Still, various groups differ in their understanding of what specific texts have been explicitly or doctrinally judged as constituting Scripture. |
The Australian Criminal Code also recognises various acts as constituting crimes against humanity. |
Like the Taj, the garden elements follow the Arabesque concept, standing on their own and constituting the whole. |
The property is not seized, but has to be handed over under compulsion, with refusal generally constituting contempt. |
They met to deliberate on the expediency or inexpediency of constituting a new Association. |
Those who are at the summit level grasp them as constituting an indivisible unity. |
There are six sites for development in Central Place, with the area opposite the Market Theatre constituting a seventh site. |
Every act constituting torture under the Convention constitutes a criminal offense under the law of the United States. |
Essence is defined as the basic substance both constituting the human body and maintaining its functional activities. |
The general rule is that the applicable law is the law of the country in which the events constituting the tort or delict in question occur. |
There is authority for the proposition that a wrong opinion is both unreasonable and capable of constituting a flagrant impropriety. |
Such recombination analysis may help to reveal the time sequence of the elementary processes constituting the pathway. |
The constituting of enquiry commissions has become a common feature after each communal flare-up. |
Chondrites are the main type of stony meteorite, constituting 84 percent of all witnessed meteorite falls. |
Until around 1960, Niueans had a poorly developed concept of their island as constituting a distinct culture or nation. |
In constituting them as analytic borderlands, discontinuities are given a terrain, rather than reduced to a dividing line. |
Lamentations 3 has 66 verses constituting a triple acrostic with the same curious transposition. |
Gell-Mann distinguished baryons from mesons, the other hadron subclassification, by the number of quarks constituting their make-up. |
It is also argued that the Agreement has the effect of constituting a waiver of litigation privilege. |
The in-form striker polled 1,024 votes from non-League fans constituting some 15 per cent of the 6,599 total. |
In function of the various elements constituting their biotope, we classify these species in bioindicator species. |
This is acceptable table talk constituting a gentle reminder from his partner of the power at the dealer's disposal. |
African Americans represent the third racial-ethnic group present in parishes, constituting 2.43 percent of average parish membership. |
The large communities of people of Cypriot, Italian, Polish, and Ukranian origin to be found in many British cities are rarely thought of as constituting ethnic minorities. |
The area constituting the buffer zone should be determined in each case through appropriate mechanisms. |
The Commission will today be adopting a number of communications constituting its response to the Council's invitation. |
It called for constituting a committee to conduct a comprehensive review of all aspects of the party's performance and make recommendations for future plan of action. |
Lands constituting or intended to constitute a roadway or sidewalk, a bicycle path or a municipal park, excluding play areas. |
The Vaisheshika-sutras give five propositions as constituting a syllogism but give them different names. |
Somatotrophs are plentiful in the anterior pituitary gland, constituting about 40 percent of the tissue. |
The ligneous stratum comprises bushes and trees capable of constituting locally closed populations. |
The person concerned shall furnish proof of the circumstances relied upon as constituting force majeure. |
Consider a reversible gel in aqueous solvent with the polymers constituting the gel consisting of hydrophobic groups separated by hydrophilic spacers, as in the RG model. |
Here at Amsterdam we have committed ourselves afresh to Him, and have covenanted with one another in constituting this World Council of Churches. |
This principle makes it possible for the courts in all countries to take cognizance of an act constituting a crime against humanity. |
These workshops are often of particular relevance to developing countries constituting delegates' first opportunity to partake in such exercises. |
The gardens should be of creative, botanical, rural and educational interest while, of course, constituting tourist attractions in themselves. |
Far from constituting a homogenous group, hedge funds now encompass a range of different investment styles and strategies. |
The role of mimesis in constituting desire, however, is usually hidden from awareness, since humans like to think of their desires as original and spontaneous. |
But they are far from constituting a group that could take power if Mr Assad should fall. |
It significantly expands the catalogue of forms of behaviour constituting misconduct, and ranks them according to their gravity. |
This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage constituting a risk of electric shock is present within this unit. |
This was not possible owing to the economic situation and a shortfall in constituting shares. |
Meanwhile, new customer references were created in the flexible packaging area, constituting an excellent basis for development. |
To say that a number of constituted meanings are compossible is to say no more than that a transcendental subject has in fact succeeded in constituting them. |
Values range from 0 to 1 and scores equal or greater than 0.5 represent a region of the protein with RS dipeptides or basic amino acids constituting a majority. |
In this watery environment, the dugout canoe served the fishing and trading economies of the region, constituting the enterprise capital of its owner. |
The white population grew rapidly up to about 1660 when it reached 47,000, constituting some 40 per cent of all the whites in Britain's transatlantic colonies. |
