Complex ions are ions that have a molecular structure consisting of a central atom bonded to other atoms by coordinate covalent bonds. |
The sodium is bonded to the hydroxide part of the compound with an ionic bond. |
Scientists came up with the name because the compounds have many carbon atoms bonded to hydroxide groups. |
The walls are made of sugar molecules bonded by amino acids, Tenover explains, and vancomycin attacks the amino acid links. |
In metallic clusters, the metal atoms are either directly bonded through metal-metal interactions or are bridged by appropriate ligands. |
The pigments are chemically bonded to antibodies, which are then put into a solution of cells. |
Below this threshold, minerals occur as silicates, in that they are chemically bonded to silica. |
Another group discussed comprises carbanionic synthons in which the carbon atom carries a singly bonded heteratom. |
The deck and hull of all Fountain boats are securely bonded together with adhesives, mechanical fasteners as well as fiberglass and resin. |
They can be heat sealed, solvent bonded, or ultrasonically welded to other PVC parts. |
Discovered in Sheffield in the 1740s, Sheffield plate was a bonded laminate of a thin layer of silver to a block of copper. |
Roll-bonded panels are made from two sheets of aluminum that are bonded together by heat and pressure. |
Between the outer fabric and the headliner is a bonded fiber insulation to reduce noise and heat transmission. |
This patented coating is bonded permanently to the surface of the glass by a special manufacturing process. |
The floor and tunnel are spot welded together and then bonded with adhesives to the structural framework. |
Jill Fogg, for the agency, told them that when it investigated, an officer found cement, bonded asbestos and a bag containing hydrated lime. |
The firm's efforts resulted in a patented coating which is bonded permanently to glass via a specialised manufacturing process. |
This mixture was then conveyed to the top of a Boyd hydraulic brick press and bonded into a semi-hard brick with moderate pressure. |
In the LOM process, layers of paper are placed, bonded to the layer below, and cut with a laser. |
She said many of the victims' families had bonded over the years to support each other in their grief. |
Soft plywood for indoor use is bonded in a hot press using urea and formaldehyde resins. |
These are made of supermetals and superplastics and superfabrics, bonded in layers with superglues. |
Many other industries in India keep costs low through the use of child labor and bonded labor. |
The carbon atoms arranged themselves as layered sheets of hexagonally bonded atoms. |
They are formed from 60 atoms of carbon bonded together in a combination of pentagons and hexagons to form a ball, just like a soccer ball. |
Elegant and inventive, all are in effect strongboxes, made of toughened laminated and bonded glass. |
The clips, bonded together in rows of 50, like gun nails, prevent tangling and make installation fast and productive. |
Rhodopsin consists of a protein called opsin bonded to a pigment called retinal. |
It centers around a heart-warming tale of how a father and daughter, both noted magicians, are bonded together by their love of magic. |
I mean, we met in the third grade and bonded over our mutual hate for the class bully, Johnny Donovan. |
The two had been stepbrothers only for a brief while, but had instantly bonded after growing up in unstable families. |
The roof canopy is made up of stainless steel composite panels bonded to a bituminous rolled sheet over plywood. |
The bonded workers, frequently non-literate, have no choice but to depend on the word of the employer about when the loans are finally paid off. |
Additional distinct extrema in the negative regime of energy signify vicinal pairs that are hydrogen bonded. |
Many nitrates are ionic in nature, but heavy metal nitrates and anhydrous nitrates have covalently bonded nitrate groups. |
These loosely bonded and larger molecules are broken down into smaller molecules. |
This type of vinyl floor, being perimeter bonded, will now contract slightly, tightening like a drumhead over the next 24 to 48 hours. |
A marriage contract is a social contract, not just an agreement between the bonded pair. |
The dropouts are always bonded in, of course, but the carbon steering tubes are generally bonded in as well. |
The dropouts therefore have a pivoting plug on the upper end that is bonded inside of the seatstay. |
Also note that, for 2004, the Trek 2300 does use bonded dropouts that are dedicated to each frame size. |
Arena would receive lists of bonded goods on offer from other traders so he would know what goods were available in the market. |
This is thermally bonded, inorganic wadding developed to replace asbestos on railway carriages. |
The 1994 Trek 1200 bonded aluminum frame was designed around a 128 mm dropout spacing. |
Sold by the roll, these products are made of layered neoprene rubber, often with a granular surface bonded to the top side. |
Roof felts are essentially scrap paper bonded together with bitumen, a waste oil product that is put on the felt to saturate it. |
They rag each other endlessly about race and all its permutations, yet two men couldn't be more bonded together than they are in these mysteries. |
The doubler plate is riveted or adhesively bonded onto a stiffening member web, or the tension band is crimped into the stiffening member web. |
