It is important to note that almost all blue-collar workers in unionized workplaces are union members in the South Korean auto industry. |
Essentially this ditches almost all animal agriculture except for beef and dairy products. |
The instances of rear projection are handled well and almost all the miniatures are believable. |
There is never a shortage of things to do as we work on almost all areas of the aircraft. |
A hole had been cut in her windpipe and the main artery in her neck had been severed almost all the way through. |
The Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland were terra incognita to almost all Englishmen, and most Lowland Scots. |
Warriors did not fight with their bare hands, but rather with weapons almost all the time. |
It leads to multiple rectal and colon cancers in early adulthood for almost all of those affected by the condition. |
Liv was fair-skinned with smooth red hair, gray eyes, and a small body that acted liked a magnet for almost all red-blooded males in the school. |
However, almost all internalists will agree that knowledge entails justified true belief. |
During the nineteenth century almost all poets wrote poetry in dramatic form. |
In almost all cases, U.S. law precluded Japanese aliens from becoming U.S. citizens. |
Remarkably, almost all of these traits map genetically to the X chromosome. |
The strike, which commenced in the first week of July, brought regular functions of almost all departments to a grinding halt. |
By providing almost all essentials for school children, the all-purpose store has come as a welcome relief to the salaried class. |
As you walk down towards it, the sky opens up, for in this rare Manhattan block almost all the buildings are period houses of just five storeys. |
The global spread of technology has rendered almost all such efforts obsolete. |
Choosing what's right for you can be a difficult task, and almost all sites will tout their wares as the strongest Salvia available. |
In addition, almost all come with a laser sensor, which picks up emissions from a laser gun as used in portable traps. |
However, the most disturbing faults are those that occur in almost all of his anatomical studies. |
Tests have shown that the canonical code is better than almost all randomly reshuffled codes in this respect. |
I recommend you cut the joists after almost all your decking boards are in place. |
After all, only so-called mainstream American authors counted, and almost all of them were of Anglo-Saxon descent. |
All of the following clothes are made up of a tough material which should be strong against almost all elements of magic. |
Of those, more than half said they work at evenings during the school week and almost all were below the legal age of 14 for paid employment. |
His partners included almost all of the ballerinas who rose to fame between 1936 and 1962, when he retired from the stage. |
But almost all of the goals of the final rewrite on a book like this are practical ones. |
What's more, not only are almost all of us far from poor and hungry, but virtually all of us are, at least relatively, rich and full. |
As you say, almost all software vendors do very shoddy work, and most large systems are riddled with holes. |
A masked killer is stalking the High School where almost all the students have deep, dark and dirty secrets hidden from the light of day. |
Goosebumps rose on her skin immediately and she stopped struggling almost all together because of the extreme cold. |
A little known fact is that almost all of the riverfront on all sides of Manhattan is actually loose dirt. |
Using powers of 2, we have the binary system, used in almost all computers. |
Place over medium heat until almost all of the liquid in the pan has evaporated. |
No other rock star of the 1950s had the enduring appeal of Elvis, who made 30 movies, almost all of them musicals. |
Rather than go bankrupt, he liquidated the remaining assets from the failed project and paid off almost all of his debts. |
He plays on the brooding darkness that is present in almost all of his film roles, taking it up a notch for this role. |
A full marathon would require me to run all the way back to Roehampton and almost all the way home again. |
It's also quite strange that as almost all the damage is below ground, there is nothing to see on the surface that might disturb you. |
Several Asian countries still use brown asbestos, and almost all of them still use white asbestos. |
Though I well understand the need to put aside for the future, how can I when almost all my income goes into feeding and housing my family? |
At first, I thought it was just our area but I've been asking around and apparently, almost all of the areas are suffering this drought. |
The effect asphyxiated almost all the fish and corals in the reefs fringing a 400-kilometer-long stretch of the Mentawai Islands. |
She got onto the horse, sitting astride it with her skirts pushed almost all the way up to her knees. |