The frequency of the microwaves is adjusted until the output current of the electron multiplier is maximized, constituting the measurement of the atoms' resonance frequency. |
For many of the campaigns of history sentries, or larger security parties constituting infantry pickets or cavalry vedettes, did not habitually fire on one another. |
Figure 1 gives the overall rooted organismal phylogeny assumed, with the topology for a particular gene constituting only a subtree of this global phylogeny. |
Suspension-feeding zooplankton include rotifers, copepods, and cladocerans, with the latter constituting the major grazers in most small freshwater lakes. |
The Hi-Media management team has grouped the skills of marketing and Internet professionals, required for constituting a leader in interactive marketing and in solutions for digital media. |
Apart from constituting a drag on public finances and a social problem, the low employability of certain segments of the labour force limits the country's potential output growth and thus hampers the catching-up process. |
The treatment of Afghan women and girls under the regime of the Taliban reached proportions of cruelty and inhumanity constituting crimes against humanity. |
The owner of the patent is obliged to register with the competent office any contract constituting the assignment, licensing or another form of use of the patent by third parties on any account. |
The Maasai culture is well known to tourism, despite constituting a relatively small part of Kenya's population. |
It is by capitalising on this experience that the objective today is to progress further by constituting a business centre and an attractive leisure centre. |
The first stage of the IFRS transition consisted in preparation of an opening balance sheet as of 1 January 2004, constituting the beginning point for application of the IFRS standards. |
An instrument constituting and regulating that legal person or a recent extract from the register of companies, firms or associations can serve for that purpose. |
The democracy crisis also touches on the original constituting power because the procedures used to associate the people with the drafting of the Constitution are mere caricatures. |
The unsettled races of the north, constituting the Chartists, are Scotch philosophunculists and Irish savages, or the children of such. |
Efforts had been stepped up to persuade those who had committed offences constituting the crime of genocide to confess, ask forgiveness and repent, before being found guilty by the courts. |
Inaccurately, he has described this as constituting a state of emergency. |
The deictically anchored point of view of the speaker does not play a role in constituting temporal structure at the macrostructural level. |
In conclusion, I would suggest the hon. member not be so fast in characterizing the measures proposed by the industry in his own province as constituting no real plan. |
In the two decades constituting the Soviet period of Prokofiev's work 1933 to 1953 the realistic and epical traits of his art became more clearly defined. |
Indeed, that the presumption is actually correct which can only be ascertained extrinsically does not amount to its constituting a decisive ascertainment. |
You will find here a structured clergy of different ranks numbering nearly three hundred thousand individuals and constituting the main land and property owner of the country. |
Finally, constituting an archive of the Web means fixing its contents on mass storage media, and consequently facing up to the last challenge of the Web, that of its immateriality. |
The third phase involves winding a film made of one or more parts capable of constituting a leaktight casing around the continuous tube or strip of minced meat. |
In up and down operation, this machine is able to rake 16 metres of crop into one swath, thus constituting a cost-effective option in front of the forager. |
A combination of these two provisions was regarded by the Tribunal as constituting a real, new and substantial fact that justified a re-examination of the situation of the aggrieved employee. |
In LM-ProPower our devotion shows in the miscellany of high-quality elements, constituting a multifaceted power tool engineered to meet the needs of modern day dentistry. |
The motion seems to be a form of self-delusion, if not denial. For the specific proposals put forward in the motion as constituting a real plan, they already exist or are being proposed in Canada's economic action plan. |
As such, he is parallel to the Leibnizian God as the constituting creator of the monadic world, organizing the relations between them. |
A plastic figurine used as a dispenser with a height of 23 cm, having a round shaped corpus with arms and legs constituting a football player which is fixed on a pedestal. |
Since then, the Organization has notably produced an inventory of the Bagram ivories, constituting the only testimony to the entire collection of these objects, most of which have now disappeared. |
The result is that massive amounts of unexploded ordnance remain on the ground, each bomblet constituting a lethal hazard for those who come near it. |
The same penalties are applicable in cases of conspiracy, association and aiding and abetting with a view to the commission of an act constituting this offence. |
Therefore, the transgenic mice have been genetically modified, constituting a new life form. |
It considers Arabic, in addition to English, as the official languages of the country, which express the cultural diversity in the constituting various states and which are spoken by all citizens. |
In descending, the testes carry along a spermatic duct, blood and lymphatic vessels, and a nerve supply wrapped in peritoneum and constituting, collectively, the spermatic cord. |
As a whole it is extremely valuable, constituting the foundation of modern understanding of the history of the fourth century Roman Empire. |
The most daunting challenge remains that of collectively identifying those shared values, necessary for constituting the bedrock of any credible constitution. |
