He has made a big impression on quite a few people to whom he has preached and prayed with on his worldwide tour. |
There are quite a few instances of cultural diffusion affecting the history of the Khmer Empire. |
Being sapiosexual often means having to deal with talking with and dating quite a few people that you don’t really connect with. |
A rear engine 500 cc screamer with one central headlight, they sold 16,000 of them with the tin body but also quite a few woven ones. |
There are quite a few, particularly in the more theologically conservative denominations, who have strong promarket views. |
She drew a fair share of applause every time she appeared on stage, and made quite a few fans before the evening was over. |
Thorncroft's Detox cordial helped quite a few sore heads and is a pleasant, thirst-quenching squash for summer. |
Meyerson and his team saw the problem coming quite a few years ago and prepared for it in advance. |
You get quite a few that do it for the tick box syndrome, because they have got to show evidence of their performance. |
In fact I had noticed a solitary bee dancing in the air at the front of the house on quite a few occasions this season. |
You may end up with lung or heart problems, risking quite a few forms of cancer, and not to mention what it can do to an unborn child. |
The night was not lonely either, as quite a few regulars danced cheerfully to merry tunes in the moonlight. |
It was clear to me beforehand that there had been quite a few changes made. |
But I'm pretty sure that if they were all totted up, we would be into quite a few millions. |
I did manage to salvage quite a few of the ideas but tossed about 40,000 words of total bilge. |
The book itself is handsomely presented, but surprisingly for a BBC publication, contains quite a few misprints and typos. |
Not surprisingly, at the ceremony today, quite a few of us graduates, faculty, and family members got a little misty-eyed. |
There are also quite a few flight sims that simulate modern or historic aircraft. |
It takes quite a few weeks for the moderator to cease looking on government members as friends and colleagues. |
While you do have to draw your sword and fight quite a few blackguardly knaves in this game, it is still very much an adventure game. |
We also have quite a few contributors who like to hang back and give us something only when the spirit moves them. |
I met quite a few girlfriends drunk at parties that I would have never attended without being blitzed. |
A lot of children die riding these motorized vehicles, and I've known quite a few of them. |
Naturally, I got to meet up with quite a few of my Army buddies, some of whom I have not seen in a long time. |
There were quite a few bands doing ska and reggae rhythms with a punk rock attitude and punk rock music. |
The weekend's blustery winds have blown the cobwebs away and felled quite a few trees. |
I've been having quite a few late nights lately, and my body clock is totally screwed, so my internal alarm only just kicked in. |
We have received quite a few e-mails over recent weeks about pensions, investments and insurance bonds. |
I thought we created quite a few chances but it was unfortunate we had not put them away. |
There were quite a few parallel paths, which made navigation more difficult. |
What was particularly nice was that quite a few of the widows came along which I thought was amazingly brave of them. |
In a system that has seen quite a few breakouts this season, Hirsh might be the biggest surprise. |
The writing is racy and sparkling, the wit very dry and quite a few chapters end on a note of whimsical rhetoric. |
The cars come down this road very quickly and we have seen quite a few accidents. |
I read somewhere some time that you and your mother had not on speaking terms for quite a few years. |
In addition, there were quite a few between 3 and 5 lb caught, mostly all to spinning and worm fishing. |
Nevertheless, quite a few non-voters have so far registered their reasons for avoiding the ballot box. |
Without measuring, Madeline got out a bowl and added lots of yeast, plus flour, sugar, a stick or so of butter, and quite a few eggs. |
I've talked one-on-one with quite a few customers, so I know this caused some of you considerable hassle and inconvenience. |
The most worrying thing is, I've had quite a few and my spelling is still impekabel. |
We saw giraffes, penguins, kangaroos, polar bears, cassowaries etc., so there were quite a few animals which were unusual in that environment. |
Work is settling down though I still have quite a few things to catch up on after the trip. |
I already have quite a few of those, but apart from the helianthemums, things are either blooming sparsely or not at all. |
Luckily for me, there were quite a few options in how to reduce the realism and improve my chances in outfoxing the enemy. |
There are quite a few books available, some old and out of print, some current. |
Listen, though you've chalked up quite a few in your lifetime, don't let it get you down. |