In spite of my love of almost all flowers I don't often buy from the florist these days. |
Last year, nearly 40 acres at six bog turtle sites were sprayed, eliminating almost all of the multiflora rose. |
And by the way, Ganesha is an icon of good augury in almost all Asian countries. |
His bibliography is a long list from Austrian archives, and the few published works are almost all in German or Austrian. |
By contrast, almost all of the melodies here are built on the major, the most boring of scales. |
He forced through his reformation by terror, against the wills of almost all his subjects, by savagely suppressing dissent. |
The warped handiwork of a taxidermist has given almost all of the stuffed animals odd expressions. |
Before March 15 this rule applied to almost all man-made and natural obstructions. |
Now almost all the new birds entering the fleet have some form of pilot and passenger entertainment system. |
And almost all the benches are missing their wooden slats, on the seat, the backrest or both. |
Up until this point almost all swords were heavy and required more strength than skill to maneuver. |
Grains, particularly maize, and manioc are incorporated into almost all meals. |
It took almost all of Bill's three-minute speech for the webcasters to notice that Aitken was not a Bolshevik. |
Skeletal tuberculosis is a haematogenous infection and affects almost all bones. |
But they are shocked by the fact that almost all the victims belong to the black underclass. |
Note that almost all metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes have split at the centromere into two daughter units. |
His ex-wife drops his kids off for the weekend just before a bizarro lightning storm shorts out almost all the electric equipment in the area. |
He was almost all the way through his speech when his words suddenly slurred, he coughed and he appeared to lean on the lectern for support. |
For example almost all the tinware is packed, so there'll be no baking until we set up the next kitchen. |
The subject is almost all semitones, this time expressing yearning and anticipation, rather than sorrow. |
One of the things about American industry that's pretty cool is that almost all the blue-chip companies have cleaned up their balance sheets. |
It is an issue to which almost all of us give some thought, yet it is by no means a question easy to unpack and explore. |
Creation Science rejects almost all of modern science including the idea of old earth, the Big Bang, and transmutability of species. |
The industry, moreover, has now convinced almost all governments and world bodies to back the bitterly disputed technology. |
But almost all of the pale green, waist-high beach plum bushes, half covered by the shifting sands, bore few or no fruit. |
The back of the bezel has an open dust filter covering almost all of the bezel. |
We deferred almost all our household spending for six months and thus earned a tidy amount of extra interest. |
It is a welcome and thoughtful reprieve from endless stretcher bond, used in almost all other new buildings in the area. |
For almost all of human existence, we've been limited to staring at the night sky with naked eyes. |
Aren't almost all handguns used in crimes stolen or smuggled into the country illegally already? |
And the manner of almost all those defeats was so cruelly unfortunate as to be beyond belief. |
Vijay Cavale, a bird-watcher and nature photographer, observes that almost all barn owls that he has seen are from the urban habitats. |
And almost all of India's exports are transhipped through the Colombo port in Sri Lanka. |
The fact that they produce fiction that tops the secular best-seller lists, almost all of it apocalyptic, suggests that the charm remains. |
In almost all cases, patients leaving a hospital need to go straight to a nursing home for further medically necessary care. |
Together, MSC's eight fast sealift ships can carry almost all of the equipment to outfit an Army mechanized infantry division. |
He made almost all the birds of paradise, monkeys, horses, and the felines. |
At the meatworks all the packers were women and almost all the jobs as boners and slicers, the better paid ones, were occupied by men. |
Add almost all of the remaining berries and strain the fruit, keeping all the juices. |
Besides brand new luxury cars, motorcycles and three-wheelers, the visitors can have a glimpse of almost all kinds of tractors and fertilizers. |
He was wearing a three-quarter length over-sized black coat, woolly black hat and scarf, which covered almost all of his face. |
Bolton competed well for almost all the first half before falling behind to Diouf's header which the visitors insisted was offside. |
The sowing of almost all crops, barring pulses, has been adversely affected. |
Ms. Jones says she isn't confident in the grading system, which instructs graders to disregard factual errors in almost all circumstances. |
