In many cases, there are also requirements to integrate the system with elevator control, automatic door control, and parking gate systems. |
In the week leading up to the big event, drum majors, baton twirlers and cheerleaders fill hotel staterooms, elevator banks and stairwells. |
The elevator slammed into the ground with a dull thud, and the doors screeched open. |
The album's arrangements are uniformly awful, and its melodies are elevator music bland. |
Take a ride in the antique elevator and synchronise your watch with the mother of all timepieces. |
As soon as the motion detectors sensed that I had entered the elevator, the door closed as rapidly as it had opened. |
Flanking the elevator on both sides stood the Shadow Lord's black-garbed sentinels, his sinister Warrior disciples. |
Inherent in elevator performance is the speed and capacity of each elevator and how fast the doors open and close. |
His route planned, Hamilton arrived at his preferred stop to find the elevator out of service. |
Rena slowly enters the elevator, and when the doors close behind her she finds her tongue. |
She ran down the hallway toward the service elevator, leaving her serving cart behind. |
He thanked the bellhop and took the trolley with our luggage and proceeded to the elevator. |
Others found employment in hotel service jobs, working as dishwashers, bellhops, and elevator operators. |
Behind them in the lobby, the manger and several of the bellmen were scrambling towards the elevator. |
Just as he did so a loud explosion shook them almost off their feet and smoke poured out between the cracks in the elevator doors. |
Peaking out of the elevator, he saw a shapely figure in a red flight suit walking slowly and sexily as if she had all the time in the world. |
The shear for the entire structure was applied through the elevator shafts, so the connections and foundation support had to be solid. |
Glued to his surveillance screens, the guard witnesses the improbable and transmutative movements of the stranger in the elevator. |
Such things as the wing tips, ailerons, trimming tabs, elevator, seats, berths and landing gear may be exchanged between one plane and another. |
Trinity's office tower shuddered and dust began to penetrate the building down elevator shafts from the top. |
Elsewhere, an elevator and two miles of sidetrack are under construction at Highmore, N.D., and should be ready for the fall harvest season. |
The elevator opens onto a platform where you can catch a monorail up the hill to the museum. |
The elevator entrance spiraled open behind Howard and he twisted in the opposite direction and almost jumped out of his skin. |
She took him to the service elevator that opened up just a few doors down from the room he and Jim were checked in to. |
After giving the movers instructions, she and Caitlin went inside and took the elevator to the fifth floor. |
An employee then escorted the unclad rocker back to the elevator, and implored the young man to clad himself. |
One ad for a glass company shows a group of men eagerly following a skimpily clad woman as she walks into an elevator. |
I knew the sliding doors a few doors down from us led to the elevator, so I turned myself invisible and waited. |
I mumbled some unintelligible half-apology and took the elevator down to the lobby. |
A hydraulic boost to the elevator enables the pilots to counter this condition. |
Tony took off for the hallway, tearing open the door and making a break for the elevator. |
The familiar sound of the elevator reaching its designated floor made both women jump. |
The elevator ride to the nineteenth floor didn't cause him any discernible panic. |
Simply put, a space elevator is a revolutionary way of getting from Earth into space. |
Soon, I was able to focus my vision and recognized a tall rose garden just outside the elevator exit through the open door of the cab. |
Shriveled seed with normal coloration and vitreousness may be docked for poor test weight at the elevator. |
The inside of the elevator had burnished steel paneling, and the buttons were made of plastic. |
Instruments include a sharp periosteal elevator without tip burrs and fine needle holders for 6-0 suture. |
We grasp the poignant loneliness of the elevator attendant, sigh when Rhoda is hurt and squirm at the office busybody's interference. |
The non-trivial technical problems that keep the space elevator from being built are legion. |
Maureen's wheelchair takes up most of the space in the elevator, leaving me squashed against Clay. |
Stuck in an elevator in the North Tower with five other men, he used the blade of his squeegee to cut through the door. |
Pitch control employs an all-flying stabilator rather than the more conventional horizontal stabilizer and elevator. |