We found some good values at quite a few sites, sometimes at prices that look like the retailer is trying to get rid of some overstock. |
I've been to quite a few home games this season and I've always been impressed with Pamarot. |
As quite a few theorists about conspiracy theory have pointed out, the rise of conspiracy theories parallels the rise of the internet. |
There were quite a few things that she needed to worry about now that she had a clear mind. |
We've monitored quite a few lines in the last week, and early yesterday morning we hit pay dirt. |
I've lived quite a few years through mountainous, rural Idahoan winters and survived them. |
The homeless people, the mistaken identity, quite a few defenses at work here, and seeing what may or may not stick with this jury. |
A lot of people are very cocky and brash in this industry and there were quite a few walking around before the exam as if they'd already passed. |
When we returned from our fabulous Fiji vacation, back in September, I had quite a few posts about the food there I wanted to share. |
But quite a few of the others come across as frivolous, apathetic, foolish or all of the above. |
The escalator opened onto a commodious red velvet lounge, in which there was a large oak bar lining one wall and already quite a few customers. |
There are quite a few ornamental fences, and they all tout their own types of picket attachment. |
John, the finger-pointing has really been going on for quite a few days, though. |
We have quite a few Australian citizens who also don't speak English as their first language. |
As I recall, you also had to get the shower repaired and fix quite a few things, didn't you? |
However, the car totters a bit when cornering and takes quite a few turns to lock. |
There used to be only 1 authentic izakaya around here, but in the last 2 years or so, quite a few have opened up. |
There are quite a few aircraft like this available, and they are used by many third world countries for border patrol and counter-insurgency. |
And the most amazing thing was that quite a few of them came back the following and subsequent years. |
We have quite a few words for hotdogs, frankfurters, weiners, footlongs, in English. |
She was going to be my adopted mother and taught me quite a few things, such as how to prepare food, cook rice, etc. |
There are quite a few large crack willows in the park which are leaning over at alarming angles. |
I did meet some compulsive froggers, quite a few of them in fact, while I was working on the project. |
I had so much fun on Open Source last night and discovered that there are quite a few truck drivers who are birders. |
We have killed quite a few good vehicles by simply refusing to look above the funda of functionality and utility. |
Traditionally, a mortar pestle is used to pound the coffee, but he tells me that with the passage of time, quite a few things have changed. |
Well, apparently after this was said, the place was rolling in gales of laughter for quite a few minutes. |
Anglers who dapped the mayfly had plenty of action, while others caught quite a few using dry mayfly patterns. |
It apparently took quite a few years of training and studying very hard and prestigiously. |
There was a goalless draw and the match gave die-hard fans who had come to see the stars quite a few moments to cherish. |
Organisers were expecting quite a few spectators to turn up to buy tickets at the door. |
However there're quite a few other places around the area which are really worth a dekko. |
You have to have quite a few of these stories for it to work, but they're deniable. |
We've got some rare basalt woodlands and 600 or 800 year old grass trees, and quite a few endangered species. |
The cheers came on cue, even though the applause must have struck quite a few of the Democratic graybeards in the audience as a tad ironic. |
We have plenty of eligible bachelors in these parts and quite a few eligible ladies too! |
I did get a treat today though with quite a few dishy men in lush suits wandering around. |
In fact, the body gets buried and disinterred, and reburied and almost buried, quite a few times. |
An environmental activist found a place in this list along with quite a few history sheeters. |
In fact he smiled on quite a few occasions, though probably more out of exasperation than anything else. |
Needless to say, quite a few small sherries were quaffed and a grand time was had by all. |
I have been asked by quite a few people about this video and whether it was an accurate representation of what I have seen and experienced. |
I am far more nervous than they are and there are quite a few laughs when they see this gangly fellow mixed in with them. |
Sligo has been waiting for quite a few things for a long time and now two of them come together. |
I explained quite a few more times but eventually he just shut his window and took no notice. |
There are others, of course, quite a few of them, but it'd be boring to list them all. |
