I forgot to mention in the last newsletter that I also use folders to categorize my files as well. |
It organizes photos uploaded to Twitter and marked with hashtags, the symbol used to categorize topics on the social networking site. |
It helps us sort through and categorize our mail, ensuring your suggestion isn't lost in the shuffle. |
Thus the user of the straw man fallacy exposes their own tendency to incorrectly categorize their opponent. |
The need to properly categorize, inventory and secure the massive number of garments and shoes must have taxed their resources and creativity. |
In this domain we categorize incoming stimuli, and once categorized we respond in accordance with predefined procedures. |
He unleashed a science referred to as somatotyping which attempts to categorize people by their genetic body types. |
One goal for writing this software was to categorize knowledge for easy future retrieval by multiple users. |
Furthermore, labels such as rare, historical, rural and basilectal help to categorize the items. |
Our various classification systems adopt a certain framework within which to categorize and view something. |
You can't ask how people categorize Chevys and Fords in rural Guatemala because they don't have Chevys and Fords. |
There are numerous ways to classify and categorize pain responses in people. |
Modern phoneticians would more precisely categorize such consonants into velar, uvular, pharyngeal, and glottal articulations. |
We use a fair value hierarchy to categorize the inputs we use in valuation techniques to measure fair value. |
It allows organizations to organize and categorize call content to highlight situations that lead to customer dissatisfaction. |
For this reason, genetic testing has made it more difficult to categorize human biological materials as anonymous or anonymized. |
You can categorize schools, you can penalize schools and you can provide extra resources and so on. |
Is making art when you feel inspired to make it something that you need to categorize? |
Since there's a near infinite number of possible exercises, Amiigo doesn't bother trying to categorize them ahead of time. |
Humans are tribal, and it feels natural to think that humanity has always been eager to categorize on the basis of skin color. |
Well, because it allows people to categorize you, either as a pot smoker or a drug warrior. |
Disturbing, twisted, and strangely beautiful, this Alex Proyas masterpiece is a hard film to categorize. |
Also, while I love the old Universal monster movies, they're difficult to categorize. |
It is difficult to categorize the religion of the tribal people. It is a mixture of many influences including animalism, nature-worship, shamanism, and ancestor worship. |
Urologists categorize diphallia into three groups based on how much is duplicated. |
To categorize providers as being located in either poor or non-poor areas at each site, we needed to know the census tract number for the location or residence of each provider. |
This technology can come in and automatically categorize and tag data on any number of parameters. |
He thus attempted to categorize preventive deployment separately from peace-keeping. |
This method was used to categorize each building by its potential for an additional assessment, such as on-site building inspections. |
Organizations can categorize these faults by type, severity, source or description and generate notices for each kind of fault. |
I turned around and was greeted by a Texas size smile illuminating a well tanned, slender face with what I'd categorize as a handlebar moustache minus the handles. |
If you add a Dislike, then you're actually adding a third, since you're trying to further categorize what 'Off' means: Indifference or Dislike? |
I have numerous ways that I catch and categorize information on the fly. |
The powerful need to categorize human beings as definitely either male or female may necessitate surgery and hormonal treatment of the unfortunate individual who fits neither. |
If one tries to categorize commercial agricultural production or wage labor activity solely as resistance, one does violence to more than language. |
This particular combination enables us to categorize meal box schemes as a new form of convenience food called convenient food. |
The variety and frequent double meanings of nicknames make it almost impossible to categorize them systematically. |
There are several ways to categorize laws governing the interactions between individuals and organizations in Canada. |
Finally, we consulted a group of directors of access to information on how best to categorize the results of our investigations. |
Investigators used the average of nonstress test results for each patient to categorize results as reactive or nonreactive. |
Klein, who has worked extensively on ancient stone tools, describes the stone tool kit of archaic hominids as impossible to categorize. |
Thomas's refusal to align with any literary group or movement has made him and his work difficult to categorize. |
Difficult to categorize between electronic music and electroacoustic music, the artist himself cant' describe his own music, which could maybe compared to experimental music. |
That unwillingness to limit her creative output to a particular style or medium made her more difficult to categorize and kept her at the unpublicized fringe of the art world. |
Because this tool is powered by Yodlee, which works with many large financial institutions, it will automatically categorize most of your recurring transactions with some degree of intelligence. |