The horizontal tail was a single-unit stabilator rather than a conventional stabilizer plus a movable elevator. |
Jack followed him into what appeared to be a cargo elevator, with a small room service caddy hovering gently inside. |
The right stabilizer, elevator, vertical fin and rudder, which were aligned with the path of the flames, were gone. |
The wind flowed from the respective blower is bypassed the illuminators, thereby entering into the inside of the elevator cage. |
The elevator uses no cables and is propelled by a system comprising of stators along the shaft and translators on the elevator cage. |
Concrete grade beams spanning between the caissons were used to accommodate external envelope conditions and elevator pits. |
At fifty-one, however, he finds it almost disappointing not to be tempted by the pair of nubile prostitutes who come on to him in an elevator. |
The lights came back on, the floor started to hum, and the elevator edged upward. |
The elevator was empty as she rose to the chief's level, making her way down the hall to the designated meeting room. |
Soon the smoke that lazily trailed from the glowing end of the cancer stick filled the entire elevator. |
Janitors, handymen and elevator operators are to receive a 9.5 percent wage increase over the course of a three-year agreement. |
Pam waited patiently with Dennis Rodman and Stephen Dorff as elevator after elevator went by, filled to capacity. |
In 1876, he also erected a large grain elevator with a steam power for elevating grain. |
He had used the ring to get an express elevator car to the top of the Letap Center. |
The elevator doors swung open, and an old lady with a carpet bag waddled out between them. |
The elevator ride makes me want to throw up, even though I don't get carsick, even after reading in a car for six hours straight. |
She got the elevator moving and was still upset at Noah when the doors opened before their floor. |
At five o'clock I straightened my desk and was about to head out to the elevator. |
The elevator ride seemed endless, full of strained silence and uneasy sideways glances. |
She chased him through the security gates and nearly caught her flowing skirt in the elevator. |
The idea of climbing five stories of stairs made his head spin, and the elevator was out of order. |
There was a hospital orderly in the elevator and they politely smiled at each other and Carla continued. |
The elevator suddenly stopped in relation to the rotating centre of the mother ship. |
Slowly, her eyes opened and she looked up into subdued lighting provided by an emergency light in the elevator into his worried eyes. |
An Amherst student steps off the elevator in hiking boots showing signs of a recent hike and disappears into rows of cubicles. |
Whenever I am in an elevator, and I am alone, then as soon as the doors close I act as if I am supporting the weight of the thing. |
James practically carried me out the elevator, since he was supporting my entire weight. |
Finally, some Chief came over, pulled the chocks and had my plane moved to the aft elevator. |
As the hour hand of the large casino clock moved directly on top of the eight, the doors of the elevator underneath the clock slowly slid open. |
The key maintenance areas to making sure any elevator operates best are housekeeping, repair, lubrication and adjustment, Bell says. |
The case was brought by a paraplegic who could not make a court date due to lack of elevator access. |
The fire tore through the cinder block walls of five elevator shafts, turning them into giant chimneys for acrid, black smoke. |
You know, I think it's his fault that the elevator in my building is hyperactive. |
Franke surmised that a clevis bolt in the control system broke, rendering the elevator useless. |
Allison pried open the closed elevator doors with a tool, and squeezed inside. |
Using the chisel elevator, the surgeon elevates the inner perichondrium from the underlying cartilage in all directions. |
The assistant extracts muscle fibers from the tendon using a knife blade or periosteal elevator. |
Between the three of them they lugged the baggage into the building to the elevator where they traveled up the 13 floors in comfort and ease. |
To access the elevator he had to collect an electronic tag from the commissionaire, who punched in its encoded number. |
Four medics negotiated a stretcher from the service elevator and into the corridor with a deal of inexpertise. |
Nearly every time we stepped on the elevator, a Southern belle would graciously compliment a lady on her outfit. |
He closed his eyes to inhale the air and he began a slow trot down the hall toward an elevator. |
Two of them have automatic doors but the service elevator has concertina doors. |