It means that I have to buy everybody presents, and not get anything back from quite a few. |
Branson understands that quite a few of us harbour a desire to rise above the multitude. |
Yes quite a few, it's one of the things about living in London or any big city I guess. |
He has been able to find sufficient time to create quite a few items during his free time. |
I am not sure I have a hero as such, but there are quite a few figures that I admire. |
You need quite a few to make the juice for this jelly, and it is much easier to do if you have a blender or food processor. |
He admits that quite a few very experienced climbers have died on the West Ridge route. |
I wove the Cinderella Fairy Tale into this story so you'll be seeing quite a few things from that fairy tale altered to fit my story. |
It's a hospital I know well as I spent quite a few weeks there over a number of years when I was very young. |
I don't vouch for the suitability of all the stories, of course, but quite a few of them have raised a laugh. |
So, without further ado, here's my version of events, aided by quite a few pictures. |
He appeared with regularity at both ends of the field, won quite a few aerial battles and most importantly, a lot of breaks. |
However, the truth is that in their heart of hearts, quite a few adults are afraid of deep water. |
She has kept up with her exercise regime whereas mine has started and floundered quite a few times. |
Things wouldn't be so bad if we hadn't made love, but we have quite a few times. |
The survey also uncovered that there are quite a few mama's boys out there. |
The postal and e-mail Sanskrit learning and Vedanta courses also have quite a few takers. |
There were quite a few times this month when it looked like summer was coming to an end as the winds picked up and blew williwaws across the bay. |
The winds of change blowing through Cairo could sweep away quite a few regimes in the region. |
By this time the region had sprouted quite a few more vineyards and wineries. |
Plenty of Redditors had answers at the ready, with quite a few repeats in the bunch. |
He could see quite a few sailors, laughing, smoking and drinking foaming pints of ale. |
We have seen quite a few people coming out of the woodwork selling the krugerrands they got in the sixties. |
I know I had quite a few duplicates and outfits my children never wore as babies, and this is a great opportunity to re-gift those items. |
Don't expend too many yucks straight away because there are quite a few other thigh-slappers in her essay. |
She's taken quite a few lately with her mum's phone camera and they are surprisingly decent. |
If you're serious and plan quite a few early mornings, adjust your sleep schedule the same way you adjust to a new time zone. |
Some of you may remember my New Year's resolutions and noticed that quite a few of them had something to do with weight loss. |
He is generally considered to be the founding father of the animal liberation movement and has turned quite a few meat eaters into vegetarians. |
While I may not want a war in my name, there are quite a few other causes I don't want to lend my name to either. |
I had fished this for carp, and caught quite a few tench on boiled baits and carp rigs. |
This would not be a case of losing valuable seconds to get to the fire but more like quite a few minutes. |
The whole scene of a sudden appearance of people had obviously been witnessed by quite a few others. |
Many people were live-blogging the event and obviously there have been quite a few recaps of PubCon as well. |
There were quite a few chickens wandering around, but evidently no roosters. |
I have played the album quite a few times, and am happy to listen all the way through, but the middle of the album does seem a bit samey. |
Jalpari Chaat tandoori is a fusion of Mediterranean and Indian influences, and they have quite a few dishes that would straddle that. |
While we've encountered quite a few bird bloggers on the web, avians aren't the only critters being blogged about. |
After a few such trips, I became bolder, and I got myself into quite a few awkward or embarrassing situations as a result. |
During my career we did investigate quite a few satanic murder cases and a human sacrifice. |
There are quite a few charcuterie stands, too, selling jambons and saucissons in all shapes and flavors. |
The scandal-mongering of the late '90s was extremely insidious, and it has already given us quite a few fine movies. |
There are quite a few good strikers around in the Premiership but he is the man in form and the man of the moment. |
I've been to quite a few cross country races and I can typically count the number of racers wearing baggies on one hand. |
You might find quite a few prints with the left margin trimmed, thus making an identification by date impossible. |
Over quite a few years I have tested a number of Baer pistols and examined dozens more belonging to friends, or which were found in gun shop showcases. |
