The drag coefficient combines several ballistic properties of typical projectiles. |
If attackers do pop up, a hail of 10 mm projectiles can be fired at them in seconds. |
Improved projectiles were as important as larger calibres and longer barrels. |
On some projectiles, there is a nylon obturating band below the rotating band to help in forward obturation. |
These slits, called murder holes, could be used by the defenders to fire projectiles at any foes within the passageway. |
Therefore, none of the stored projectiles or canisters contain lethal chemical agents. |
The first way is to fire cannonry and other projectiles towards another ship in hopes of sinking, scaring, or capturing the vessel. |
Compared to canister, case-shot projectiles had a greater effective range when used as an anti-personnel weapon. |
And in the case of magma it can foam and outgas very volatile compounds that can cause explosive eruptions and throw projectiles great distances. |
The missile is armed with a 3kg high explosive warhead loaded with tungsten ball projectiles. |
These projectiles can cause major damage to any mechanical or electrical components that are near the potted electronic circuit. |
The system uses precharged barrels holding multiple projectiles that are fired by electronic ignition. |
Again, rockets and cannon projectiles present a complementary mix to the family of fires. |
However, these foes are then converted into explosive projectiles that can be fired like rockets from the cannon. |
As a result, their danger potential is extremely low, even compared to regular airguns firing metallic projectiles. |
Autopsies revealed that multiple 9mm projectiles fired from police guns had killed both men. |
Now, obviously what they can't protect against completely is rockets and other sort of projectiles fired into that area. |
But even with high explosive dual-purpose projectiles, it lacks sufficient penetration of concrete and masonry. |
It's a heavy, stable, well-made platform capable of spitting out thousands of 230-grain projectiles without requiring repairs. |
In a siege, the ramparts of the castle were often bombarded by large projectiles from catapults. |
The ability to aim projectiles is one advantage our ancestors might have enjoyed. |
The new tapering projectiles could be directed with greater accuracy when rifling was introduced in artillery barrels. |
Tornado, Jaguar and Harrier jets, of the Royal Air Force, scream overhead loosing off powerful projectiles which thud into the targets below. |
The gun fires separate loading projectiles which have semi-combustible cartridge case and sabot. |
There are a few weapon power-ups to be collected, the most useful being the spread shot, which sprays out three projectiles per shot. |
The timer initiates the ejection charge which releases and disperses the tungsten projectiles before impact with the target. |
They would like to ban possession of marbles, golf balls, batteries, as potentials for causing damage as projectiles. |
Six of the crude projectiles were fired, damaging two houses but causing no injuries. |
Dropping down to the seabed, the smaller barbettes and guns could be seen, and huge 13.5in projectiles lay scattered on the sand. |
Ammunition stocks disappeared as artillery fired projectiles far in excess of prewar projections. |
From prehistoric spears to massive modern field guns, mankind has always found a way to launch projectiles at enemies. |
I wonder if someone thought throwing projectiles at a spiky-haired lad with a funny accent could be considered art. |
The shield deflected small projectiles and energy weapons, but not that well. |
Worsham is excited about the adventure, though curiously a bit timid about the prospect of standing in the box to face thrown projectiles. |
Among lawful sequences of events are Galileo's laws of free fall and the parabolic trajectory of projectiles. |
It will give spotting corrections to the ship calling the fall of shot until the projectiles are impacting within 50 yards of the target. |
There were several cans of Spaghettios but no can opener, rendering them useless except as thrown projectiles. |
Robins also invented the ballistic pendulum which allowed precise measurements of the velocity of projectiles fired from guns. |
We found both medium caliber projectiles which appear to be 9mm and we found birdshot from a shotgun. |
They glamorize death as an abstract expression of powder bursts and shrieking projectiles. |
One also prohibited the discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons. |
With instinctual ease, he snatched up his blowgun, loaded it with a dart and shot forth one of the poison-tipped projectiles. |
They talked, whispered, fidgeted, and threw small projectiles at one another. |
He reported rumors that they suffered artillery attacks with chains and railroad iron, projectiles he thought distinctly unchivalrous. |
The perils include projectiles, grenades, land mines, rockets and booby traps. |
Modern artillery functions in the same way as all firearms, but fires larger projectiles over longer distances. |
Warfare is the next step with the powers of hot gas being harnessed to fire projectiles from cannons or small arms. |
The ancient weapon uses a throwing stick to propel spearlike projectiles farther and harder than hunters can with arm power alone. |
The shotgun loaded with buckshot puts a lot of projectiles in the air with every shot. |
