The practice of politics is based on rigid orthodoxies that defy empirical testing. |
It looked to be some sort of leathery tissue, but in a strangely rigid shape. |
We now offer stepped bore rigid couplings with standard keyways in each bore. |
In pursuit of this passion, all have put themselves through a rigid training course to qualify as pyrotechnicians. |
Building stone and roof tiles have to conform to rigid specifications, and must be locally sourced. |
Besides wearing his lucky jockettes every week, he stuck to a rigid pre-match routine of eating hamburgers. |
If your attic has metal joists, you may want to place rigid foam insulation between the joists and the ceiling drywall. |
This season, part of her winning philosophy has been put down to a new rigid fitness programme. |
The school is testing digital whiteboards, one of many new technologies that officials hope will help shake up the rigid education system. |
Cells are laced with a network of fibres more rigid than the rope-like structural proteins collagen and keratin. |
It was an act of rebellion against the rigid strictures of both the contemporary social mores and the strict code of ballet. |
The windage of many oscillating halyards is infinitely greater than that of a single rigid one. |
However, we may consider a simple model in which the feather is assumed to be an isolated, flat, rigid object in a uniform airstream. |
In 1903 he published Geometrie der Dynamen which considered euclidean kinematics and the mechanics of rigid bodies. |
It is conceivable that the channel is not a rigid conduit but is subject to motions that form pockets separated by labile constrictions. |
The honeybee can have a similarly rigid reaction to redness because most redness indicates flowers in the bee's normal environment. |
No less interesting has been the enthusiastic reception of several recent political plays that steered clear of rigid political reductionism. |
The realistic portrayal of the conservative and rigid Koro is in vivid contrast to his warm and loving granddaughter. |
She sent Daniel an apologetic look, but he was regarding Melvin with rigid steadiness. |
Similarly, at the upper end of the alimentary tract, rigid instruments were used for the examination of the oesophagus and for the stomach. |
It is the relatively opaque idioms which tend to be fairly rigid in their form. |
His hand movements alternated between fluttery flocks of birds and rigid Godzilla claws. |
It must be rigid enough to promote near zero surface tensions during the alveolar compression. |
In fact, among surfers there's a fairly rigid code of beach behavior, which includes a strict pecking order. |
Laser resection can be carried out under either local or general anesthesia with a flexible or rigid bronchoscope. |
Charlie looked down at the eager young man sat on the edge of his seat, pawing at the rigid pleat of his trouser leg. |
He was almost physically pained by rigid doctrinal systems, and mildly revolted by the idea of discipleship. |
Intrauterine devices, also known as coils, are rigid contraceptive devices that are inserted into the uterus by a doctor. |
Long and thin rigid elements make good levers that have high speed and displacement advantage. |
This can happen through leverage by rigid levers, or it can occur in pliant hydrostatic cylinders of constant volume. |
It's flexible polymer clay that hardens into rigid plastic after a spell in your kitchen oven. |
Among them are lidding film for rigid cups, flexible pouches for pet foods and beverage pouches for juices. |
The halls extended for about 30 feet in each direction before turning at a rigid edge to fit the precise triangular shape of the ship. |
The cabin has plenty of storage spaces, but the door pockets would be much more useful with flexible sides instead of rigid ones. |
Some farmers add rigid plastic part of the way up the sides of the greenhouse if using roll-up sides. |
By using flexible fabrics instead of conventional rigid molds, concrete elements can vary in volume according to structural requirements. |
The man sat calmly in the rigid plastic chair, his hands paced lightly on the cheap desk in front of him. |
Like plaster piece-moulds, they require a rigid mother mould made of plaster or a synthetic resin. |
His shoulders were rigid with anger, but at the same time, a tear escaped his eye. |
After a long moment, her shoulders, which had been rigid with tension, suddenly slumped. |
Immediately, he sat up, his body taut and rigid as he strained to listen to their conversation. |
She clenched her teeth and stayed motionless, waiting for his reply, although her entire body was rigid with pent fury. |
A more rigid work schedule has forced changes, and now the main meal is taken in the evening. |
These people follow a strict, rigid code of social custom and behavior, and judge the people who do not follow the rules. |
Diminishing fiscal flexibility and a relatively rigid political system in China put constraints on the credit ratings, however. |
The law is not, perhaps, ferocious, but the tests are rigid and factual, and the cases that result are easy and automatic. |
