The trigger return spring is also quite a bit heavier than the dual-purpose unit found on the Colts and Remingtons. |
Christine's queen-sized bed took up quite a bit of space, so rearranging was in order. |
I bring it up every so often just to test the waters, which are getting less chilly, but he still evinces quite a bit of hesitation. |
This storm obviously did quite a bit of damage to area homes, businesses and vehicles. |
With lots of obstacles and steep downhills, your hipflexor muscles may work quite a bit harder than they normally do. |
Very difficult to get ones hands on a version as it's been mucked about with quite a bit. |
At first I was a little timid because the car has quite a bit of power, tons of grip with the underbody and the wings. |
This led the owner to spend quite a bit of money in medical expenses on the injured dog. |
Privately, I've heard quite a bit of murmuring and muttering about the way this affects the day-to-day running of the club. |
There had been heavy rain the night before, so even his ten-year-old Nissan Patrol four-wheel drive was slipping and sliding quite a bit. |
There's quite a bit of classical Hebrew and English in there too, probably some Russian, Slovak and Polish as well. |
I'll admit, I've done quite a bit of nannying and although there were eating issues, it was never quite like this. |
From the little snippets he did give I have pieced together quite a bit of the story. |
I wasn't feeling up to going out, so I spent quite a bit of time listening to music. |
The chances are that quite a bit of the same fish was taken from within the Irish fishing boundary and without a brass farthing to Ireland. |
These breadboarding sockets are sturdy and rugged, and can take quite a bit of handling. |
I tried to scan some of the slides and they lost quite a bit of their stunning colours and brilliancy. |
Bobby felt quite a bit better the following morning, but his entire body was still sore. |
Unsurprisingly, harmonica worked a quite a bit better than sousaphone in this space. |
One family had raised a brood of chicks in mid-July, and they had already grown quite a bit by this time. |
I was wearing a red dress, right down to my ankles, flaring slightly at the knees, with the V-shaped neckline going down quite a bit. |
It turned out the man had several places in the big city, which surprised her quite a bit. |
He was nice and looked quite a bit like he did in his pictures but taller ha ha. |
It takes skill, quite a bit of effort and stamina, and a certain kind of imagination. |
Though not possessing as many national caps as their rivals, the Havies boast quite a bit of talent. |
She had never seen this side of him before and she felt a tug at her heartstrings which alarmed her quite a bit. |
I know I've read about electrons shifting orbits quite a bit before, but I'm too foggy to think of where and how right now. |
You see, he works partly outdoors and partly indoors and has quite a bit of walking to do. |
Although I enjoy chants and church music quite a bit, I had not, for some time, felt the need to attend a church service. |
On start-up and idle, the engine chatters quite a bit but this soon soothens down on running. |
I had quite a bit more sympathy for Brendan, the hapless teenaged supermarket checker, than did the author of the book. |
This self-righteousness, this bilious holier-than-thou attitude not only amazes me, it saddens me quite a bit too. |
The pomp and pageantry seemed to affect our lads quite a bit and they appeared sluggish and nervous at the beginning of the game. |
He had by this time changed quite a bit from the lanky, pale-faced boy he used to be. |
Contrary to what you might think, genies have quite a bit of control over what wishes get granted. |
As Marvin, the obese Ron Orbach sweats profusely but exudes quite a bit less humor. |
It was always spelt out to me that I would have to trim the wage bill and the playing staff and there has been quite a bit of clearing the decks. |
I change my clubs quite a bit, depending on the type of golf course I'm playing. |
Every week they sinned quite a bit but on a Friday they would go and confess, do whatever they had to do as penance, then go out sinning again. |
His levitation tricks also depend on quite a bit of cognitive psychology to enhance their effect. |
I wrote quite a bit, and I took a fair amount of pictures, some of which I've shown, and some of which have been published in different places. |
I just thought there would be quite a bit of reporting whether or not that law would come into play here. |
The main character's a photographer so there's quite a bit of photography going on in the movie. |
They intended to cut a major scene out of the beginning and they had also fiddled with the end quite a bit. |
The cod filets reminded me quite a bit of the fish sticks of my misspent adolescence, long and skinny and golden-brown. |
There seemed to be quite a bit of construction, some plumbing, carpentry, and certainly a good deal of blood, sweat and tears. |
The round butcher block between the cooktop and the sink, for instance, could have set the couple back quite a bit. |
However, when you introduce the concept of betting, poker gains quite a bit of skill and psychology. |
I was able to improve the look of the game quite a bit without sacrificing the frame rate. |
Being from Chicago I can tell you that I have seen quite a bit of political corruption and cronyism. |
In Frank's free time, which he has quite a bit of these days, he enjoys cooking, mostly French food. |
We started off quite a bit different from where we had been at the open test. |
Finally, we knew we needed to pull it off the market and try and sell it FSBO in order to drop the price quite a bit. |
I'd chosen the seat next to the wall farthest from the windows and from where I sat, I had quite a bit of privacy. |
Some episodes show hardly a scratch or blotch on the print, but some have quite a bit of grain and fuzz on the picture. |
