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How to use Brooding in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word Brooding? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Brooding about this needless death, I reached the internal tipping point, where my guilt started to outweigh my pleasure.
Brooding over all these matters, the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit.
Brooding British Thespian Henry Cavill is on tap as the new Superman.
It was dark and brooding and stretched away into the distance as far as Becki could see.
But getting angry with himself for making this mistake was just as fruitless as brooding over the slack business owner.
Dark, brooding, almost ungraspable, the series set notes of brilliant orange-gold against deep brown expanses of crusty pigment.
The early drawings are similarly mysterious and brooding, in somber tones of black, gray and brown.
His mood alters as he turns from the brilliantine carpet to the brooding figures that adorn his walls.
It's dark, at times brooding, but brimming full of energy and orchestration.
We must be careful when mowing a meadow, as a nide of pheasants may be in the tall grasses, brooding their young.
I gasped, and ever since I have been brooding on the most tactful way to put it.
But the star had been brooding on his own mortality since the assassination of President John F Kennedy three years earlier.
He sat across from her as she sipped the hot chocolate he'd made while she was brooding on the living room sofa.
Rather than brooding on the bench, MacMillan studied every pass, tackle, and shot.
Sitting in a pub, brooding on fate's inexplicable blows, he encounters Geoff.
Well they couldn't waste any time brooding on this because what if someone saw them?
Later, brooding on what she witnessed, she steps into traffic and is knocked down.
More than 30 years after the end of the war, Westermann was still brooding on the scenes he'd witnessed in the Pacific.
Shortly after the row with Collins Stewart became public, a year ago this weekend, Middleweek was again brooding on his position.
On March 12 of 2002 Senator Heffernan delivered a speech in the Senate he'd been brooding on for over a year.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Brooding decreases notably on the sixth day of nestling life in the red-eyed vireo.
There, still at his brooding, the returning columbine discovered him a half-hour later.
But in the midst of his brooding, Teppich and the fat Sturgeon assailed the nunnery gate with pot-valiant blows and shouts.
I was always brooding over this idea of the daemonic with which my mind was filled.
He was a brooding, ingrown man, secretive and sullen, with a streak of wildness which he usually managed to control.
He found also a disquieted Sylvia, who looked at him with brooding and a question in her eyes.
The duad, with the Monad brooding behind it, is the fundamental principle of the Avesta.
The other men eyed him with a brooding jealousy as they puffed on their pipes.
Euripides must have been brooding on the crime of melos during the autumn and winter.
The birds, silent all in the brooding of night, rise ghostly to right and left.
In April the mating season would be over and the birds silent, a brooding stillness possess an efflorescent Eden.
But eschatology, brooding in the background, soon put an end to this somewhat hectic social burst.
Some brooding spirit of the past might have been peering out at them from the watchman's wicket in the bartizan above.
The very brooding of the voice on a word, seems to hatch something of what is in it.
So she prepared for the possible future, not by brooding on it, but by doing the work of the present.
Kay said nothing, but a brooding anger began to fill his heart.
I was a serial monogamist, passionately falling, then failing, then brooding, and then moving swiftly from one tragic heartbreak to the next.
Jeff's face had cleared of its brooding and its intermittent scowl.
Bradford Dillman as Loeb clearly dominates Dean Stockwell as the brooding, asocial Leopold, who clearly relishes his own submissiveness.
To them all he was a closed book, tight-lipped, a mask of brooding care.
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