Gemologists use various scales of measure to identify and categorize gems, including their crystal structure, formation, and physical and optical properties. |
We actually have a form. You fill it out when there has been a disturbance or any kind of problem activity, we categorize it, and you tick off whether it's a fight or whatever. |
However knowledgeable we are, we need to be aware that God's works are so often beyond our mental capacity to categorize and put them in convenient packages. |
Unlike the comments of some of the members opposite who seem to categorize Saskatchewan people as whiners and complainers, all Saskatchewan people want is to have a fair deal. |
He can categorize and tabulate the symbols and themes in the propaganda. |
Is it not difficult to categorize all the Son of man sayings either as circumlocutions for the first-person singular pronoun, or as another means of referring generically to humanity? |
Normally, one does not attempt to categorize the world, but a domain within the world. |
The institutionalists are more difficult to categorize. |
It appears advisable, therefore, to categorize the different types of implementing partners and classify them according to their activity and performance. |
In fact, our region spends far fewer resources on managing the remaining fisheries in this region, even though these fisheries, depending on how you categorize them, far outnumber the salmon fisheries. |
Ask them if they can think of other ways to categorize these animals. |
The NCC will be required to categorize its financial assets as held for trading, held to maturity, available for sale, or as loans and receivables. |
The paper examines how we categorize people who have been forced to leave their places of belonging, as well as the policies that enforce the boundaries of these categories. |
A simple form will guide you through the steps, allowing you to categorize the project, select the level of privacy, and determine what details will be required from those who join. |
Another option is to categorize disability status on the basis of the number of years the individual reported a disability during the six-year survey interval. |
The lack of statistics makes it impossible to categorize these schools. |
An open, inclusive and judicious mechanism guided by the established principles of international law and international humanitarian law must be created to categorize such a situation. |
It would be premature, however, to categorize this as a downward trend. |
Given the way in which international assistance is both targeted and delivered, it can be very difficult to categorize assistance in ways that do not mix the function, organisation and process of various mechanisms. |
Although economists categorize market failures differently, the following categories emerge in the main texts. |
There are many ways to categorize and examine the inputs of pollution into our marine ecosystems. |
By defining different types of cities, one would use social factors as well as economic and political factors to categorize the cities. |
Most ancient sources categorize the Cimbri as a Germanic tribe, but some ancient authors include the Cimbri among the Celts. |
There are four main headings that anthropologists use to categorize rules of descent. |
More often a country's ideology is what will be used to categorize it as a Western society. |
Othering is the creation of those who discriminate, to distinguish, label, categorize those who do not fit in the societal norm. |
Furthermore, they are able to categorize images as familiar and unfamiliar individuals. |
All intentions that a particular language does not categorize as another mood are classified as indicative. |
Archaeologists categorize stone hand axes and related implements as Acheulian tools. |
It will also help gemologists and jewelry store personnel identify, categorize and describe gems and jewelry. |
They categorize the management of e-waste as being a part of Green Goods and Services industry. |
It's time for pro-choicers as well as the media to start framing this issue accurately, in a way that does not unfairly categorize people. |
The intention is not to categorize and count the population by the respective hyphenations and demand any proportional representation. |
To facilitate the examination, we decided to categorize the cracks. |
The compliance and decision making factors were dominant among nine factors used to categorize five years worth of Air Force Class A flight mishaps. |
Rather than make a fruitless comparison of food plants, it is perhaps preferable to simply categorize the vole as a herbivore and the field mouse as a granivore. |
For Native American people whose point of view is wholism, the importance is not to categorize and name but to ask the question 'what does it mean? |
First, categorize incoming messages according to the needed actions. |
One of the major differences between for-profit and not-for-profit financial statements is that not-for-profit organizations must categorize their expenses functionally. |
Cunnington made meticulous recordings of neolithic and Bronze Age barrows, and the terms he used to categorize and describe them are still used by archaeologists today. |
Geologists study rock strata and categorize them by the material of beds. |
The word is used in a general sense as the evolved ability to categorize and represent experiences with symbols and to act imaginatively and creatively. |
This software lets you categorize your photographs in many different ways. |