Many plants make use of furocoumarins, in which a coumarin is bonded to a furan ring, as protective substances. |
An arrow shot through it and the names Kenny and Lori were bonded together. |
The new low-density snow has not bonded so watch for cohesive windslabs that have formed over the top. |
Michael, then 4 and used to seeing foster kids come and go, bonded with the new baby. |
Tucker and Ganeson estimate the number of bonded child laborers in India at 15 million. |
He said his company is a bonded warehouse and as such, it stocks vehicles for the local market as well as re-export. |
Other fabrics may be bonded to the fashion fabric with fusible web to darken the room even more. |
As with many conventional laminate substrates, the die is wire bonded to the tape and encapsulated with a moulding compound. |
We enacted laws to curb landlordism and give bonded labourers the land they had given their blood, sweat and tears for. |
Both were deeply but ambivalently bonded with their male sidekicks and, to both, women were simultaneously a lure and a threat. |
The Bonded Liberation Front estimates that there are 25m bonded children in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. |
However each disorder is bonded to the other disorders by the common theme of excessive, irrational fear and dread. |
She said although some of the girls had never met before they bonded and forged friendships. |
Even though it has been illegal for 70 years, there are an estimated 25,000 bonded laborers in Nepal. |
Linear polymers are long, chainlike molecules covalently bonded in a rigid manner. |
Laborers are bonded to the owners through a system of advanced payments whose interest rates are so high that workers can never repay them fully. |
Hybridization explains the molecular geometry of the resulting covalently bonded molecules. |
Ask what protection is in place before booking and, if your operator is not bonded, pay by credit card. |
As a fully bonded independent ABTA travel agent, we are able to negotiate special rates with many tour companies and cruise lines. |
Under a surety bond, if the bonded party doesn't fulfill their side of a deal, the company issuing the bond steps in to compensate the customer. |
These materials contain planes in which copper and oxygen atoms are chemically bonded to each other. |
A chemical reaction therefore reveals which pair of building blocks has bonded to the enzyme. |
For ionically bonded compounds, the oxidation state of an atom is equal to the ionic charge of the atom. |
Lewis's idea of stable, filled electron shells can be used to predict which atom is bonded to which other atom in a molecule. |
Typically, criminals will divert consignments destined for a bonded depot straight to consumers where they will be sold without tax being paid. |
Farmers had a cheap and abundant workforce, based on conacre, a form of bonded labour in return for small plots of potato land. |
Side groups are also chemically bonded to atoms in the chain to give the polymer its unique characteristics. |
Ionic compounds, however, are composed of ions, not covalently bonded atoms. |
These monomers are generally bonded together in a chain-like manner creating a molecular backbone. |
A diamond is a special kind of covalent network solid, because it consists entirely of covalently bonded carbon atoms. |
Organic compounds and other covalently bonded molecules do not dissolve well in water. |
Each tiny V-shaped water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to oxygen. |
When assigning priority to groups, atoms that are directly bonded to the carbon atom have their priority based upon their atomic number. |
Lewis structures can also be written for more complex molecules that have a chain of bonded atoms instead of a single central atom. |
Thermoplastics consist of long carbon chains that are covalently bonded to chains of other atoms. |
Such substances consist of a nitrate ion chemically bonded to a hydrocarbon molecule that's lost one of its hydrogen atoms. |
The researchers chemically bonded one end of the molecule to a bendable cantilever similar to the tip of an atomic-force microscope. |
Specific sequences of these base pairs, which are bonded together by atoms of hydrogen, make up the genes. |
During the next step the produced upper sandwich was bonded with the lower sheet metal, also by rolling. |
A preformed metal ball held in the concave mouth is bonded to the metal pad of the integrated circuit. |
It is a non-pneumatic wheel, made up of a rubber tread bonded to the hub through flexible spokes. |
There are suggestions of design problems, involving the way in which the treads are bonded with the rest of the tire. |
Many elements ordinarily occur as diatomic molecules, or molecules consisting of two atoms chemically bonded. |
Most rods are made from hollow tapering tubes from a mixture of carbon and glass fibres bonded by a resin. |
It put them in a false position as they categorically denied the existence of any bonded labourers in those areas. |
Strand upon strand bonded to the blacklead with a binding agent known only to few. |
The two components are not chemically bonded, but are linked by van der Waals forces. |
In silica, each silicon atom is bonded to four oxygen atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two silicon atoms. |