Before his feelings could still properly be registered, the elevator pinged, announcing the arrival of the 13 th floor. |
Elizabeth looked up and past Jesse, seeing a tall dark figure appear from the elevator. |
There was a beep as an elevator door opened, and a group of people filed out. |
Not wanting to have to bother with stairs, she's installed an elevator in the middle of her house. |
She installs a private elevator in her house, for use while she convalesces. |
But as the elevator raced up, a seed of doubt had been firmly planted in my mind. |
She was entering the lobby when a fireball exploded from the elevator shaft. |
I flashed a sweet plastic smile and turned away, trying to walk on unsteady feet towards the door leading to the elevator banks. |
It's beautifully situated because it's right opposite the elevator so the president and first family can just walk across. |
The noisy contraption of an elevator stopped once it reached the bottom of the shaft. |
I conversationally asked a co-worker on my way up to my splendid desk, about the existence of that peculiar elevator. |
Flatulence in an elevator is not so funny when you are actually riding the elevator. |
It was a hotel, dark except for the light from an open elevator and a floor lamp by one couch. |
When the elevator stopped, I walked down to the lobby and sat on the middle of the three couches, the couch that faced the front desk. |
Sufficient air space should always be provided around cars and elevator counterweights to minimize buffeting and airborne noise during operation. |
Before entering, ensure that the forklift plus load weight does not the exceed the elevator capacity. |
Inside the elevator we were joined by two older ladies dressed in long formals. |
A moment later they were riding up in the elevator that creaked ominously as it moved. |
Declan pushed her into a creaky old elevator, holding her tightly as it started moving upwards. |
We were crisply ushered to the plush elevator that politely transported us vertically to the top. |
We giddily crowded into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. |
Transfer manure and load the storage with a tractor-mounted front-end loader, elevator stacker, and solid piston pump. |
Yet at this new building, everyone happily gabbers away in the elevator, especially at night. |
Yolanda passes out in the elevator, forcing Lana to drag her into the penthouse where she gags her and ties her to the bed. |
Now the doors of the elevator open, and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. |
I took the elevator to the press box and ran into Rich Rosenblatt, the Associated Press' tireless racing writer. |
Gary Jefferson's name was printed on the door, which was across the hall from them just as soon as he and Manda stepped out of the elevator. |
The elevator doors slide open in front of us, giving me time to think about my next question. |
The elevator alone is not within it because it is not used for the carriage of passengers or goods. |
The elevator begins descending, and as daylight disappears, all is silent and darkness envelops us. |
With her adrenaline pumping, Mac rushed with all her energy and capability towards the elevator doors. |
Striding through the lobby with not so much as a glance at the other occupants, the man closed his umbrella and punched a button on the elevator. |
As she punched the elevator button and waited for the lift to the third floor, her other hand touched the pocket of her white tweed coat. |
But then the woman suddenly dropped him and turned back to the elevator, taking her anger out on the buttons as she punched the code in fiercely. |
The flat prairies are spiked and divided by the grain elevator that serve as a reminder of an architectural feat unique to North America. |
However, demolition of a grain elevator in the area proposed for redevelopment was first required. |
The milieu of the First Ward was akin to a small industrial town, where the Irish lived in the shadow of the grain elevator. |
An ensign elbowed past her into the elevator as she walked out onto the bridge. |
So grain elevator operators should welcome a test that uses a dilute sodium hydroxide solution to accentuate color differences of wheat seeds. |
He led her to the elevator, where he pressed for the top floor then keyed in the security code. |
More and more people began filling in the elevator, pressing April towards the back corner. |
We rode up the elevator, and I pressed in all of the buttons, just so I could spend more time with Ryan. |
Up at the elevator, he scooped her up into his arms, and walked across the threshold into the room, the honeymoon suite. |
She pushed past him into the elevator, and pressed the button for level twelve. |