Nobody in the area had power at this point, and there was quite a bit of property damage. |
The decision was not an easily taken one as the committee had put in quite a bit of preparatory work so far. |
I did quite a bit of geocaching today which mainly entailed being blown all over the place and getting soaking wet feet. |
Recently I put up a PayPal donation button on the site after quite a bit of prompting by supporters wanting to help. |
I saw the tour when it hit here and yes, Fantasia gospelizes quite a bit of her music. |
Cabin design, mass economization, and recycling have also been improved quite a bit in the last 50 years. |
It took ten times the amount of energy and quite a bit of time to learn even the basics. |
Reports have stated that Scott had taken quite a bit of Laci's jewelry to a jeweler for some unknown reason. |
I put this in quotes because that phrase was once used quite a bit in America. |
Every time I went home to Argentina we'd meet and I saw him around Europe quite a bit, too. |
I followed J-pop quite a bit when I was in college, but I don't listen to it as much these days. |
Routinely calling each raise from the blind may cost you quite a bit of money. |
I've rambled on for quite a bit, and, as is typical, I haven't managed to get to the point yet. |
She proved she could rap with the best of them, but her singing voice leaves quite a bit to be desired. |
You will find yourself accidentally hitting the Alt and delete keys quite a bit. |
I was so calm that even though the wind had begun to kick up quite a bit, I went to bed. |
I have quite a bit more to say on this, but I'm gonna let you guys stew for a bit before I continue. |
The dancers mix it up quite a bit, performing together all at once, as well as in trios, duos and solo pieces. |
There was quite a bit of tartan, along with the more traditionally sombre garb, and many smiles amidst the tears. |
In a few seconds, she had worked up quite a bit of lather and took the large pitcher of water again and poured it over my hair. |
I read that this film had been rewritten and reshot quite a bit, and I can see why. |
I had quite a bit of money on deposit, but I couldn't lock it away, because I needed to live off it while I was studying. |
She'd changed quite a bit since the days of her being classified as a loose cannon and an unpredictable quality on the field. |
There is lots of drek out there from signed bands and this lot do quite a bit with what they have. |
I had calmed down quite a bit and I was no longer trembling, but my mind was still running through all of the new information I had accumulated. |
You had quite a bit of brand name talent involved for an independent, low-budget movie. |
The issue was not broached in the most articulate or tactful manner, but it did generate quite a bit of discussion on our opinion pages. |
By comparison, the 3G phones, with their big colour screens, are quite a bit more difficult to cart about. |
There is usually quite a bit of social realigning once children come on the scene. |
I learned at least some English, some Korean, and some Mandarin Chinese when I was quite a bit younger than I am now, in fact. |
The terrestrial planets in our solar system all have very specific spectroscopic fingerprints that tell us quite a bit about their atmospheres. |
As I have been so many times, and have a lot of Thai friends, I have picked up quite a bit of the Thai language. |
At Golden Star, Chef Hemji Maharaj, who is the presiding deity of the kitchen, manages to pack in quite a bit of food in one thali. |
The limbs twist around quite a bit, giving the trees a somewhat sculptured look. |
Blogs, and the entire mediascape, have changed quite a bit since I started making this film two years ago. |
The batter is quite a bit thinner than that of pancakes, and the trick is to use its fineness to the finished crepe's advantage. |
They thought I was a spy and tied me up again, quite a bit more securely than last time. |
There is quite a bit that I disagree with in that memo and specifically in that paragraph. |
Edmond bore up bravely and I think even enjoyed himself quite a bit, despite a tap-dancing scene which exceeded my tolerance as well. |
It also weighs a ton, considering it's quite a bit smaller than it's big brother. |
I'm a formerly skinny guy who has put on quite a bit of weight after my girlfriend nagged me constantly to do so. |
They have faded quite a bit, and that makes perfect sense since they were created as transitory objects. |
There was quite a bit of the old blarney left in this extremely complicated New Englandy-Irish lady yet. |
I think it has quite a bit to do with the relative lack of tools to deal with blogrolls. |
I should therefore be at full pay until mid-January and full benefits until the end of January, which softens the blow quite a bit. |
The most important result is that the new Gallup poll does look quite a bit different from most, but not all, of their previous polls since November. |
This is Sarah's second liposuction because she wanted quite a bit removed. |
My poor uncultured lady will have to get used to travelling quite a bit. |
Vincere, Father of My Children, which I really loved, The ghost writer, and I liked The Social Network quite a bit. |
Before he was famous, Nick and I used to shoot hoops together quite a bit. |
I know that disability was an issue that surfaced quite a bit during the election campaign, and it hurt the Government parties as much as any other issue did. |
Lately Millie's been carsick quite a bit and my brainstorming on what I should pack in order to clean up any accidents while travelling has made me feel rather gloomy. |
I don't think we will plant watermelon again as it takes up quite a bit of room and we prefer many of the musk melons and would rather devote room to them. |
As I understand it there is quite a bit of good deltiology literature available, so you may want to hunt for that to get more detailed information. |