You have to make a cut at categorising these things and it is a matter of judgment rather than following a rigid rule book in many cases. |
They are setting up rigid control processes with high levels of IT security. |
Through the end of the twentieth century, Kenyan households maintained rigid rules concerning women's roles within the patriarchal household. |
The inclusion of a rigid rule against capital controls in a trade agreement makes things even worse. |
Automated programs follow a rigid set of rules that may not adequately reproduce the common sense we humans use when reviewing a page. |
High wages and rigid labor rules have hurt productivity, eroded earnings, and made companies reluctant to hire. |
A ten-year programme was introduced to wipe out the liability by introducing rigid controls on expenditure relating to the upkeep of churches. |
They're rigid about their proposals and strategies, but compromise on their core values. |
They contend that large swathes of the population are becoming more rigid in their political allegiances. |
I have a feeling that Horton's style wasn't as rigid as the way that it has been passed down. |
So they often run the risk of becoming dogmatic and overly rigid in their thinking process. |
The photographic image of the furry toy contrasts with the rigid stylization of the linear Chinese Court Style drawing. |
Planning will be iterative and collaborative rather than sequential and linear, more a framework for learning and action than a rigid template. |
In pretending to be a baron and a countess, the pair pokes fun at rigid class structures and upper-crust, titled society. |
His style was good and the author's liveliness of spirit survives the rather rigid framework of his subjects. |
The persecuted Arians thought of themselves as making a last brave stand against irrationalist mystery-mongers and their rigid orthodoxies. |
If all rotamers clash with the rigid part of the protein, additional conformers are made by 300 rotations around the final bond. |
The denims are coated with a clear, rubberized coating, which is fairly rigid but can be broken down and softened in washes. |
It is not possible to lay down rigid rules, as each case will depend on its own circumstances. |
Students should not expect this seminar to instill a rigid sense of rule-bound correctness, whether grammatical or formal. |
Falling in love with Maria, he comes to question rigid definitions of masculine and feminine. |
And too, in the smallest of sizes, the rigid stem cams were easy to get stuck. |
They aren't as effective in correcting some vision problems, including high degrees of astigmatism, as are rigid lenses. |
As can be seen, each silicon atom bonds together with four of its neighbors to form a rigid crystal structure. |
Buddha challenged the Vedic practice of rigid sacrificial rituals and the practice of caste systems. |
Male-female relations among the Kyrgyz are less formal and less rigid than among their neighbors, the Uzbeks or Tajiks. |
Sufis are typically more peaceful and less rigid than Salafis or Wahhabis, though there are militantly anti-Western Sufi leaders, as well. |
A rigid abnormality was caused by subluxation of the tarsometatarsal joint with subluxation of the metatarsals. |
Because the discursive babbler is setting himself some dogmatically rigid guardrails. |
As rigid as the form often seems, the fact that it never excludes solely on the basis of style or natural ability is one of its saving graces. |
The other end is secured to the malar bone by rigid fixation with microplates and screws. |
If authority is too rigid on the one hand or teachableness lacking on the other, the result is chaos. |
The rigid collar and tandem harness allowed teams to pull with equal strength and greater efficiency. |
The aerodynamic forces generated by rigid and flexible geometrically scaled hawkmoth wings were measured. |
The experimental investigations used rigid scaled insect wings to study kinematics. |
Its rigid structures and processes and predictable ways might stymie his unethical scheming. |
Even Thomas Aquinas was a stowaway, as the Spaniards smuggled his scholasticism and rigid conceptions of social hierarchy into the Americas. |
Soil accumulates behind the rigid leaves of the vetiver grass, and eventually forms stable terraces on which crops can be grown. |
Elsewhere the dialogue recovers and proves capable of poking a little borax at the rigid principles and habits of Scotch piety. |
All their Mercedes Benz engine parts have passed rigid quality tests for durability and performance as well as all the other car parts. |
As a rigid airship, it had no need of ballonets, which are used only in pressure airships, or blimps. |
Some of the rare plants to benefit from the Project will include limestone fern, baneberry, soloman's seal and rigid buckler fern. |
The Alabarch is very kind, but I must confess he is as rigid as a bargeman's pole. |
The cells die, which leads to a dry, rigid coil structure that securely anchors vine to the support. |