Without thinking he ran into the room and grabbed it, flew towards the elevator and pressed for the ground floor. |
I followed Brandon to an elevator and he pressed the button for the 10th floor. |
Artie enters with a lost teen waif named Donna whom he found in an elevator. |
As the elevator doors were about to close, someone pushed the open button outside. |
He took me by surprise by reaching out and squeezing my hand before making a complete about-face and heading into the nearest elevator. |
Holly gave Ford a hand getting to his feet, then walked him over to the elevator. |
I could slap her slum landlord with a fine, a whipping or a public egging for failing to fix the elevator to her third floor walk-up. |
I stepped into the elevator at Nell's and closed my tired eyes as I jabbed at the fourth floor button. |
He jabbed at the button for floor number five, and the elevator doors closed, sealing us inside. |
Each new shop with two levels will have an elevator, while there will be wheelchair access to the 14-screen cinema. |
The campaign will fund more than 4,000 square feet of new exhibition space and an elevator for increased accessibility. |
We reached the second elevator without confrontation of demons and we found an elevator with the doors jammed shut. |
The library is now compliant with federal accessibility standards, incorporating ramps, automatic doors, and an elevator. |
The elevator slowed to a halt, and the doors opened into a hallway, where two well-dressed, well-built guards stood watch. |
The last thing he remembered was gasping with pain when someone sprayed an aerosol mist in his face as he left a crowded elevator. |
She grabbed his hand and led him into the elevator which takes them down to an underground rave. |
He slid the handgun into the waistband of his khaki pants and he turned and walked once more across the room to an elevator. |
Eva Air landed in Los Angeles in one piece, with rudder, elevator, fuselage, trim tabs and ailerons intact. |
Thankfully it was at this point the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open. |
She began to wonder where they were when the elevator tinged and he took her hand in his and led her out of the doors. |
When the elevator doors next opened, it was to a corridor identical to the one Elvis and Lucifel had left behind in the east wing of dormitories. |
And who really went crackers last week when Howard winked at Beulah in the elevator? |
About 50 minutes later, just as people outside realized there was a problem, the elevator stopped its erratic movements. |
I took the elevator up to it, unlocked the door, and then relocked it behind me. |
External mass balances were installed on the elevator which was also reskinned with a thicker aluminum gauge. |
As I reached up to press the elevator button, I winced at the crackling pain shooting down from my shoulder along my arm. |
My right side leant against the wall for support once I got out of the elevator. |
The group reaches the elevator queue to find a crowd of roughly two hundred students milling about restlessly. |
I was almost afraid to leave the elevator, but the elevator man was clicking his tongue annoyedly. |
My senses finally rushing back to me, I found my legs and charged out of the elevator with a vivacity that I didn't even know I possessed. |
Behind West, the retractable path that led to the elevator retracted, leaving them stranded on the circular platform. |
Woks were rusty, cleaning equipment dirty, ceiling paint chipping and the food elevator was covered in blood and dried food. |
This was put to use every autumn to power the large and venerable threshing machine, with its elevator and shaking, riddling sieves. |
Passengers would fly to the space dock in a reusable launch vehicle, then ride a space elevator up to the hotel. |
After a couple of escalator rides followed by an elevator and a little bit walking, I was finally now at the Commander's office door. |
It took a lifetime for the elevator doors to open on my floor, and it took another lifetime to walk to my apartment door. |
The foundation problems were solved, the grain elevator was righted, and it is still in use. |
However Amy had no time to ponder over this, for as soon as the doors closed, she felt her stomach suddenly rise as the elevator zoomed upwards. |
Targeting elevator ads to the location, time of day, and audience is not rocket science, notes the head of the multicultural marketing agency. |
The Hollywood stars were famously rumoured to have romped in an elevator at Los Angeles' Chateau Marmont hotel. |
In the slam of the night, D-Miles took the express elevator to the third floor to catch and jam a lob from Jeff McInnis on a fast break. |
Hurriedly, they moved inside and toward another elevator, the door locking automatically behind them. |
