It has been previously reported that because of extension of the outer arc of such anticlines, graben form above their crests. |
In south and east Dorset this resulted in the formation of two enormous structures, known as the Weymouth and Purbeck anticlines or upfolds. |
A series of transverse anticlines and synclines are observed that have axes orientated NE-SW, approximately perpendicular to the fault zone. |
The displacement of the thrust sheet produces two anticlines and a syncline. |
Following the intrusion of basic dykes in the late Palacocene, the whole of the post-Zechstein succession was gently folded into a series of major synclines and anticlines. |
In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds. |
Its topography, represented by the alleged anticlines and synclines of Rosenkrantz, is instead an expression of the original sea-floor topography. |
Bozkurt mainly provides a short, but incomplete, summary of previous work on field characteristics of extensional folds, including rollover anticlines. |
A series of synclines and anticlines developed within the basin at several localities but most prominently south of the Aghios Georgios fault zone. |
In the process, domes, cavities, faults and anticlines were created. |
Large-scale geological structures including anticlines, synclines, thrusts and faults formed during the Caledonian Orogeny typically trend in a SW-NE direction. |
It is possible that faulting along the crests of deep-seated anticlines provide the conduit for mobile muds to migrate through to the seafloor surface. |
If this is true, then the succession had been folded into two long-wave length anticlines and intervening synclines with an amplitude of 35-40 m and several smaller folds. |
Breached anticlines can become incised by stream erosion, forming an anticlinal valley. |
If the tops of the rock units within the folds remain pointing upwards, they are called anticlines and synclines, respectively. |
As is the case with all anticlines, older rock strata are found in the core of the structure. |
In the folded system anticlines erode into the highest and longest massifs of the Apennines. |
It is the relative ages of the rock strata that distinguish anticlines from antiforms. |
They usually flank the sides of anticlines and display opposite characteristics. |
Water, minerals and specific rock strata such as limestone found inside anticlines are also extracted and commercialized. |
Lastly, ancient fossils are often found in anticlines and are used for paleontological research or harvested into products to be sold. |
In southwest of this zone, there are many parallel anticlines and synclines. |
The coincidence between the branches of the Warrensburg Sandstone and the valley anticlines implies some relationship between the two. |
Our reconnaissance strongly suggests numerous anticlines and indications exist to support ideal source, reservoir rock and thermal gradients. |
During the Santonian age, around 84 million years ago, the basin underwent intense compression and folding, forming over 100 anticlines and synclines. |
All the future wells are located on the crests of rollover anticlines. |
The progressing age of the rock strata towards the core and uplifted center, are the trademark indications for evidence of anticlines on a geologic map. |
The strata are relatively flat lying, but have been folded in to a series of broad-open east-west orientated anticlines and synclines then block faulted. |
Anticlines can have a major effect on the local geomorphology and economy of the regions in which they occur. |
Anticlines are usually developed above thrust faults, so any small compression and motion within the inner crust can have large effects on the upper rock stratum. |
Anticlines can be recognized and differentiated from antiforms by a sequence of rock layers that become progressively older toward the center of the fold. |