There is no redemption from punishment as rigid as this, it would seem, only escalation. |
I also oppose the three strikes law and all other rigid sentencing regimes. |
So much of what we are taught as self-evident truths relies on rigid thinking. |
The stiff peduncle, in turn, functions as a rigid base for the flexible insertion of the caudal fin. |
Constant surveillance, time clocks, drug testing and rigid rules reinforce the workers' pervasive sense that employers do not trust them. |
Before, they were very rigid and would go on about people behaving themselves. |
The hollow-section aluminum control arms, highly rigid in torsion and flex, absorb a large portion of the forces acting on the wheels. |
Drilling for the takedown screw must be done with a milling machine, or at the minimum on a good drill press with a rigid quill. |
Each individual, or zooid, is enclosed in a sheath of tissue, the zooecium, that in many species secretes a rigid skeleton of calcium carbonate. |
The stiff interfacing that makes the collar work would make the shirt front too rigid to hang properly. |
Far from being rigid or fixed, they are highly responsive to modification through fresh information. |
The body is considerably more rigid which enhances safety and suspension tuning. |
A girl's behaviour was molded to fit a society governed by a strict moral code and rigid social customs. |
The committee has no rigid rules for determining the start or finish of a business cycle. |
Even cities laid out on a rigid grid by the Romans had often morphed into irregular streets by the Middle Ages. |
Maintaining these blocs rigid and unchanged was the key to peace and security. |
The control frame on a rigid wing is just unconnected from the glider and you feel that unconnectedness. |
Stuck to my bed, muscles rigid as a flexed boa, sweat pooling in the depression in my chest, I dreamt in horror of the two headed bull. |
During the Victorian and Edwardian periods in Britain, society was underpinned by rigid moral and social values. |
It handles well thanks to its rigid bodyshell and all-independent suspension, which make it a particularly agile car. |
Firewalls, authentication schemes and rigid testing are musts for any company that wants to maintain a trusting relationship with its customers. |
Slavery laws maintained rigid social roles for blacks and whites as bondsmen and freemen. |
Instead of following a rigid plan, substitute an unhealthful habit for a better one. |
It presumes a rigid adherence to a unilinear model and rigid assumption of the necessity for reinforcement of every behavior. |
She found him lying on his back, rigid and unresponsive, with blue lips and apparently not breathing. |
Any hunting footwear you stock should have boot uppers made of rigid material to provide adequate ankle support and protection. |
It's also too rigid and does not fit companies searching for innovative breakthroughs. |
The centrifugal force that keeps the main rotor blades solidly rigid at 90 degrees to the hub will decay rapidly. |
There's the Uniform Man, who is emotionally insecure, with a rigid and brittle temperament. |
This rigid plastic curled vane can be taped or glued to the arrow shaft using a normal fletching jig. |
The overall structure of the enclosure is sufficiently rigid and soundly constructed. |
Tracheal stent insertion was performed under general anesthesia with a rigid bronchoscope. |
The rigid bronchoscope effectively stented open the airway and when removed prompt endotracheal intubation was possible. |
For rigid endoscopic delivery systems care should be taken to avoid beam heating of the sheath wall. |
It's like a duffel bag, but with mesh sides, rigid lining, and a washable fleecy blanket velcroed to the bottom. |
The Spanish bayonet has leaves that are rigid with leaf margins that are sharply serrated. |
Ventilation was provided by a high-frequency jet ventilator through a cannula attached to the proximal port of the rigid bronchoscope. |
This film is heavily influenced by the sparse sets and rigid character archetypes found in Japanese Noh theater. |
In a rigid potential well, a molecule has a high vibrational frequency at room temperature, with a concomitant lower vibrational entropy. |
In a rigid porous material, the normal component is clamped by viscosity and cannot move. |
By definition a bureaucrat is an official who insists on a rigid adherence to rules and routine regardless of the needs of the situation. |
Successful projects require enormous cooperation and creativity to incorporate nontraditional activities into a rigid bureaucratic system. |
The delivery order need not be so rigid but the driver must be aware of the non-uniform loading which the vehicle undergoes in such situations. |
Their rigid conservatism frustrates all endeavors of a cabinet minister to adjust the service to changed conditions. |
I get depressed and frustrated when debates get bogged down in predictable rigid left-right ritual stand-offs. |
The more rigid the character, the more you can notice the cracks in the foundation. |
