However, when we take social networking online, we lose this vital piece of information and categorization. |
Questions concerning parent ethnicity and self-identification are not scored, but can be used for ethnic categorization. |
Despite the popularity of thematic collecting, there does not appear to be a definitive categorization system. |
On his fifth album, Harper plays the role of musical chameleon, shifting and defying musical categorization. |
In the manner of Giorgio Morandi, Gallego paints objects that become portraits of a time and place defying categorization. |
The original worked so much better exactly because he was an inexplicable force of nature that defied any easy categorization. |
Its text and illuminations, unique in both style and subject matter, elude literary and art historical categorization. |
In the introduction, Lauret confronts the thorny questions of definition and categorization. |
Though the residuum is in one sense a social category, the concept implies that the group stands outside society and resists easy categorization. |
But, as scrutiny of the volumes quickly reveals, the process of anthologization and categorization is neither simple nor self-evidently logical. |
Rather, at the basic level of categorization, the principal contrast is between masculine and feminine. |
For the categorization to be useful, the leaf categories on the tree should contain less than one page or 20 references each. |
Often his work alludes more or less obliquely to gay experience, but it strongly rejects categorization. |
Information categorization is the process by which documents are classified into different categories. |
If categorization and bias come so easily, are people doomed to xenophobia and racism? |
Such categorization often results in intellectual stereotyping that disrupts the process of equipping students for ministry. |
His management style, his beliefs, are a baffling blend that defies categorization. |
This other way of knowing resists the objectification and categorization of our experience of place. |
The odd sculptures he made in his final decades continue to defy categorization or placement in any firm art-historical niche. |
Like all movie stars, she is unique, itching to fit in a category, yet somehow beyond categorization. |
The purpose of the factor analysis was to provide a deeper, more meaningful categorization of skills, rather than a rank list of skills. |
He said the government should have given betel-nut palms a clear categorization much earlier. |
The modus operandi used by genre critics is still connected with means of definition and categorization. |
Use of such sweeping categorization pays little regard to the existence of subcultures within the black community at large. |
According to the categorization of the UNHCHR, there are two types of attacks being perpetrated against civilians. |
Actually for Conte, who has a passionate aversion to labeling, that may be a bit too much categorization for his liking. |
Suggestions for a meaningful product categorization had been transmitted to the Commission. |
Initially, each idea was listed separately without categorization. |
There is an element of simplistic categorization in portraying the upper class Raj and his family as decadent, and counterpoising Prem and his family as morally good. |
Because of the word folksonomy, people assume it is for categorization. |
If great novels defy categorization, then in the game of literary gentrification, which writers can transcend genre while still employing its tropes, and which cannot? |
Many attempts at categorization direct attention to the objective of the movement. |
This kind of general categorization understates the importance of local context. |
The categorization of the responses set out in the various tables in this report is based on a close reading of the notes from each interview. |
Ennov is an OEM integrator of AKIO technologies for its solutions of management and categorization of incoming mail, snail mail and faxes. |
An important criterion in determining the appropriate categorization is understandability and meaningfulness to the user of the information. |
Data scarcity, imprecision and lack of systematic categorization are other limitations of this indicator. |
Moderate to vigorous physical activity enhances performance in classroom functions such as math, reading, memorization and categorization. |
In this way, the basis for categorization immediately grounds a kind of analogical or correlative thinking. |
The OIC is also of the view that such a categorization should not delay the release package. |
This categorization as a drug would involve a much more defined set of criteria for approval than the regulatory process for a biological. |
The purpose of the Red List categorization is to produce a relative estimate of the likelihood of extinction of the taxon. |
It is not a question of categorization but rather of applying the appropriate regulations. |
This highly popular spy show still continues to defy easy categorization. |
On MRV, New Zealand said that consultations focused on ICA and included issues such as frequency of ICA processes and categorization. |
In a recommendation this year, the Group urges each country to submit its views on the categorization of small arms. |
It sets out categorization and reporting standards for all financial instruments, including derivatives. |
When I read some of the concerns listed in the emails I receive, one of them is the change of the categorization of natural health products. |
It should be noted that I feel that this categorization is far too simplistic. |
Issues of categorization of parties, specification of support and ICA, among others, were also addressed. |
It provides content categorization, summarization, event identification, and content tagging software to streamline newswire, editorial, archiving, and syndication processes. |