We turn down quite a few invitations here at the Diary to enter journalism awards simply because we are totally out of whack with the subject matter. |
Every large town will have quite a few horologers and jewelers with a vast selection of fancy watches displayed their windows, with huge price tags to go with them. |
I have quite a few kalanchoes, all planted in the same area. |
There were still quite a few living humans left in Penang, fighting bravely as wave after wave of subdead rose from the sea. |
I was swerving in and out of cars, and I got quite a few honks. |
Anyway, quite a few people have told me they like the guitar sound on it. |
Surviving into his 90th year, he got nearly four decades, post-Warner, to spread the good word about classical cartooning and to hear quite a few thrown his way. |
After a number of recent battles, in which quite a few hundred people have been slaughtered, the sensitive politician might want to avoid the use of bellicose imagery. |
We also have constructed fish ladders and we developed quite a few parks for the public to come and see, and learn about the potential of the river restoration. |
She doesn't seem to have twigged that if I've been sailing since I was six, mostly in a Wayfarer, I've had to dodge quite a few booms and guillotine-like kicking straps. |
On quite a few occasions it was our touring car for the nightclub circuit. |
We have faced quite a few of them so far and Manchester United have got some great players who you like to pit your wits against and see how you cope. |
In fact, even today, decades away from childhood, I can think of quite a few people whom I wouldn't mind sacrificing at the altar of wizardry and magic. |
Now that I've re-emphasized my main point, which I think deals with quite a few of the complaints made, I'll address a few of your comments individually. |
I've been saying for quite a few years now that my family is cursed. |
There have been quite a few documentaries recently on binge drinking. |
Almost all our professors of mathematics lectured at these clandestine universities, and quite a few of the students then are now professors or docents themselves. |
There are quite a few areas where mobile costs can be trimmed, from controlling personal use through to getting the most sensible service for the executive traveler. |
The DVD comes in a huge box that's about twice the size of any DVD set you could name and it's got quite a few extras that might even entice prudes to buy it for a lark. |
Sorry I most likely do have quite a few grammar mistakes and so on. |
I've performed quite a few tasks that I didn't necessarily know how to do, or was maybe not exactly physically capable of doing, just by buckling down and figuring it out. |
There have been quite a few popular post-apocalyptic or dystopian novels in recent years by prominent literary novelists. |
In that 4 and a half years on the Isle of Man, I worked as a practising veterinary surgeon and met quite a few people who were involved in the drag hunt. |
Yes, there are quite a few mixed metaphors in this post, aren't there? |
Suddenly, there were quite a few very loud bangs on the door. |
I've holed my share of chips and had quite a few near-misses. |
There are quite a few fabrics suitable for reversible jackets. |
There were also quite a few desserts and hot drinks to choose from. |
The document excerpts material from several digital photography books published by the excellent Peachpit Press, and includes quite a few good tips. |
He changed quite a few cloaks before donning the saffron robe. |
One problem, however, is that since it is street football, the sidelines aren't marked off very well and you have quite a few instances of accidentally running out of bounds. |
Unfortunately quite a few were killed by vehicles but if grazing had been effective on neighbouring paddocks, many of the roos would have been saved. |
In quite a few of these species the inner side of the skin that covers the bulb is covered with a thick hairy layer that provides extra protection. |
Both CorBon and Hornady have factory ammo, brass will be available from Starline and there are already quite a few suitable.45 bullets with cannelures for crimping. |
Many of those players already had some years in the game behind them but there were also quite a few, like Matt, who were still in the first flush of youth. |
I've just happened to come across quite a few wackadoos in my time. |
In fact, there were quite a few stories about planets with two suns. |
Well those vessels are US-owned, and most of the sunken World War II ships are foreign flag vessels, primarily Japanese and quite a few American vessels as well. |
The Royal Museum that houses the first cloned sheep named Dolly, the National Gallery of Scotland along with quite a few national museums are paradigmatic cases in point. |
I also found quite a few woodlice and some tenebrionid beetles. |
When you first allow your child to have full tantrums, she may have quite a few, because you've opened the doors to a storehouse full of unexpressed feelings. |