While not the same as rigid price caps, bid caps place limits on the prices that energy suppliers can offer to municipalities and companies. |
A foreign body of the esophagus is removed more safely with a rigid esophagoscope and under general anesthesia. |
Retrieval of the safety pin from the stomach was performed by passing a rigid oesophagoscope into the stomach. |
It has sure-footed, precise handling with a very rigid platform, good steering, a willing engine and a great set of brakes. |
A chase involves larger, rigid fences while a hurdle race is run over shorter, more flexible obstacles. |
She didn't move from her spot at all and looked as rigid and stiff as a statue even as her eyes watered from the smoke. |
For example, tubing made from cobalt alloys can be used in the production of rigid or stiff endoscopes for use in certain diagnostic procedures. |
By breaking in your shoes at home, you won't be at the center struggling through games in stiff, rigid shoes the first time out. |
His love of life stands in sharp positive contrast to their hard-edged hatefulness and humorless, rigid work ethic. |
Note that completely rigid kinds of certificates can still be specified by simply stipulating that reconsideration always fails for them. |
Rules have distinct advantages as behavioral guides, but they can promote rigid responding that is insensitive to changed contingencies. |
The weak character of the empire came from the rigid caste system that divided people and created unstable feelings among them. |
In Wharton's world, other people and the rigid expectations of stratified society conspire to strangle individual happiness. |
If you think you may not have time to check ties regularly, use a stretchy material such as rubber rather than a rigid tie. |
Avoid whole herbs with woody or rigid stems, such as oregano, sage, rosemary, tarragon, or marjoram. |
Robert McCorquodale suggests that an approach less rigid that a strictly legal approach should now be taken to self-determination. |
Health systems need to be organic and flexible rather than rigid and mechanistic. |
Its personality cult, rigid conformity and fire-breathing rhetoric notwithstanding, North Korea is not a monolith. |
What started as a schoolgirl rebellion against Japan's rigid conformity is now causing ripples of admiration from the beau monde of international fashion. |
The 16-strong fleet includes two simulators which are designed to give a choice of three rides, one in a helicopter, one in a Sea Harrier and another in a rigid raider. |
The region is ruled by a rigid anti-government conservatism that has its roots in slavery and white supremacy. |
The laws of supply and demand are as rigid as the offside law. |
Because of this the martial disciplines are linked with a fixed set up of ritualistic procedures and are often performed within a monastic and rigid code of conduct. |
If you are working on an uninsulated exterior wall, we also recommend cutting rigid foam-core insulation to friction-fit in the spaces between the furring strips. |
Does Ms McIllroy think teachers should brainwash students with a rigid and unarguable conclusion about the unique value of specific works of literature? |
Breaking down rigid social hierarchy so characteristic of the Middle Ages, these riotous tales poke fun at everyone. |
Corset shirts and rigid cage bustiers accentuate a curvy new silhouette. |
Our rigid weldmesh panels are available in galvanized lengths which can be powder coated to suit your requirements in a large selection of almost any colour. |
If popping is the rigid angles, boogaloo is more liquid-like. |
A 50-year-old bread factory outside Grozny remains under rigid government control, with the price of a loaf fixed at five Russian rubles, or about 15 cents. |
For all the perspective that can be gained through the artful use of analogies from prior campaigns, politics is too chaotic to be governed by rigid determinism. |
Vocally they veer between manic and mannered, at times verging on hysterical operatics, while their rigid riffs resemble uncoordinated robots trying to play disco. |
In contrast, the towers and anchors stand unconquerably rigid and strong. |
The axial skeleton is rigid and may or may not contact the carapace. |
After locations are marked, rigid steel frames are erected and bolted into the mud mats to hold the templates at the proper position and elevation. |
As he said this, I indeed felt my arms become rigid and stiff. |
The previous neatly ordered view of the universe, with the Earth at the centre, reinforced the rigid feudal order with serfs at the bottom and the Pope at the pinnacle. |
The layers can be almost any combination of granular, stabilised or asphaltic materials, and future versions will also model gravel and rigid pavements. |
Entering Bogue Inlet about dusk last May, the Coast Guard's rigid hull inflatable ran afoul of some breaking waves as the inlet bar was up that day. |
He received a medical degree in 1884 but was soon dismissed from Boston City Hospital after running afoul of the rigid strictures governing medical practice by young doctors. |
