Because in India, family bonding is still strong, and marriage is one occasion where distant branches of the family are remembered and invited. |
Solubility can be affected by such processes as hydrogen bonding between the solute and solvent. |
Using thin wood wafers called biscuits can strengthen wood joints by providing more glue bonding area. |
One is the direct effect of hydrogen bonding by water molecules and the other is the polarizing field of neighboring polar molecular moieties. |
Another type of bonding is found in ionic solids, exemplified by sodium chloride, or table salt, crystals. |
Sam Shepard's three-hour epic, like much of his work, focuses on unhealed wounds and frayed male bonding. |
Polyatomic ions can combine with oppositely charged ions, through ionic bonding. |
Among topics covered are how to organize a company, how to incorporate, insurance and bonding, and scheduling. |
Most of the intermolecular forces are identical to bonding between atoms in a single molecule. |
Both States had huge, irresponsible tax cuts which they paid for in part by bonding and borrowing. |
Some elements, such as the Noble Gases, exist with intermolecular forces and no bonding at all. |
A technique first used in the aerospace industry, weld bonding uses a structural adhesive film to reduce the number of spot welds. |
There are also bonding agents that increase the milk paint's ability to adhere to non-porous surfaces, as well as powdered milk paint removers. |
In conventional sand casting, the mold is formed around a pattern by ramming sand, mixed with the proper bonding agent, onto the pattern. |
Patching cements look darker than the color of the cement because the polymer bonding agents in them make the concrete denser. |
And of course there was always football, the perfect male bonding activity. |
But victories over Turkey, Belgium, Sweden, Romania and Holland served as an adhesive, bonding the players as never before. |
Yet, sharing a meal is one of the most powerful social levelers, a potent instrument of social bonding and dissolving boundaries. |
Bonds are still the result of electron pairs residing in bonding molecular orbitals. |
The projecting bastions are drum-shaped, built of stone laced with horizontal bonding courses of red tile. |
An ingenious pattern of brickwork bonding was adopted to ensure satisfactory composite action. |
The user can change brick colors, bonding patterns, coursing, and mortar colors instantly. |
We also provide marketing, insurance and bonding, and we handle all the paperwork. |
Bilirubin is difficult to excrete because internal hydrogen bonding makes it almost completely insoluble in water. |
Adhesive bonding, instead of riveting, is employed by some designers for attaching doublers and stiffeners to the skin sheet. |
With the exception of epoxy, too much adhesive will weaken the hold of the materials you are bonding. |
After Clark and I returned home from our oceanic bonding session, we walked in the door to find the whole house in a dither. |
Women do not in general share sport as a common language or as a means of bonding in the same way. |
The airframe incorporates modern design with wide use of structural bonding and composite materials. |
Congregations and faith-based organizations do provide bonding social capital. |
She wallows in television, bonding with characters as if they're her friends, while ignoring the sensible advice from her real friends. |
Described here are systems in which symmetrical molecules assemble through hydrogen bonding to produce capsules with dissymmetric cavities. |
It can lead to extremists and it can lead to humans bonding together in extreme groupings and it can also lead to mistrust on a grand scale. |
Future research could include measures of affectional bonding to or romantic desire for males or females. |
It's a tool for reaching out to like-minded people across the world and bonding with them. |
There is one type of bonding called electrovalent bonding where an ion from one atom is transferred to another atom. |
Where no keying mix or bonding agent is specified, wet smooth concrete surfaces immediately before plastering. |
Lengthy bonding scenes follow in which, inevitably, the hardened, world-weary, cynical bodyguard learns to love the winsome little blonde. |
Does the shared identity for bonding differ between secular and faith-based programs? |
If you do not have latex bonding agent, simply dampen the area well by spraying water with a spray bottle. |
The effect of hydroxylation of the long fatty acid chain may also promote the adhesion by its participation in hydrogen bonding. |
Emotional bonding between mother and child was sacrificed at the feminist altar of power. |
The company had tried using thermal bonding with its polyester heat-shrink tubing in the past, but the process lacked repeatability. |
Another chemical, the hormone oxytocin, is associated with both sexual activity and maternal bonding in humans. |
The centers of corresponding ellipsoids are close, in agreement with well-known restrictions on the hydrogen bonding of electronegative atoms. |