Considering the massive variety of foods we consume containing corn and soy and cottonseed oil, almost all of us eat biotech food daily. |
Throughout the 1990s, television situation comedy moved almost all of its most popular characters into identifiable urban areas. |
Those boots on the ground are almost all armed and in a dangerous situation. |
By the 2002-03 school year, almost all elementary and middle schools and their districts were on the Galaxy system. |
At Cap Blanc, almost all seals haul out in one of two caves with access only from the sea, which makes the collection of samples very difficult. |
Some linguists predict that if nothing is done, almost all Aboriginal languages will be dead within the next decade. |
And while almost all of the others have recording facilities, this is the only one with a microphone jack in addition to the built-in mic. |
It will bring together almost all of the watercolours and sketches Mackintosh made at the picturesque Mediterranean waterfront of Port Vendres. |
They were pushed out of their accustomed habitat and almost all began farming themselves. |
Unfortunately, Earth's atmosphere blocks almost all wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. |
One after another they banged the ball out of the infield, line-drives and whizzing grounders and almost all of them got on base. |
Other symbolism occurs as well, such as almost all the johns being named John, along with the star and two other characters. |
Statistics show that almost all smokers were hooked on tobacco as adolescents. |
Rice is so important to the Asian diet that it may be the main component of almost all the meals Asians consume. |
Many farms also raise poultry and livestock, and almost all farm families have at least one or two pigs. |
In almost all situations adolescents are both children and adults at the same time. |
In 1934, the Taylor Grazing Act placed almost all remaining public rangeland under federal control, with the same grazing restrictions. |
In addition to kins and affines, almost all the villagers are invited to join in. |
This facility caters for almost all recyclable materials including batteries, white goods, electrical waste, plastics and paper. |
And unlike most fishing for trout under the lights, almost all of the fish were keepers, easily measuring more than the 15-inch minimum. |
My experiencee suggests that agile approaches can be successful in almost every kind of development team and in almost all organizations. |
Like almost all of the people who buy these sorts of moneymaking kits, Gabriel didn't end up with a gorgeous new home. |
Botanists can recognize almost all the plants depicted by Bellini, however obscure. |
When Moore was little, the two would spend almost all of August at Disney World, braving the humidity and crowds. |
Spanish shoemakers are complaining that Chinese shoes take away almost all their business, by undercutting their prices, party through illegal means. |
The three of us are spending almost all of our time zonked out in bed. |
The Earl of Salisbury and almost all of the English knights were killed. |
The slide is a smooth satin black, with almost all of its corners rounded. |
Plus, almost all of the grow rooms in Colorado are currently off-limits to the public. |
Because less than 3 percent of the entire sagebrush habitat is protected in parks or reserves, the resources in almost all sagebrush ecosystems are heavily used. |
It is almost all action, all the time, from opening titles to end credits. |
These stories, set in a not-to-distant future, almost all revolved around biochips planted in people's brains and their relationships with other humans, machines and animals. |
Sources said that almost all schools in the village did not get water supply from the waterworks and the students were also consuming the hand-pumped water. |
In 1828 he travelled to Vienna for a series of wildly successful concerts, so launching a considerable European career, taking him to almost all the major centres. |
The work will require scaffolding the entire building including the spire but services to the public will not be interfered with as almost all of the work will be external. |
Where almost all the bodies of the Cavalry soldiers had been scalped the bodies of Keogh and Custer were not harmed apart from their battle wounds. |
Thanks to a food-rationing programme that began in the late 1990s, almost all families receive a monthly allowance of rice, cooking oil, salt, sugar and other basics. |
Our biggest network comedy stars have almost all had a trim figure and a comely face. |
They are characterized by a short snout and the loss of almost all their teeth, which were replaced by a turtle-like beak used for cropping vegetation. |
Japanese cuisine has become all the rage in Shanghai, so much so that almost all of the top hotels in the city are featuring Japanese restaurants. |
Most striking is a work with tiny rainbow streaks at the top edge near the center, like a prismatic reflection, while almost all of the rest is black. |