Standing only a few feet away from her was Briar, the same rigid expression on his features, his eyes dark with an emotion that was undecipherable. |
Mauritanian society is strictly divided into a rigid caste system that flies in the face of the country's supposed march towards political liberalisation. |
They had an overly rigid interpretation of Marxism and Leninism. |
The resulting rigid and mechanically isolated bundles may then inelastically transmit traction over a greater range than in a uniformly elastic material. |
Like a sea the waste stretched out before her, ending only as the jags rose to breathtaking heights to become the rigid range of mountains called the Crown of Thorns. |
Although M. friedrichstahlii Rchb. f. also has a strap-like tegula, it has a very distinctive viscidium that is remarkable for its sagittate format and rigid texture. |
He relished the opportunities inherent in the imitative style, especially what happens when imitation is allowed to lose its usually rigid tonal control. |
It seems strange to me, a visitor, that the stewed tea, rigid morals and lurid wallpaper of Fifties England should jump cultures so easily, but why not? |
The scientific controversy is beyond me, but I can recognize the fixed stare, the strained voice-throb and the rigid jaw of a madman at a hundred paces. |
Components such as keel, engine beds, mast step, structural bulkheads and rigging loads are all connected to the grid, resulting in a very rigid and strong structure. |
Both the corolla and calyx are fairly rigid and tomentose externally. |
The Romanov tsars imposed rigid serfdom just as that woeful institution was fading almost everywhere else. |
Bound together by mutual distrust, both sides end up lashing themselves to the mast of rigid law. |
Your most recent book, The Golden Cage, is about three brothers whose rigid ideologies lead them astray. |
He is a unit in a line rushing on the enemy with the one idea of riding him down and transfixing him with his rigid saber, held at the position of charge saber. |
The racer was originally built with two parallel interplane wing struts and these were replaced with single rigid I struts but even these did not solve the rigging problems. |
Composite cavity-filling materials today have a tendency to shrink and even leak over time as the polymer cracks due to the stresses and becomes more rigid as it sets. |
They are a plain looking, solid sort of shoe with a chunky heel, quite rigid support and come in an infinite range of colours and limited editions. |
In the 1950s, antitrust law was a sleepy domain filled with rigid rules and nonsensical results. |
Six are needed for a team and up to ten rigid wing pilots can go. |
If you have chosen to use a rigid roofing you can use 1 x 4 slats instead. |
Design can be an issue, too, as aluminum stampings are more rigid than steel and prone to springing back to their original shape after being formed. |
And so there Miss Johnson sat, rigid with disbelief as two of her least subservient students gazed into her watery eyes and grinned wolfishly beneath little lambskin cloaks. |
Rotational contributions were estimated in the semiclassical approximation for the free rotor considering both monomers and dimers as rigid molecules. |
Most of them are cast in a somewhat soft and pliable plastic and at first I was disappointed in this thinking that a more rigid plastic would have been preferable. |
Is it by any chance maxing out into rigid non-negotiability? |
Because unions and management, alike, have been rigid and inflexible. |
The preference is for matrilocality, although this is not a rigid rule. |
Oh, and Gucci's woman wouldn't dream of leaving the house without a rigid leather vest or that little fur chubby in mink and anaconda for special occasions! |
Though he loved Levi-Strauss and Saussure, he showed how their relatively rigid theories of culture and language respectively contained the seeds of their own negation. |
It is simply unrealistic to say that judges can decide every case by mechanically applying a rigid algorithm. |
And Lula would likely have to shelve plans to reform rigid labor laws, overhaul a dysfunctional judiciary, and streamline a bewildering tax system. |
His blue eyes pierced me and made my body feel suddenly rigid with fear. |
It really was a surprise to see, after that dancing scene, that she was the rigid headmaster of a military school. |
After all, the rigid dogmas that once underpinned the conflict have long since been binned. |
To move beyond rigid rules and roles, the twenty-first century nurse must not only understand nursing and medical language, but use it confidently. |
At a time when the church took a rigid and protective stance against what it believed were destructive forces of modernism, Petre's voice honored both reason and faith. |
You, and I myself, grew up in a rigid society, unchanging except for War. |
Open lung biopsy via thoracotomy was popularized in the 1960s. Before this time, transbronchial biopsy via a rigid bronchoscope or needle biopsies were used. |
