Grand free open-air lunch under the spreading sycamores and by the babbling brook. |
A swingeing St. Christopher, fording a brook with a child on his shoulders, cannot fail of attracting attention. |
The Dolly Varden is the only char native to the Pacific Coast, and like the Eastern brook trout is not properly a trout. |
Stone on to stone, I skipped across a brook, dowsing one leg to the thigh in its bubbling water. |
Sometimes he goes to the brook and sits on a stone by a pool there, while I go wading and get my stummick wet and drippy and cool. |
While luncheon is preparing in the shade of the terebinth, I wade into the brook and cast my fly along the ripples. |
The carpenter bee, who lived in the big poplar by the brook, wasn't building a house for Mrs. Ladybug. |
Is the stream going steadily on, or is it rather like a babbling brook, making a pleasant murmur but with little power? |
At last our old friend, the brook, peeped out again from the duskiness, and we pitched our camp on the bank. |
The country is one threaded on every hand by eas and brook that drop down the mountain sides at almost every yard of the way. |
The rain was steadily beating on the roof, a newly made brook was gurgling and swashing past the door. |
The little brook between the lakes runs along like a chain pump and contains about as many trout. |
That the brook flowed from the cienaga, or marsh, where the Navajos were rendezvoused, was an easy inference. |
Thus the frailty and superficiality of our own judgments cannot brook contradiction. |
How could you brook to go backward, instead of forward, in those duties which you now so exemplarily perform? |
They went over to Orchard Slope by the short cut across the brook and up the firry hill grove. |
Then it fell over on its side, bridging blackly the white ice of the brook. |
Now we shall find the brook flowing in its channel with the flood plain deposits left high and dry. |
My early life ran quiet beside a babbling brook, and there I sat and fished trout and fried them over an outdoor fire. |
Down the hill they thundered, over the brook and up to the scene of the contest. |
With that he flung the two pieces wide into the sunlit waters of the brook. |
Beyond that, and lower still, a lilied pond widened out of the sluggish brook with a cool and rustic spring-house at one end. |
The waiting was tedious, and having been long denied, the amative element could not brook further delay. |
And quantity of quality is exactly the thing that cannot brook the corrosiveness of powerful stimulants. |
Then he turned his back on her, and gave his attention to leading trug safely from stone to stone across the brook. |
Two hours before daybreak they crossed the Killeen road and came to a wide brook. |
There they might be able to catch some brook trout, while Etienne was repairing the canoe. |
Then they came out of the woods at a point where a babbling brook ran over some rocks. |
The black bass, and brook trout, and sturgeon, and goggle-eye are familiar examples of fish which have this habit. |
The taster ordered the scullion to bring him a gold spoon, which he first rinsed in the brook, and then gave it to the head cook. |
Always she kept to the depth of the little ravine, through which ran a tiny, babbling brook. |
Who got first over the brook, was his next speculation, and where was trafford? |
A brook trout, on my word, such as I have often taken in the streams at home! |
Lucille's haughty and fiery temper could hardly brook this hoity-toity assumption of authority. |
The fish are here, as lively and gamesome as brook trout, plump, golden-sided fellows ten or twelve inches long. |
The morning ride and the thought of a dinner of brook trout on the mountain had sharpened the appetites of the lovers. |
He cannot brook the sounds of joyance that reach him down in his fen-dwelling near the hall. |
So Sunny Boy and Daddy set 131 off alone for the brook in the woods where the speckled trout lived. |
In every capacity of life, he was a disciplinarian who could not brook any breach of rule. |
They cannot brook monotony and it irks them to dawdle about in the anteroom of action. |
The child went singing away, following up the current of the brook, and striving to mingle a more lightsome cadence with its melancholy voice. |
The banks of the brook at this spot are composed of purple-brown slate. |
I slaked my thirst at the brook, and then lying down, was overcome by sleep. |
I left no scent when I stepped into the brook, replied hoke. |
The brook was soon gained, and found to flow to the southwestward. |
But primarily, Rivard said, they promote the area's brook or speckled trout. |
Bordering the brook behind the store is a forest extending for six miles back to the Medicine Lodge Hills. |
He did not, like the crowd of school-boy artisans, construct little windmills on the angle of a barn or watermills across the neighboring brook. |
The wavering reflection of a silver star in the bosom of the brook told him that he was not mistaken. |
The wind blew coldly from the northeast, with occasional flurries of snow, which made them encamp early, on the sheltered banks of a brook. |
The southern brings us to bourn, where the bourn brook rises. |
Dangerfield took his brassey and went straightway into the brook. |
Their outburst of melody is like a brook let loose from wintry chains. |
I doubt me whether the poor old hound will brook the journey. |
On the table they did not compare with our Eastern brook trout. |
May and June are, by all odds, the best months for brook trout fishing. |
