In its hanging wall, however, a drag fold syncline and a rollover anticline developed. |
From the maps presented in Figure 2, it is apparent that the well tested the crest of an anticline that formed during the Cenozoic. |
The result is a monoclinal rollover anticline, its tightness increasing progressively with continued fault displacement. |
This mechanical failure results in a topographic valley along the crest of the anticline. |
Present along the surface exposures of the anticline are rocks dating from Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene age. |
The location chosen lies 13 km W along strike from the Born-Engelberg anticline situated at the southern foot of the E Jura Mountains. |
The imbricated zone becomes progressively narrower towards the east and terminates somewhere east of the Irchel anticline. |
East of the Sakami fault and in continuity with the arenites, an anticline and a syncline are recognized, in an ESE direction. |
The field evidence includes the presence of several longitudinal extensional folds such as a rollover anticline and drag folds that are related to normal faults in the area. |
In this locality, the top 20 m of the Asmari Limestone exhibits palaeo-weathering along joints suggesting subaerial exposure of the Asmari near the crest of an anticline. |
The zone on the whole represents a huge anticline, or series of stratified arches. |
Continued displacement along the thrust will result in the increasing separation of the ramp anticline from the ramp above which it originally formed. |
An aeromatic survey indicated some structures, including a 60 km long anticline which potentially holds hydrocarbon reserves. |
In all three zones, mineralization is structurally controlled along the limbs of a tightly folded anticline within metasedimentary rocks. |
The discovery was made in 1972 on a broad, low amplitude anticline after drilling into Jurassic sandstones near their subcrop edge. |
This point of geological interest allows us to observe what an anticline structure involves in an educational way. |
The Tuscarora Formation forms a clear anticline in Wills Mountain at Cumberland Narrows, Maryland. |
In North Africa the central basin of Algeria is the location of the Hassi R'Mel gas and condensate field, discovered in 1956 in a large anticline. |
An anticline that has been more deeply eroded in the center is called a breached or scalped anticline. |
The M1 is characterised by mineralisation in an anticline structure bounded by planar shears. |
The closure of an anticline is the vertical distance between its highest point and the spill plane, the level at which the petroleum can escape if the trap is filled beyond capacity. |
The D3 phase is followed by a D4 phase of transverse folding of Western vergence, which causes the dominant fold structures in the area of study, including the great Lareccio anticline. |
Furthermore there are arguments to suspect Pleistocene and Holocene uplifting along the Mandach-fault and along an anticline striking SW-NE through Klingnau. |
The geological origin of this structure appears to be an anticline. |
The loction and layout of the rock laboratory in the Opalinus Clay of the Mont Terri anticline are described. The strategies, objectives and experiments of the research programme are discussed and the first results presented. |
An anticlinorium is a large anticline in which a series of minor anticlinal folds are superimposed. |
The amount of slip on each side of the anticline increases from the hinge to the inflection point. |
Another notable anticline is the Tierra Amarilla anticline in San Ysidro, New Mexico. |
This plunging anticline is made up of Petrified Forest mudstones and sandstone and its caprock is made of Pleistocene and Holocene travertine. |
The anticline contains springs that deposit carbon dioxide travertine that help to contribute to the rich diversity of microorganisms. |
The anticline is composed of a series of sandstone rock beds and an impermeable rock cap under which vast reserves of oil and gas are trapped. |
Eight different oil bearing zones along the anticline vary greatly from 3,500 to 12,000 feet. |
These Desmoinesian shales and limestones gene rally dip away from the valley center, creating a valley anticline beneath the unconformity. |
It is not going to be the typical anticline, or synclines or fractures of the past. |
Represented by two beds of limestones with lenticular fossiliferous elements, of beige to purple colour which constitute the core of the anticline. |
Thus the Pentland Hills form an anticline of Upper Silurian Rocks, over which the Carboniferous Rocks were upfolded. |
The oldest rocks exposed at the centre of the anticline are correlated with the Purbeck Beds of the Upper Jurassic. |
The rocks of the central part of the anticline include hard sandstones, and these form hills now called the High Weald. |
It is also part of the anticline which lies to the south of the Isle of Wight. |
The anticline continues uninterrupted in the subsurface of the Strait of Dover and English Channel. |
The coalfield on the western side of the Pennines is divided into two parts separated by the Rossendale anticline. |
The hinge of an anticline refers to the location where the curvature is greatest, also called the crest. |
The axial surface is an imaginary plane connecting the hinge of each layer of rock stratum through the cross section of an anticline. |
If the axial surface is vertical and the angles on each side of the fold are equivalent, then the anticline is symmetrical. |
If the axial plane is tilted or offset, then the anticline is asymmetrical. |
A plunging anticline has a hinge that is not parallel to the earth's surface. |
An anticline which plunges at both ends is termed a doubly plunging anticline, and may be formed from multiple deformations, or superposition of two sets of folds. |
Crossbedding in the gray sandstones shows that it is now right side up, and in Flagstaff time it was therefore on the east flank of a steply folded anticline. |
These eruptions deposited pebble-grade volcaniclastic breccias of an intermediate composition within a few kilometres of the Rio Tinto Anticline. |
Major and minor folds with clear vergence relationships change their sense around the Rhoscolyn Anticline. |
The development programs focused on the Company's two major development fields, the Atlantic Rim coal bed methane and the Pinedale Anticline. |
Anticline in the Cambrian Conococheague Formation, in the wall of Holcim Quarry, Hagerstown, Maryland. |
Anticline in Wills Creek or Bloomsburg Formation at Roundtop Hill, Maryland. |
Ghawar Anticline, Saudi Arabia, the structural trap for the largest conventional oil field in the world. |
The Pico Anticline is part of the Ventura Basin, a large synclinal basinal feature, which essentially encompasses all of the drainage area of the Santa Clara River. |