Molecular orbital theory is the best explanation of molecular bonding that chemists have. |
The next day was spent on Brownsea Island, with zip wires, a tug of war and more bonding exercises. |
The crushing also produced a sharp sand with angular grains that made it far preferable as a bonding agent in mortar. |
The ground state of the molecule is that in which the bonding electrons are in the molecular orbitals of lowest energy. |
Adhesives and glues are substances that are capable of bonding two solid materials together at their surfaces. |
The root of this bonding most likely starts with a game of catch, or better yet, one's first baseball glove. |
The bonding between the ligand and the metal ion is intermediate between covalent and electrostatic. |
Furthermore, our kids likewise seem to be bonding a little too closely with the television set. |
The body shop is highly robotized, with 600 machines programmed for welding, bonding and handling operations. |
Typical photopolymers use a single chemical process for bonding molecules together both to form the medium and perform the recording. |
Hydrogen bonding, which joins water molecule to water molecule, is responsible for other properties that make water a unique substance. |
In personal interactions, social bonding typically precedes business matters or requests for help. |
Its molecular structure of alternating aromatic rings and amide groups crosslinked by hydrogen bonding makes it incredibly strong. |
Because of their symmetry, fullerenes need no other atoms to satisfy their surface chemical bonding requirements. |
The solid fritted bonding material consists essentially of a blended wax composition and a powder. |
Such structures appear to promote tight water association through internal hydrogen bonding. |
It was almost like rugby club bonding, where each outdoes the last with ever more outrageous acts. |
Add tactile and personal touches that are likely to improve the bonding between buyer and seller. |
Popular folk music, tango, and national rock were back on the radio and national television to contribute to the national bonding. |
Hydrogen bonding also plays an important role in determining the three-dimensional structures adopted by proteins and nucleic acids. |
While we save French kisses for our most intimate partners, for example, bonobos slip each other the tongue to signal friendship and bonding. |
The birth of a malformed infant also can precipitate a major family crisis, which disrupts the usual parent-infant bonding. |
It can encourage leadership skills, teamwork and bonding in some, but also bullying and cheating in others. |
Examples of bonding social capital include ethnic fraternal organizations, church-based women's reading groups, and fashionable country clubs. |
In all cases, nationalism and patriotism proved powerful cement for bonding the state with society. |
The chloride is close to the Schiff base, although in unfavorable position for hydrogen bonding. |
Mix and apply bonding coat to the surface of the brickwork by brush stipple. |
Michaud had brought his 11-year-old son to the carny for an evening of bonding. |
The point is that word parts are bonding into forms according to the grammatical rules of English word formation. |
In turn, the temperature coefficient of an amide proton chemical shift is expected to depend upon hydrogen bonding to solvent. |
Moreover, the formation of lipid rafts is thought to be favored by hydrogen bonding among the oligosaccharides in sphingolipids. |
The airframe design makes wide use of structural bonding and composite materials, including Kevlar, Nomex and carbon fibre composites. |
The seamless bras are cut from a unique system that includes ultrasonic seaming and new bonding techniques. |
The process uses a polymer formed through a chemical bonding of polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate. |
In covalent halides, such as carbon tetrachloride, the bonding electrons are localized in the carbon-chlorine bonds of the individual molecules. |
The pentane molecule, however, has neither hydrogen bonding nor polar groups to be attracted to water molecules. |
The thick film conductive bonding material forms a conductive pad at each bonding location. |
Same-sex copulation and bonding are common in hundreds of species, from bonobo apes to gulls. |
The C-Cl bond is polar covalent, Na-Cl is ionic, and the C-C bond is pure covalent with each atom sharing the bonding electrons equally. |
There were tons of nostalgia, family sentiment, bonding, celebration, entertainment and even a message. |
Dunbar contends that humans evolved vocal grooming as a more efficient form of bonding. |
And all the time they continue to video the family, bonding, breaking and ultimately falling apart. |
Instead of or in addition to a bonding primer, a bonding additive can be stirred into the first of two topcoats. |
Love and romance in personal relationships lead to special bonding and intimacy today. |