This is only a roundabout way of saying that the score for the film sounded like elevator muzak. |
Brooke nudged him and looked pointedly in the direction of the man in the elevator with them. |
The elevator itself was nondescript chrome with hard, ashy brown carpeting. |
Yaw and pitch were to be controlled through a tail-mounted rudder and elevator connected by cables to the flier's seat and a shoulder yoke. |
You'll laugh just as much at the elevator scene as you'll gasp at the runaway train sequence. |
Another example where this non-contact testing comes in handy is in testing elevator structures in aircraft tails. |
Rei ran up the cargo bay ramp and continued running until she got to the elevator. |
Though not yet covered, the tail fin, rudder, horizontal stabilizer and elevator are all built. |
The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open, revealing the sixth floor of the tall building. |
The elevator arrived and the two stepped in, followed by techs from a camera crew and their equipment. |
One uncomfortable elevator ride later, Jude and Texas emerged into the busy lobby of the Plaza, pushing their overloaded cart in front of them. |
No one likes the elevator music, but they must endure the sheer bland badness being piped into their ears. |
The elevator came to a stop at the top floor and Anna turned to face the doors as they creaked open. |
The door slides open, and Daphne gladly exchanges the confines of the mirrored elevator for the wide white and mauve hallway. |
Haz pushed himself up into a sitting position only to have Priest grab him and throw him against the elevator doors almost bashing them in. |
Bisson said the elevator is supported by 179 piles, each averaging about 100 feet in length. |
She ducked out from under the desk and made a bolt for the elevator. |
That's worse than farting in an elevator and blaming the blind kid. |
The elevator shuddered to a stop as all the lights went out. |
Quickly, he lunged out of the elevator, and did so not a moment too soon. |
One way to elevate your stature is by wearing height-increasing footwear or apparatuses such as lifts, thicker insoles, elevator shoes, and shoes with thicker soles. |
Jeremy followed, dropping onto the elevator as Andy sat down to slide his legs down through the open hatch, and the groaning sound became a sharp twang. |
Lauren prepares a smart reply, but she is stopped when the brakes of the elevator squeal and it grinds to a halt, sending the pair flying backwards into the wall. |
He laughed pushing the up button and the elevator doors swung open. |
The elevator stopped at the bottom of the shaft, and the men flipped on their flashlights. |
A short time later, we were riding the elevator up to the top floor, high above downtown Pittsburgh, as Esther nervously retied her neck scarf and checked her makeup. |
Nobody could object to the way in which the cases were carried from the elevator and set upon stanchions at the repository. |
She punched the button for the elevator, fuming the entire time. |
Slamming the car door shut with a terrific bang, Daphne White lugs her shopping bags up to the hotel entrance, through the revolving doors, and over to the elevator. |
The doors swooshed open and he exited the elaborate elevator. |
He pushed the elevator button a few more times to hurry it up. |
Coming to a halt, she rested her hands on her hips and tilted her head upwards, sucking at the air like a claustrophobic who'd been trapped in an elevator for too long. |
They have reached the elevator and he pushes the down button. |
When he was governor of Massachusetts, he reserved an elevator for his exclusive use rather than rub elbows with legislators. |
As soon as he walks away, an explosion blasts the elevator doors apart. |
I wasn't sure about the rest of the city, so I grabbed my radio and took the elevator to the roof, where the door locked behind me and the power went out. |
He won it by taking an elevator to the top platform and throwing from there. |
The pharma corn was harvested along with the soybeans and sent to a grain elevator in Aurora, Nebraska, where it was mixed in with 500,000 bushels. |
A breezeway greets me when I exit the elevator onto the second floor. |
The captain left the bridge and took the nearest elevator to deck three. |
They walked silently to the elevator and Bridget pushed the down button. |
A private elevator takes passengers to the departure lounge to board. |
The elevator quickly sped off towards the main cargo area of the starship. |
Security cameras capture me every day crossing streets, paying for my milk, kissing my girlfriend in an elevator, bumming a cigarette from a friend outside a building. |
In the elevator, employees quietly chattered about the gutting of their paper. |
