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How to use neuron in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word neuron? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
These alterations may occur heterogeneously along the neuron where a diversity of ionic conductance is observed.
The properties of the presynaptic neuron can also be influenced by the cell with which it makes a synapse.
When the muscle is stretched, the extrafusal fibers in the muscle spindle lengthen, deforming the sensory neuron dendrites wrapped around them.
If a sensory neuron output occurs, it may trigger an energy-intensive behavior, such as escape swimming.
Monosynaptic reflexes are those reflexes in which a sensory neuron synapses directly onto a motor neuron.
The membrane potential across the axon of a neuron that is not being excited is the resting potential.
Another region of neuron formation is the dentate gyrus, where a special type of neuron, the granule cell, is generated.
A neuron generates an electrical impulse, causing the cell to release its neurotransmitters.
It is the most excitable part of the neuron and the site at which the nerve impulse is initiated.
This sort of rapid affect on neuron function is critical to reduce potential compensatory changes in the nervous system.
A major type of neuron in the cerebral cortex may receive up to 10,000 synaptic connections from other neurons.
In depressed people, too much serotonin is reabsorbed in the receiving neuron after crossing the synapse, the gap between neurons.
The neurofibrils provide internal support within the neuron and there are also support cells associated with the axon.
Electronic circuitry surrounding the sensors amplifies and processes the neuron signals, which are extremely weak.
Each neuron is studded with a dozen or so identical receptors, all made by the same gene and all bearing the same structure.
Norepinephrine is a potent vasoconstrictor synthesized from tyrosine in the presynaptic neuron.
The size of neuron clusters that we have successfully recreated in terms of functional equivalence is also scaling up exponentially.
Odd neuron numbers respond to headwards displacements and even numbers to tailwards displacements.
McCulloch and Pitts first described a neural network as a computer model of a biological neuron that could generate binary output.
This ion flow triggers a cellular response, such as continuation of a nerve impulse to another neuron or the contraction of a muscle cell.
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Examples from Classical Literature
It presupposes an active interposition of the glia cells between the axon of one neuron and the dendrons of another.
Thus the nervous impulse passes from one neuron to the other at these points of contact.
It's merely a matter of altering the normal thresholds of the neuron memory-circuits.
The contact of the axon of one neuron with the dendrons of another is called a synapse.
That is not a loss of memory but a failure of neuron connections.
These are transferred from neuron to neuron through the synapse.
The word is derived from the Greek neuron nerve, and astheneia weakness.
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