The Members of the Court obtaining the largest number of votes constituting a majority of the Members of the Court composing it at the time of the election shall be declared elected. |
The drug may indeed still be without much substance in constituting the sort of person who is dividually emplaced within kin networks. |
Accordingly, nothing in this announcement should be construed as constituting a formal offer or evidencing an intention to make a formal offer for International Power. |
The samples constituting a test shall be collected within as short a period as practicable but with an interval of at least sixty seconds between each expiration. |
Besides constituting a reference center for undocumented migrants, Comède is also a national resource center in the field of access to health care for persons living in France with precarious status. |
Just by now and without mooving you can have a look all over the totality of the photographies constituting our files for professional or personal needs o simply by curiosity. |
Along the Rhine itself were a number of cities constituting the interface between Roman and Germanic civilisation. |
The scenario is a collection of options and choices that are sufficiently reflected on, thus constituting a coherent policy for education development, whereas the variant is a slightly different version of the same scenario. |
It is in the moments of unharmony that the possibilities for constituting oneself, for folding the force as it were, exist. |
In the result, it considered Mr. Franklin's comments to be in poor taste but not constituting a breach of any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics. |
The front parts of caves, overhangs and steep rock faces, where the light is greatly dimmed, populated by many sessile invertebrate species, and constituting landscapes of great aesthetic value. |
The Baronies appear to have been formed successively on the submission of the Irish chiefs... the territory of each constituting a barony. |
The 1860 budget reduced the number of duties to 48, with 15 duties constituting the majority of the revenue. |
The words constituting idioms are stored as catenae in the lexicon, and as such, they are concrete units of syntax. |
There are an estimated one hundred and fifty million tribal individuals worldwide, constituting around forty percent of indigenous individuals. |
Oriental Orthodoxy shares this view, seeing the Churches of the Oriental Orthodox communion as constituting the one true Church. |
By 1910 there were 28 ministers and 1,990 communicant members constituting the Reformed Episcopal Church in that country. |
The parts were issued at irregular intervals, two parts constituting a volume. |
Like with the ambient, and environment, roots that unveil the blow surrounding something, the phrana's incontinenti involvement, pneuma, constituting the most vigorous nous, spacetime free. |
In 1413 Avignon Pope Benedict XIII issued six bulls confirming the charter and constituting the society a university. |
Throughout the manual, this symbol warns of consequences which may arise from inappropriate use of the drive, since electrical risks may lead to material or physical damage as well as constituting a fire hazard. |
If an act constituting an offence is committed by order of the authorities, the public officer who has issued the order, shall be liable for the offence. |
The quaternion theory functions in Bacon's thought as a constructive element for constituting his own theory of planetary movement and a general theory of physics. |
Modern archaeology has largely discarded the historicity of this narrative, with it being reframed as constituting the Israelites' inspiring national myth narrative. |
Therefore, stress may fall on the antepenult of a suffix form, such as,,, constituting an apparent counterexample to the generalization of a penultimate stress pattern. |
The two volumes were not published together until 1736, constituting the fifth edition of the first volume and the third edition of the second volume. |
In France, some wealthy bourgeois, most particularly the members of the various parlements, were ennobled by the king, constituting the noblesse de robe. |
When there was danger, an Army of the Empire was mustered from among the elements constituting it, in order to conduct an imperial military campaign or Reichsheerfahrt. |
The long-term gravitational interaction between such annuli is similar to the Coulomb interaction between axisymmetric molecules constituting a liquid crystal. |
On the third or fourth day, or later, the vomited matters..begin to contain blood..and they soon assume..a coffee-ground character, constituting the so-called black vomit. |
Since entering office in 2010, they have introduced the Health and Social Care Act, constituting the biggest reformation that the NHS has ever undertaken. |
For hundreds of years and until 2014, the maritime authority role in Portugal was performed by the Navy, with the AMN constituting a branch of it. |
It exacts a heavy toll in terms of tax administration and is pro-cyclical, constituting an unnecessary drag on capital investment during economic downturns. |
Beneath each window is a floral swag by Grinling Gibbons, constituting the finest stone carving on the building and some of the greatest architectural sculpture in England. |
The Statute of the International Court of Justice, similar to that of its predecessor, is the main constitutional document constituting and regulating the Court. |
What is key to this discussion is what Fowler cannot see, constituting a form of dramatic irony that certainly extends to Greene as the prisoner of his times. |
For twenty years, he realised the improvement of the commercial port, and the digging of the docks of the military port, constituting the New Arsenal. |
The head, with the circle of hooklets and the four suckers, is then formed at the anterior part of the embryo, constituting now the scolex of Van Beneden. |