The wafers are pressed against each other, slightly twisted at a precisely controlled angle and then bonded together to form a bi-crystal. |
I consider it would be impracticable to cut the openings and form proper brick and blockwork reveals and inset cills in these low bonded walls. |
Countless readers have bonded with the character of Janie Crawford, a motherless girl raised by her grandmother. |
And I know that we never truly bonded or talked about our feelings for each other. |
Interestingly, we didn't know each other till this event, but have bonded since. |
It is true that many of us became involved in the feminist movement with unrealistic expectations of bonded sisterhood. |
To say that a slave is simply the property or another does not adequately describe the condition of bonded dependents in an African context. |
Fibro is perfectly safe if it's in good condition, with the asbestos fibres bonded firmly in the cement. |
The pressure forced the veneer to assume the shape of the mold and bonded the adhesive to it. |
Granulflex is a hydrocolloid dressing with a thin polyurethane foam sheet bonded onto a semipermeable film. |
Tests produced adhesives that bonded to cloth, glass, leather, metal, paper, plastic, and other materials. |
And with a kiss, they were immortally bonded to one another, in heart, in body, and in spirit. |
There is a thin strip of stainless steel bonded to the carbon fiber to give the 3-inch blade its edge. |
Many such implants were made of a polyurethane foam outer layer bonded to the conventional filled silicone shell. |
According to this structure, every water molecule is bonded to the surface, rather than half of them. |
Similarly, nine atoms can form a pentagon bonded to a hexagon, each ring sharing two atoms with the other ring. |
The brick vaulting of the wine shop and restaurant dates from the 18th Century when the famous Gallwey family owned the building and operated it as a bonded warehouse. |
The downside of altruism is that closely bonded communities also tend to be more closed off to outsiders. |
During the Cold War, anti-communism was the glue that bonded the American conservative movement together. |
The chemistry that was there in the first one was the reason we all bonded and stayed friends. |
The first time he came in on the audition we bonded because he was from East Texas, like me. |
A carrier is then bonded to an upper surface of the integrated circuit, whereafter a lower portion of the wafer substrate is removed in a grinding and etching operation. |
The abrasive particles may be incorporated into a variety of abrasive articles, including bonded abrasives, coated abrasives, nonwoven abrasives, and abrasive brushes. |
The pair have bonded as friends, after he snubbed her amorous advances. |
Still scrounging for food and blighted by diseases like kala-azar and tuberculosis, many live as bonded labourers, and face acute food shortage and starvation every year. |
They are composed of fatty acids bonded to the amino alcohol sphingosine. |
Glass covers were bonded over the microchannels using anodic bonding. |
Young adults bonded and relieved their stresses and strains. |
While easily discernible in plan, the shift from stack bond to traditionally bonded ashlar is too subtle to distinguish the two forms from the street. |
Still, I'll always think back to the good times we had together, like our victory in the sack race, the moment we bonded in his apartment, and that crazy laugh of his. |
Burt and Shapiro immediately bonded over their love of vintage motorcycles. |
The pair bonded over their interest in mind-altering substances and married two years later. |
We bonded them with an adhesive that cannot ever be destroyed. |
The rocks and gravel are not chemically bonded to the cement. |
The cation and anion bonded together are known as an ion pair. |
First the Kraft paper type sheets are glued together along with the print film, then this is glued to the core, and everything is bonded together under pressure. |
I feel we have bonded nicely and understand each other a little more. |
Some chemicals are generally encountered as a diatomic bonded pair. |
Bond strength is the energy needed to break apart two bonded atoms. |
The carbon atoms are covalently bonded and surrounded by hydrogen atoms. |
A friend of Adam's had co-signed a form to say I was bonded to him so there was no way for me to get out of the place, although I did run away once. |
Established in 1936, it is a family owned, fully bonded travel company. |
He said people appreciated the benefits of booking a package with a bonded travel company, in light of recent natural disasters and international terrorism. |
Another sign of Jakarta's gloomy investment atmosphere is the number of investors who have canceled plans to open operations in the bonded zone in Marunda. |
The factory held three or four bonded warehouses, administrative offices, a bottling plant, a small cooperage, and an enormous vatting and blending operation. |
The term is also sometimes used for compounds in which a nitrogen or other non-metallic atom of an organic group is directly bonded to a lithium atom. |
The seat was bonded to the deck and offered plenty of watertight stowage below and a reversible back-rest which was moulded to snugly fit both passenger and helmsman. |