They all board the elevator and the door shuts as they begin descending. |
The wall opposite the door contained the console controlling the elevator, which was now counting down numbers as it passed floors on its way to the bottom. |
The grain would be lifted up in buckets attached to a conveyor belt to the top of the elevator and then distributed into storage bins by a movable spout. |
From a pediatric ICU in Melbourne, Australia, to an elevator in Brooklyn, we see just how harmful refusing to vaccinate can be. |
I said to the students, and, mad with anxiety, I took the elevator down, dashed out into the street, crossed on the run, and went into Adriana's house. |
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open again, revealing a completely different world from the one they had left on the main floor of the hotel. |
Stricken with polio at six, he lived in the only Brooklyn block with an elevator, in an apartment where a baby grand was the only decent piece of furniture. |
An elevator had malfunctioned, setting off the alarm, he explained. |
The elevator grinds loudly, about to reach the limit of its ascent. |
Numerous taxicabs and limousines pulled up to the gilded doorway, dropping off guests while young bellboys carted luggage up the service elevator to various suites. |
He and I manhandle his life-size plastic punching doll into the elevator. |
I exited the elevator quickly, marching out to the crowded street. |
Other than a balky elevator, the only real link between the two films is choreographer Hermes Pan, who was Fred's right-hand man throughout the Ginger years. |
I took the elevator up to the second floor without any inkling of what was about to happen. |
I was interning at MTV in Santa Monica and they sent me down to the lobby to escort DJ AM up the elevator to my boss' office. |
The surgeon coagulates any superficial bleeding vessels with bipolar electrosurgery and uses a periosteal elevator to separate the periosteum from the bone. |
Continue through one set of fire doors, past the water garden into the Easter Chick wing, through another few sets of fire doors until you arrive at an elevator. |
These dumbwaiters are designed much like a standard elevator, with built-in safety brakes and safety interlocks that prevent operation if any door is open. |
Getting off the elevator at the fourth floor, he thumped across the antiseptic hallway. |
There was one daunting, archaic elevator, and a flight of stairs with no lights. |
Whenever one of us needed a carrot for borscht or a hand to move a drunk out of the elevator, the help arrived at once. |
Up in the tower, bucca was joined by Battalion Chief Orio Palmer, who had managed to get a freight elevator to bring him part way. |
Just the other day, the employee watched another mother freak out after her daughter licked some of the buttons in an elevator. |
Akbar and McCain raced out of the courtroom, recording a celebratory Vine in the elevator. |
A clunking old metal elevator struggled to make its way to the ground floor, then grudgingly opened its doors to allow myself and a frazzled woman to embark. |
As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. |
And so is the possibility that profit margins will disappear if, say, a company's customers plan to pay in euros, whose value has dropped faster than an elevator in free fall. |
As a teen, Randy had painted a submarine, an elevator door and the quadratic equation on the walls of his childhood bedroom. |
The elevator dropped fast, Roy swearing that he almost rose off of the floor with the plummet, and he wondered how far underground the Defense Monitoring room was. |
I looked at Deidre again, and she was still hiding her head in her hand, shaking it as if she couldn't believe she'd just done that in the elevator. |
Five minutes later the elevator bellboy came running down the hall. |
She stopped her car in front of an old abandoned grain elevator. |
Generally by the time you leave one place, you'll already be able to see the water tower and grain elevator of the next hamlet rising above the fields in the distance. |
In New York, a coffee break involves waiting for an elevator, going outside, and then waiting on line. |
At that meeting, Rice told the commissioner that he had hit Mrs. Rice in the elevator. |
It looks like it's raining crayons, as I wait for my elevator to arrive. |
Viv watched as the elevator doors closed in front of the pudgy man. |
Some kids went up the stairs, and some waited for the elevator. |
Only the aft elevator could be used when a full air group was in the hangar, as dive-bombers would block the use of the midship elevator for raising torpedo planes. |
She cheerily introduced me to her boyfriend, the new elevator attendant. |
The elevator doors tinged open and Justin bolted from the elevator. |