The howitzer's armor gives protection against armor-piercing bullets and projectiles. |
From the 300 projectiles which NATO has fired so far, only four have hit something of substance. |
She buys bags of nuts for them and throws them out in great handfuls that arc gracefully through the air and drop on the grass with the patter of tiny nut projectiles. |
She took to the London stage again but this time her lateness and unreliable vocals elicited cat-calls, jeers and even projectiles from angry audiences. |
The new trendy short magnums and spiffy projectiles do not in fact compensate for poor marksmanship any more than long barrels necessarily equate to better accuracy. |
Six flexible fuel tanks with a capacity of 2,020 litres are self-sealing in the event of leakage following a crash or being pierced by projectiles. |
By 1604 he concluded that projectiles travel along parabolic trajectories. |
After all, we still use Newton's law of gravitation to explain and predict the trajectories of projectiles, even though it is no longer believed to be strictly true. |
The slaves were staring up in awe as thousands of the glowing projectiles sailed past, and the ground struck with the constant shocks of the impacts. |
Over-expression of introduced genes is a problem with some methods, such as biolistics, which is shooting gene preparations into plant tissue with tiny projectiles. |
As the real artillery pieces unlimbered and began to hurl projectiles across the skies of Europe in August 1914, William Bateson was far away in Australia. |
The tarpaulin that covers the entrance is gashed in several places, undoubtedly caused by the ice spicules flying at speeds that made them deadly projectiles. |
I can also hold your projectiles and throw them back at you! |
Machine guns in front and on the flank opened fire, while petards, bombs, and artillery fire covered the entire area of the trenches with projectiles. |
They will fire projectiles back and the longer you take to disable the defenses, the lesser of an army you'll have at your disposal to rush the remaining defenders. |
For the first time, interchangeable and multiple barrels can be made available to fire a range of projectiles of varying calibers from the same handgun. |
They were in reality projectiles ultimately fired by the US navy. |
The wave can also propel solid projectiles, such as cannonballs. |
Many different forms have been given to the heads of projectiles, as flat, ogival, hemispherical, conoidal, parabolic, blunt trifaced, etc. |
Depleted uranium projectiles after impacting the target ignite, producing particles of uranium oxides. |
This method permitted the working of delicate slivers of flint to make light projectiles and even elaborate barbed and tanged arrowheads. |
Warships of the period were armed with guns firing projectiles of varying weights, bearing high explosive warheads. |
While advancing, the warriors hurled spears, arrows, and other projectiles at the opponents. |
Its contra-rotating rotors are claimed to make it a superior platform for unguided projectiles, since it flies without sideslip. |
People are also injured by projectiles fired from fireworks, often due to incorrect use. |
British and German aircraft tended to use a mix of machine guns and autocannon, the latter firing explosive projectiles. |
Throughout history trebuchets were used to hurl huge projectiles to breach castle walls, with large rocks and stones the main ammunition. |
All guns at that time were smoothbores, so not a lot of thought was paid to whether they shot a single projectile or many projectiles. |
The projectiles were cleaned and weighed, and the powder blended, resectioned and reweighed by each of the companies who used it. |
This also explains why high speed projectiles that travel west are deflected down, and those that travel east are deflected up. |
For most surface-based warships, the danger from enemy subs isn't the vessel itself, but the swift and accurate projectiles that come hurtling out of their torpedo tubes. |
Buridan developed the theory of impetus as the cause of the motion of projectiles, which was an important step towards the modern concept of inertia. |
During the sporadic conflicts that troubled the French countryside from the mid 17th century, Bayonne peasants were short of powder and projectiles. |
Unfortunately, the defensive adaptations of the large xenarthrans would have offered little protection against humans armed with spears and other projectiles. |
On land, strong winds can damage or destroy vehicles, buildings, bridges, and other outside objects, turning loose debris into deadly flying projectiles. |
Only rockets, rocket planes, and ballistic projectiles have flown higher. |
It is too soft to be used for structural elements or weapons, except for the fact that it is exceptionally dense, making it ideal for sling projectiles. |
Centrifugation is required at high speeds during the elution step, where consequently the lids of the tubes shear off, creating tiny projectiles within the rotor. |
The domination of extra-somatic space with various tools and visually guided projectiles empowered a genus otherwise devoid of cornified and dentine defenses. |
A blue tarpaulin shot through the air in downtown Charlotte Amalie, followed by two pieces of lumber, as Bertha turned someone's temporary roof into lethal projectiles. |