The relaxed instrumentation elevates the insightful vocals, creating a sound best described as progressive garage rock. |
In the National Gallery's Mass of Saint Giles, for example, the saint elevates the Host at the moment of consecration. |
As a character, the sheriff elevates that film because he genuinely believes in hard-line justice. |
What elevates The Making of Henry, what will crush the arguments of the devil's advocate, is the way it talks about love. |
His fragmentary scoring for choir and colouristic use of percussion elevates the solo cellist to high priest and turns the piece into a concerto. |
That elevates the analyst to a position of greater importance, for it makes the policymaker dependent on the analyst's technical expertise. |
This grimly comical tone, with its overtly sly humor, is what ultimately elevates the film to a level of near brilliance. |
In many ways, his is a fine and progressive approach, which elevates party politics above the damaging and pointless battles of the past. |
Addressing opponents with an honorific needlessly elevates them, so stick to first names. |
He elevates Wesley and Wesleyanism to too momentous a role in British history although this is necessary to build up the book's importance. |
The backward tilt of the stroke plane elevates flight force during the upstroke by increasing the aerodynamic angle of attack. |
The United States should not pull out of the U.N. because it elevates totalitarian governments to positions of leadership, though it has. |
But what elevates the novel beyond the genre is the ambiguous, enigmatic voice of Mary herself. |
Alcohol use markedly elevates the blood glucose level and hastens the development of diabetic neuropathy. |
He elevates anime to the realm of high art, expressing heavy psychological and sociological themes through creative line work and animation. |
In the image of the mass, the priest elevates the host, an attendant rings the sacring bell, and two persons peek over the edge of the parclose. |
Mrs. Tuitt's prowess and achievement at the sport of netball is another huge claim to fame which elevates her above the ordinary. |
That's fine, so long as you don't believe it elevates you above the common herd. |
There are many precipitants of this infection, but the most common is excessive moisture that elevates the pH and removes the cerumen. |
There is a mastery at work that elevates it from yet another crime caper to something almost operatic in scope. |
This great action scene, done so beautifully by Molina, once again elevates the movie. |
Using the chisel elevator, the surgeon elevates the inner perichondrium from the underlying cartilage in all directions. |
Then the T wave becomes broad and the ST segment elevates, losing its normal concavity. |
While the lyrics have the potential to carry the album on their own, the music elevates it to a far greater level. |
He uses an elaborate mast step bridge which elevates the mast shoe so the mast base is never in the bilge water. |
On top of this, this whole situation elevates the issue of computer security and thus Internet technology and the digital world. |
The image of Saint Ambrose elevates the worshiper's mind to an inward vision through his intensity of concentration. |
The levator veli palatini muscle, which elevates the soft palate, is innervated by a pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve. |
In Missao, Vieira treats men and women equally, and elevates the martial form of capoeira to kinetic poetry. |
Arguments from incredulity wallow in a vulgar populism that elevates appeal to unlearned prejudice to a categorical imperative. |
He is unyielding in his perceptions, and his rigidity both elevates and isolates him. |
The soft palate elevates to close the nasopharynx, and the suprahyoid muscles pull the larynx up and forward. |
In this way, he elevates the multiannual guidance programmes to the highest goal and degrades the quotas by just thinking of them as handy tools. |
This, it seems to me, elevates the dogma of European integration above any practical considerations of accountability or responsiveness. |
Using pioneering poles and ropes, they have to construct a structure that elevates the whole team above the ground before the water comes! |
Improvement will require a system of mutual trust that elevates the well-being of all. |
The beach in front forms a sandy stretch which elevates gradually to the top of a mountain. |
The Government of Canada has always been deeply committed to these objectives and the organization that elevates them. |
This development elevates our profile in the investor community and enhances our access to capital. |
Risk factors found prove that the rate of husbands killing their wives elevates in the aftermath of a separation. |
This latest track finds that elusive spark of magic that elevates a merely good track to the upper echelons of class. |
And the unique feel of the pure cotton rag paper elevates the sensuousness and emotion of the prints to a fourth dimension. |
Like a Smiths song, it elevates and celebrates the mundane through expert use of rhythm and euphony and economy. |
Dallas Smith elevates his character way beyond comic relief. |
When the midge begins feeding on the seed, the gene elevates the level of phenolic compounds. |
The musical backing, though, is what elevates the song to a higher plane. |
What elevates good writers is the way they formulate their ideas. |
No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. |
Often, of course, it's judicious fixing of the director's first attempt that saves a turkey, or elevates it from being tolerable to something rather better. |
Previous research has shown that a sudden extreme temperature change ionizes reagents and elevates electrons into excited energy states, producing an electromagnetic pulse. |
Raising the lever elevates the breech block back into shooting position. |
Remembering in this way — nurturing a flame, not a grudge — elevates both the memory and the rememberer. |
The put-on elevates the fraudulent and debases the true, rendering the entire proceedings questionable. |
Duchamp was making the point that displaying an object in a museum is what elevates and sanctifies it. |
Philadelphia Brick Cream Cheese blended with Kraft Bistro Sauce and chives elevates the sandwich spread with a subtle background of horseradish. |
He elevates their self-indulgence to a sort of post-modern nihilism. |
The addition of a turbocharger to its transversely mounted inline-six elevates this outdoorsy Swede to a whole new level of performance. |
The balm that has saved many has been the love and divine gift that restores true life, that redeems and elevates, is also love. |
In congenital ptosis the muscle that elevates the lid, called the levator palpebrae superioris, is usually absent or imperfectly developed. |
The usage of locating systems in sports elevates match and training analysis to a new level. |
