The neural spines in posterior dorsal vertebrae lack distinct lateral projections. |
The anterior arch may also have facets articulating with projections on the occipital bone. |
Given that forecasts were so inaccurate, I thought it might be preferable to rely on projections based on simple rules of thumb. |
Most analysts were wary of these projections and some believe his luck will run out next year. |
All architectural projections and rusticated surfaces are of reconstituted stone. |
The tongue has many small projections making the surface very markedly ridged. |
This means that projections and, therefore birth rates, are not very reliable for Hispanics. |
As with the 2000 election, will you inject your sage Texas wisdom into your 2000 election projections? |
Tubulovillous polyps are pedunculated, with villous projections extending from the free ends. |
Early projections suggest that it might become as bright as magnitude 0.3, but this is uncertain. |
Neurites are the long projections of nerve cell bodies called axons and dendrites. |
He devoted himself to problems of navigation as well as to producing maps and map projections. |
Microblasting technology is used to remove very fine burrs so that there are no sharp projections on the outside edge of the tube tip. |
Many times, he hit his head on sharp projections of rock from the low, stone ceiling that nearly made him black out again. |
The projections are only guesses, based on assumptions that workers will be with the company their entire careers and will receive annual raises. |
I've read them, I know what they say, I know how they derived the projections, and I know the margin for error. |
Mirrored projections face each other, pulsing like an underwater shot of baleen, white tissue-like net moving in and out. |
During sustained hypoxia, increased thalamic gating may decrease respiratory sensory projections to higher centers. |
We've got computer projections of drift according to the weather and charts which give us an approximation of survival times. |
The resulting welds are localized at predetermined points by projections, embossments, or intersections. |
The projections of the four individual submodels were integrated into a single prediction based upon Bayes' theorem. |
We would like to understand the projections of self-similar sets in the plane. |
During these projections, the artist also photographed the installations themselves in time exposures lasting from three to four minutes. |
Yes, there is a symbiotic relationship between two projections or two images. |
The luminal surface of the epithelial cells contained few irregular cytoplasmic projections, but cilia or microvilli were absent. |
The epithelial component has delicate surface microvillous projections indicating glandular differentiation. |
The tumor may have fingerlike projections, which extend into adjacent renal parenchyma. |
In the course of the performance, projections above the stage suggested a nightscape of starry fields and woods reflected in still water. |
The biennial will open with a downtown celebration, including exhibitions, music, performances and large-scale projections. |
Daily, weekly, or seasonal projections can be made on the basis of historical demand so that both down time and overtime are minimized. |
But the projections still don't look good, and already one of the Big Three has hit the rocks. |
Cut neatly, form mitres at return angles and remove sharp edges, swarf and other potentially dangerous projections. |
But the big, blurred picture projections lack the specificity an original photograph and caption give. |
Tempted to log on and goof off in your favorite chat room, rather than complete the financial projections on your new business plan? |
I think that was really important to why I started to use projected images and slide projections. |
It's not as powerful as the initial projections led us to believe, and the Wankel engine uses oil and petrol in equal measure. |
Her intermedia spaces stage the spectacle through multiscreen projections of images of nature. |
Additionally, mucinous cystadenocarcinomas often have papillary projections and mural nodules that may correlate with areas of malignancy. |
I move on to the projections that were released as something of a bombshell last week. |
The general form of these planes is that of a jack plane with projections on either side of the sole. |
But if the projections of jobs and a subsequent biotech boomlet pan out, those investors are going to reap the benefits. |
Exhibits are dimmed whilst fantastically big projections of rarely seen war photographs cover the jarring, angular interior walls. |
However, what was delivered is no more than aspirational and the unquantified projections. |
But mayor Costa pointed out that Ammerman's study used unspecified and unsourced projections for global warming. |
Celebration and friendship washed over the brassy clutter of drawings, video projections, raw wood structures, handmade coins and other stuff. |
Scientific projections of solar activity predict a solar minimum over the next two decades. |
The downstairs fireplace rests solidly upon two concrete platform projections. |
Economists in our day try to utter all kinds of vaticinal projections about the future. |
Comparisons to the 1918 Spanish influenza have produced death toll projections in excess of 360 million, evoking images of chaos in the streets. |