With this arrangement, there is no bonding of the wires to the pads of the support substrate. |
The two extremes of molecular bonding are ionic bonds and covalent bonds. |
When fathers hold and play with their children, oxytocin and prolactin kick in, priming them for bonding. |
And if a family is bonding in 2015, it probably involves Game of Thrones or Modern Family. |
The way we share technology can even be a way of bonding or showing trust for each other. |
The results support the idea that the strength of hydrogen bonding reflects the magnitude of the charges on the associated proton donor and acceptor atoms. |
At least I got some quality time with Cleo, bonding with her over the absurdity of her little brothers. |
An unique aspect of the agglomerates according to the present invention is that they are formed without the use of a separate bonding substance, such as an adhesive. |
Each layer is molded in one substrate, the two are joined using an optically transparent bonding layer and the replicators print the discs in the conventional way. |
Today, joining aluminum is mainly fusion, resistance welding, and bonding. |
Current techniques designed to modify materials for infection resistance rely on external bonding agents to integrate antiseptics and antibiotics. |
Those guys tend to have a lot of electron density on them, and bonding between them is a careful, arm's-length affair, sort of like porcupines mating. |
Other than that, if you believe in helping others, enjoy ritual bonding and can find someone to introduce you to a lodge, Freemasonry might be just the thing. |
The military's outlawing of gayness has made it one of the last bunkers of safe male bonding. |
You live in a place where male bonding takes on a whole new life! |
So there is nothing wrong with using the charms of, say, Parks and Recreation, to create some solid bonding time. |
In Hinduism you have many deities with various temperaments and nature, so you have the luxury of choosing and bonding with the deity which suits your nature. |
Some great bonding activities include cheering with your team, making up the cheers with your team and running a three-legged race with your entire team. |
They trained hard but their week was more about bonding than beasting. |
The refection film of the first layer is semi-transparent and the bonding agent is transparent, providing instant access from the first to the second layer. |
Only the unworldly could still think this was, at its worst, only an unseemly platonic relationship rather than a serious bonding. |
The pain etched on the face of every single Lisbon Lion was proof, if any were needed, of the remarkable bonding achieved by this singular football team. |
Various mechanisms can be used to secure and hold the bobweights in position in the tubular member, such as welding, adhesive bonding, staking, brazing, and the like. |
The slow reaction will have the atoms bonding to form water very slowly. |
Joint guarantee provided by several bonding companies are allowed. |
In Athy, he traded in tea, groceries, fuel, wine and spirits, as well as bottling his own stout, bonding his own whiskey and manufacturing and bottling mineral water. |
The party believes that Indian nationhood stems from a deep cultural bonding of the people which overrides differences of caste, region, religion and language. |
They drive across the country to his remote log cabin in snowy mountains, bonding along the way despite their implacably opposed positions in the situation. |
Therefore, it is not possible to provide any quantitative measure of the energy of solvation due to dipolar solvation and hydrogen bonding interaction. |
These activities also can inspire synergy rather than competition, which is exactly why fraternities and sororities engage in group bonding rituals, she added. |
Even the barbershop, a well-defined space, with its emphasis on male bonding and brotherliness, is limited in its role in bringing about solidarity. |
The language, the violence, the unapologetic maleness of gangland bonding mixes the excesses of laddish culture with an affectionate tribute to Kray Brothers brutalism. |
Fischer speculated that the shifting social status of women during the war years stoked male anxiety about female bonding and independence from men. |
The door was prised open by the editor of The American Prospect, Michael Tomasky, and we all spilled out, still furiously bonding. |
This course will teach you the basics of pinch braiding for braid fusion, bonding, hairweaving, as well as advanced techniques including interlocking and tree braids. |
The conductors on the substrates include end portions having bonding vias formed therethrough in alignment with access openings in the substrates. |
And though to many arguing may not have seemed like the best bonding activity, Morgan believed that every argument that was patched up strengthened a relationship. |
Both of the electrons in the pi bond are found in the pi bonding orbital. |
The bonding pi orbital is lower in energy than the atomic p orbitals, whereas the antibonding pi orbital is higher in energy than the atomic pi orbitals. |