In all three categories, almost all anti-gay laws are a vestige of European colonialism, and date back approximately 150 years. |
The set changes were smooth and unnoticeable at almost all points. |
The numerous Italian varieties of almond are almost all hard-shelled. |
Geometry is fundamentally a right-brained activity, where almost all of the mathematics they've seen before has been left-brained, symbol-manipulation type. |
They are all native to the subtropical and temperate regions of South America, and sexual diploids and apomictic polyploids are known for almost all of them. |
By almost all ringsider accounts the champion had been beaten that night. |
In almost all national revolutions, the idea of freedom is many-sided. |
The outbreak began in Missouri and Illinois, but has now spread to almost all the continental United States. |
Like almost all children in the camp, Teresa is obviously malnourished. |
High ranking officers are almost all graduates of the academy. |
His example has been emulated by almost all top leaders of different parties who have been criss-crossing the highways with their whistle-stop tours, poll after poll. |
Instead, we need to develop a new generation of launch systems where the launcher remains on the ground so the spacecraft is almost all payload, not propellant. |
The two-and-half hour delay to the opening of the second runway, along with problems de-icing aircraft prior to take-off, caused delays to almost all services. |
Today, almost all aerosol cans contain alternative propellants, such as liquefied petroleum gas, which do not pose as serious a threat to the environment. |
The good news is, this is an urgent but solvable problem, because almost all of these deaths are preventable. |
But, Farrell found that almost all the women she spoke to were from lower-class farming families. |
Our under-age teams, almost all of them, have won trophies of one type or another this season and the promotion of the senior team was the icing on the cake. |
The cut over his eye was half-healed and scabbed over, as were almost all of the wounds covering his body but they would be a long time healing in full. |
They're so uniform, you can tell they almost all come from one maker. |
As is our tragic pattern, almost all these tough questions are unasked and unhonored. |
Scotland has lost almost all its native wildwood to over-grazing by sheep and cattle, and here is the chance to recreate a sizeable slice of that leafy lost world. |
Data were available at one-year follow-up on almost all study enrollees, and a subgroup of 1,511 women was resurveyed after three years of trial participation. |
One group monopolized the camping area, taking almost all of the campsites. |
Whatever the protocol, almost all handheld devices will eventually work with some sort of microbrowser that's optimized for mobile communications. |
She was irritable and ornery almost all of the time, and she seemed to be trying to distance herself from the others. |
What makes this November so daunting for Democrats is that almost all of them are at work this time. |
His predecessors have almost all died of natural causes, leaving their legacies for others to shape. |
This system is used in almost all the annealing and decorating lehrs. |
While the writers in my fandom are definitely interested in craft matters, almost all of them are much more picky about the feedback I give them than my mentees are. |
Dramatically cropped by the edges of the canvas, the three dominating shapes obscure almost all traces of the beige, blue and brown gestural underpainting. |
It was the military's subsequent investigations that unearthed almost all of the disturbing details and photographs used by critics to castigate this department. |
Have you tried to access the research that your tax dollars finance, almost all of which is kept behind a paywall? |
The increasingly sorry state of almost all of the former Athens 2004 venues in the wake of the Games has been well-publicized. |
Of those snapping pictures, almost all were locals who had paused to gawk at the strange sight. |
He spent almost all of his career as an appointee to offices of the federal and state government. |
The engineered virus replicated in almost all of the mosquitoes' tissues, including their salivary glands. |
It is estimated that there are anything from 750 to 1,200 Roma living in the government-controlled areas, almost all in Limassol and Paphos. |
A longbeak eucalyptus in Pinal County, Arizona, humbled the former champ by 115 points, almost all of them coming from its hefty 28-foot girth. |
Techni Print has the unique ability to reclaim almost all of the support material from the saturated solution. |
Magdalen orders were a feature of almost all communities which ran large penitentiaries. |
That's a legacy for which they will be fondly remembered by almost all. |
The ministry also removed Chile from a list of countries with Mediterranean fruit fly, an insect harmful to almost all sorts of fruits. |