Since it makes good bait for brook trout, its life is always in danger. |
He is one of the truest of friends, and he is as game as a brook trout. |
And here, paddling in the brook like an urchin, we found bumblepuppy. |
So he went to the big poplar by the brook, where the carpenter bee lived. |
The civitas Club was in full operation, and would brook no restraint. |
On one side of the church extends a wide woody dell, along which raves a large brook among broken rocks and trunks of fallen trees. |
Fortune had decreed to ennoble this little brook with a higher honour than any of those which wash the plains of Arcadia ever deserved. |
On its highest hill rises the brook which becomes the croton River. |
Beaver commonly fill their ponds by damming a brook or a river. |
So Pearl, who had enough of shadow in her own little life, chose to break off all acquaintance with this repining brook. |
They flashed up and down the brook like a pair of demented fireworks. |
They ran off the ledges into saddleback brook and broke their legs. |
He could not brook the blow and drowned himself in the Sarthe. |
Now, you had better go down to the brook in the dingle and have a drink. |
Outside in the brook grew many water-lilies, with broad green leaves, which looked as if they were swimming about on the water. |
It fell in the brook, and before I could scrabble down he was off. |
He wants a pond or a muddy brook, and plenty of duckweed to hide under. |
As they neared the brook that ran through the meadow, the gnome paused. |
No, Bill, I want to sleep on that bank, in the tanbark beside the brook. |
Whenever there's a bit of sunshine the brook catches it, and it's always full of sparkles the livelong day. |
But I know not, the Essene answered, that any man be dying in the brook. |
An old gray house, surrounded by willows, in a blossomy brook valley, looked more promising, but did not seem quite the thing either. |
The brook was searched, but the body of the schoolmaster was not to be discovered. |
In the dark shadow of the grove, on the margin of the brook, he beheld something huge, misshapen and towering. |
Winnie trotted along down the garden-path, and across the brook. |
Even a little fresh-water crab in a brook was enough to send him shrieking to shore. |
After a while, they came to a thick patch of woodland, through which murmured a clear brook. |
Competition and predation as mechanisms for displacement of greenback cutthroat trout by brook trout. |
As well as the usual brown and rainbow trout there are blue, tiger and American brook trout and even arctic char to go at. |
After that the trader was told to give her the message that if she used the brook again men would come and burn down her house. |
I should have liked to stop off and explore them, but the business of empire would brook no unnecessary delays. |
Small fish, with little oil, such as brook or lake trout, boiled. |
Small fish with little fat, such as brook or lake trout, boiled. |
He laved his eyelids in it, as in a woodland brook after the heat of noon. |
At the bottom of the valley a little brook had undermined its footbridge, and frothed in the wreckage. |
They saw Mr. Tingley and Preston hastening their steps toward the brook. |
Then he crossed a brook and was among chaparral and manzanita bushes. |
He had circled back to the brush screening the brook and the tree house. |
If this brook has a fish that's as meaty as you are, I've never seen him. |
Mr. Beamont says the tumulus is situated on the Golbourne brook. |
Why should I haunt a purling stream,Or fish in miasmatic brook? |
It sounded like a millstream, a brook swollen with rain, a tidal wave. |
Next, hidden under the water of the brook in a netted hand-bag, he brought to light the carcass of a fat wood-pigeon he had snared the previous day. |
Rainbow Trout will be stocked during the preseason distribution period and brook trout and rainbow trout will be stocked during the inseason stocking period. |
On that side of the road where the brook entered the wood, a group of oaks and chestnuts, matted thick with wild grape-vines, threw a cavernous gloom over it. |
About two hundred yards from the tree, a small brook crossed the road, and ran into a marshy and thickly-wooded glen, known by the name of Wiley's Swamp. |
It has young trees and baby bushes on each side of it, and it's a shallow chattering little brook with a white sandy bottom and lots of little shiny pebbles. |
She descended a little hill, jumped from stone to stone across a woodland brook, startling the drowsy frogs, who were always winking and blinking in the morning sun. |
Then let me stroll through the bright hours as they pass, in my garden among my flowers, or I will mount the hill and sing my song, or weave my verse beside the limpid brook. |
Here he sees a brook whose limpid waters, like liquid crystal, ripple over fine sands and white pebbles that look like sifted gold and purest pearls. |
When, following the course of our brook, we at last reached our glade and saw the thorny barricade of our camp, we thought that our adventures were at an end. |
Colonel Lloyd could not brook any contradiction from a slave. |
Of course I might have been a babbling brook for all the intelligence my speech carried to him, but he understood the action with which I immediately followed my words. |
A few months later the three of them were down at the brook in the Gale Anstey woods to consider the rebuilding of a footbridge carried away by spring floods. |