For some players, the in-group rituals which purport to encourage team bonding do not necessarily lead to appropriate behaviour beyond the club boundaries. |
It facilitates bonding through humour and consciousness-raising. |
The attractions of molecules for each other are called intermolecular interactions to distinguish them from covalent and ionic bonding, forms of intramolecular interactions. |
When one atom transfers electrons to another, it is called ionic bonding. |
Glass covers were bonded over the microchannels using anodic bonding. |
Approximately two years ago, the scientists found a deep and unexpected connection between Bose-Einstein condensates and the bonding of Cooper pairs. |
The women who read the celebrity rags fantasize about fabulous courtships, fairy tale weddings, romantic honeymoons, and the everlasting bonding of parenting. |
Social bonding among families and friends, for instance, creates a kind of solidarity of credibility, presumable because of the sense of shared needs. |
Based on what we know about the unusual geometrics of solid state borides, it's just a matter of time until we find weird C-C bonding in carbides. |
The reason behind this is that salt effectively dehydrates the polymer by disruption of hydrogen bonding with water, similar to the effect of increasing temperatures. |
There is some evidence that the pain and discomfort of an episiotomy can interfere with the bonding between mother and child in the early days after birth. |
These values correspond to the amounts of energy required to remove bonding electrons from an atom's valence electron shells. |
For humans and some animals, oxytocin plays a large role in what is known as pair bonding. |
If this activity was completed after some background lecture on bonding and valence electrons, less reading would be necessary. |
The parts would then be glass bead peened to roughen the bonding surface and vapor degreased to remove the glass residue. |
This is due to lack of any cementation or digenetic bonding that is characteristics of many over consolidated natural clays and shales. |
This is due to hydrogen bonding dominating the intermolecular forces, which results in a packing of molecules less compact in the solid. |
Thus, the hydrogen bonding of urethane and urea linkages in hard segments of these multiblock PUUs were tested by FTIR, as shown in Fig. |
Deborah Pilla reassures parents that bonding offers a quick, safe solution to making their child's smile whole and bright once again. |
The action, one-liners, buddy bonding and retro coolness takes this to a new galaxy. |
A fiber preform is made by superposing and bonding impregnated fabric layers. |
The article introduces the Boss Generic Self-Adhesive system, which creates robust bonding between PSAs and custom designed extrusions. |
Byssal threads, used to anchor mussels to substrates, are now recognized as superior bonding agents. |
Fine gold wires are used to connect semiconductor devices to their packages through a process known as wire bonding. |
Corona treatment raises the dyne level of the surface of the substrate so it achieves acceptable chemical bonding with the ink or adhesive. |
It involves bonding a thin layer of another metal such as gold, silver, chromium or zinc to the surface of the product. |
Fosterage and Manrent were the most important forms of social bonding in the clans. |
The TPEs are said to offer great colorability, plus excellent bonding characteristics, according to the company. |
Because of hydrogen bonding, alcohols tend to have higher boiling points than comparable hydrocarbons and ethers. |
Chemlok 6270 is an adhesive said to offer improved bonding performance and mold fouling, as well as premium environmental and prebake resistance. |
An SZX 9 stereomicroscope was used to examine the mechanical bonding of the plywood. |
This article shows the bonding properties of citric acid in wood-based moldings and particleboards. |
If you're gay, you already have a much better way of bonding with another man than the chug-a-lug. |
There is no need to dry the sorbent before chemical bonding and to use a dry box. |
Because this adhesive film is not thermosetting, no extended press times, temperatures or pressures are required for bonding. |
You might see it in classic car owners, but now we are experiencing white van man bonding with Mondeo man. |
You might see it in classic car owners but now we are experiencing white van man bonding with Mondeo man. |
Some additional topics explored are family structure, bonding, infrasonic communication, mating, emotions, intelligence and evolution. |
Microbonds' X-Wire Technology insulates gold and copper bonding wires used to connect the silicon die with the package device. |
He and his dad spent the weekend together for some male bonding. |
For instance, in liquid sodium, the potential well for interionic bonding has a single minimum. |
Iron oxides and arsenic exhibit tight bonding properties, and oxides are relatively cheap materials. |