If it is desired to ensure that no organically bonded chlorine is detectable in the reaction product, a reaction time of about 8 to 10 hours is recommended. |
The male produces a long, gelatinous strand of condensed saliva from the sublingual salivary glands, which is then wound into a half-cup nest, bonded to a vertical surface. |
Fewer loosely bonded fluorine atoms in the seasoning film results in fewer contaminants being incorporated into films deposited over substrates in subsequent processing steps. |
He also announced a crackdown on bonded labor and said his government will ban indiscriminate use of fetters in prisons and while producing prisoners in courts. |
Every single piece of steel in the Minster that will conduct electricity is now bonded with the lightning protection system to stop this sort of flashover. |
Further increases in overall stiffness come from having the previously separate floorpan and outer body mouldings bonded together to form a semi-monocoque. |
The wall was built in regular horizontal courses bonded by mud mortar. |
A neutral group of atoms bonded together covalently is called a molecule, and a substance which is made up of molecules is called a molecular substance. |
Diamond is also a light material whose atoms are covalently bonded and arrayed in a cubic structure, whereas osmium is heavy, metallic, and has hexagonally organized atoms. |
Although in each molecule there are three hydrogen atoms bonded to the central nitrogen atom, the nitrogen atom also carries a lone electron pair. |
Dehydration is endergonic not only because the products are less strongly bonded, but because entropy is decreased in the synthesis of the more complex macromolecule. |
The resulting pump system features stainless steel columns and pipes, and the discharge manifold, pump head and internal fusion are bonded with epoxy. |
In the 1970s DSTO, with the strong support of the RAAF, pioneered the use of bonded carbon and boron fibre doublers to repair cracked metal structures. |
There are trafficked kids, prostitution rings and bonded labour in every suburb of the British Isles. |
They chose a course that extended the lovefest, bonded Barbaro to his fans and cemented his appeal as a documentary subject. |
The two had bonded upon Kipling's arrival in London in 1889 largely on the strength of their shared opinions, and they remained lifelong friends. |
Scrim is a loose weave or lattice of strands, typically bonded where they cross to maintain the grid pattern. |
The resulting glass is a new substance in which the waste products are bonded into the glass matrix when it solidifies. |
Lead can form multiply bonded chains, a property it shares with its lighter homolog, carbon. |
Isothermal run out, solder TGA shows no reflow, and significant decomp up to bonded substrate 50 hours. |
Commercial goods not yet cleared through customs are held in a customs area, often called a bonded store, until processed. |
Medical disposable assemblies bonded with Dymax adhesives include catheters, tube sets, reservoirs, respiratory masks, syringes and oxygenators. |
They bonded with Moon, who was excited to learn that cherry bombs were legal to purchase in Alabama. |
The RNA molecule is usually a single strand that folds into different shapes and consists of base units bonded together with the sugar ribose. |
India has the highest number of people living in conditions of slavery, 18 million, most of whom are in bonded labour. |
The '053 patent relates to methods of making a covalently bonded permeation layer on a microchip. |
The branched polystyrene is produced by a nucleophilic substitution reaction of active methylene groups with bonded electron-attracting groups. |
Muntin bars are bonded to the insulating glass, re-creating the charm of multiple panes. |
The diameter and covalently bonded phosphate monoester groups of potato starch granule could have given a higher paste viscosity. |
The fluoride is tetrahedrally bonded with three NH groups of a given tren and one OH group of water. |
During their time in the camps, the smoke jumpers bonded with their fellow COs so much that they continue to reunite and relive those memories. |
Precision Custom Coatings LLC, Totowa, NJ, has introduced Comfort Stretch thermal bonded nonwovens for interlining applications. |
It is about the revitalization of the Ternopol Airport, where it will be created a powerful logistics center and a large bonded warehouse. |
The Lolas, bonded in girlhood, split up when they go to in college. |
The Commission has observed that the petition raises issue of bonded labour and violation of the human right of dignity of Dalits. |
Today, sol gel abrasive grains can be found in coated abrasives, bonded abrasives, and abrasive bristle products. |
Scrim is netting that is bonded between toweling stock for strength, which produces an efficient all-purpose wiper. |
Trees on a rootstock will have a scar where the tree is bonded to the root, and this should lie on the top of the soil once planted. |
Two gates have lap joints, cut with dado blades, to increase the bonded surface areas and provide added stiffness. |
Deshpande developed polymers with allylic or benzylic amide groups covalently bonded to the polymer molecules. |
NewGen is asking for fresh thinking toward improving green sand casting and chemically bonded core and mold technologies. |
Phenol-formaldehyde bonded particleboards were dimensionally stabler than urea bonded particleboards in the decay chamber. |