And, he groused that Apple builds almost all of its products in China. |
To butterfly fish, cut down the center length of each strip almost all the way through, then open out flat. |
To butterfly fish, cut down center of each strip lengthwise almost all the way through, then open out flat to make evenly thick. |
Theophylline, theobromine and caffeine existing in tea are among the type of methylxanthines that are found in almost all types of teas. |
Disinvestment has emerged as one of the most revolutionary innovations in economic policy of almost all countries of the world. |
In 21st century, almost all leading countries of the world possess annihilative atomic weapons. |
If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me. |
English is spoken by almost all people in Wales and is the main language in most of the country. |
During this period the North Sea and almost all of the British Isles were covered by ice. |
In common law legal systems, the common law is crucial to understanding almost all important areas of law. |
Therefore, until the end of the 17th century the majority of books and almost all diplomatic documents were written in Latin. |
This middle Bell Beaker Culture is the main period when almost all the cemeteries in Southern Germany begin. |
These Normans began a long period of slow conquest during which almost all of Wales was at some point subject to Norman interference. |
By the 1969 Synodical Government Measure almost all of the Convocations' functions were transferred to the General Synod. |
Mary was left in a difficult position, as almost all the Privy Counsellors had been implicated in the plot to put Lady Jane on the throne. |
A Puritan regime strictly enforced the Sabbath, and banned almost all form of public celebration, even at Christmas. |
Ice covered almost all of what is now Scotland, most of Ireland and Wales, and the hills of northern England. |
English is spoken as a first language by almost all of the Northern Ireland population. |
The Supreme Court is the highest appeal court in almost all cases in England and Wales. |
Despite the possibility of two venues for trial, almost all criminal cases, however serious, commence in a magistrates' courts. |
It has district registries across England and Wales and almost all High Court proceedings may be issued and heard at a district registry. |
The Conservatives gained 15 seats almost all of which were from the Liberal Democrats. |
However, almost all of Norway's coast remains free of ice and snow throughout the year. |
The greater sand hills increasingly do not migrate, but almost all lessers do. |
His decision to use broad gauge for the line was controversial in that almost all British railways to date had used standard gauge. |
In almost all European countries, such markers will include reflective lenses of some kind. |
From the air, almost all of the original runways can still be seen, incorporated into the present system of taxiways. |
With the exception of birds, for almost all of the animal species studied, males have higher mortality than females. |
Some music historians believe that music was used at almost all public ceremonies. |
The windows cover almost all of the upper wall space, filling the chapter house with light. |
Yet, despite their differences, almost all Hindu temples share certain common architectural principles, core ideas, symbolism and themes. |
It contains 15,000 artefacts, from antiquity to the 20th century, representing almost all aspects of the history of science. |
There are groups for almost all faiths, political parties, countries and cultures. |
Access to the parkland around the Lake is provided to members of the public, free of charge, almost all the year round. |
From literary evidence, there may well have been panel icons which, like almost all classical painting, have disappeared. |
Other words for supernatural beings in personal names almost all denote pagan gods, suggesting that elves were in a similar category of beings. |
This name has since come into usage for almost all versions of the original manuscript even though they differ from each other. |
They also had an intimate knowledge of the Greek poets, whose themes appear in almost all Roman literature. |
Chaucer uses the same meter throughout almost all of his tales, with the exception of Sir Thopas and his prose tales. |
Spenser published numerous relatively short poems in the last decade of the sixteenth century, almost all of which consider love or sorrow. |
Paine pointed to the Old Testament, where almost all kings had seduced the Israelites to worship idols instead of God. |
The black dog I hope always to resist, and in time to drive, though I am deprived of almost all those that used to help me. |
In recent decades, the republication of almost all her writing has stimulated a new recognition of its value. |
The orchestra, depending on the size, contains almost all of the standard instruments in each group. |
