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How to use egg cell in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "egg cell"? Here are some examples.

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Each consists of an egg cell embedded in the tissue of the female gametophyte surrounded by a thick seed coat.
Represented on our Punnet Square are the frequencies of each type of sperm and egg cell produced by all the males and females in the population.
A single egg cell replicates itself, and the offspring cells in turn replicate themselves, and so on.
Angiosperm seeds are comprised of an embryo and endosperm resulting from double fertilization of the egg cell and two polar nuclei, respectively.
An egg cell is enucleated, that is, the nucleus is removed and replaced with the nucleus from the body cell of an animal of the same kind.
Stripped of its own genetic instructions, the recipient egg cell is a tiny biological machine awaiting orders.
At the micropylar end where the pollen tube delivers the two sperm cells, the egg cell is flanked by two synergids that assist in fertilization.
If it does not implant, then that egg cell is released from the body during a woman's normal menstruation.
Double fertilization of egg cell and central cell initiates development of the diploid embryo and the triploid endosperm, respectively.
The sporogenous cells of the ovary lead to the production of the female gametophyte or embryo sac that contains the egg cell.
Now, many hours later, the debate again concerns plans further to exploit women's bodies through the egg cell trade.
In the male, progesterone increases the motility of the sperms and their ability to penetrate into the egg cell.
The transfer of a diploid cell nucleus into an enucleated, unfertilised egg cell allows asexual replication even in mammals.
A small hole is pierced in the follicle with a very fine and hollow needle in order to extract the egg cell.
In particular, the large number of egg cell donations required for successful use of the technique must be regarded as unacceptable.
Numerous antherozoids are produced in the antheridia and they swim through the covering film of water to reach the archegonia, each of which contains a single egg cell.
In the caricatured version, preformationism has usually been ridiculed as the belief that a perfect homunculus lies within each sperm or egg cell.
To create these strains of mice, scientists start at the beginning, with an egg cell.
The egg cell would reprogram the skin cell nucleus back into its totipotent state.
The second concerns the woman as egg cell donor and the risk of actually creating a market.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The egg cell from the white parent carries the factor for white, the pollen cell from the red parent carries the factor for red.
There is a large nucleus, but it is not always readily distinguished from the other contents of the egg cell.
The egg cell is very large, and appears of a yellowish color, and filled with large drops that give it a peculiar aspect.
One of the nuclei, with the protoplasm immediately surrounding it, is called the egg cell.
Every egg cell has some, and every egg that grows to maturity is infected with the plant spores.
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