The parapophyses are broad, elongate, wing-like projections that protrude ventrolaterally from the anteromedial margin of each centrum. |
The lead vocalist destroys all preconceptions of noisecore with his guttural screams and his distinct projections. |
The screen projections were cool, and the nonchalance of the band provided enough room to get into their music. |
The black stained villus projections are probably due to chronic smoke inhalation. |
Shells of T. inornatus are lacking the spinose projections of the lamellae along the subsutural keel. |
The National Academies Building acknowledges its historic context through a rhythm of voids and projections in the facades. |
Also list key accounts, potential customers, market survey data, drawings, agreements, and financial projections to the plan. |
One intriguing aspect of this work is the drawing effect Stone achieves with spotlights and projections, using light as a carrier for color. |
Any such extrapolation based on one incident only is a most unscientific and unreliable basis for projections. |
Their black and white poster-size prints use video projections as light sources, providing time-elapsed post-exposures of the images. |
Mimesis by Katherine Labelle is a multimedia performance that includes simple staging, video projections, and solo dance. |
Since then she has made conceptual photographs, projections, installations, drawings and more. |
The cuticular hairs formed by epidermal cells are not the only examples of cellular projections found in Drosophila. |
Defined benefit plans need to evolve to the Internet age with frequent access to benefit accruals and projections. |
He worked on geodesy but became interested in conformal map projections where he invented a quincuncial map projection using elliptic functions. |
One specimen was covered with small rounded crystal-like projections, similar to cube and octahedron forms. |
No respectable economist would hazard growth projections for any longer time frame than a decade. |
The work is viewed on a screen behind which drawings, puppets, and backdrops are illuminated using opaque and transparent projections. |
Of course, the fact that they were there only as projections of her own imagination took a little of the meaning out of that approval. |
Within the ventral nerve cord, the axon projections of tactile receptors and proprioceptors are strictly separated. |
The client usually receives a quotation with projections when buying a policy. |
It also features video and sound projections as well as live music on stage. |
The hooklets, which have been often mentioned, are quite elaborate, and they are in fact one of many kinds of projections. |
Other common elements may include the possession of fixed conical teeth and cirri, or fleshy hair-like projections, on the head. |
Estimates that do exist are based on hypothetical projections from local investigations with questionable validity. |
It is important to note that the aberrant projections do not seem to result from fasciculation defects or growth impairments. |
If the reader will examine the outside of a Pholas shell, he will find it studded, in regular rows, with little projections. |
Characteristically he used broadly contoured forms and polished his surfaces to immaculate smoothness, unbroken by projections or incisions. |
The exhibition included slide projections, videos, photographs, installations and paintings as well as wall sculptures. |
Ammunition stocks disappeared as artillery fired projectiles far in excess of prewar projections. |
The parietals are only well exposed on the skull roof, as their ventral projections contacting the postfrontal and postorbital are damaged. |
Recently, the projections of many top forecasters have taken an optimistic turn. |
These valuations are, in turn, based on forward earnings estimates and the level of risk associated with those projections. |
As is true with all trend lines, however, their true meaning only become evident when forward projections are examined. |
So I think all the predictions and projections everybody is making are on target. |
The last two weeks is more in line with what preseason projections of the Eagles expected. |
Also, deal makers must be trained to factor the goodwill rules into their projections. |
Demographic projections suggest rapid future growth of this ethnic group, due to immigration. |
On the second sowing date, simulated yields using these optimistic projections exceeded the yields using the current weather data. |
While most experts consider the problem severe, others say the gloomy forecasts are based on overly conservative projections of economic growth. |
The trustees present three projections, based on pessimistic, middle-of-the-road and optimistic economic assumptions, respectively. |
Again, budget projections based on historical economic trends would have been even worse than the forecasts that were actually used. |
The study warns, however, that these positive projections are based upon the retention of a fairly stable oil price. |
Growth projections indicate the center could expand to 200,000 square feet by 2007 and create 30 more jobs. |
When the museum opened in June last year financial projections were based on 200,000 paying customers a year. |