The elevator proceeded at a snail's pace, finally reaching the 40th floor. |
Also, use the flashlight to examine the elevator pushrod bolts. |
I ask the doormen, I ask the concierge, I ask the elevator operators. |
I wandered on down the corridor to the elevator, to dawdle and not run into coarrivals. |
I loved the volatility to his reaction and the deception, and then her walking away with the security guards to the elevator. |
Wandering around Tribeca, you may stumble upon a decrepit elevator shaft that's full of curiosities. |
The airman grabbed Ian by the jacket and shoved him against the back wall of the elevator and banged Ian's head against the imitation woodgrain panelling. |
The gaggle of demanding Park Avenue big shots who shared the elevator with me on the way down were underwhelmed. |
On the one hand, he and his players are top-notch, finding moments of melodic brilliance as they hopscotch from folk to funk, world beat to cosmic elevator jazz. |
Renovations included cleaning limestone walls, refinishing the wood beam ceiling, and installing an elevator, restrooms, and new lighting, mechanical, and sound systems. |
Det. Johnson left in an elevator and I found myself alone in the building, save two women in the dispatch center. |
Every handrail, elevator button, and door handle becomes a pathway for spreading disease. |
Wolfen shouted at him and practically punched the button on the elevator. |
He was born in Charleston, South Carolina in 1920, and moved to Harlem where he worked variously as a stoker, an elevator operator, a laundryman and a ship painter. |
The figure enters the elevator and is then seen quickly leaving the mall, black cloth flapping behind it. |
Yesterday, as I went up and down in the elevator, I could see men working there. |
The Red Planet's elevator, which would travel between the surface of Mars and a Mars synchronous orbit, could be constructed in Earth's orbit. |
Since 1914, the government grain elevator on the south-east outskirts of Calgary was a prominent landmark. |
But so too might the elevator cable snap and send you into a freefall. |
In December 1977 a huge blast at a grain elevator in New Orleans killed 35 workers and injured dozens more. |
Cargill and ADM together buy nearly a third of the corn grown in America, guiding corn's path from grain elevator to an eater's plate. |
The 25-foot-wide building features an elevator and a full-height usable basement and subbasement. |
The airspeed was so low that there was insufficient elevator authority to recover from the stall. |
It's a soothing concept and it has become the elevator music of international meetings. |
Opener Colossal Estates starts with an Air-like swirl and turns into the sound of futuristic elevator music. |
Architects can also make structural decisions on key elevator components such as hoistway walls, pit depths and overhead requirements. |
All of the elevator and stair lift services are fully customizable to meet any specific criteria that the customer requires. |
By analyzing the costs of operating a country grain elevator these advantages, if any exist, should appear. |
Tucci brought some light and geeky humour to an out of film character scene involving elevator music and karate fighting in a Hong Kong lift. |
Their first elevator shoes were added in 1995 and these are now the most popular shoes in their product line. |
But according to Alpern, Candela put his own twist on that model by adding a middle elevator for the residents' staff. |
Walker even answers such nagging questions as whether it's best to lie down, stand still, or jump in a free-falling elevator. |
An elevator pitch raises more questions than it answers but they are likely to be questions about how the business works, not what it is. |
Everybody is trapped in an elevator together and tempers run a little hot. |
Control the glide descent angle through small amounts of elevator pitch movements. |
I'm headed back down the elevator, having suppressed the impulse to buy an Eiffel Tower table lamp or pencil sharpener. |
However, it typically takes more than just a well-lit stairwell to change people's habits to using the stairs instead of the elevator. |
Today, the elevator cars of skyscrapers themselves have become the most intimidating nonspaces of the American metropolis. |
For a space elevator to work, a cable attached to an object in geosynchronous orbit would be secured to a point on earth. |
A second person in the elevator will be a soft-core Ford supporter. |
The disadvantage to this system is the workpiece must be lifted and lowered using an elevator. |
The mechanisms that moves the elevator car reside at the top of the shaft or hoistway instead of in a separate room located in the building. |