Bessire elucidates the role of both blackness and whiteness in that oeuvre, and in this framework, race is depicted not as people but as a system of categorization. |
With conflict lines constantly shifting, the categorization of who got what and from where has become increasingly blurry. |
This website makes heavy use of tag cloud for categorization. |
These include thesauri, subject headings lists, classification systems and other categorization schemes used to index or organize different databases. |
It explicitly has avoided creating a top-down categorization scheme. |
Still resisting categorization, Wesley's recent paintings are as reductive in their affect as they are misleadingly decorative and occasionally funny. |
The standards of categorization is almost consistent among Malaysian Universities. |
When people define and talk about a particular conception of race, they create a social reality through which social categorization is achieved. |
Some studies have found that patients are reluctant to accept racial categorization in medical practice. |
Therefore the categorization of characters as either 'protagonists' or 'antagonists' below indicates their general role in the story. |
Zooplankton is a categorization spanning a range of organism sizes including small protozoans and large metazoans. |
Several things are striking about this categorization. |
He has incorporated insights from psychology to formulate a new model of discrimination based on categorization, and he has used detailed historical archival research to understand the origins and spread of the Ku Klux Klan. |
The government has enacted a measure that illegalizes the categorization of learners and teachers by Hutu, Tutsi or Twa affiliations. |
The categorization process should only be applied to wild populations inside their natural range, and to populations resulting from benign introductions. |
In an effort to standardize approaches, a categorization has been suggested for UNAIDS country offices based on the number and level of their professional staff and the scale of their programmes and budgets. |
With a Latin tinge, marked by soft overflowing tunes, waves of textured percussion and the sparkle of flamenco guitar, Pacifika's sound defies categorization. |
Foucault recognizes that different forms of categorization are based on different forms of kindhood. |
The Early Modern Period is the first third of the Modern Period and is often used with the parent categorization. |
Horses excel at simple learning, but also are able to use more advanced cognitive abilities that involve categorization and concept learning. |
An additional dimension or categorization consists of whether an acquisition is friendly or hostile. |
We also hope that the Special Rapporteur will not make general judgements and categorization based on uncorroborated, partial or isolated reports. |
In contrast to their categorization, the stereotypes are acquired by the cultural mediation of signs, if the creation of categories is coupled with personal experiences and an understanding of reality. |
The learning and knowledge management environment should be strengthened through improved categorization and better use of available data, including disaggregation. |
By academic standards the categorization of river features in the framework may seem simplistic and sub-themes and elements defined too generally. |
This paper examines the politics of categorization that defines people who move, as well as the migration containment policies that set and maintain the boundaries of these categories. |
You can train PASW Text Analytics for Surveys by categorizing a subset of your text responses, and then importing the entire dataset and re-running the extraction and categorization. |
The Ministry of Economy is preparing a new stricter rulebook on categorization of restaurants and hotels. |
The artists and programmers present liberate themselves with ease from the issues of the delineation and categorization of artistic fields and spaces. |
It is universally agreed that Locke thinks that we sort things into species and genera based on nominal essences and species and genera are a kind of human linguistic categorization process. |
Stereotype A false or generalized conception of a group of people that results in the unconscious or conscious categorization of each member of that group, without regard for individual differences. |
These are organized into a fourfold categorization. |
Figure 3 presents the categorization by cause of audit issues. |
This innovation was one of many that allowed for the categorization of risk. |
In the most comprehensive Norwegian grammar, Norsk referansegrammatikk, the categorization of personal pronouns by person, gender, and number is not regarded as inflection. |
Even with some screening, banned-categorization outcomes may still be distributionally preferable to a status quo regime with legalized categorization. |
The processes of categorization, stereotyping, discrimination, and self-fulfilling prophecy can also apply to stigmas based on blemishes of individual character. |
This categorization, however, is not absolute, as many constructed languages may be both a priori and a posteriori depending on which linguistic factors of them are observed. |
Two trends in particular, Pronatalism and racial categorization, influenced colonial officials to reconsider their racial perceptions of abandoned Eurasian children. |
Cities can also fall from such categorization, as in the case of cities that have become less cosmopolitan and less internationally renowned in the current era. |
And when a body of film challenges and provokes audiences, defying easy interpretation or categorization, then the appeal of auteurism is even stronger. |