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How to use anticlines in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word anticlines? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It has been previously reported that because of extension of the outer arc of such anticlines, graben form above their crests.
In south and east Dorset this resulted in the formation of two enormous structures, known as the Weymouth and Purbeck anticlines or upfolds.
A series of transverse anticlines and synclines are observed that have axes orientated NE-SW, approximately perpendicular to the fault zone.
The displacement of the thrust sheet produces two anticlines and a syncline.
Following the intrusion of basic dykes in the late Palacocene, the whole of the post-Zechstein succession was gently folded into a series of major synclines and anticlines.
In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds.
Its topography, represented by the alleged anticlines and synclines of Rosenkrantz, is instead an expression of the original sea-floor topography.
Bozkurt mainly provides a short, but incomplete, summary of previous work on field characteristics of extensional folds, including rollover anticlines.
A series of synclines and anticlines developed within the basin at several localities but most prominently south of the Aghios Georgios fault zone.
In the process, domes, cavities, faults and anticlines were created.
Large-scale geological structures including anticlines, synclines, thrusts and faults formed during the Caledonian Orogeny typically trend in a SW-NE direction.
It is possible that faulting along the crests of deep-seated anticlines provide the conduit for mobile muds to migrate through to the seafloor surface.
If this is true, then the succession had been folded into two long-wave length anticlines and intervening synclines with an amplitude of 35-40 m and several smaller folds.
Breached anticlines can become incised by stream erosion, forming an anticlinal valley.
If the tops of the rock units within the folds remain pointing upwards, they are called anticlines and synclines, respectively.
As is the case with all anticlines, older rock strata are found in the core of the structure.
In the folded system anticlines erode into the highest and longest massifs of the Apennines.
It is the relative ages of the rock strata that distinguish anticlines from antiforms.
They usually flank the sides of anticlines and display opposite characteristics.
Water, minerals and specific rock strata such as limestone found inside anticlines are also extracted and commercialized.
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