To facilitate and nurture a junior's growth in tennis, almost all tennis playing nations have developed a junior development system. |
In return for the package almost all that was required was to surrender trackside advertising. |
Arriva Yorkshire provide frequent services to Dewsbury and Leeds, and Yorkshire Tiger provide almost all services in the south east of the town. |
From a peak during the 1980s, the game of darts had lost many sponsors and almost all television coverage. |
This began a period of six months in which Davis and Griffiths contested almost all the major tournament finals. |
By July, the Jacobites had eight battalions and two companies, almost all Highlanders. |
In almost all cases, executive and legislative officials are elected by a plurality vote of citizens by district. |
In this light also women may be regarded, the interests of almost all of whom are involved in that of their fathers or in that of their husbands. |
The Whig party won almost all constituencies with genuine electorates, leaving the Tories with little more than the rotten boroughs. |
With their forces cut off from almost all sources of supply, the Allied commanders finally decided to evacuate their forces from Burma. |
Relevant NHS performance data was studied showing almost all targets were missed. |
They adopt almost all EU legislation related to the single market, except laws on agriculture and fisheries. |
The two unitary authorities of Dumfries and Galloway in the west and the Scottish Borders in the east cover almost all of the Southern Uplands. |
Several companies offer trips by mokoro, lasting from one to three days, although almost all these trips are run by the same community trust. |
It excels Homers moly, cures this, falling sickness, and almost all other infirmities. |
The weapons used by Yugoslav government were mostly Yugoslav made, while almost all of their AA units were Soviet made. |
In this mode, almost all the energy generated by friction in the disc is swept along with the flow instead of radiated away. |
Lord Charles Cavendish died in 1783, leaving almost all of his very substantial estate to Henry. |
Despite this, almost all government debates and business are conducted in English. |
Official religions have been known throughout human history in almost all types of cultures, reaching into the Ancient Near East and prehistory. |
The cost was high and Britain no longer had the wealth to maintain an empire, so it granted independence to almost all its possessions. |
Today, most of Britain's former colonies belong to the Commonwealth, almost all of them as independent members. |
In early 1881, he is a chemistry student with a number of eccentric interests, almost all of which make him adept at solving crimes. |
Nasmyth had come to know Burns and his fresh and appealing image has become the basis for almost all subsequent representations of the poet. |
General art books dated 2105 will be as brutal about editing the late 20th century as they are about almost all other centuries. |
However, almost all Chinese newspapers in the country continue to publish in broadsheet. |
University Shinty is a popular section of the sport, with almost all Scotland's main universities possessing a team. |
According to Pew Research Center there are 390,000 Hindus in Saudi Arabia, almost all foreign workers. |
The Sunni population complains of facing discrimination in almost all aspects of life by the government. |
Passport booklets from almost all countries around the world display the national coat of arms of the issuing country on the front cover. |
Not mandatory, but needed in almost all official documents, the CURP is the standardized version of an identity document. |
Most adults need the CURP code too, since it is required for almost all governmental paperwork like tax filings and passport applications. |
Ever since, Egypt under international law vetoed almost all projects in Ethiopia that sought to utilize the local Nile tributaries. |
Indeed, almost all of southeastern California is arid, hot desert, with routine extreme high temperatures during the summer. |
The de facto official language is Spanish, spoken by almost all Argentines. |
Since 1950, almost all natural prasiolite has come from a small Brazilian mine, but it is also seen in Lower Silesia in Poland. |
All other minerals present are regarded as nonessential in almost all igneous rocks and are called accessory minerals. |
Ordinals for monarchs before the 13th century are anachronisms, as are also ordinals for almost all later medieval monarchs. |
Gold coins salvaged from shipwrecks retain almost all of their original appearance, but silver coins slowly corrode. |
Because the Earth was molten when it was formed, almost all of the gold present in the early Earth probably sank into the planetary core. |
Because the Earth was molten when it was just formed, almost all of the gold present on Earth sank into the core. |