Small declines in the mortality rate today compound and create very large population increases in projections for the future. |
By definition, projections make assumptions based on past behavior, and future behavior may or may not follow the same patterns. |
The reported strong sales in the opening week have led the paper's promoters to revise original sales projections upwards. |
With the current sales projections, I am sure we both agree there is a need to reduce costs. |
To put together five-year spending plans in such an environment and to make projections on income over the period is whistling in the dark. |
The screenager sees how the entire mediaspace is a cooperative dream, made up of the combined projections of everyone who takes part. |
Once more the computer was produced to show me what the future held, based on a range of percentage growth projections. |
With its metal projections and angles, wooden recesses and thin walls it has a serendipitous quality. |
He finishes off with a wonk's analysis of sustainable firewood projections for the next 60 years. |
One which has survived is his Cartography which is a work on map projections. |
Watch what happens to your energy when you choose not to engage in these worst-case scenario projections. |
I spent years memorizing every strategy, learning how to read gun angles, bullet projections, all of it! |
Fortunately for Laurie, I'm here to set his mind at rest, for I happen to know that his projections are fundamentally flawed. |
As it is, there is a lack of confidence about Government revenue projections. |
At the other end of life, projections that we can expect to live longer have become a focus for demographic anxieties. |
It'd be funny if, after centuries of map projections, the world really did turn out to be flat because of the mountain and valley wrinkles. |
Ethical propositions are properly seen as projections of our concerns and attitudes, rather than as references to some property of the world. |
Its two horn-like projections, normally hanging down like lobes, were repeatedly folded in order to funnel food into its mouth. |
The story is told through acting, song, dance and drama, with visual projections, choirs, bands and performance artists all adding to the madness. |
The morphologic differential diagnosis of mature B-cell neoplasms with cytoplasmic projections includes splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes and hairy cell leukemia. |
Small balcony projections with ornate balustrades and pretty wrought iron lamps flanking monumental doorways on the tall street walls characterized the early homes. |
Original financial projections were based on 444 visitors a day. |
The projections should clearly identify the funding requirement, your cash burn rate, profitability details and the return to the equity investor or other finance provider. |
Many companies took the knife to their cost base early in the downturn and many have revisited their cost base as revenue projections became increasingly pessimistic. |
These projections are based on assumptions about fertility and life expectancy as both these measures are independent of the age structure of the population. |
Based on projections of a future increase in tourist arrivals made by the provincial government, the idea to develop an integrated resort was launched. |
Then as now, the Administration's projections promised a rosy scenario. |
Utilizing a soundscape, traditional music, vocalizations and projections, this two-part work explores the interdependency of community and individuality. |
Its projections are not forecasts but extrapolations of present trends. |
With grey-green glaze on both the interior and exterior, the decoration en barbotine, the exterior with five vertical bands of conical projections. |
The room following was swathed in green velvet, evoking a moss-covered cavern complete with stalagmitic and stalactitic projections and sand underfoot. |
Sadly, even these victories cannot alter the projections the ipcc has made for the next 30 to 40 years. |
User fee rates will be based on meeting specific revenue projections. |
In early June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics downwardly revised projections for white-collar job growth for 2002-2003, based on accelerated job migration. |
And if the projections hold, Meretz and HaTnuah will jointly take 12 seats. |
Poles to the shear fabrics and slickenline data, when plotted on stereographic projections, indicate vergence to the SW with some scatter mainly to the south. |
Ditton bases his projections on demographic trends already in play. |
Mr. Shade's patent provided for the solid shank in the handle to be made with a series of lateral projections or wings graded in size toward the head. |
The information was gradually entered into a computer system, which allowed map projections of various kinds of crime to be superimposed on each other. |
One wonders how far the military itself is delinked from its old geopolitics to allow projections of conflict to be replaced by projections of economic profit. |
They faced a choice of publishing population projections according to schedule or delaying until the estimate of current population had been updated. |
But data from weather balloons and satellites don't match the projections. |
The lower formation 44 comprises a downwardly opening channel 46 having a pair of opposed internal projections 48 that extend towards each other but do not meet. |