The early bonding scenes of them tracking redneck villains are amusingly and snappily shot. |
As with many organic molecules, there are possibilities for conformational isomerism due to internal hydrogen bonding within the molecule. |
Our initiation wasn't filled with malicious, harmful assaults on teammates, but served instead as a bonding opportunity. |
Metallurgical bonding assures superior ductility, formability, and weld-ability than electroplated wire. |
Sub Zero gives presentations to schools across the state to teach gas laws, hydrogen bonding and the properties of liquid nitrogen. |
Brits revealed workaholic Borthwick's famed line-out obsession even extended to a Saracens bonding trip in Swiss ski resort Verbier. |
In another instance, a laser cleaning system is used to roughen the surface of bonding points on a PC part where adhesion strength is critical. |
Casual sailing trips with friends and family can become lifetime bonding experiences. |
Al Buainain welcomed the Peruvian Ambassador, and hailed friendship ties bonding the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Republic of Peru. |
In the alpha helix there is hydrogen bonding between the hydrogen on the nitrogen and the oxygen on the carbonyl carbon within the same sheet. |
It was really a bonding collective that MTV was the glue for. |
Did you and McConaughey have any sort of bonding ritual before shooting? |
Atoms in the plane are bonded covalently, with only three of the four potential bonding sites satisfied. |
These have the effect of bonding what would otherwise be two thin walls leaning against each other, greatly increasing the strength of the wall. |
On 23 July 1952, the European Coal and Steel Community came into existence, bonding the member states economically. |
Nonwoven textiles are manufactured by the bonding of fibres to make fabric. |
Minimum requirements for the hotbar bonding cycle are component acquisition, placement, and reflow while attached to a substrate. |
Manufacturers of affordable custom hotbar bonding equipment used in chip-on-flex, chip-on-glass, or Hex attach. |
It is recommended that a solvent degrease be used for the first 2-5 releases for critical bonding applications. |
Co-editors Ke-Li Han and Guang-Jiu Zhao have compiled 39 contributions detailing the latest research and topics of interest in excited-state hydrogen bonding and transfer. |
In terms of shells, carbon consists of an incomplete outer shell, which comprises 4 electrons, and thus has 4 electrons available for covalent or dative bonding. |
This hydrogen bonding means that alcohols can be used as protic solvents. |
However, far from vanishing, as some claim, work will remain, if practiced in decent conditions, a vector of progress, self-fulfillment and social bonding. |
The first member is a plate of expanded metal including a plurality of strands and a plurality of bonding portions that bond the strands together. |
Travelers was the surety bonding company for Bossier Contracting Inc. |
The channel is created by bonding the signals from these four pairs. |
The size of the 5f shell is just enough to allow the electrons to form bonds within the lattice, on the very boundary between localized and bonding behavior. |
In terms of its atomic structure, CaS crystallizes in the same motif as sodium chloride indicating that the bonding in this material is highly ionic. |
The structures showed how hydrogen atoms are arranged in the active site of xylanase, where they move and how hydrogen bonding is altered due to pH changes and ligand binding. |
These adhesives, designed specifically for bonding sulfur-cured nitriles, silicones, FKM and Vamac compounds, are said to have been extensively field tested. |
Multiple drum driers are ideal for applications requiring high line speeds, extended dwell time and in-line temperature profiling for drying, thermal bonding and cooling. |
After setting out the structure and spectra of DNA, they survey interactions by class of drugs, among them intercalating, covalent bonding, and metal containing. |
Summaries of the present views of bonding, of ligand substitution reactions and of polyhedral rearrangements update earlier reviews by these authors. |
This enzyme makes the complementary strand by finding the correct base through complementary base pairing and bonding it onto the original strand. |
Consequently, the initial challenge was to definitively determine the structure of ferrocene in the hope that its bonding and properties would then be understood. |
Although most families see quality bonding time as important, most are also limited in the amount of financial resources they can devote to a vacation or familymoon. |
Here, purines form hydrogen bonds to pyrimidines, with adenine bonding only to thymine in two hydrogen bonds, and cytosine bonding only to guanine in three hydrogen bonds. |
According to scientists including Markus Zweckstetter and Eckhard Mandelkow, methylene blue inactivates molecular residues that promote the bonding of tau proteins. |