The Report Builder dramatically elevates the custom reporting, drilldown and data mining capabilities within Sitestat. |
When disturbed, the bug elevates the hind part of its body and secretes a foul-smelling oily fluid for protection. |
The provision concerned elevates this common European legal development to the level of legislation. |
My justice of love, upon tearing from the human tree the sickened branches that eat away at your hearts, elevates you. |
This is a bravura performance that elevates Morahan to the front rank of British actors. |
It is the conscience which elevates the spirit toward a superior life above the flesh and its passions. |
The media promotes and elevates their dominance by giving major headlines to any derogative reports on the teaching profession. |
The technology incorporates the best attributes of traditional heat flux and power compensation designs, and elevates performance to unprecedented levels. |
This amount of commitment also elevates the profile of the issue. |
The V-Series takes the award-winning CTS sport sedan and elevates it to a position within the club of the world's most exclusive and capable cars. |
Exposure to more than one adversity or trauma elevates concern. |
Confrontation in the form of violent opposition elevates the NSA as a threat to the state and the interests of those who run it-from president to apparatchik. |
Caffeine stimulates the brain, elevates the mood and postpones fatigue. |
The added 5 horsepower and 2 lb-ft of torque might seem insignificant, but the spread of torque is much broader and elevates the Hypermotard from juvenile delinquent to full-blown career criminal. |
It makes you recognize that you are a work of God, that you are not mere matter, that there is something above the flesh that elevates you above the nature that covers you, and above the foulness of your passions. |
Resoluteness elevates man and strengthens the consciousness. |
From the sensuousness of its surfaces to its incredibly roomy 5 passenger cabin, the 2011 Venza elevates the level of functional refinement and technical sophistication. |
Chronic, excessive intake of protein elevates the activity of enzymes that catabolize it or convert it to fat. |
Watch the clip on YouTube Labyrinth has a cornucopia of magical creatures, but Sir Didymus elevates himself above the rest thanks to his courage, loyalty, and keen sense of style. |
Its song is either limited to a vibrating tone or can escalate to a long, extended sequence that begins slowly and then becomes quicker and elevates in a crescendo until it ends with a deep tremulous effect. |
The spirit which has been planted in the body, grows, it elevates itself being sustained by the trials and teachings which it receives throughout its human existence. |
Jetclass' latest elevates the display cabinet from becoming a showcase for special items and memorabilia to a conversation piece on its own. |
Also known as a retropubic suspension or Burch Colposuspension, this more invasive surgical procedure elevates the urethra and bladder neck to a higher anatomical position, alleviating stress urinary incontinence symptoms. |
The mentalis muscle elevates the central portion of the lower lip. |
The play elevates change and metamorphosis into a rich source of dazzling performance, powerful images, stirringly fine stories, resulting in a frankly unsettling theatre experience. |
By its very nature, charity-a gift that the Spirit infuses in the heart-assumes and elevates human love and makes it capable of the perfect gift of self. |
The enjoyment of talent is straightforward enough, but what elevates things towards the transcendental is the same as with any artform: how it speaks to the individual and how they make it about themselves. |
They are linked by a unity of place – the fenlands of Norfolk and Cambridge – and by precise, elegant prose that elevates everyday occurrences into small, perfectly rendered pieces of art. |
A drug that elevates klotho levels, or mimics that protein's function, might indeed enhance cognition, and there is no obvious reason why such a drug should be restricted to the elderly. |
But, like the anti-politics mood, it obscures policy and elevates personality. In 2010 personality and trust are not distractions from the issues: they are the issue. |
This is a martyrdom of art, which either lays waste to fine pieces or elevates them to a higher plane of meaning, depending on one's view of Mr Manfredi's actions. |
The elegant, dual-colour housing elevates the image of your business. |
On the one hand, the board members may have information about an offender's involvement with criminal organizations and may decide that this elevates the risk that he will reoffend if released. |
It elevates one individual, a caudillo, to supreme leadership, often with demi-god status. |
John McDermott, Simpsonville, South Carolina, says prescription midodrine, a drug that elevates BP, alleviated his dizziness. |
Kidnapping can be accompanied by bodily injury which elevates the crime to aggravated kidnapping. |
The southern right whale elevates its tail fluke above the water, remaining in the same position for a considerable time. |
Heating reduces the density of the lithosphere and elevates the lower crust and lithosphere. |
This elevates the global warming impact of the dams to levels much higher than would occur by generating the same power from fossil fuels. |
Dietary linoleic acid elevates the endocannabinoids 2-AG and anandamide and promotes weight gain in mice fed a low fat diet. |
It remains true that Miller's Xerxes is highly orientalized, but Fairey elevates the discussion beyond superficial condemnation. |
For tracheal intubation, the blade is positioned under the epiglottis and elevates it, such that the glottic opening can be viewed with the camera. |
Clearly a fan, Appel packs this handsome book with the sort of information that instantly elevates you to an infinitely cooler stratosphere at cocktail parties. |
The recently revamped portfolio of products, which includes five Pennzoil motor oils, elevates cleansing and engine protection beyond industry requirements. |
Curriculum Vitae elevates Yoel Hoffmann's penchant for mingling real and invented life to a new pitch, absorbing his entire life story into what masquerades as a novel. |
The southern right whale, for example, elevates their tail fluke above the water, remaining in the same position for a considerable amount of time. |
Historically it has also been common for Prime Ministers to be granted a peerage upon retirement from the Commons, which elevates the individual to the House of Lords. |
In the poems addressed to Jane, such as With a Guitar, To Jane and One Word is Too Often Profaned, he elevates her to an exalted position worthy of worship. |
The culprit behind the whopping tax bill is bracket creep, the result of inflation which would hike wages but at the same time elevates them to higher tax brackets. |