If no one accuses me of saying that we're living in a caste system or rigid class society I promise not to ask anyone to defend our society as a pure meritocracy. |
This should be used as a guiding procedure and not a rigid template. |
A team formed by Deaf Life investigated the well-known Moscow Institute, and proclaimed it a failed experiment, in essence because of its rigid oralist program. |
The rigid social, moral and behavioural codes imposed by the group included severe restrictions on women's freedom of movement, expression and association. |
Unlike the normal school year, the summer is filled with a crowd of instructors that is unfamiliar with the rigid rules usually inflicted upon the students. |
That dogmatic definition seems to have struck him as unscriptural over definition, an intellectual exercise which had developed into a rigid system of control. |
Doctors are prohibited from doing what a patient needs by rigid practice guidelines. |
Designers are flexible and intuitive rather than rigid and exacting. |
My thought now is that it was all a very long time ago, in a much more rigid social climate than today, and there is not much sense in trying to hush it up any more. |
It reminds everyone of the rigid service academy structure, inherited from British boys' schools like Eton, in which upperclassmen dominate their juniors. |
Those who accuse us of social engineering often have very narrow, rigid view about the way the world should be and everyone should conform with that. |
She was also notorious for her rude comments and rigid opinions on style. |
A willingness to listen to and at least partially incorporate the other point of view has replaced the rigid and uncompromising attitude of the past. |
From her rigid barnet right down to her school mumsy handbag, everything about Mrs T screamed stability. |
On other side, the addition of rigid particles to a soft polymer matrix has an embrittling effect on the composite. |
The test involves the insertion of a rigid fiber-optic rhinoscope into the patient's nasal cavity. |
Poly is a rigid polymer that is often plasticized for use in flexible applications. |
Give winter protection to rock plants with grey woolly foliage by covering them with a cloche or rigid plastic supported on bricks. |
This one-piece rigid coupling is ideally suited for use in line shaft applications and for instruments requiring highly precise shaft alignment. |
The seat leather is overprocessed, and the plastics are rigid and rough-grained. |
Similarly, the rigid Egyptian Canon and stuffy orthodoxies surrounding Niger-Congo languages are inhibiting the progress of knowledge. |
Bill had been a sheet metal worker and an engineer by trade and had helped make the rigid safety chains which are in place all around the dock. |
On the other hand we see a literary culture breaking free of rigid models of biculturalism. |
Beyond that, how will China evolve its rigid Internet policy? |
All Kay systems rely on a true strobe light source providing superior image quality for both rigid and flexible endoscopy. |
Comb jellies, just globes of shimmering film in today's oceans, may have had rigid skeletons and hard plates millions of years ago. |
Meanwhile, on the other side, we are faced with an infinite grid, rich in differences but bound in its rigid digital consumeristic dynamics. |
Contrarily, Storefront's rigid options for non-store pages calls for the flexibility of DotNetNuke. |
The vehicle swims by coordinating the motion of four biology-inspired high-lift flapping hydrofoils that are attached to its rigid hull. |
Also, measuring the output force via the motion of an inertial mass avoids resonance problems which plague rigid fixture tests. |
Diamondoids are cage-shaped rigid hydrocarbon molecules resembling tiny fragments of a diamond crystal lattice. |
This was made possible with the judicious use of rigid endoscopes, avoiding an osteoplastic flap. |
We all jumped from our seats and stood rigid as plank boards. |
The actual creature featured an avian feathered body and rigid tail common to predatory dinos. |
Most minerals are too structured and rigid to experience the inconstancy and flamboyancy of Carley. |
Don't make any wrenching, heaving movements on rigid door knobs and tight screw-top jars. |
If properly stiffened, a column web panel is considered as a rigid component and deformability of it could be disregarded. |
If you know anything about media semiotics, you will understand that they are scared rigid by the whole thing. |
Unlike conventional measuring tapes, the Fat Max has a wide, rigid blade, is highly durable and has an extension capacity of 11 feet. |
For most flexible bronchoscopies, a neuroloept anaesthetic could be considered but for rigid bronchoscopy, general anaesthesia is mandatory. |
An urgent procedure was done to remove the bread tag under general anaesthesia via a combination of flexible and rigid bronchoscopy. |
Bisphenol A, used in rigid polycarbonate plastics, mimics estrogen, which is known to affect breast cancer risk. |
Even if thunniform ichthyosaurs could hold their bodies perfectly rigid when swimming, Cowen, speculates they may have porpoised, anyway. |
