
Former President Nicolas Sarkozy used it to cultivate right-wing anti-immigrant voters. |
Museums, artists and society in general face the threat of coming under the heel of an extreme right-wing bureaucracy in Washington and elsewhere. |
He wants to force federal judges to genuflect to his right-wing beliefs. |
After failing to launch a right-wing military coup in 1970, he committed hara-kiri, ritually disembowelling himself before being decapitated by an assistant. |
But, as any proselytiser of right-wing economics worth their salt will tell you, free trade agreements don't work, either ideologically or practically. |
And second, the right-wing political class, operatives and people at think tanks, who want the welfare state to wither away. |
But frankly that argument echoed the calls of right-wing national chauvinists who urge people to take their holidays in Britain to support the domestic tourist industry. |
In fact, right-wing complaints about the migratory labor camps operated by the Farm Security Administration led him to send Rothstein to the state in the first place. |
It had worked when Romney contrasted himself with the disastrously right-wing Goldwater in the early sixties. |
It may well be that the largely right-wing London press and the effect of the Middle Englander vote will ensure that this continues. |
Anna Massey had great fun as a prissy maiden aunt who was only slightly more right-wing than Attila the Hun. |
Do not forget all that will be put at risk if dangerous right-wing isolationist Europhobia is victorious. |
Especially when you hear how David Cameron begged the third-rate, fornicating, right-wing comedian to stand. |
Now it's used to described the right-wing press overreaction to the SNP unstoppability. |
Center-right party GERB and right-wing formation the Reformist Bloc continue talks on forming a government talks on Tuesday. |
As the first and only member of the right-wing Monday Club he called for the abolition of the Commission of Racial Equality. |
This protest is not easy to dismiss as a right-wing anti-woman backlash. |
And preaching moral outrage against others while living and doing what it objects to is a necessary part of legalistic, moralistic right-wing religions. |
As to recent history, from 1979 onwards, right-wing policies have dominated from Thatcherism, Majorism, Blairism to Brownism. |
The right-wing base and media will make it a litmus test issue. |
For Zemmour, like many right-wing intellectuals, is a temporal irredentist, and the golden age for him lies in the heyday of Gaullist France. |
The resignation of the Prime Minister is a defection of his ruling party GERB from their duties and responsibilities, according to right-wing leader, Ivan Kostov. |
The firm slimes a swing-voting moderate justice coming up for re-election and manufactures a winning campaign for a young right-wing idealogue. |
Donnish, monkish, and fiercely right-wing, Veryser knew and loved the Middle American Radicals like they were family. |
The appeals came as three Tory MPs were ordered to resign from the right-wing Monday Club. |
That is another course compared to Van der Stoeps former party, the PVV, which wants to cooperate with extremely right-wing parties in Europe. |
But with the fading of New Left, Rothbard de-emphasised these positions and moved strategically toward right-wing paleoconservatism. |
He is a squatter, a right-wing version of the dreadlocked freegan who sets up living quarters in an abandoned building in Brooklyn. |
Even those harshest of moralisers, our right-wing tabloids, passed it off with a smile. |
Once again, what followed was a shocking comeupance for the right-wing press. |
This is a story about the toxicity of the right-wing echo chamber. |
I know, I know, the mere thought of a right-wing Dallas billionaire buying the presidency gives you the hot fantods. |
Her dutiful slog through the litany of gripes from right-wing commentators and media organizations is likewise unilluminating. |
After long days of right-wing domination, talk radio is at last returning to its roots as a medium open to all voices. |
The Minister knew that it was controversial, but as he is an arrogant, right-wing, goggle-eyed extremist, he does not care. |
Italy's right-wing prime minister was about to cure his biggest headache by selling the state's holding in a troubled airline, Alitalia. |
Six minutes later, Mertesacker peeled away from Gallas to meet Walcott's right-wing cross with a superb header. |
When you dumb-fucks repeat some right-wing loon's lie it only makes you look like a queef. |
The right-wing Reversionist focuses on a small town past where law, order and predictability prevail. |
Talk radio, at least the right-wing variety, isn't exactly known for brains. |
During the thermidorian period, he had been targeted by right-wing militants. |
It was charitable of right-wing Labour MP Frank Field to excuse this volte-face by saying that Corbyn and McDonnell were still inexperienced in the art of leadership. |
This conspiracist worldview appears repeatedly in right-wing oppositional serials, ranging from muted suggestions, to text that palpitates with paranoia. |
Just like present right-wing extremists, the fascists and national socialists of the past opportunistically appealed to various groups with diverging interests and values. |
The obligatory right-wing radio blowhard soon entered the picture. |
Tory MPs, Establishment lackeys, right-wing newspapers and disgruntled Labourites who prefer civil war to confronting David Cameron are all queuing up to condemn him. |
All of these right-wing extremist parties can be described as culturist or new racist, as they all emphasize cultural rather than racial differences between groups. |
To them, we were the dope-smuggling hippie liberals, the prisoner lovers, the pillow fluffers. To us, they were the sadistic, mean-spirited, right-wing thugs. |
But to offend the poster child of the newly ascendant right-wing would offend Ford Nation, its multitudes signed up and ready to go, go, go and vote, vote, vote. |
The most telling thing about them is that both portray what they see as right-wing as 'the other', and so as less revolutionary and less right-on. |
First, it was feared that right-wing conservatism could go to extremes by elevating racism to government offices, threatening with a scenario of Weimarisation. |
These women contrast themselves to more insular Satmar Hasidim on the right and to more acculturated, non-Hasidic right-wing Orthodox women on the left. |
The establishment of the new party, Likud Beiteinu, is likely to solidify right-wing leadership in parliament to the detriment of centrist and liberal parties. |
The BJP is already considered a hard-liner right-wing Hindu party. |
Because after being pictured paying homage to Nazism, Harry and di Canio at least tried to deny they give succour to dangerous, racist, right-wing thugs. |
I am not, or not only, talking about right-wing contempt for the poor, although the dominance of compassionless conservatism is a sight to behold. |
Hungary's defence minister Hende Csaba resigned yesterday after it was reported that right-wing prime minister Viktor Orban felt the fence was being built too slowly. |
The Republican echo chamber that is your editorial page and the right-wing letter writers you publish regularly have clearly lost touch with reality. |