Apart from the stable isotopes, which make up almost all lead that exists naturally, there are trace quantities of a few radioactive isotopes. |
Zinc is more reactive than iron or steel and thus will attract almost all local oxidation until it completely corrodes away. |
By 1258 he was acknowledged by almost all the native rulers as Prince of Wales. |
Before 1800 there were very few factories in Wales, and almost all production was at home. |
The Second World War overshadowed, for a time, almost all intellectual and artistic production. |
The source of almost all fresh water is precipitation from the atmosphere, in the form of mist, rain and snow. |
Byssus is eventually lost with adulthood, transitioning almost all scallop species into free swimmers. |
Zooplankton are the initial prey item for almost all fish larvae as they switch from their yolk sacs to external feeding. |
Sea turtles spend almost all their lives submerged, but must breathe air for the oxygen needed to meet the demands of vigorous activity. |
Since the mid 1990s, almost all the confirmed records of living animals in Asian waters were from Japanese coasts. |
Pups are typically born in the spring and summer months and females bear almost all the responsibility for raising them. |
Lundy is home to an unusual range of mammals, almost all introduced, including a distinct breed of wild pony, the Lundy pony. |
Calves are typically born in the fall and winter months, and females bear almost all the responsibility for raising them. |
Before the 13th century almost all buildings were made of timber, but a shift began towards stone. |
Shortly after, independence was granted to almost all its overseas territories. |
In the Arctic, some sea ice remains year after year, whereas almost all Southern Ocean or Antarctic sea ice melts away and reforms annually. |
Ice covered the whole of Iceland and almost all of the British Isles but southern England. |
Widespread support for test ban treaties has ended almost all nuclear testing in the atmosphere. |
A maintenance organization performs maintenance and repairs of the components, spending almost all its resources on the turbines. |
Smaller streets, such as the Jodenbreestraat, were widened and almost all of their houses were demolished. |
Caesar had not proscribed his enemies, instead pardoning almost all, and there was no serious public opposition to him. |
When the breakout finally did come it was spectacular, with Allied troops very quickly capturing almost all of Normandy within days. |
Though there are many receiver manufacturers, they almost all use one of the chipsets produced for this purpose. |
In the late 19th century European countries colonised almost all of Africa. |
Sunburn is often a health issue as the snow surface reflects almost all of the ultraviolet light falling on it. |
They captured almost all the villagers and took them away to a life of slavery in North Africa. |
The explosion of zooplankton that results eats almost all algae, creating clear waters. |
Nearly half of the holdings are in Devon, with other large holdings in Cornwall, Herefordshire, Somerset and almost all of the Isles of Scilly. |
In the aftermath, Henry dispossessed the couple of almost all of their lands in Normandy. |
Siberia is extraordinarily rich in minerals, containing ores of almost all economically valuable metals. |
Walking is the most common gait, where some feet are on the ground at any given time, and found in almost all legged animals. |
This is of particular historic interest as representing an earlier era than almost all other preserved railways in Britain. |
Ronnie Kray was a Category A prisoner, denied almost all liberties and not allowed to mix with other prisoners. |
This region is also particularly known for its wind, which blows intermittently almost all year. |
In addition to meat, almost all internal organs of reindeer can be eaten, some being traditional dishes. |
As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies. |
However, almost all removed Pb was simply washed from the soil and accumulated in the barrier, only a fraction of Pb was phytoextracted. |
With few natural energy resources, Moldova imports almost all of its energy supplies from Russia and Ukraine. |
In 585 the Visigoths conquered the Suebic Kingdom of Galicia, and thus controlled almost all of Hispania. |
He punctuated his demand with a deep thrust up CJ's hole. His giant pipe drove almost all the way in, pulsing against his fingers beside it. |
In almost all federations the central government enjoys the powers of foreign policy and national defense as exclusive federal powers. |
Switzerland maintains diplomatic relations with almost all countries and historically has served as an intermediary between other states. |
The SNA supplies almost all Swiss media and a couple dozen foreign media services with its news. |
This gave the inhabitants the ability to monopolise foreign trade and almost all banking and shipping in the Crusader states. |