So that in that sense, there was quite a bit of fuss about it at the time, but once the interviews aired, that particular controversy disappeared. |
I used to travel quite a bit, because I had a gallery in London dealing with oriental art, and it was important to visit areas that held such a fascination for me. |
But in the islands people rave about a squirrel-like critter called the manicou that tastes quite a bit like chicken and is surefire hit at barbecues. |
There's actually quite a bit of strategy involved in the boss battles. |
I'm not a hot shot programmer by any means, but I've done quite a bit of playing around with getting data in and out of databases programmatically. |
They get blown quite a bit for their scrumming and if you look at most of the penalties against them, a high percentage are for indiscretions there. |
She let out a watery little hiccough that sounded quite a bit like a sob. |
You've grown quite a bit and become rather flexible in the past month. |
He also apparently owed his pusher quite a bit of money, so the prospect of living and the debt being forgiven in exchange for planting the device had been too much for him. |
There is quite a bit of maintenance, as everyone knows we shed hair prolifically and when wearing extensions the real hair cannot escape, as it's attached to the extension. |
One of the topics you write about quite a bit is the body image problem you had when you were growing up. |
My stuffed bear, Cid, has quite a bit of built in presence into him. |
I answered some questions with quite a bit too much jibber-jabber. |
Manufacturing tolerances have a tendency to vary quite a bit. |
She was all very jolly and laughing and joking with us and over a quarter of an hour we learned quite a bit about her and that she was waiting to see a doctor there. |
It was too superficial an examination of the subject, which ironically reminded me that there is quite a bit that I don't know about history in general. |
The coaches who have trained under these men have quite a bit in common. |
She thinks people enjoy regular non-extreme skiing quite a bit. |
Come October and November, temperatures and the number of daylight hours drop quite a bit, so traveling earlier in the shoulder season is preferable. |
The situation is quite a bit different from being just a sexual virgin. |
Elegant satin and silk coverings with braid and lace can cost quite a bit. |
Not many doctors are likely to reach for the pocketbook on that scale without quite a bit of deliberation. |
Since then we've corresponded quite a bit, met in person, and now I'm helping co-produce his film and he's helping me iron out the wrinkles in my script. |
This wasn't just your garden-variety assignment, and my students gleaned quite a bit about shape, form, color, sensation of texture, and sculpture principles. |
There is actually quite a bit of pressure within the sizing die and if there is a gob of lube it will almost always end up making a dent in the shoulder. |
Eighteen, nineteen years old girls who were going to wild camps and hooking up with boys who probably knew quite a bit about what they wanted on a date. |
The weather was now becoming more appropriate to California, with mostly unbroken sunshine, but even so a ride of more than a few days requires quite a bit of planning ahead. |
And I got quite a bit of interest with a post on a 12 th-century Anglo-Norman play, so you don't have to worry about dealing with what some might see as obscure topics! |
Yourofsky has spent quite a bit of time in jail for various animal liberation acts, including two months in a Canadian prison for releasing mink from a Canadian farm. |
Valuations of fast moving consumer goods, or FMCG, stocks have run up quite a bit and it may be time for a correction, say experts. |
The cuisine of Southeastern Mexico also has quite a bit of Caribbean influence, given its geographical location. |
We know quite a bit about these round ships, since Romans, like Egyptians and Greeks, left records in stone, sometimes even on a sarcophagus. |
When I saw a special version of Quake running on Voodoo hardware, I knew I would be forking out quite a bit of money on my gaming rig. |
It took almost to noon, and quite a bit of slow, careful rolling, and more than a few snootfuls of seawater, but finally he was free. |
Admittedly, the quality of alt cert programs varies quite a bit. |
But this episode taught us quite a bit, and we will one day learn more once we are able to hold another vaginoid in captivity. |
The new EP has quite a bit of pedal steel which was ideal as an instrument. |
Frankie's Promise again jumped a little scratchily, but there was quite a bit to take from his staying-on third over two miles. |
I had quite a bit of stage fright so I probably portrayed myself as a nervous Nelly. |
You've beaten the life expectancy by quite a bit, I'd wager, with or without your time-honored tubbiness. |
One clopper recently gained quite a bit of notoriety on the Internet by revealing just how far his obsession with the show had gone. |
She had no more relation to peers than Dryden, and possibly quite a bit less. |
The polymer foregrip is attached pretty ankh directly to the barrel by a steel rod, but it takes quite a bit of shooting before the polymer handle even begins to get warm. |
Joe's solo efforts differ quite a bit from the Pernice Brothers' material, veering more towards Americana than the poppier sound created by his full band. |
You can turn your brights on and that helps quite a bit, but you can not leave them on. So you end up driving beyond your headlights more than half the time. |
Funerals crop up quite a bit in Liz's rather melancholy output, and although she is inspired by the maudlin, she serves her songs with a big smattering of gallows humour. |
The area is richly covered with Doum palms, which have more branches than regular palm trees, with fruit that look relatively similar, but quite a bit bigger, than dates. |