The process can accommodate features such as countersinks, extrusions, semi-pierces, weld projections, coined chamfers, counter bores, and offsets. |
Perfect use of lighting, scenography and projections emphasised slick performances by a formidable cast and an evocative musical score was the cherry on the cake. |
Is there some uncertainty in the projections about depletable assets like oil stores? |
The inside was also padded and lined with curious little projections. |
I didn't teach people how to draw grids and make axonometric projections. |
As a result, the cytoarchitecture of the perinuclear region of cells is well characterized, but other regions such as the lamellipodium and cellular projections are not. |
We are familiar with stories of the intimate and wrong-headed projections heaped upon the maid who is accused of taking something that the lady of the house simply misplaced. |
This is not only good news but encouraging revelations, especially made at the beginning of the year when projections are usually about gloom and doom. |
Wood panels create virtual rock walls to simulate the craggy cliffs of the lake, and video projections provide dynamic images of seasonal changes. |
A deep labial concavity is present between the two projections. |
These projections are at best pure fantasy and at worst a bold faced lie. |
To view the piece one must walk through a narrow door and in between the two rear-screen projections so that the images seem to deflect off of you in both directions. |
This area will feature slide projections and visuals by Andrew Clarke. |
Hairy leukoplakia typically presents as bilateral corrugated, painless white thickening found on the lateral borders of the tongue, sometimes with hairy projections. |
America here is presented as a play of reflections, its image a crazy quilt of the accumulated slights, projections and unrealizable longings of those outside its borders. |
The workmen are busy touching things up and adjusting the projections. |
With its stepped projections and striations of garbage and wood, this baroque construction evoked a geological formation of layered rock and sediment. |
They maintained that there would be no significant fall-out, and noted that the projections for the upcoming tourist season showed strong forward bookings. |
Forward projections indicated an ever-growing development fund gap. |
Using case studies and projections, this book is an excellent source of information for marine biologists, oceanographers, aquarists, and fishery scientists. |
Publishers went back to the drawing board and revised their business plans, adding affiliate dollars, micropayments and other e-commerce revenue sources to their projections. |
With the count proceeding at a molasses rate, none of the networks were able to make projections in the tight three-way contests. |
When we begin to have some sense of the relation between subject and object, we may begin to see that it is our own mental projections that are reflected back into our mind. |
Their projections possess both a sharp edge and piercing point. |
They engage in land planning and architectural design that do not commit the developer but present options on which to base financial projections. |
Inside is an altar-like sculpture cut from the living rock which still shows signs of carved projections that could be used to trace the sun's course during the year. |
Rambutan and pulasan produce edible fruits encased in coverings that have nubby or hairlike projections. |
However, the IPCC's projections do not reflect the full range of uncertainty. |
In contrast to most projections of the aftermath of nuclear war, in this there is no rioting or looting. |
Our great hive minds can instantly read their feeble mental projections from even this distance. |
Maps based on scientific principles had been made since the time of Eratosthenes, in the 3rd century BC, but Ptolemy improved map projections. |
On map projections there is no universal rule as to how meridians and parallels should appear. |
This was exploited in the days of hand calculators to expedite the construction of map projections. |
These horizontal projections are visibly balanced by the strong verticals of the massive towers, which may be one, two or three in number. |
Detailed SEM study showed that putative mechanosensillae are distributed all around the frontal as well as other projections. |
The projections of the skull and teeth are weakly developed, but stronger than those of the least weasel. |
Defensible projections should be consistent with actual recent aggregate nonprice supply trends and the component nonprice sources of growth. |
The Question Mark Inside consisted of digital text projections to the cathedral dome, West Front and inside onto the Whispering Gallery. |
This molecular framework has focused on the canonical pallidostriatal and pallidosubthalamic projections. |
The vertebrae have projections that allow for strong muscle attachment enabling locomotion without limbs. |
Africa is the largest of the three great southward projections from the largest landmass of the Earth. |
These projections, called papillae, have a rich blood supply and increase the surface area of the cloaca. |
More research is needed to understand the role of clouds and carbon cycle feedbacks in climate projections. |