Glacier Park has quite a few mountains with living glaciers, and the runoff rivulets, creeks and rivers have an opalescence that is indescribably beautiful. |
Being a hybrid maker off and on over the years, I'm very comfortable with the idea and have been the subject of quite a few pretty good mash-ups myself. |
Around me in the East Stand upper tier are an assortment of senior company directors, bankers, hedge-fund managers, and, curiously, quite a few mini-cab drivers. |
We used to have quite a few cracker nights when I was younger. |
The tavern was smoky and filled with quite a few strange creatures. |
There are never enough stowage areas in cars, but this new model does provide quite a few including a tray, albeit an extremely shallow one, under the front passenger seat. |
During England's flukey draw with Italy, quite a few of our players looked like fish out of water. |
There are quite a few others, but any true dubstepper knows these tunes and will consider them classics later. |
The book has quite a few plot holes. For example, it's never explained why the main character came to town. |
In India there are quite a few monazite sand bearing placer deposits causing high background radiation along its coastline. |
Having played it for quite a few hours, I can heartily agree. |
I'm a 63-year-old man and over the past year or so I've noticed that when I go to pass water, it takes quite a few seconds before I can start. |
I love Palm Sugar, I think it's like the Sugar Hut, so there's quite a few similarities. |
And in a country rife with scandals, Poroshenko has dodged quite a few. |
I'll be camping out on the side of the river, or bivvying for quite a few nights. |
I wouldn't say I'm a regular opera-goer but over the years I've seen quite a few. |
This was a tommy gun of a game and quite a few players must have carried away the bullet scars. |
As box-ticking goes, I'm ticking quite a few and am pinching myself as I do so. |
I was a member here for couple of years and played quite a few matches for the scratch team. |
As Dr. Jack predicted, there were quite a few cummies popping, and even a bit of virga. |
French musician and producer Kid Loco has produced and composed quite a few legendary trip hop albums since 1996 up till today. |
There are many Traditional Irish bands playing throughout the city and quite a few music schools concentrate on teaching Traditional music. |
Most cultivated orchids are tropical or subtropical, but quite a few which grow in colder climates can be found on the market. |
Swiss dialects have quite a few words from French and Italian, which are perfectly assimilated. |
Carlyle had quite a few unusual definitions at hand, which were collected by the Nuttall Encyclopedia. |
I also used quite a few of the flat-fingered kind of ruff to embellish some notes. |
During my career I met many other metallurgists, quite a few of them graduates of Newcastle. |
That's very much been the result of a protest vote, but I think quite a few of the protest votes have now deserted Plaid for Ukip. |
I wouldn't say I'm a regular operagoer but over the years I've seen quite a few. |
OnePlus will now diversify on its own, with the help of quite a few former members of competitor software customization team Paranoid Android. |
Preston was the first of quite a few places in England where the Prince was cheered as he rode by and where he was joined by some English volunteers for his Army. |
Reading about the sexploits of temptress Atia and her winsome daughter Octavia would have encouraged quite a few teenage boys to keep the subject up that little bit longer. |
But his film received a premiere last Friday night at midnight at the Egyptian Theater, a coveted slot at Sundance, and quite a few members of the audience left midmovie. |
The past few weeks have seen a pluckier performance and quite a few goals for the team, but that could not save it from relegation after this season. |
They had to stay there for quite a few months and finished up with a film which not only told the story he wanted but also captured the raw natural beauty of the location. |
Dubai's property market has seen its ups and down over the past few years, with quite a few of those ups being caused by speculative land buyers looking to make a quick buck. |
They have also lent their name to quite a few weapons from other cultures. |
It could be argued that, because there were quite a few Dixiecrats in Truman's congressional majority, he would have had difficulty getting a legislative program passed. |
The match had a very good weigh-in and quite a few different species consisting of two thornbacks, 13 dogfish, eight codling, 12 whiting and two dab. |
I cannot say how important the stonefly nymph is in the diet of the young sewin but I think that junior sewin take quite a few stoneflies in view of their joint habitat. |
There are quite a few split pot possibilities with these two hands. |