South Asia Programme primarily focuses on bonded labour in India's brick kilns, and bonded labour practices in Nepal's agriculture. |
She'd bonded with Madison last summer, and this year the child was a little beeyatch. |
Mechanical pencils have more elaborate casings which are not permanently bonded to the core. |
The most common type of pencil casing is of thin wood, usually hexagonal in section but sometimes cylindrical, permanently bonded to the core. |
Established in 1987, EKG is a fully licensed, bonded and insured unarmed security guard company in the state of Georgia. |
The source of attraction is the acrylonitrile group specifically the triple bonded nitrogen via its unshared electron pair. |
Atoms in the plane are bonded covalently, with only three of the four potential bonding sites satisfied. |
Plant residues bonded to the silicon of some tools confirm the use to chop plants. |
In November, Vita Nonwovens, a leading manufacturer of thermal bonded polyester technologies launched EnGuard Blanket Insulation. |
Vita Nonwovens, a leading manufacturer of thermal bonded polyester technologies, is launching EnGuard Blanket Insulation. |
These children, HRW claimed, were bonded child labour in India, easy to find in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. |
Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. |
Grinding wheels may also be made from a solid steel or aluminium disc with particles bonded to the surface. |
An ELID cell consists of a metal bonded grinding wheel, a cathode electrode, a pulsed DC power supply and electrolyte. |
A house's distribution panel should always be bonded to the grounding rods via a panel bond. |
A chemical compound can be either atoms bonded together in molecules or crystals in which atoms, molecules or ions form a crystalline lattice. |
However, in modern India, Pakistan and Nepal, there are millions of bonded laborers, who work as slaves to pay off debts. |
It then moved on to the Bering Strait where it burned or bonded a number of the American whaleships, capturing 24 ships. |
This was a prime mark of distinction between the free and the bonded and no exceptions were permitted. |
In the August election of 1874 I bonded out of jail eighteen colored men that had been in there, and there has not one of them been tried yet, and they never will be. |
In the mid 1980s Lovas and Suenram constructed a pulsed molecular beam Fourier Transform microwave spectrometer to study hydrogen bonded and van der Waals dimers and trimers. |
The Super Hammerhead bullet is a bonded bullet that has a thick cannelure. |
A massively rigid bonded aluminum chassis, huge engine compartment cross-brace and cabin-visible FIA approved roll cage hint at its race heritage and structural rigidity. |
Lead's lighter carbon group congeners form stable or metastable allotropes with the tetrahedrally coordinated and covalently bonded diamond cubic structure. |
In many countries unions are tightly bonded, or even share leadership, with a political party intended to represent the interests of the working class. |
The chosen grain is reproduced on a piece of vinyl-like material that is painted to match the interior trim color to be tested and then bonded to the prototype part. |
Aircraft designers began to incorporate composite materials in the form of bonded aluminum honeycomb structural elements and graphite epoxy laminate skins to reduce weight. |
One in four car windshields is adhesively bonded using Sika products. |
Large portions were usually given to men of higher social standing, but every man who wasn't indentured or criminally bonded had enough land to support a family. |
These octahedral share edges such that eight of the 10 water molecules are bound to sodium and two others are interstitial, being hydrogen bonded to sulfate. |
Contemporary slavery comes in various forms, including bonded labour, early and forced marriages, forced labour, slavery by descent, and human trafficking. |
In cases where the OH functional group is bonded to an sp2 carbon on an aromatic ring the molecule is known as a phenol, and is named using the IUPAC rules for naming phenols. |
The gargantuan ape was bonded in iron chains and carted onto the stage. |
The bonded, sand specimens were heated in a muffle furnace using a neutral atmosphere consisting of a 7 to 1 ratio of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. |
Armorite is a combination of high chromium and molybdenum white iron, metallurgically bonded to a mild, thick steel plate that provides maximum protection in high wear areas. |
To create an improved contrast agent for X-ray imaging, Wilson and his colleagues have also bonded multiple iodine atoms to the outside of C-60 molecules. |
The children bonded their snapshots to the scrapbook pages with mucilage. |
Indenture, otherwise known as bonded labour or debt bondage, is a form of unfree labour under which a person pledges himself or herself against a loan. |
Millions of people continue to suffer deplorable exploitation through bonded labour, human trafficking, sexual slavery or unsafe conditions in factories, fields and mines. |
Each skin is bonded with a liquid-tight seal to its own pressure vessel. |
Alex and Tina would be bonded by fear of life passing them by as each approached the big 4-0, while Brett and Michelle bore the crush of being overcommitted adults. |