The IPCC's projections are conservative, and may underestimate future sea level rise. |
A bird's beak is primarily made of bone as projections of the mandibles which are covered in keratin. |
All projections distort distances and directions, and each projection distributes those distortions differently. |
Instead, in Book VII of his work, he outlines three separate projections of increasing difficulty and fidelity. |
Usage other than for marine charts is now deprecated and more suitable projections are available. |
The face of the cliff had many projections that were big enough for birds to nest on. |
Both have stated, however, that this new number is likely more realistic than some earlier projections. |
For example, long projections emerged from the cells and floated before they retracted, creating a starlike pattern. |
Two hairy, soft projections, evidently very sensitive, inform the bee when she is in contact with a stingable object. |
The projections to the frontal lobe that are damaged in schizophrenia originate in the ventral tegmental area. |
Microvilli are tightly packed, microscopic projections of the apical surface of intestinal absorptive cells. |
The specific name, aculeus, means 'spine' or 'thorn' in reference to the sharp spine-like projections on the apices of the uncal lobes. |
Excel experts know Scenario Manager conveniently calculates what-if analyses of multiple versions of budgets and other financial projections. |
If projections hold true, by 2050 as many as 12 million people will have A-fib. |
There is a distinctive, irregular edge with amoeboid projections and islands of sparing within the indurated plaque. |
They found small finger-like projections of connective tissue and nerves invading the gelatinous cavity between the whale's two lower jaw bones. |
Birds were radiographed during inspiration both in lateral and ventrodorsal projections. |
Other astrocyte projections connect to nearby capillaries, helping to bring oxygen-rich blood to the neurons. |
At times, these globulous, wandering projections were purported to tip tables. |
Let x and y be linearly independent unit vectors in our Hubert space and P and Q the projections onto the subspaces they generate. |
These climate projections are then translated into biophysical outcomes, such as river flow, crop yields and flood probability. |
The Peters is in a class of map projections, equal-area maps, that show all countries at true size and true proportion. |
Gauss-Kruger and versions of Lambert Conformable Conic and Oblique Mercator map projections have been added. |
Spur-like projections were noted in some of the metaphyseal margins, particularly of the proximal tibiae. |
This topography consists of a sinusoidal patterns of surface projections leading to complex surface plateaus. |
Such let-downs have not deterred subsequent millennialists and dispensationalists of various stripes from continuing to make similar projections. |
Tertium Quid, with its projections of spiky shards, looked like a ceramic geode. |
Video projections of the body's interior and exterior surfaces are sequenced with domestic architecture textures and Mobius strip schematics. |
Video projections of Mobius strips activate the objects with colour and light. |
Maybe they'd heard about the band's predilection for wearing masks on stage, or appearing to back projections from snuff movies. |
Mylar film or drafting vellum can be used to draw orthographic projections of the casting to better visualize all elevations. |
The Bank of Japan will release new economic projections following its meeting on Wednesday, at which it is expected to stand pat on policy. |
Indeed extensive rifts directly induced the NEBn outbreaks, and probably the appearance of the NEBs projections as well. |
Secondly, I am working on the history of dioptrics, the geometry of the projections, as well as on the theory of conics. |
However, the importance of retirement projections in legacy planning cannot be underemphasized. |
Do patients with congenital hemiparesis and ipsilateral corticospinal projections respond differently to constraint-induced movement therapy? |
According to these OECD projections, this isn't going to change anytime soon. |
The projections, or linear combinations, of the p-dimensional data points are termed the canonical variates hereafter. |
Through mismanagement, inflated revenue projections and overcommitments, the MTA is in a fiscal sinkhole. |
Potgieter and van Wyk mention the existence of intercellular pectic projections in the petioles of many ferns, including some Pteris species. |
The net 22 percent increase is up one percentage point from fourth-quarter 1999 projections. |
Axonal projections extend from this nucleus, innervating nearly every region throughout the encephalon, including the cerebellum. |
Using state-level population projections from the Census Bureau, Justis found the Hoosier state in the middle of the pack nationwide. |
The application creates pseudocylindrical and cylindrical projections, as well as projections with curved parallels. |
Then the yellow cells extend projections called pseudopodia and give chase. |
Matured osteoblasts showed a fibroblastic morphology, with many projections after completely growth. |
The application is done in a criss-cross pattern with fingerlike projections coming out of the tape. |
