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How to use constitute in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word constitute? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Migratory behavior appears to have evolved multiple times in Catharus, so the species mentioned above do not constitute a monophyletic clade.
The presence of eight members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at its meetings.
Qi, Blood and Body Fluids are the most basic substances that constitute the human body and maintain its functional activities.
Frankly, however, awards ceremonies do not constitute entertainment of any value, unless you are actually there quaffing the pricey champagne.
The memo noted violation of that portion of the treaty could constitute a war crime and officials should proceed carefully, the Post said.
How many of these incidents, and how many civilian deaths, does it take in Afghanistan to constitute a war crime?
A feeder, a hutch or cage, and a waterer constitute basic rabbit-keeping equipment.
A majority of the members of the committee or task force shall constitute a quorum.
But when I realised today that my weed jungle does not constitute a garden to potter in, I turfed them into the bin.
I admit it, freely and adultly, with full cognitive rationality, and I suppose I'd beat myself up if that wouldn't constitute overkill.
Consequently, extramarital affairs constitute a significant problem for many couples.
In fact teaching and research really constitute a single mission, the pursuit of knowledge.
Does the installation of an extractor fan that protrudes into the airspace of an adjoining property constitute an actionable trespass?
Rather, it is by engaging in these interactions that organizations constitute and reconstitute themselves as social realities.
Cashcards normally constitute credit tokens unless the account from which withdrawals are made cannot go into debit.
People who return from Taize invariably speak of the beauty of the chanted songs that constitute its worship.
Similarly, and underpayment of salary in lieu of notice would constitute a wrongful termination and have the same effect.
Bound growth factors also constitute a reservoir of growth factors that may be released in a regulable manner.
The first charge is quite clear and I advise the Court that the particulars in that charge allege or constitute a war crime.
I questioned how the goddess symbolism might constitute a cultural resource for religious women wanting to reimagine gender relations.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The macaco apes constitute another genus, which forms the link between the guenons and the baboons, or dog-headed monkeys.
Drinking cups, tankards, and flagons constitute another very important section of collectable curios.
The merchants, mechanics, and farmers, who constitute the bone and sinew of India.
The Dakota constitute the largest division of the great Siouan linguistic family.
According to the wave theory, a condensation and rarefaction are necessary to constitute a sound wave.
Two of the sides of the triangle in this proposition constitute a special form of the hyperbola.
Buttermilk whey sweetened with honey, or an infusion of marshmallow roots, ought to constitute the whole of the patient's drink.
For accidents are co-ordinated with each other, and do not constitute a series.
Some things have been decided by the courts to constitute an insurable interest.
So it seems that we constitute ourselves as our own observations about how we interact.
So far as known, the habits of the various Lizards which constitute the family of lacertid are much the same.
Fucus and laminaria constitute the kelp from which iodine is obtained, and were at one time the source of the potash of commerce.
Two stout sticks, the handstaff and the swingle, attached to each other by a strong band of gut, constitute its simple mechanism.
The world is made up of two classes of people, lifters and leaners, and the leaners constitute by far the larger class.
This great artery and its divisions, with their returning veins, constitute the greater, or systemic circulation.
As has been stated, they constitute the bulk of the light-fingered p. 530fraternity.
That new methods and technologies of a digital nature effectively constitute an alternative to literacy cannot be overemphasized.
Yet a study of the skeleton shows that all these loricate forms constitute a continuous divergent series.
These constitute the thyroid gland, another of the so-called ductless glands.
But a consociation of churches hath no particular head as such, of divine institution, to constitute and govern them as one.
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