If you want to blast away at the rigid patriarchalism and dogmatism of the church, fine. |
Under the Taliban government, in power since the late 1990s, Afghans lived by a rigid set of laws. |
A black, non-shrinking, tastable liquid, Cable Cast FR forms rigid yet flexible rubber parts for a variety of OEM applications. |
We, also, attempted to illustrate the relationship between devitrification of the rigid amorphous fraction and crystallization kinetics. |
It is important to move beyond the rigid dichotomization of secular and religious in the modern sense. |
Durastrength 200 weatherable acrylic impact modifier for rigid PVC siding, profiles, and injection molding. |
Metablen MBS impact modifiers for rigid PVC bottles, sheet, film, and injection molding. |
The calculus was immediately evident on rigid nephroscopy and removed with duckbill graspers. |
Polycat 8 industry-standard catalyst for spray systems and pour-in-place rigid applications. |
So are the legal and medical professions and those moralisers who insist ALL life is sacred still proud of their rigid views this week? |
The Kiowa has a two-bladed semi-rigid seesaw all metal main rotor and a two-bladed rigid delta hinge all metal tail rotor. |
The white eyeballs and white teeth of the horse, the panting flanks, the rigid legs all stood out eldritchly. |
Like any arthropod encased in a rigid exoskeleton, a trilobite must periodically moult, or exuviate, in order to grow. |
There was little point in grommeting the hole, since the wrapping was already as rigid and tough as its invisibility permitted. |
There is a whole gradation of more or less rigid determinisms and more or less free indeterminisms, as they have been given in various theories. |
The extrication devices are short, moulded, rigid boards which are placed along the spine and strapped to the patient. |
Undergraduate curricula tend to be more rigid than in the United States and there is little room to take classes outside one's major. |
It encouraged the rejection of harsh, rigid Calvinism, and promised a new blossoming of American culture. |
At some stage in the nineteenth century, the rigid swords were replaced by flexible rappers. |
This pursuit of freedom was largely a reaction against conservative values entrenched within the rigid heroic couplet. |
Such rigid sails are typically made of thin plastic fabric held stretched over a frame. |
The solo stepdance is generally characterised by a controlled but not rigid upper body, straight arms, and quick, precise movements of the feet. |
Although the Luftwaffe correctly interpreted these new ground control procedures, they were incorrectly assessed as being rigid and ineffectual. |
Can lusty diet, and mollicious rest, bring forth no other fruits but faint desires, rigid thoughts, and phlegmatic conceits? |
In their original form, Newton's laws of motion are not adequate to characterise the motion of rigid bodies and deformable bodies. |
Duplex locomotives with two engines in one rigid frame were also tried, but were not notably successful. |
The relatively rigid poses of figures relaxed, and asymmetrical turning positions and oblique views became common, and deliberately sought. |
The superciliary whiskers above the eyes and the genal whiskers on the cheeks are less rigid and distinctly less mobile than the mystacials. |
He was a man of such rigid refinement, that he would have starved rather than have dined without a white neck-cloth. |
Status in early Ireland was not entirely rigid and it was possible for a family to raise its status. |
The strong box structure of the biplane provided a rigid wing that allowed the accurate lateral control essential for dogfighting. |
If two rigid sections of a glacier move at different speeds and directions, shear forces cause them to break apart, opening a crevasse. |
This coupling between rigid plates moving on the surface of the Earth and the convecting mantle is called plate tectonics. |
Referred to as an ophiopluteus, these larvae have four pairs of rigid arms lined with cilia. |
Earth's volcanoes occur because its crust is broken into 17 major, rigid tectonic plates that float on a hotter, softer layer in its mantle. |
Foreign body aspiration may require otorhinolaryngology consultation for rigid bronchoscopy. |
Whale ribs loosely articulate with their thoracic vertebrae at the proximal end, but do not form a rigid rib cage. |
Whale ribs loosely articulate with their thoracic vertebrae at the proximal end, but they do not form a rigid rib cage. |
In 1895 Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin attempted to interest both the army and navy in his new rigid airships, but without success. |
The wall paintings done in the service of the Pharaohs followed a rigid code of visual rules and meanings. |
Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid tectonic plates that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. |
The mechanically rigid outer layer of Earth, the lithosphere, is divided into pieces called tectonic plates. |