Marginal growth increments are very small and are interrupted by the fingerlike projections on the otoliths. |
Posterior parietal projections to the intraparietal sulcus of the rhesus monkey. |
The small intestine has millions of finger-like projections in the lumen called villi, lined by single layer of epithelial enterocele cells. |
Their main sites are the pituitary secreting into the periphery and the hypothalamic secretion that in turn hooks up with projections to forebrain and hind-brain receptors. |
Within the abaxial and adaxial epidermal cells of the leaf pinnules of this species, there are arm-like projections where chloroplasts agglomerate. |
The latter was a noncircumscribed mass comprising multiple small nodules separated by edematous stroma and showing nodular projections into the surrounding myometrium. |
Map projections for geodesists, cartographers and geographers. |
To date, though, our growth has exceeded even our most optimistic projections, and we're thrilled to have partnered with OverDrive to expand our offering. |
In these studies she is typically represented through the lens of the poet's various projects and projections, as a voice appropriated or ventriloquized by Keats. |
His own projections suggest that AIDS orphaning is a pandemic in and of itself that could exceed the number of people afflicted with the disease, Monk said. |
Therefore, since the 1980s modern opera houses have assisted the audience by providing translated supertitles, projections of the words above or near to the stage. |
Machicolations were stone projections on top of a wall with openings that allowed objects to be dropped on an enemy at the base of the wall in a similar fashion to hoardings. |
This is why any projections of growth in tourism may serve as an indication of the relative influence that each country will exercise in the future. |
The reduced latitude is not used in the theory of map projections. |
The atlases can be used to reconstruct, or deformably register, the surface model of an object from just two to four 2D x-ray projections of the object. |
This years projections are above prior year actuals by five percent. |
The Institute has made projections about 2020, 2030 and 2040 based on 12 parameters including water availability and consumption and based on concrete hydrological components. |
The future population projections outline a continuation of recent trends in increased suburbanization and growth of the major metropolitan areas. |
The absorption of digested nutrients, water, and electrolytes is possible because of projections of the mucosa and submucosa into the lumen of the digestive tract. |
The egg chorion surface showed a chorionic pattern resulting in irregular hexagonal patterns There were 18-19 short pipe micropylar projections mounted at the anterior pole. |
Flex Projector, a freeware application for the interactive design and evaluation of map projections, was the means for creating the Natural Earth projection. |
The topics treated are earth and earth coordinates, map scale and map projections, grid coordinates systems, land partitioning and relief portrayal. |
Current projections are that demand will ease by mid-2009, though the supply of specific radial tire types and sizes may not catch up until late this year. |
Not only did it deliver an accounting profit for the half year, but improved loss ratio projections show that the operation was profitable in 2012 on a written basis. |
On a sheerly technical plane, the projections used for the backgrounds were very effective, particularly in the third act, where a sunset faded most convincingly. |
The layered trees of many phrase structure grammars grant noun phrases an intricate structure that acknowledges a hierarchy of functional projections. |
The variety of events go from film projections, musical interpretations and theatre to gastronomical classes, some of the events are specifically for kids. |
Many projections would lose their elegant and popular properties. |
It also contains smaller northern and southern polar projections. |
Pilot waves and projections from the implicate order to the explicate order of sense-perceptible phenomena are inscrutable to our everyday consiousness, at least directly. |
Skull projections are more weakly developed in females than in males. |
These currents are strongly influenced by bottom topography, since dense, bottom water must forcefully flow over and around depressions and projections in the seafloor. |
Figures used in this chart are based on the most up to date estimate or projections by the national census authority where available, and are usually rounded off. |
Projections of fabulous budget surpluses that provide the premise for this year's political action are no less airy-fairy. |
Projections made on the back of a good year in 2004 will raise unfulfillable expectations in gullible consumers. |
Projections also provide a baseline for comparison with drug use in subsequent years. |
Projections of actuarial soundness based on forecasts of productivity growth run the risk of being very wrong. |
Projections show that eventual efficiencies could reach those of fluorescent lighting with appropriate development. |
Projections suggest a probable increase in the frequency and severity of some extreme weather events, such as heat waves. |
Projections of Peronism in Argentine Autobiography, Biography and Fiction. |